Hypnobirthing Maidenhead

About Hypnobirthing Maidenhead

Hypnobirthing is an complete education programme that prepares women to give birth. It teaches simple but specific self-hypnosis, relaxation and breathing.

Hypnobirthing Maidenhead Description

I am a fully qualified hypnobirthing practitioner and also a midwife, health visitor, state registered nurse, NCT antenatal teacher, baby massage instructor, UNICEF trained breastfeeding consultant and mother of three girls.

My courses and private lessons cover Maidenhead and the surrounding area.



Birth should be a fantastic experience, sadly nowadays women feel traumatised by their birth experience. Let’s shout that we deserve a birth of our choice and support our Midwives #happybirth #goodexoerience #hypnobirthingmh


To all my hypnobirthing mums to be great exercises to help baby to get into a great position. Worth practising #normalbirth #hypnobirthingmh #exercises


I think babies are beautiful and do not need to be dressed, what do you think?


How to write a birth preference


We discussed baby born in the amniotic sac on my last course #hypnobirthing #normal birth


worth a read !


Ducks swimming upstream a perfect visualisation for up breathing #positive-thoughts #affirmations #hypnobirthingmh


Follow the labour pathway, take one step and enjoy the powerful image that you will meet your baby #hypnobirthingmaidenhead #birth #happy-baby.


Hypnobirthing, the statement below is very true.


Worth a read


Positive thoughts for you and your baby #excitement #newbaby #gettingready #hyonobirthingmh


Another fantastic birth story soon to be added to my website, congratulations Anita and Steve #hypnobirthingmh #primigravida #memories


Let birth happen, forget what medical interventions you have, just having a baby is fun #birth #parent #hypnobirthingmh


Hypnobirthing course in May, hurry and book I only teach 4 times a year #perfect-birth #hypnobirthingmaidenhead #families


The importance if retraining your thought processes so that you are able to have the best birth possible, the research is showing the negative influence that the media can have on child birth #normal-birth #hypnobirthing #powerofthe mind.


I think this is a little extreme, but this Mum is very aware of the benefits of breast feeding.


I bet she’s practising her hypnobirthing techniques #home-birth #hypnobirthing #easy-birth


I’d read about hypnobirthing and was slightly skeptical if it would work for me and I’m pleased to say it did! Annette went through everything that we would expect during labour, taught us various breathing techniques which were invaluable during labour and visualisation exercises which really meant I could focus my mind on other things during contractions and also meant my husband had a real role in the lead up to the birth as well as during. He felt confident that he could support me and really kept my mind distracted and ensured I remained relaxed... so much so I got to 6cm with the midwives doubting that i’d even started labouring and the remaining 4cm were done in the pool in a calm and almost enjoyable way. Big thanks to Annette for teaching us everything and helping me to have a stress-free and more importantly, a drug-free birth resulting in baby Willow being born on Christmas eve!


I'd recommend Hypnobirthing to anyone expecting a baby. I had a stress free 'enjoyable' labour experience which I strongly believe was down to my husband and I practising Hypnobirthing.

Annette is a wonderful teacher, with a wealth of professional midwife knowledge and experience. I was dreading labour until I met Annette and did her course. Then the weeks leading into the birth of our son I was calm and excited for the labour. It's also helped post birth too with pain relief in my recovery and calming the baby.


I would definitely recommend Annette and her classes to anyone.

Hypnobirthing helped me stay calm and understand what was going on when I was in labour. My mind was in the right place and as my husband said, I just got on with it!

Thanks for teaching me the techniques of calming my thoughts. I really didn't think labour was that bad. I thought it would hurt a lot more. Maybe this is down to the hypnobirthing too?

Thanks again.

Sara, Jay and Baby Liliana x


I was anxious about the labour of my second baby after my first labour so decided to try hypnobirthing. I was in two minds about it and unsure of what it involved. However, Annette soon welcomed us into the class and made us feel welcome.

Annette explained that you have choices when having a baby which was great advice for me as I was induced. I felt I had more control over the situation.

The breathing techniques learned on the course were invaluable. Overall I found the hypnobirthing kept me calm and helped me to manage my breathing. It definitely helped with the labour. I have and will going forward recommend hypnobirthing to future expectant mothers.


Great woman's only class! Knowledge is power


Annette was a brilliant Hypnobirthing teacher, she put my husband and I completely at ease and gave us a really good grounding in Hypnobirthing techniques. I was able to have my baby at home and by using Hypnobirthing I remained calm throughout labour and my baby was born into a calm and peaceful environment.


I’d read about hypnobirthing and was slightly skeptical if it would work for me and I’m pleased to say it did! Annette went through everything that we would expect during labour, taught us various breathing techniques which were invaluable during labour and visualisation exercises which really meant I could focus my mind on other things during contractions and also meant my husband had a real role in the lead up to the birth as well as during. He felt confident that he could support me and really kept my mind distracted and ensured I remained relaxed... so much so I got to 6cm with the midwives doubting that i’d even started labouring and the remaining 4cm were done in the pool in a calm and almost enjoyable way. Big thanks to Annette for teaching us everything and helping me to have a stress-free and more importantly, a drug-free birth resulting in baby Willow being born on Christmas eve!


I'd recommend Hypnobirthing to anyone expecting a baby. I had a stress free 'enjoyable' labour experience which I strongly believe was down to my husband and I practising Hypnobirthing.

Annette is a wonderful teacher, with a wealth of professional midwife knowledge and experience. I was dreading labour until I met Annette and did her course. Then the weeks leading into the birth of our son I was calm and excited for the labour. It's also helped post birth too with pain relief in my recovery and calming the baby.


I would definitely recommend Annette and her classes to anyone.

Hypnobirthing helped me stay calm and understand what was going on when I was in labour. My mind was in the right place and as my husband said, I just got on with it!

Thanks for teaching me the techniques of calming my thoughts. I really didn't think labour was that bad. I thought it would hurt a lot more. Maybe this is down to the hypnobirthing too?

Thanks again.

Sara, Jay and Baby Liliana x


I was anxious about the labour of my second baby after my first labour so decided to try hypnobirthing. I was in two minds about it and unsure of what it involved. However, Annette soon welcomed us into the class and made us feel welcome.

Annette explained that you have choices when having a baby which was great advice for me as I was induced. I felt I had more control over the situation.

The breathing techniques learned on the course were invaluable. Overall I found the hypnobirthing kept me calm and helped me to manage my breathing. It definitely helped with the labour. I have and will going forward recommend hypnobirthing to future expectant mothers.


Great woman's only class! Knowledge is power


Annette was a brilliant Hypnobirthing teacher, she put my husband and I completely at ease and gave us a really good grounding in Hypnobirthing techniques. I was able to have my baby at home and by using Hypnobirthing I remained calm throughout labour and my baby was born into a calm and peaceful environment.


I’d read about hypnobirthing and was slightly skeptical if it would work for me and I’m pleased to say it did! Annette went through everything that we would expect during labour, taught us various breathing techniques which were invaluable during labour and visualisation exercises which really meant I could focus my mind on other things during contractions and also meant my husband had a real role in the lead up to the birth as well as during. He felt confident that he could support me and really kept my mind distracted and ensured I remained relaxed... so much so I got to 6cm with the midwives doubting that i’d even started labouring and the remaining 4cm were done in the pool in a calm and almost enjoyable way. Big thanks to Annette for teaching us everything and helping me to have a stress-free and more importantly, a drug-free birth resulting in baby Willow being born on Christmas eve!


I'd recommend Hypnobirthing to anyone expecting a baby. I had a stress free 'enjoyable' labour experience which I strongly believe was down to my husband and I practising Hypnobirthing.

Annette is a wonderful teacher, with a wealth of professional midwife knowledge and experience. I was dreading labour until I met Annette and did her course. Then the weeks leading into the birth of our son I was calm and excited for the labour. It's also helped post birth too with pain relief in my recovery and calming the baby.


I would definitely recommend Annette and her classes to anyone.

Hypnobirthing helped me stay calm and understand what was going on when I was in labour. My mind was in the right place and as my husband said, I just got on with it!

Thanks for teaching me the techniques of calming my thoughts. I really didn't think labour was that bad. I thought it would hurt a lot more. Maybe this is down to the hypnobirthing too?

Thanks again.

Sara, Jay and Baby Liliana x


I was anxious about the labour of my second baby after my first labour so decided to try hypnobirthing. I was in two minds about it and unsure of what it involved. However, Annette soon welcomed us into the class and made us feel welcome.

Annette explained that you have choices when having a baby which was great advice for me as I was induced. I felt I had more control over the situation.

The breathing techniques learned on the course were invaluable. Overall I found the hypnobirthing kept me calm and helped me to manage my breathing. It definitely helped with the labour. I have and will going forward recommend hypnobirthing to future expectant mothers.


Great woman's only class! Knowledge is power


Annette was a brilliant Hypnobirthing teacher, she put my husband and I completely at ease and gave us a really good grounding in Hypnobirthing techniques. I was able to have my baby at home and by using Hypnobirthing I remained calm throughout labour and my baby was born into a calm and peaceful environment.

More about Hypnobirthing Maidenhead

Hypnobirthing Maidenhead is located at Maidenhead