Hvb Digital Marketing

About Hvb Digital Marketing

Think of me as your Digital Marketing Manager. Whether you're just starting out, or not seeing the results you hoped for, we can work together to create and implement your marketing objectives and strategy.

Hvb Digital Marketing Description

Do you want to grow your business? Are you struggling to find new clients?

Think of me as your Digital Marketing Manager. Whether you're just starting out, or not seeing the results you hoped for, we can work together to create and implement your marketing objectives and strategy.

I’ve been working in digital marketing for over 15 years. I have experience in big blue chip companies, for example, EA (games), Microsoft MSN and CBS Interactive as well as local small businesses, everything from luxury travel to smart homes.

I'm based in Walton-on-Thames, in Surrey. My clients come from all over, Walton, Hersham, Weybridge, Teddington, South London and the surrounding areas.

Marketing Stategy--
Your plan of action designed to promote and sell your product or service. - Current situation analysis - setting objectives - creating an online marketing plan - Key performance indicators
Advertising within Search engines, ie. Google, Bing, Yahoo

Facebook Advertising--
With 1. 5 + billion monthly active users Facebook is a good place for a business to be seen! - Facebook advertising - Facebook Page overhaul

Search Marketing--
- Search campaign /ad creation and management - Basic SEO



Struggling to get engagement on social media? See below the odd typo can really pay off. What happens to a social post with lots of comments and shares? It gets seen more thanks to algorithms. Which leaves me questioning was this an autocorrection or just a very clever typo, what do you think?!


Happy World Emoji Day!... Thanks to social, there really is a day for everything!🤦‍♀️ (Post your favourite emojis below ⤵️)


I never win competitions (that said I don’t enter very often either)! So as you can imagine I was very excited to win a Treat Trunk snack box this week! (I clearly wasn’t the only one keen to tuck in). I’m their ideal target market and who knows may well sign up. BUT as a marketeer I’m keen to spread the word that competitions are not always the best answer to spread the word. If you’re planning a competition here’s a few thoughts for you. - Have a clear objective for your c...ompetition - Everything is worth a test, BUT learn from your results - Make sure entry is easy, people are easily put off if they have to do too much to enter - Be sure the offering suits your target market - for example, providing a mum with kid friendly healthy snack ideas is a good one! - Make sure you look at your return on investment before running another competition! It doesn’t matter how big your company chucking money into competitions that ultimately do not meet your set objectives is not worth repeating regularly. - Be aware, you can appear to be doing well with entries, but there are a lot of professional competition enterers that will be unlikely to become a future sale. - Be creative :) PS. The objective doesn’t always have to be immediate sales, for example, Treat Trunk whether or not they increased their sales will now have lots of insights into their audience by asking people to comment on “when snacks from the Treat Trunk would come in most useful for you”. #Competitions #SocialMediaTips #HVBMarketing
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Going into the weekend on a high thanks to Lucy! A good reminder to pester your customers for reviews, not just on social but on Google too (you need to be set up on 'Google My Business' for those)! They enable customers to trust in your product or service before they purchase and they also work wonders for SEO. Win, Win! . #Facebook #Review #Luxurytravel


It was my 7th wedding anniversary the weekend before last. We packed our bags and headed to the coast. I’m not sure there is anywhere I’d rather be than the UK coast when the sun is out! Thanks to my 4 and 6 year old we were up at 6:30am ready to say hello to the day. I’m so glad we were (it’s not often I say that, I’m not particularly human at 6:30am), if we hadn’t have got up and out, we wouldn’t have had this sunny beach to ourselves for over an hour! Durdle Door is not a ...quiet spot on the weekends and by the time we hiked back up the cliffs the place was heaving! Much like the ads market if you don’t pick your timings right you can miss a huge opportunity. Did you know you can specify the time you want your social or search ads to run to meet the ideal time for your audience? If you want to know what your ideal time is or how to specify ad timings, get in touch. If however you’d rather know where this amazing spot is, head to Durdle Door and take the steps down to ‘Man O war cove’ early in the morning, you won’t regret it! . . #me #Durdledoor #britishseaside #weddinganniversary
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Can you imagine the fun you could have with these accounts?! Just a small audience called the whole world watching! .
https://www.marieclaire.co.uk/…/queen-h iring-social-media-m…


Today I had to borrow my 4 year old’s headphones. I needed a change of scene and broke mine ages ago! Small businesses have to make daily sacrifices on expenses. However, when I stumbled across @beanberry cafe in Kingston, the coffee smelt too good to resist…well it’s worth #outsourcing your weaknesses right?! Talking of outsourcing, if you need any support with your online marketing I will be extending my working hours in the next few months so do get in touch…I’m also planning to upgrade my headphones by then (I welcome recommendations for those without noise limitations)!🤣


“For small businesses one thing has remained constant: the percentage of small businesses that buy Facebook advertisements.” @cnbc …actually according to their report it’s not just constant its still growing. Facebook ads feel accessible to small businesses because they don’t need huge budgets to get involved. However, I do see many spending without inside knowledge of the platform. For example, many of the smartest business owners don’t consider their objective, narrow thei...r audience or control where their adverts are being shown. Before pressing the ‘Boost’ button be aware that Facebook knows just how to spend your money quickly but doesn’t automatically make the right decisions for your business. With or without the ‘Boost’ button there are ways to ensure your money is spent wisely on Facebook and Instagram. If you want to find out more get in touch. #smallbusinessowner #socialmedia
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Yesterday I spent the day herding a class of children around Kew Gardens. Whilst it was a little tiring it is a truly inspiring space full of beauty and if you add kids curiosity to that, you can guarantee an eye opening day. If you’re having a creative block I thoroughly recommend it! 🌸🌴 . @GWMagazine are currently running a 2for1 offer. . #creativespaces


To keep my marriage intact I generally don’t mess with my husband's digital space. It takes a lot of restraint on my part! However occasionally I take a risk and get involved, so today I’ve spent just a little time updating his information, it’s really important to remember some people will reach your brand for the first time via your social platforms. Try to take a fresh look at least every six months. Is your blue button up to date so people can contact you or be directed t...o your site? Are all your links in your about section up to date - hubby, for example, didn’t have a link to his Instagram page and I can’t tell you how often I see this! Does your page look good visually? Are your photos in focus, if your product centric have you updated your profile or cover photo lately? Do you have a post you pinned months back still pinned? If it’s from Christmas it’s usually pretty obvious! Is your about section up to date and interesting, if you’re not a great writer it’s ok to keep things simple, far better than boring people with bad content. Did you know you can change the order and even remove any tabs not relevant to your business, such as services, reviews, and jobs? . @VanBuskirkJewellery.London . #WaltonOnThames #Marketing
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Facebooks daily user count grew by 4 million in Europe last quarter! Following several scandalous moments in the news last year, it would seem they are still going strong particularly in Europe. According to @Techcruncheurope they have also managed to hold on to their 66 percent daily to monthly user ratio, proving people aren’t necessarily using it less despite some of the skeptics views. Also worth noting several of the big brands reported to be leaving still appear to be there, interesting PR opportunity perhaps Tesla, Playboy and more recently Lush? So if you’re in doubt about using Facebook as one of your marketing tactics, maybe don’t be yet! :)
#socialstrategy #ukbusiness


Brrrr should have worn my woollies #London is cold today! A great excuse to pop into my new favourite coffee spot to warm up! ☕️ . #brrrrrr #londonlife #blackfriars #fcb #ukweather #meetingsday @ Blackfriars Bridge


“Try to be a rainbow in someones cloud” Maya Angelou…Mission accomplished I have just saved a company from spending an unnecessary small fortune! There are a lot of simplified instructions to enable you to set up your own ads on most the platforms, however there are a lot of things they don’t tell you. Be certain you know where/ when your ads are being shown . Be sure you are talking to your audience with clarity and be sure you’re tracking is set up correctly. If it’s your first time setting up ads, it can pay to have a professional check nothing is falling through the gaps. Ps. How lucky was I to see this rainbow, it came so close to me, but I was too busy looking for the pot of gold to take a photo!


My biggest surprise in the latest EU news is that this is the first major overhaul of European copyright law in two decades! If that’s true, what took us so long?! I’ve had a few questions on this one so I thought I’d get it out there, does your business need to worry about the latest EU copyright law changes? That depends a little on where you take your content from. Most of the best content out there is original, so if you’re doing a great job and creating original posts, p...robably not. However if you’re a news aggregator then yes you may soon need to pay your way and if you’re a social platform, yes you will need to take responsibility for what is happening on your platform. Not so different from a cafe owner making sure no one is selling stolen goods on the premises really, or is it? I’d love to hear your thoughts! PS. Nobody panic, apparently it won't include the sharing of memes, Gifs or snippets!
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My last post was of a yoghurty berry flapjack, why? Because it tasted seriously good and I was amazingly surprised to find a coffee shop in a train station was actually capable of serving coffee I deemed tasty (I’m a starbucks hater) AND good cake, add to this that the coffee was in a compostable cup (I usually use my reusable cup, but I left in an unexpected rush) and we have a winning company. This and the fact that it would make my husband a little jealous of my long commu...te compelled me to share with you all. So what was their unique selling point, why did I choose them and not their competitor ’Pumpkin’ a few meters down on the same platform? Well, there really was no comparison, their cake looked (and tasted delicious), their coffee smelt (and tasted) good, their produce wasn’t swarming in plastic and their staff knew what they were doing! And there you have it, their unique selling points! What is the one thing your customers tell their friends about your product/service? This is your USP, the thing that makes you different from others selling similar items/services. Maybe it’s your location, your flexibility, your taste, your ethos, your price, or maybe it’s you and your personality! If you don’t know your USP ask your customers why they love your business, why they keep purchasing and what it is that makes them come back to you instead of a similar company. Then start shouting about this uniqueness! ps. I’m reasonably priced, especially against agencies, I’m flexible, I’m approachable (no question is stupid, actually the more the better) and with years of experience, I offer rounded marketing advice that focuses on much more than just social media. #themarketingmix @fcbcoffee #Uniquesellingpoint #hvbmarketing #walton
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Working from slow train today...oops, spot the accidental purchase! . FCB Coffee #goodcoffee #whatcake?!


My body and brain so enjoy the little glimmers of spring in amongst the crazy sideways rain and wind here in the UK! A little reminder of the importance of a business spring clean. Do you know what did and didn’t work for your business last year? Whilst instinct can be important, analytics hold many secrets to success. It’s as good a time as any to check what’s working, what’s not and lose or fix the ‘what’s not’ elements. For example, it’s not uncommon in online business to... see high performing adverts/promotions linking to low performing pages. If your ads are seeing a decent click through rate, interaction and the right type of audience, its time to look at your landing page with fresh eyes! If you’ve tried looking at your analytics but you’re struggling to decode where the issues are, I recommend reaching out to those of us that do it will save you time and money in the long run. . #analytics #springclean #marketing
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More about Hvb Digital Marketing

Hvb Digital Marketing is located at kt12 Walton-on-Thames
+44 7960 901277