Hypnobirthing Cumbria And Reflexology With Janet Naylor

About Hypnobirthing Cumbria And Reflexology With Janet Naylor

All women’s health and wellbeing including fertility, in pregnancy, birth, postnatal, and all years that follow, including menopause. Let me relax you!

Hypnobirthing Cumbria And Reflexology With Janet Naylor Description

I am a Mother of 3, a Midwife, a Hypnobirthing Practitioner, a Reflexologist, including reflexology for fertility support, pre conception, pregnancy, labour, birth and beyond. . . I offer private midwifery and doula services. . . . I am based in South Cumbria. . . but may be willing to travel.

My passion for empowering mothers, mothers to be and wanna be mothers and their families, originates in the 1980's. . .

Hypnobirthing. . . taking the fear out of giving birth, empowering you along the way. . . to make informed choices based on knowledge, information and research not on fear!

Book for Hypnobirthing classes now on a One to One basis or small group classes.

Why choose Hypnobirthing?

Because you will learn how to relax, have fun and learn a lot too!

When the word "Hypnobirthing" first came out a few years ago, many midwives wondered what it was all about, thinking it was a new craze. . . but really it has always been around it's about going back to basics! Many midwives are amazed at how calm and focused Hypnobirthing mothers and their birth partners are during established labour!

I cannot promise you the perfect birth experience, no one can, however together we can work towards the best birth for you, which often turns out to be better than you could have hoped for and in a more controlled and relaxed manner.

During the Hypnobirthing classes you will learn:

Anatomy & physiology of birthing during labour and birth
The role of hypnosis and how this helps labour and birth
The role of fear in the birthing environment and how to eliminate it
Relaxation, massage and visualisation techniques.
How to be confident and assertive with your care givers
How to design your birth preferences sheet (birth “plan”)
How to keep calm and in control of the situation
Birth partners will be aware and comfortable with their role
Plus much, much more!
Benefits of Hypnobirthing. . . for you, for baby, for partners. . .

May shorten the labour
Reduces need for surgical births
Can use the techniques following birth in parenting, to remain calm
Increased rate of calm births
Reduced risk of needing episiotomy
Reduced need for any medication
Increased rate of “turning” breech babies to head down position at 37-40 weeks gestation (81% )
Benefits to baby – calm baby, higher Apgar scores, may feed better, may experience less trauma
Benefits to birth partner, may feel happier with their role, able to empower you and remain calm themselves
I have personally done it during my own births, in hospital and at home. I have personally witnessed many calm and gentle births using Hypnobirthing or self hypnosis as a doula and practicing midwife. . . I could not promote something that I did not feel was worth it.

Contact me in confidence to see how I can empower you!

www. CallYourMidwife. co. uk

More about Hypnobirthing Cumbria And Reflexology With Janet Naylor

Hypnobirthing Cumbria And Reflexology With Janet Naylor is located at Kendal Cumbria, Kendal