Huxley & Hooch

About Huxley & Hooch

Huxley & Hooch offer positive and ethical dog training and care to the dogs of London!



It's National Love Your Pet day! Who knew!
So much love for this lot (even if 3/4 have to live with my mum right now to avoid being eaten / until I have a bigger home!) πŸ’› What a dreamy bunch they are! 🐢🐰🐰🐒
#nationalloveyourpetday @ London, United Kingdom


Fancy starting your week with a cute puppy picture? COURSE YOU DO.
Meet Poppy! Stupidly cute and stupidly clever πŸ₯° I'm so excited to see her again and help her to become the perfect family dog ✨ @ Isle of Dogs, London


The winds of storm Ciara have taken our trees, fences + trampolines, but they've also given us photo opportunities like this, so can we really complain? πŸƒ


Love this review from Nala's human!
A huge thing for me when I work is making sure that the advice I'm giving and training techniques I'm using are suitable for the individual dog + human I'm working with, so I love that this hasn't gone unnoticed!
Here's to bringing out the best in dogs through learning what works for them and their humans, and not assuming that one size fits all (spoiler: it never does!) πŸŽ‰


Started working with beautiful silver Labrador, Lola, yesterday! Such a perfect temperament and so, so loved by her humans! 🐾


How often does your dog get to really explore food? Dogs have a natural desire to scavenge and be curious, so providing them with opportunities to do this is beneficial on so many levels!
One of my favourite and very easy ways to do this is to allow them to select from a variety of foods in a muffin tray - think different textures, smells + tastes!
But why?!
... * Provides great mental enrichment 🧠 * Encourages exploration + engages natural instincts 🌳 * Exploring fresh + different foods is great for gut health! πŸ₯— * Variety is the spice of life, baby! πŸ’ƒ * Can help you to decide on foods for training! Taking into account that dogs choose their own motivation, why not get them to give us a little hint as to what might get their attention? πŸͺ * It's super interesting to watch! ✨
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Handsome Mr Yemi is a perfect example of why you shouldn't leave out the older folk when looking to adopt! He lived a lot of life before his human brought him home but there's so much character left in this ol' boy ✨


BUBBA! The sweetest babe with the sharpest brain 🧠 Letting him process his surroundings + giving him options when he's unsure of where to put his energy (like going to his humans!) are the perfect combo for getting that sweet, sweet focus! Check out that super speedy recall, too! Go Bubba! πŸ…


Rainy Monday mood 🌧️ I feel you, Alfie, I feel you.


Special deliveryyyyyyyy πŸ˜‹
Got home from a walk to find Hux's @butternutbox delivery on our doorstep πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ Safe to say he was pretty stoked about it! #butternutter
If you've not tried out Butternut Box yet, you can get 75% off your first order with our ambassador discount! Just head to ✨


Meet Winnie! πŸ’˜
Winnie's humans bought their little human (+ Winnie!) training sessions with me for Christmas!
It's so important to create safe, loving + respectful relationships between dogs and children and I'm enjoying the challenge of creating fun, informative sessions for them both each week! ✨
... So far we've done some cute trick training, learned how to use a clicker properly + introduced the idea of enrichment and scent work. I'm pretty much teaching a 9 year old how to steal all my clients πŸ€”
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Ohhhh Freya πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›


Working on varied walks, lead skills + processing new situations with lovely Nala today! Check out the beautiful mirroring interaction she had with a same age Vizsla in the 2nd picture 😭 She's becoming so resilient and it's so amazing to watch it happen ✨ @ SE15


Spent the weekend brushing up on some of the more complex (but very common) behaviour issues with the IMDTB gang! My brain hurts + I'm exhausted but it was very worth it πŸ’ͺπŸΌπŸ€“ Roll on Monday?


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Super nice review from Cosmo's humans!
If any of you are ever tempted to leave me equally lovely reviews, feel free to do so on my Google page, Facebook, or in a direct message that will make my head grow even bigger than it already is πŸ‘πŸΌ They're always very much appreciated πŸ₯° @ London, United Kingdom


Last pup session with Molly this afternoon! Here she is being super calm (read: exhausted) after working on her recall, check ins + showing her humans how to have a successful and fulfilling walk πŸ‘πŸΌ Good work Molly! 🌟


Contrary to popular belief, my job very rarely involves just snuggling puppies. On this blessed day, however, teeny tiny Cosmo wanted nothing more than to snuggle into me after our session and I loved every second of it ✨ @ Lancaster Gate


New Year, Same Dougie

More about Huxley & Hooch