Hygeia Dental Care

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00
Friday: 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 13:00
Sunday: -

About Hygeia Dental Care

We're a long-established private dental practice in Totnes, Devon that aims to change the way people feel about dentistry.

Hygeia Dental Care Description

We are a private dental practice that's been in Totnes, Devon since 1984.
We aim to provide outstanding personal care to every patient and we can change the way you feel about dentistry: or so our patients tell us!
We'd love to do the same for you - just call us on 01803 866166 and we'll show you how.



What is a dental crown?
People often call them a "cap". It's a shell of ceramic, porcelain or metal that is made to fit over a tooth (see diagram below). They're usually needed to repair a tooth that has broken or decayed or to seal a tooth after root canal treatment (to prevent bacteria - or their food - getting back in after the root canals have been cleaned out).
Crowns can be better than fillings because they're stronger, look fantastic and tend to last much longer: a p...ublished study* showed that nearly 97% of modern ceramic crowns survive at least 5 years - and generally they last far longer than that.
Having a crown after root canal treatment (as opposed to a simple filling) is the single most important factor affecting how long the tooth is likely to last. Our own audit data show that where teeth are crowned after RCT, 91% survive for 5 years and 86% survive for 10 years or more. Where they are sealed with only a filling, just 69% survive for 5 years and less than two thirds survive 10 years.
Of course, we only recommend crowns where they're the best option - if there's a simpler, cheaper or less invasive choice we'd always recommend that first.
The photos below show the difference crowns can make to damaged and decaying teeth (we placed these crowns 10 years ago).
* Sailer, I, Makarov, N, Thoma, D, Zwahlen, M and Pjetursson, B (2015). All-ceramic or metal-ceramic tooth-supported fixed dental prostheses? A systematic review of the survival and complication rates. Part I: Single crowns. Dental Materials 31(6), 603-623.
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What is tooth decay - and what can you do about it?
Tooth decay (what dentists call "dental caries") can happen when you eat or drink something with sugar in. The sugar is metabolised (digested) by the bacteria that live in the plaque on your teeth, producing acid as a by-product. The acid dissolves the minerals that make your teeth hard, leading to "decay" or "cavities".
Left untreated it can travel right through to the nerve and blood supply in the middle of the tooth, gi...ving you a toothache. You might end up needing root canal treatment or even having the tooth taken out.
You can take preventive action to stop this happening:
πŸ”³ Use a fluoride toothpaste πŸ”³ Brush twice a day πŸ”³ Clean between your teeth with interspace or interdental brushes πŸ”³ Cut down on sugary and acidic food & drink (like sweets & fizzy drinks) πŸ”³ Avoid snacks between meals πŸ”³ Chew sugar-free gum after eating πŸ”³ Have fissure sealants to protect your back teeth πŸ”³ Visit your dentist and hygienist regularly
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What Donald Trump's teeth can teach us....
One thing is sure - President Trump is no stranger to the dentist's chair. His teeth look completely different than they did 30 years ago; they've changed in colour and in shape (the photos below run from 1986 to the present day).
Many people wonder if he's wearing dentures. He probably isn't (more likely, his teeth are veneered or crowned) and I'm pretty sure that's not the reaction he was hoping for.
... The problem is they just look too "perfect" and, ironically, there's nothing more likely to look peculiar than "perfect" teeth.
What you really want are NATURAL looking teeth. Theoretically ideal proportions and that "paper-white" gleam look out-of-place on just about everyone; but with a little care a brighter, more ideal yet natural-looking smile can be achieved.
The thing about really good, natural-looking teeth is that they make you look great but people often don't notice them - it's bad teeth that others see. Not just gappy, crooked or discoloured ones but the over-whitened celebrity type!
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45 seconds that could save your life...
That's how long it takes to check yourself for signs of mouth cancer.
Look for:
... πŸ”³ Red or white patches πŸ”³ Long-lasting ulcers (3 weeks or more) πŸ”³ Unusual lumps or bumps in your mouth, lips, head or neck
If you find any, make an appointment to see your dentist or doctor right away.
It's that easy.
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Over 90% of cases of mouth cancer CAN BE PREVENTED.
Did you know that drinking alcohol or smoking tobacco both increase your risk of mouth cancer? And did you realise that a good diet can actually help reduce your risk?
During November we'll be letting everyone know the best ways to guard against mouth cancer - so watch this space.


Making a smoothie this morning; peeled the fruit and discovered - Bananaman!


Why do we ask you about smoking when you come for your check-up?
It's because smoking makes gum disease worse and harder to treat: smokers lose, on average, a lot more teeth than non-smokers. It also increases the risk of oral cancer.
If you smoke, quitting is the single most important thing you can do to improve your health.
... So if you're interested in quitting, we can put you in touch with people who can help - or you can ask your GP for a referral to a smoking cessation service.
Don't feel you have to go it alone and "just stop" - studies show that people who get help with quitting are much more likely to succeed.
If you try and fail, there's no shame in that - just try again. Most people need several attempts before they manage it: so don't give up on giving up!
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Feeling a bit run down?
Re-charge your batteries whenever you visit us: we've installed USB charging points in reception that you can use to revive your flagging electronic devices.
Forgotten your charging lead? No problem - we have a full range that you can borrow. So that's one less thing to worry about.


Have you heard about RSD?
RSD (Root Surface Debridement) is the gold standard treatment used to halt the progress of periodontitis (gum disease).
Over 30% of adults suffer from periodontitis, which causes deep periodontal "pockets" to form between your gums and the roots of your teeth.
... Left untreated, periodontitis can lead to unsightly inflammation, bleeding gums, halitosis (bad breath), exposed roots, receding gums, loss of the bone that supports the teeth and, eventually, tooth loss.
RSD is all about removing deposits of calculus, plaque biofilm, bacteria and bacterial toxins from these pockets. This removes the source of the inflammation and halts the destruction of the periodontal tissues. RSD also involves careful analysis of where plaque deposits form on your teeth and help with selecting and using appropriate cleaning aids so you can get the best possible results from your home-care routine and keep your gums healthy.
RSD is clinically proven and produces great results in nearly every case.
If you'd like to find out more, just call us on 01803 866166.
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What's a tooth worth?
Research commissioned by SunLife shows that three-quarters of households with kids under 11 still get visits from the tooth fairy.
Children in Northern Ireland fare best - receiving an average of Β£2.14 - beating even London, where typically it's only Β£1.88!
... If you're in a quandary about how much a tooth is worth or are worried about tooth fairy price inflation, there's even an App dedicated to helping you - pay a visit to @ToothFairyCalculator! 😊
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For many people, tooth decay (otherwise known as "dental caries") is no longer a major threat to their teeth. Tooth wear is a much more significant problem. But what is it? And can it be prevented?
Tooth wear is the loss of tooth structure by chemical or mechanical means. It leads to sensitivity or pain, discolouration, misshapen teeth or, in extreme cases, devitalised teeth that need root canal treatment or extraction.
There are three main kinds of tooth wear:
... πŸ”³ EROSION is caused by acids. These often come from your diet - eg fizzy drinks or fruit juices - but can also come from the stomach if you have reflux (GORD) or bulimia, for example. It can be alleviated by changes in diet, medicines or even CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy).
πŸ”³ ATTRITION is caused by the teeth rubbing against each other. It often happens when you're asleep. Dentists call this "bruxism" and it can be alleviated by making you a bespoke mouth guard to wear in bed.
πŸ”³ ABRASION is caused by something rubbing against the teeth. Ironically, most abrasion damage is caused by people trying to keep their teeth healthy. Poor tooth brushing technique - doing it too hard, too often, or just the wrong way - can cause real damage. It can be prevented by intensive therapy with the hygienist. This involves detailed analysis of where plaque deposits form in your mouth, together with advice on the best aides to use in your home care routine and help with good oral hygiene technique.
Tooth wear may need to be repaired by, for example, bonding composite materials to the biting edges or to the "necks" of the teeth (the part next to the gum line - it's often damaged by brushing too hard). However, the good news is that if you have regular check-ups and wear is detected early then it can be halted by preventive measures like those described above, avoiding the need for composites or more invasive treatments.
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It's always pleasing when people say nice things about you!
We'd like to say "thank you" to Maria for this marvellous testimonial.


Bad breath? You're not alone!
A study (Campisi et al, 2011) has shown that bad breath (halitosis) affects between half and two-thirds of the population and that 90% of cases are caused by "local" factors in the mouth such as:
πŸ”³ Poor oral hygiene (leaving plaque, calculus & food debris)... πŸ”³ Dental decay & defective restorations (EG broken fillings) πŸ”³ Gingivitis (early stage gum disease) πŸ”³ Periodontitis (more advanced gum disease) πŸ”³ Infections in the mouth πŸ”³ "Transient" halitosis caused by food & drink (garlic, onions, alcohol) or smoking.
These causes can be treated by your dentist or hygienist - so if you have bad breath, book a check-up and ask your dentist about how they can help you.
10-15% of halitosis cases are caused by other factors like dehydration and crash dieting; it can even be a sign of underlying systemic medical problems like liver and kidney disease, diabetes, infections in the gut, etc. So don't ignore it. Get yourself checked.
Call us on 01803 866166.
Campisi, G, Musciotto, A, Di Fede, O, Di Marco, V, & Craxi, A (2011). Halitosis: could it be more than mere bad breath? Internal and emergency medicine 6(4), 315-319.
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Why would I want a dental bridge?
A bridge is used to fill a gap and improve the appearance of your teeth. It's fixed in place so that, unlike a denture, you don't take it out.
There are different types of bridge:
... πŸ”³ Conventional bridges - where the teeth next to the gap are prepared so that the bridge slots over the top of them. πŸ”³ Resin bonded (adhesive) bridges - are supported by "wings" that are bonded to the back surfaces of the teeth next to the gap, preserving more of their structure.
Modern dental materials are now so good that bridges are normally made of a beautiful all-ceramic material with no metal structure, meaning that they look natural and translucent.
People often prefer bridges to dentures because they're fixed in place and don't move around or fall out when you're talking or eating. Bridges also last a long time, with 93.8% of conventional fixed-fixed bridges surviving for 5 years and 89.2% for 10 years*. 87.7% of adhesive bridges survive for 5 years or more*.
If you have a gap or gaps you'd like to fill in, call us on 01803 866166 or visit the bridges page on our website to see the videos: http://hygeia.co.uk/treatment_bridges/
* Pjetursson, BE, BrΓ€gger, U, Lang, NP and Zwahlen, M (2007). Comparison of survival and complication rates of tooth-supported fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) and implant-supported FDPs and single crowns (SCs). Clinical Oral Implants Research 18 Suppl. 3, 97-113
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What can I do to stop gum disease?
Gum disease is the common name for periodontitis. It's a condition caused by your immune system trying (and failing) to destroy oral bacteria. Bacteria accumulate in the dental plaque (the soft coating you can brush away) and calculus (the hard matrix that you can't) that build up on your teeth. The plaque and calculus provide a habitat for the bacteria and keep it in close contact with the gums. The resulting inflammation damages the gu...m tissue and can cause it to start detaching from the teeth. It can also lead to loss of supporting bone. Eventually, it can lead to tooth loss.
It's a common complaint - in the UK, almost 1 in 10 adults who still have their own teeth suffer from SEVERE periodontitis and worldwide it affects about 743 million people, making it the sixth most prevalent human medical condition.
Some people are much more prone to gum disease than others and contributing factors make the condition more likely or worsen it, eg smoking, stress, diabetes.
The good news is that it can be treated successfully. In partnership with your dentist and hygienist, you can arrest the progress of the disease and make your gums healthy again. It's done with a combination of:
πŸ”³ Non-surgical treatment that we call RSD (root surface debridement); πŸ”³ Careful monitoring of gum condition, pocket depths, bleeding and plaque; πŸ”³ Oral hygiene help & guidance (how to use special cleaning tools & techniques); and πŸ”³ A rigorous home-care routine.
If you'd like to know more about treatment for gum disease, call us on 01803 866166.
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"I don't want to look like Simon Cowell!"
You wouldn't believe how often people say that when we speak to them about tooth whitening! They're worried about ending up with a smile they feel is too bright or too "celebrity" for them.
However, whitening isn't a "one size fits all" process - you can control how white the teeth become. We start off by measuring the existing shade of the teeth and then agree on a "target shade" that's right for you.
... But how white is too white? A good guide is that if your teeth are whiter than the whites of your eyes then people often feel it looks a bit "wrong". Look closely at the photo and you'll see what we mean.
It's also important to choose a shade that's age-appropriate. As you age, your teeth will usually appear less white - and over-whitened, over-perfect teeth can actually make other people think you're wearing dentures when you're not. That's probably not the reaction you're after!
If you're interested in a brighter but natural smile, call us on 01803 866166.
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The Oral Health Foundation (of which we're a member) says that oral health issues like toothache cause 1.2 million missed working days in the UK each year - costing the economy around Β£105 million: https://www.dentalhealth.org/news/details /961
You're much less likely to suffer sudden unexpected problems with your teeth and gums if you look after them well and make time for examinations with your dentist and therapy with your hygienist.
So be sure to brush twice a day, use fluoride toothpaste, cut down on sugary snacks - and book that check-up!


Why do we ask about your alcohol consumption when we take a medical history? Well, drinking alcohol is one of the main risk factors for oral cancer.
About 1 in 300 people in the UK will develop oral cancer over a 10 year period - and just 3 drinks a day can double your risk.
The amount of alcohol you consume is a factor in deciding how often you should have dental examinations so that we can look for abnormalities in the soft tissues of the mouth and neck. Early detection i...s important to improve the chances of a good outcome.
The good news is that you can make a difference - cutting down on alcohol has a big impact on the risk.
But cutting down isn't just about long-term health risks - it has all sorts of immediate benefits, like better sleep, brighter mood and more energy. If you're interested to learn more then visit https://www.drinkaware.co.uk/ to find out how much is too much and for ideas on how to reduce your intake.
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New for summer 2017 - Saturday hygienist appointments.
There's so much demand for periodontal therapy that we're now offering regular Saturday appointments with Debbie, our hygienist.
So, if it's difficult to make time during your busy week, you can keep your gums healthy without messing up your schedule!


People have been asking what music we play in reception.
It's Venice Classic Radio: www.veniceclassicradio.eu
The station plays mostly Italian classical - from the Renaissance to the 20th Century.


Very calm place, Jo is great with evil the needle and her team are lovely too and the practice has parking. Happy to recommend.


Jo is a dentist with the personal touch. She makes you feel that she is doing what's best for you and not what's best for profits.


I can't speak highly enough about this lovely team. After many years of terrible dentists, I have found one I trust completely. Thank you is not enough. Jo is just fantastic, very caring and is very patiently working through my teeth improving them all the time. Thank you so much.


Very calm place, Jo is great with evil the needle and her team are lovely too and the practice has parking. Happy to recommend.


Jo is a dentist with the personal touch. She makes you feel that she is doing what's best for you and not what's best for profits.


I can't speak highly enough about this lovely team. After many years of terrible dentists, I have found one I trust completely. Thank you is not enough. Jo is just fantastic, very caring and is very patiently working through my teeth improving them all the time. Thank you so much.

More about Hygeia Dental Care

Hygeia Dental Care is located at Malt Mill Lane, TQ9 5NH Totnes
Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00
Friday: 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 13:00
Sunday: -