Hypnobirthing Lancashire

About Hypnobirthing Lancashire

I am a qualified, solution focused, clinical hypnotherapist and psychotherapist, Hypnobirthing specialist Mongan society trained and a reiki practitioner.



I teach the importance of communicating with baby early in pregnancy, baby can recognise soothing sounds and voices, often baby knows their mother and fathers voices when they are born.


Another hypnobirthing success story.


All new mothers, your doing amazing ❤️


Lovely 😀


One of the first things I teach in hypnobirthing sessions is how to bond with baby throughout pregnancy. Baby can hear and he can share your emotions.


This made me stop and think. What creative imaginations children have, stop slow down, what is the hurry? , try and see the world as children do.


This is beautiful This incredible image really captures the essence of early motherhood. So soft, sensual, loving, sharing and unconditional. All too often we forget the needs our little ones have for this closeness. We forget that we both need skin to skin contact. It's too easy for us to change them from one cute outfit to another. We no longer bath with them, we bathe them. So stop for a moment and think about when the last time you had this moment with your baby. Then take some time to re-enact this image and feel the Oxytocin flow... enjoy... breathe. x


HYPNOBIRTHING WEEKEND COURSES Hypnobirthing Lancashire is now offering weekend courses .
Saturday and Sunday 2days 10am /4pm full course
... Saturday or Sunday 10am / 5pm one day intense course .
I am a qualified Hypnotherapist and HypnoBirthing childbirth educator offering various packages .
✨More and more women are discovering Hypnobirthing and learning how they can have a more positive birth experience!
Most of my classes now are filled with couples who have heard about Hypnobirthing from others who have done the course and are sharing their positive experiences. This really excites me as it means the word is spreading!
Birth CAN be amazing! It doesn't have to be something to be feared. You can learn how to prepare your mind and body and in doing so equip yourself with a whole range of tools and techniques to assist you in labour and birth.
For more information please contact Patricia 07817351812 www.hypnobirthinglancashire.co.uk. www.patriciakayhypnotherapy.co.uk
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Here is one woman’s experience of hypnobirthing I have come across (from a friends page) well worth a read.
If someone offered you a elixir that guaranteed you an easy, comfortable birth, no recovery time, a calm baby and a happy start to parenting life what would you pay for it?
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REIKI TREATMENTS FOR PREGNANCY Benefits Of Reiki During Pregnancy When Reiki is used early in pregnancy, it helps reduce exhaustion and nausea. In fact, it helps with all symptoms that a woman might experience throughout her entire pregnancy. It brings relief to every part of the body through pregnancy, and even into labor and birth. Reiki helps to calm fears and soothes a woman who may be unsure of herself and her body during her childbirth experience. The power of Reiki is... known to make a baby wriggle with pleasure inside the womb. It also has a calming affect on the baby as well. Reiki helps mothers and their babies throughout pregnancy and during birth, with universal love and healing. Reiki can be given, to both the mother and the baby, throughout pregnancy and at birth itself, When the time to give birth arrives, Reiki helps to ease the pain and creates a peaceful and relaxed atmosphere for the baby. Regular treatments of Reiki during pregnancy will help your body to maintain its natural, chemical and physiological balance. Benefits of Reiki during Pregnancy: - Reiki relieves uncomfortable symptoms that occur as the mother’s body undergoes changes - Reiki supports the development of the growing baby - Reiki deepens the relationship between mother and baby Patricia Kay is a qualified solution focused hypnotherapist,qualified child birth educator and Reiki master practitioner and trainer. For more information contact Patricia 07817351812
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Hypnobirthing isn’t just about pregnancy and birth, at Hypnobirthing Lancashire we also incorporate much more , Breast feeding help and tips, Bonding with baby, ideas on how you can interact with baby from birth through each stage of development and support after birth. Many mothers breast feed with no problems, others may have a few minor problems but most can be overcome easily. Below are some common breast feeding problems with solutions.
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More about Hypnobirthing Lancashire

Hypnobirthing Lancashire is located at BB2 2TB Blackburn