Hypnobirthing Babies

About Hypnobirthing Babies

Take the fear out of birth with midwife led classes that encourage a process of self taught methods to aid control in childbirth.

Hypnobirthing Babies Description

I live in Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire with my husband and three children one of which was a natural birth and two by caesarean sections due to medical reasons.

I am a registered Midwife and qualified Hypnobirthing practitioner. I completed my midwifery training in 2009 at The University of Hertfordshire where I achieved a First Class BSc Hons. I have worked in all areas of maternity including labour ward. Currently I am working as a community midwife caring for women in the antenatal and postnatal period as well as attending homebirths in Hertfordshire.

I am particularly interested in facilitating normal birth at home or in the hospital setting. I am very passionate about my job and always feel privileged to be part of a family's special time from pre conception to the arrival of their baby and after. My friends, family, colleagues and clients have said that I am a calm, relaxed, kind natured person. This helps me to gain confidence and trust with my clients early on in meeting.

I became interested in Hypnobirthing after caring for a mum who was using hypnobirthing for her birth. I was amazed at how gentle, calm and relaxed the whole experience was for her, her partner and also the baby. I decided to find out more so studied Hypnobirthing in London where I qualified as a full member of the Association of Hypnobirthing Midwives (AHBM).

Hypnobirthing is such a simple concept which I enjoy sharing; having an understanding of the mind /body connection during birth, being relaxed, feeling in control and entrusting confidence in the body's birthing ability will result in a more positive experience of birth. Providing women and their partners the tools to facilitate this is empowering and it gives them the opportunity to have a calm, gentle and easier birth.



Ruth hit her ESTIMATED DUE DATE on a Sunday and felt disappointed that she may not get her desired homebirth. We had a chat and after going into the hospital, a plan was made to delay her induction of labour, until the Tuesday. Ruth trusted her baby and body and on Tuesday morning her labour started. So happy for this beautiful family #thewisehippo #hypnobirthingbabies #midwife


This was a gift received yesterday from Laura, Rob and Rainbow Baby Ivy. A rainbow baby is a baby born shortly after the loss of a previous baby due to miscarriage, stillbirth, or death in infancy. This term is given to these special rainbow babies because a rainbow typically follows a storm, giving us hope of what's to come. For most mums pregnancy will have it worries in some way or another. For a couple expecting a rainbow baby it will be an emotional rollercoaster of highs and lows. I am so happy for Laura and Rob on the birth of baby Ivy she will always be your rainbow on the stormy days 💗🌈 thank you for my beautiful mug to remember you all and beautiful words in my card (shared with permission)#emmabridgewater #thewisehippo #midwife #hypnobirthingbabies


I am feeling blessed today when I think of my beautiful family and friends around me. Sometimes we need to take stock of all the good things we have in life and the bad don’t seem that bad anymore...


We need to move away from birthing in a semi recumbent position on a bed to an upright position that’s aid flexibility of the pelvis and gravity for a more comfortable birth for Mum and baby #hypnobirthingbabies #thewisehippo #midwife https://www.facebook.com/MidwivesRCM/


This is too cute not to post. Doing her birth affirmations with mummy, check out her pregnant tummy to get in the zone #hypnobirthingbabies #thewisehippo #midwife


Got a lovely text in my June ‘What’s App Mum group’ congratulations to Sophie on the birth of her gorgeous baby boy.
Happy due date to us! Caron thank you so much as I was 5cm dilated on arrival to the hospital and within 3 hours fully dilated using just pool and gas and air! 15 minutes of pushing and he was here. Good luck ladies! Proof is in the pudding xxxxx


I was privileged to attend a beautiful homebirth in Midwife capacity (Mum was also Hypnobirthing client x 2) and I had a first year student midwife with me. After the birth Emily (student midwife) was so inspired she went home and drew this beautiful image of baby blossoming just like a beautiful flower. Emily then gave me the drawing for my birthday. This picture is one of the most personal gifts I have ever received and will always remind me of such a special event and the people in it Xxx


Feeling loved today ...Congratulations to Jade and Paul on the birth of Baby Tate


Feeling proud of myself for running non stop 25 minutes this morning. Never would I have believed this 7 weeks ago... Endorphins are the best feel good boost #couchto5k #timeforme #singlemom


I love empowering dads to feel confident in the birth environment for their partners...


Mummy’s on call and my baby is ready for her sleepover at Aunty Jen Jen’s. Thank goodness for good friends who support me and daisy in my unsociable career 💗


All ready to meet their babies on a controlled calm and relaxed birthing journey #hypnobirthingbabies #thewisehippo #midwife


Feeling proud....July group classes still have one space left so grab it whilst you can. Inbox me at www.hypnobirthingbabies.co.uk and read more reviews on my Facebook page.


New York did not disappoint, loved every second.. now to get over jet lag 💤


Guess where I am ... 🇺🇸celebrating an early special birthday X


The uterus is a big muscle so when you create tension in birth the journey for your baby is harder.


It is really important to wear you car seat belt correctly in pregnancy in order to avoid any additional trauma to you or your baby if involved in a collision ... read the below article for more information. #midwifeadvise


Rubbish nights sleep so Nespresso on the go for work today. Thank goodness for the invention of the Keep Cup @_hollieparks #midwifeslife


Gutted I missed cuddles with my January 2018 Class Bumps into babies today. How adorable is this photo 💗


Well what can I say Caron is just amazing, she has made me feel so calm and excited about given birth! I was someone who was petrified of it and actually was having a massive panic, but now with all the hypnobirthing techniques that Caron has given us and the 1-2-1 classes we took part in, I know I can do this! I can’t wait to meet our baby now and excited for the day! �� thank you Caron ��


We did the relax, breathe and birth one to one class and it was fantastic. It has given me confidence to be in control of my birth no matter what path it ends up taking having had a stressful experience first time around. I would highly recommend for first time mums as well as subsequent pregnancies.

The techniques can also be used in other aspects of our busy, stressful lives and once baby is born.


Throughly enjoyed our classes. Now we've completed the course it's just as easy to practice at home. We've learnt an awful lot and am feeling relaxed for the birth of my baby. Caron has been a fab support and no question is a silly question. I would recommended to other mummies to be �


Thoroughly recommend Caron if you’re feeling a bit nervous about the unknowns of your first birth like I am. She explains everything really well and I’ve learnt so much about how to stay calm and relaxed and how important that is for a great birth experience. I can never stay awake through the MP3s which must be a good sign! Thank you Caron x


This class has been amazingly helpful to both me and my partner and helped us to relax before baby was born and especially during labour.

I took the class to help with general anxiety and to help stay calm throughout labour and that’s exactly what it did.

I was never against using pain relief and never thought I would be able to do it just on gas and air but the breathing and calming techniques taught to you in class helped me so much.

I managed to stay at home for as long as I could and was 9cm dilated when arriving at the hospital.

Not only is the class brilliant but Caron has been so helpful. Always available to answer any questions/worries I had before and even after our baby was born.

Thank you so much, would highly recommend this to any anxious person! X


Myself and my friend had private hypnobirthing classes with Caron, mine was for my first baby and for my friend it was her third, I cannot recommend her enough and my friend would say the same. Caron has an amazing way of explaining the whole birthing process in a way that completely makes sense and that you probably won’t have heard before, and shows you that it doesn’t have to be a scary traumatic experience. She is extremely kind and helpful and was there to answer any questions for us, at any time. She really went above and beyond to help, and offer advice and reassurance for any concerns we had. My birth ended up progressing extremely quickly and I was 9cm by the time I got to hospital, my whole labour was under 2 hours so I didn’t exactly get time to put all the skills I’d learnt into practice. However, I went into it feeling calm, relaxed and actually excited about giving birth and had the water birth for my little girl Sadie that I’d wished for! She has also inspired me to have a home birth for a potential baby no 2 (if she can be my midwife �) Thank you Caron �xx


Mother to all mothers to be.

I am on my last leg of my pregnancy (just under 3 weeks to go) and just finished our one to one sessions with Caron. From the moment we made the decision to give birth at home in an environment I felt most comfortable with, I knew I needed some extra tools to get me through the 'mind' for the labour and the birth. Caron's lessons have not only been incredibly informative but calming and reassuring that we can do this. I have no fear of giving birth and dream daily of delivering my own baby calmly. This is thanks to Caron.

I hope and pray she's on duty when baby Jolly decides to enter the world, as it would be an honour and a blessing to have her wisdom, experience and warm personality around us.

I would recommend Caron all day long. xx


I would recommend anyone who is feeling even the slightest bit nervous or anxious about giving birth to get in touch with Caron - without her and her Hypnobirthing techniques, I definitely wouldn't have had the birth experience I did, and I can never thank her enough for that. She changed the way I viewed giving birth, and rather than feel scared about this massive life event, I approached it feeling calm and relaxed. Her extensive knowledge as a practising midwife also gave me such comfort when I had general questions. I'm just so grateful I found her!


I would highly recommend this to new mums and those having gone through childbirth before. I got to know about hypnobirthing from a radio conversation and found Caron who turned out to be my local midwife (a wonderful double whammy)! We Used hypnobirthing to deliver our our third child. The techniques Caron taught us was not only of benefit to me but also to my husband who was really able to contribute positively to our experience. Hypnobirthing rocks! Thanks Caron


I cannot recommend Caron highly enough. She is an amazing, kind, lovely and calm person who goes over and beyond her job to be there for you and I am so unbelievably grateful that I met her and booked her WiseHippo birthing programme.

I booked a one to one course with Caron with my husband and for 4 sessions Caron taught us both invaluable techniques to have a calm and relaxing birth no matter what journey the birthing journey took. After a traumatic, stressful and emotional first labour, Caron gave me back my control and taught me to release all the fear I had been carrying; she taught me how to remain calm and relaxed.

The techniques, the MP3s, her incredible support and encouragement; her experience and knowledge as a practising midwife enabled me to have the birthing journey I wanted and I couldn't have done it without her.

Would strongly recommend Caron and the course to anyone who is feeling anxious and fearful about birth whether you're a first time mum or like me a second time mum who was determined to have a completely different experience.

Thank you again Caron for everything xx


I cannot recommend Caron and her courses enough. They helped us prepare and relax as much as possible around the birth of our baby. Teaching me to be confident and giving me the right advice I was able to take full control of my birth experience and have the delivery I wanted. I would have been lost without her support and care and will be forever thankful I stumbled upon her.

Thank you for everything.

Laura, Rob & Ivy xx


I came to this class on a recommendation from my sister in law and I'm so glad we did! Caron made us feel very welcome from the start, we've learned so much and have finished the course feeling excited and confident about the rest of my pregnancy and birth. We fall asleep to the mp3s every single night and wake up feeling so refreshed after a good nights sleep! Couldn't recommend this enough. Thanks Caron x


I booked a Relax, Breath and Birth class with Caron last month and can't thank her enough for the information that was taught that day. I had previously read a hypnobirthing book but all my lovely preparation flew out the window after attending antenatal classes. I found them quite unsettling. I only spent a short time with Caron in the workshop but she was really lovely and reassuring, I used her breathing techniques throughout the birth and had a really great labour. This was such a relief as a FTM and has made a positive impact on my start into Motherhood. Thank you so much Caron!


Hypnobirthing really does work! My worst nightmare was a birth where I had no idea or control of what was happening to my body and around me - laying flat on a bed and something resembling a torture scene or like those in the movies!

The Hypnobirthing programme along with Caron's help and advice enabled us to have a natural birthing experience that was calm, relaxed and where I remained in control.

Thank you Caron for being the most amazing teacher and support to us throughout the end of our pregnancy and birth. You were one of my 'anchors'. xx


Hypnobirthing is without doubt one of the best things we've ever done and enabled our birth experience to be exactly how we imagined it to be - calm, relaxed and feeling informed and in control. We couldn't have done it without Caron who is simply the best! So supportive throughout our whole journey and genuinely caring - thank you so much for making our journey such a positive and wonderful experience! xx


Hi Caron, just a quickie to say that I really enjoyed the classes and found them extremely worthwhile. My attitude towards giving birth has completely shifted from anxious, scared and nervous to calmer and better prepared. I still have a lot to do and organise but I definitely feel better informed in order to do so. Thank you for always being there to answer my questions and put my mind at ease. Thank you Patrizia X


Could not rate this course and Caron any more highly. Literally the best use of time and no better preparation in my opinion. Hot recommended by Caron by a friend and it was the single piece of advice she gave me when she found out I was pregnant for pre pregnancy and labour itself and she was not wrong. Having spoken to other people who have done the same they are with the same mindset as me; this is invaluable.

Caron is such a lovely lady too and you have a good giggle in the session too. We did the group one and perfect number of five couples and the partners get a lot out of it too and has helped us both in normal life too; not just pregnancy related things but having the confidence in your body and changing your mindset to know you can do things, refocusing your mind and remaining calm.

Book on if you're thinking about it you won't be disappointed. It got me through my labour wonderfully despite my birth plan completely going out the window and the mp3's on the day worked brilliantly and have subsequently with little one too. Enjoy!


Caron was amazing as both my midwife and my hypnobirthing teacher. The classes were so relaxing and informative and taught me and my husband some fantastic skills for the birth of our baby boy. I had to have an emergency c-section in the end but I used the hypnobirthing methods throughout my pregnancy to keep me focused on having a positive birthing experience and to get me to 5cm during my labour. The techniques helped to keep me calm and relaxed throughout. I'm sure they had a hugely positive effect on my baby too as he is such a chilled out little boy. I highly recommend Caron, the classes and the Wise Hippo programme.


Cannot recommend Caron more highly. We have just completed

one to one classes with Caron due to feeling incredibly anxious about the prospect of giving birth and Caron has made all the difference. I am now feeling in a much better place to approach the birth feeling much more confident and relaxed. Caron has a wonderful reassuring nature and has made me feel so much more at ease about the whole thing! Would recommend to anyone who is even slightly worried as your whole mindset changes completely thanks to Caron’s classes! Thank you Caron!

More about Hypnobirthing Babies

Hypnobirthing Babies is located at Oasis Room, Untited Reformed Church, EN10 8BQ Broxbourne