Iain Martin Weight Loss & Strength Coach

About Iain Martin Weight Loss & Strength Coach

One guy who likes spreading correct and factual information in an industry riddled with broscience and false claims

Iain Martin Weight Loss & Strength Coach Description

Iain Martin is a personal trainer that specialises in all aspects of weight loss, muscular development and strength training. Iain offers personalised workout programmes and specific diet plans to achieve your chosen goal. Whether you’re looking to focus on muscle growth, lose weight or you want become stronger overall, Iain Martin will tailor it to you.
Sign Up to begin your personal journey.



Here's a snippet from a circuit I put together:
1) Heel raised goblet squats (12 reps - controlled with quad focus) - using the heel raise and using my hips as little as possible to increase quad recruitment - done properly you'll feel the 🔥🔥.
... 2) Trap bar deadlifts (10 reps - power) - a perfect combination of a squat and a deadlift! Really good for circuits as they're very lower back friendly and can maximise the recruitment of all the lower muscle groups.
3) Chunky battle ropes - enough said.
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Detox/cleanse/juice diet all condensed into one simple to understand meme.


When we talk about tracking calories and what is important to reach our goals. By now I’d hope you all know!
We think calories, protein, veg and food sources etc.
That is completely right, but if you want to reach your goal, there’s one more thing that needs to be done while tracking....
... Honesty.
You need to be honest with what you are eating when tracking, or you will never get anywhere!
Track that whole bag of crisps you had, don’t kid yourself that you only had half. Just because you haven’t tracked it does not mean you won’t gain the weight.
If you go over your calorie allowance, accept it and get back on track. Knowing exactly what you have eaten gives you the power to make a change and informed decision to go in the right direction the next time.
Be honest with your tacking, it’s what you put in your mouth that will affect your weight, not what you put in your tracker!
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🛑You can't out-train a shitty diet🚂
As much as I'd love this statement to be untrue, it isn't, believe me, I've tried. That being said, it doesn't mean that the diet you follow can't still contain the foods you enjoy, although the quantity of those foods will need to be controlled.
... ⌚The diet that works best is the one you can stick to for the longest period of time, a mediocre diet with 100% adherence will reap far more rewards than a 'perfect' diet with 10% adherence.
🍪Food for thought🧠
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Help yourself and the NHS - lift weights.


Here’s something different since it’s Friday – What gives you a hangover?
*Scroll to bottom for quick answers.
... Everyone seems to have their own theory on what causes a hangover, whether it be mixing drinks, not eating beforehand, or dehydration. These are all legitimate theories, but none of them hold up. What causes a hangover has been widely studied and yet we still don’t know exactly what causes them. Hangovers “happen” because of alcohol and its effects on the brain. However, we don’t really know how they happen.
An alcohol hangover is associated with many hormonal and metabolic changes that, while not well studied for causality, are plausible causes of fatigue and cognitive impairment. There are three main types of alcohol: methyl, isopropyl, and ethyl. Only the latter (ethyl alcohol, or ethanol) is fit for human consumption. Moreover, your body metabolizes ethanol to acetaldehyde, which is even more toxic than ethanol. Eventually, your body metabolizes acetaldehyde to acetate, which is less harmful but may still contribute to hangovers. Tough break.
Congeners may be another hangover factor. Like alcohol, congeners are chemicals produced during fermentation, and they contribute greatly to the taste and aroma of most alcoholic beverages. Some are toxic, however, which may explain why different beverages with the same amount of ethanol seem to have different hangover severities.
What are possible causes of hangovers? - Dehydration - Inflammation and oxidative stress suffered to the brain and other tissues - Disturbed sleeping pattern - Throwing the body out of homeostasis – alcohol effects a wide range of hormones and neurotransmitters that may result in a hangover feeling. - Congeners
What can help prevent/mitigate the effects of hangovers? - Moderate intake - Speed of consumption - Making sure you stay hydrated - Opting for alcoholic beverages with lower congener content - Food – Consuming alcohol on a full stomach can slow the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream, reducing the severity of the potential hangover.
Unfortunately, other than drinking less and slower, preferably on a full stomach, there are no proven ways of preventing hangovers.
Thanks to examine.com for the information.
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Here’s a way to look at dieting that I think boosts adherence, makes it possible to eat out now and again and means you can consume alcohol and not feel as though you’ve ‘fell off the wagon’.
This isn’t some guru way to diet or suggesting that you can ingest a few pills with dehydrated fruits and veg and then do whatever you want and still progress towards your goals. This is simply food and drink consumption broken down into an easy format that allows progression towards you...r goals alongside living your life. Because let’s face it, no one is going to be successful on a diet that doesn’t allow them to enjoy the simple pleasures in life.
So, what is this magic? It’s simple: Add different tiers into your nutritional plan and do your best to hit as many as possible, but if you can’t hit all tiers then you simply aim for the tier above and go from there. Here’s how it works: Tier 1 – calories Tier 2 – proteins Tier 3 – fats Tier 4 – Fibre/carbs Let’s say you’ve prepped all your meals the day before and life is going as planned, then I’d suggest aiming to hit every tier, which will be easy because you’ve prepped everything yourself. But, what happens when life isn’t being as nice to you? You’ve set off to work and forgotten all your food, this would make hitting every tier quite difficult and stressful. What you’d do instead is aim for tier 1 (calories are the most important aspect of weight manipulation), tracking calories while on the go is simple and not too tedious. This means you can still adhere to the plan but not worry about the other tiers or feeling as though you’ve fallen off.
You’d do the same if you were heading out for a meal or a few drinks, you hit whichever tier you can for that day. When the day is over, you start afresh. This tier system gives you a safety net and can work wonders for boosting dietary adherence.
As long as you''re hitting tier 1 more often than not you will be progressing towards your goals. Consistency is key.
Let me know your thoughts 😊
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Workout Wednesday is more than learning how to do exercises.
It's also about having the knowledge to put them into our own workout and why!
... Like everything, supersets have pros and cons.
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Flexible🍎🍕🥕 vs Rigid Dieting🍎🥕🍍


Should you track calories if you don't have any specific weight goals in mind?
Well, it depends on what you want.
Do you want to make sure your body will stay healthy and nourished for as long as possible?
... Then I would suggest yes.
Tracking your food intake is important for many things, it's a great tool for our health.
It allows you to make sure you are intaking sufficient amounts of proteins and fats, which are essential for processes within the body.
It allows you to check you aren't overindulging constantly in food that contain anything more harming.
Most importantly it allows you to see what you're eating in an objective way, you can physically see what you're kind of calories you are consuming.
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This is the kind of support we all need sometimes 🐶


Squatting is great, right?
I see it everywhere, people telling others that they need to squat to reach their goals. It’s very widely preached, that you should most definitely include squats in your training programme. If you want a big bum? Squat. If you want strong legs? Squat. Best exercise for weight loss? Squat.
So, you’ve been told what to do…. But how?
... This is a huge problem in the fitness industry. You are often told what you need to be doing, but not how! You might be thinking ‘What do you mean, everyone knows how to squat, it’s like sitting down in mid-air, it’s not that hard!’
This is where the injuries occur, and the lack of knowledge leads to detrimental effects. When learning to squat, there are so many things that need to be in check before you even add weight. So many people jump into squatting with the idea of getting a booty, but they don’t think of the long-term effects that squatting badly could have.
I would highly recommend getting advise from someone who knows what they’re talking about. You don’t have to pay for sessions from a PT to ask for a bit of advice when you see them about the gym!
Remember, your big bum won’t be seen if you have to sit in a wheelchair due to a back condition.
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We've all heard of the saying: Slow and Steady wins the race!
When it comes to weight loss, this is true the majority of the time. So long-term consistency beats short-term intensity, when you are aiming to lose weight, you need to consider the end goal and beyond.
So, don't just think 'how am I going to get to this weight off?'
... Instead, you need to think 'how can I lose this weight in a healthy way that will make it easier to keep off and allow me to still enjoy my diet?'
The way to do that?
Make small changes daily, improve consistently. In time, you will be able to include your treats without binging, resulting in overall calorie reduction.
When you get to your desired size, it is already easier for you to keep your diet consistent, and including foods you like without going totally off the rails, meaning you are able to maintain your new bodyweight.
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A drink that contains Grapes, Apples, Bananas, Berries etc. must be amazing for you, right?
Well, of course, it will have many benefits, but will it help you lose weight?
Most people seem to think that you can eat whatever you want and as long as it's 'healthy' food, you will lose weight.
... That is not true, if you eat only 'healthy' foods but go over your daily calorie intake, you will gain weight.
Likewise, if you eat only 'unhealthy' foods but stay within your calorie goal, you will lose weight.
None of these are good/bad, depending on your goals and current situation, one is going to work better.
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1K page likes! Thanks everyone 😊💪🏽1K page likes! Thanks everyone 😊💪🏽


As a Personal Trainer, you get told to have a niche, a demographic, a type of person you will train.
And I am no different.
So, who is my type of client?
... Someone who wants to ultra-run over the peaks of the alps, but also someone who wants to do 1 pull-up before Christmas.
What these people have in common is a personal goal that means something to them and they have the willingness to get there. My client is the committed and determined person that wants their goal and is willing to work for it.
As a Personal Trainer, I don’t want to just see bodies change, but also mindsets and perspectives. Challenges are overcome and future goals evolve. I want to see people achieve their original goal, whether that goal is bodybuilding, or just getting to the gym. I am willing to train and put my time into the people who will do the same!
Thanks to all my clients, you are all this type of person!
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Another big smile and another team accomplishment...
If you cast your minds back a few weeks, you'll remember I posted a picture of Paul Wilson's weight loss progress. This was in preparation for a rather big event, an event which most people wouldn't even think about attempting, but Paul isn't your average fella.
Quick back story:... When we started training Paul was recovering from a very nasty knee injury. This injury had left him, at times, being unable to walk, but being the trooper that Paul is, he didn't let this hold him back for long. 16-weeks ago we began strengthening the tissue around his knee and going over strict movement patterns and ensuring his knee was capable of withstanding the forces it was going to be put through during his epic adventure - The Monte Rosa. The Monte Rosa is a 170km ultra marathon that also has 37,000ft of ascent, to put that in content Mt.Everest is 29,000ft tall. Yup, he attempted to complete this with 16-weeks training!
So, after losing weight and getting as strong as possible within the timeframe, Paul embarked on what is so far the biggest race of his life...
Finally, 46hrs and 36 minutes later Paul completed the Monte Rosa! Not only did he complete it, he placed 39th out of 134 runners - that's incredible!
Huge well done to Paul!
In true Paul fashion, we've already got our sights on the next stepping stone which leads towards an even bigger goal...
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It's with a big smile that I write this post, that smile is a direct result of seeing a very hard working individual get the result they've been striving for.
That individual is Hayden Armstrong, I was approached around 3-months ago to help him with some strength and conditioning work to supplement his Muay Thai training.
The main aspects of his training were focused initially on teaching Hayden how to properly control and coordinate his body, after this base was establishe...d we then needed to work on further developing that coordination so that the required strength could be produced from the areas we need it from. The final bout of training before his fight was purely on power development over short periods, this was done in a way to train his body to produce maximal power for short periods of times, exactly what would be required from him in a fight situation.
Strength and power may sound similar, and they are, but there are also some very large differences between the 2 - a post for another day ;).
So, on Sunday gone, Hayden got the chance to put all this to the test during a Muay Thai fight. Hayden was against a solid opponent which made the whole event a lot better, as it meant his 3rd round stoppage was even more impressive! Yup, Hayden won by TKO in the third round, after landing an impressive barrage of shots.
Hayden is one of the hardest working individuals I've ever met, he's extremely level-headed and is willing to do whatever it takes, expect some big things from him in the future.
Thank you for being an absolute pleasure to work with!
P.S. I'll post a link to the video of the third round - it's worth a watch.
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Will any diet work?
Yes, any diet will work, but there is one huge underlying factor that is often misunderstood, or just not taken into account when deciding which dietary route to go down.
Yep, you guessed it, it's that thing I always bang on about - adherence.
... If you treat your diet the same way some gimp from Geordie Shore treats his/her relationship then obviously you aren't going to have much, if any, dietary success. That's because you aren't adhering to it. You can't cheat on your physiology and get away with it, your body is with you 24-hours a day, you are your body, therefore you shouldn't even be considering treating it badly - it's you!
But, surely if any diet then works then losing weight wouldn't be difficult at all? Not necessarily, even with the best diet in the world (in terms of your own dietary requirements) will still require some sacrifice. You will be hungry, you will have to moderate, not eliminate, some of your food intake. This means that you can't have all of your cake and eat it too, sure, you can have some, but it needs to fit in with the other areas of your diet to ensure you're losing weight.
Any diet will work, but every diet requires some form of sacrifice in one form or another, this means there will be hard times and there will be times where you need your grown-up pants on and must accept that things will be difficult but you'll manage.
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Unbelievable knowledge, not only on how you physically look but also on nutrition, mental health and the inside workings of your whole system! I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone that knows so much. He has clearly not just concentrated on how/what you do in the gym as he gets to know you and what you do on a daily basis. Top coach and would highly recommend to all.


This guy is absolutely brilliant, he listens to me when I’m not feeling 100% but I blast it every time and it’s the appreciation from him that keeps me going! He dumbs big gym words down for me because I don’t understand and he helps with nutrition! Cannot thank him enough for helping me gain confidence and help me become stronger and leaner! Thank you iain!


The man really knows his stuff would highly recommend to anyone looking for self improvement �


Iv had 2 PT sessions with Iain 1 group and 1 on 1 and both have been amazing. Fantastic trainer very highly motivated and gives great instruction, after training myself for over a year his techniques and nutritional advice will ensure and give me the results that I haven't been able to achieve on my own. If you want results that will last I highly recommend Iain


If there was a thousand stars they wouldn't be enough for this young man. Being an 84 +powerlifter last year doing comps I'd been messed about by coaches. Always made to feel not as good as others. So after a long think I pulled out of my last comp totally disheartened and thinking I wasn't good enough. Lost alot if confidence to lift. Problems outside the gym. Health problems. Didn't really see where I was going. Iain has taken me under his wing . He's sorted my food. My training programme. We're losing the fluff and turning buff. He's the first coach that actually listens to what I have to say. So we don't just do the gym thing or the food thing we do the friend thing too. We chat like we've been mates forever. He's a top lad and I'm very proud to be part of my journey with him .


Iains a brilliant personal trainer , he knows what he's talking about as you can see from his results and other people's he's trained results, his quick short videos rly make a difference to my training and if I was choosing someone to help me with nutrition or training I'd definitely go for Iain


Iain not only helps you when he's with you but when you're training on your own as well, teaches you how to plan your own workouts to hit the goals you have set yourself. He explains everything you do so you know why you're doing it and how it helps you. Would recommend to anyone looking to better themselves and improve their lives :)


Iain is extremely knowledgable and friendly and his obvious passion for the gym means that he goes the extra mile to get the best out of you whatever your goals are. i would highly recommend him :)


Iain has helped me for along time with every piece of fitness advice I could ask for , his nutrition knowledge is spectacular and puts it to you in a simple way to easily understand , he has a great mind for programming routines that do achieve maximum results I couldn’t ask for anything else ! Extremely friendly hard working passionate guy , highly recommend!


Iain has changed my life permanently and I am not the only person saying it. He gives you the knowledge and ability to change your life for good, from mindset to physical ability and nutrition knowlege. He has completely dedicated his life to helping his clients and studying his field of expertise. I have seen him work successfully with many types of clients from weight loss and runners to strength athletes and physique lifters, but I will only speak of my own experience...

I went to Iain wanting to get in shape in 4 months before moving to Spain. I was carrying a little body fat and very little muscle. Needless to say I got in the best shape of my life in 4 months, growing by 13kg before losing my excess fat and coming down to a lean figure 8kg above my starting body weight.

That is not however what has changed my life or what is important. During my time with Iain I learnt how do continue to do this for the rest of my life. He teaches nutrition and biological concepts in a understandable way, shows you how to construct workouts and why you are doing them. He will show you how to have the best form, limit injury and most of all how to tailor all this information to you, for example I am vegetarian which was no problem at all for Iain to work round. He is also an awesome general life coach!

So to conclude I have been in Barcelona over 6 months and am still improving my health, fitness and physique by using the things that Iain taught me, never did I think it would have a life lasting imoact. Finally if you are in any doubt of his ability or knowlege, just take a look at him, if they can't do it themselves how can they teach you how to?

Thanks again pal and all the best!


I've been going to the gym regularly for around one year now and I've had massive shoulder pain in quite a lot of my workouts, I am quite into reading about technique and gym science so I found a way that reduces this pain.

I was randomly working out last week and Iain came and offered 15 minutes of his time to help me out, he showed me correct form (makes me feel stupid after researching so much into it) and techniques to achieve that, now I've absolutely 0 shoulder pain as a result.

I'm sharing this because he has probably changed my life forever and it's the least I can do, if you're looking to change yours I'd highly recommend this guy, he has passion for gym like I've never seen before and I can guarantee you'll reach your goals and beat those plateaus with him.


I started training with iain 3 weeks ago, i cant reccomend him enough, everything we have done he has explained in great depth, hes my personal trainer yes, but we have fun and a good laugh along the way every session has been enjoyable ( to a certain degree) �. If i ever have any questions or struggling with anything iain is always happy to help me out. I have also learned alot of nutritonal tips, i cant wait to make big changes to myself with his help ��


I reached out to Iain for some nutrition and supplement advice through Facebook, mainly surrounding my intolerance/allergy to cow's milk, which a lot of protein shakes are based upon (whey protein). He replied within a millionth of a second with the exact kind of advice I needed - ideal!

Cheers mate.

Just a shame that I now live up in Scotland and can't take advantage of the personal side of the strength coaching.


I have just finished my 11th session with Iain and I couldn’t recommend him enough!

His knowledge for everything - nutrition/mental health/ form etc- is amazing and he is so understanding and full of support for every situation you can throw at him (I definitely tested his theories on stress enough, I think he’d agree!)

He has helped me in so many ways I can’t thank him enough, especially when I started with a very bad arm and in the short time I’ve been working with him, it’s is pretty much none existent now, I have a full range of motion and have managed to do exercises I never thought I’d be able to do- no thanks to any doctor, all down to Iain.

If you’re thinking about going to a PT please don’t consider anybody else!


Highly recommended, Iain is a brilliant personal trainer who really knows his stuff and is very passionate about the gym and nutrition. He is always there to give advice and support throughout. �


Had 2 sessions with Iain now and he knows exactly how to get the best out of everyone! He tailors each exercise to your individual strengths and weaknesses to achieve the absolute best results, offering as much help as you need to get it right along the way... If you're looking for a PT, you can be absolutely confident that Iain can help you get to your goal!


Experienced sound knowledge and understanding of the body and works according to your needs and your bodies capability. By far the best PT I've had the pleasure to learn off. Understands that everyone is different and requires a different view of training and diet.


Been seeing iain for quite a few week now and he is absolutely brilliant , he puts in so much effort with me and my friend who do it together ,he explains everything and makes you feel at ease and goes that extra step to make sure you understand what your doing! He doesn't just help you in your sessions he's constantly offering support in and out of the gym and I find this really helps keep us on track :-)


After 2 1/2 years of successful weight loss through a combination of dieting and walking my weight loss had plateaued out. Being in my early 50s and having not set foot in a gym for many years it seemed a good idea to seek some professional help to get back into it. Iain, a Weight loss and Strength Coach, was recommended by a friend to hopefully help me restart my weight loss, tone up and generally improve my overall physical fitness.First session was broken down into 3 parts. (1)Discuss what I wanted to get out my time at the gym. (2)Explain to me how we could achieve this with nutrition a correct workout plan / programme and a sensible time frame. (3)Run through a few basic exercises to allow Iain a chance to evaluate my range of movement and see where we would start.I have just completed 12 sessions with Iain over a period of 4 weeks and have to admit it's been a lot less daunting than I expected. The main focus at the start was ensuring that the correct technique is used on each piece of equipment before adding any weight. Iain has demonstrated and explained everything to ensure I know how to use the equipment correctly and what muscle groups they target.Every week I also have nutrition goals to meet that Iain monitors via a weekly tracker. He goes through it and emails any changes I need to implement.What has made the last 4 weeks so enjoyable is the fact that,despite his vast technical knowledge,Iain has kept all the information simple to understand, is 100% focused on me getting the best out of my workout and nutrition,has the patience of a saint and a cracking sense of humour to go with it.Whatever you want to get out of your time in the gym, I cannot recommend Iain highly enough.


Unbelievable knowledge, not only on how you physically look but also on nutrition, mental health and the inside workings of your whole system! I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone that knows so much. He has clearly not just concentrated on how/what you do in the gym as he gets to know you and what you do on a daily basis. Top coach and would highly recommend to all.


This guy is absolutely brilliant, he listens to me when I’m not feeling 100% but I blast it every time and it’s the appreciation from him that keeps me going! He dumbs big gym words down for me because I don’t understand and he helps with nutrition! Cannot thank him enough for helping me gain confidence and help me become stronger and leaner! Thank you iain!


The man really knows his stuff would highly recommend to anyone looking for self improvement �


Iv had 2 PT sessions with Iain 1 group and 1 on 1 and both have been amazing. Fantastic trainer very highly motivated and gives great instruction, after training myself for over a year his techniques and nutritional advice will ensure and give me the results that I haven't been able to achieve on my own. If you want results that will last I highly recommend Iain


If there was a thousand stars they wouldn't be enough for this young man. Being an 84 +powerlifter last year doing comps I'd been messed about by coaches. Always made to feel not as good as others. So after a long think I pulled out of my last comp totally disheartened and thinking I wasn't good enough. Lost alot if confidence to lift. Problems outside the gym. Health problems. Didn't really see where I was going. Iain has taken me under his wing . He's sorted my food. My training programme. We're losing the fluff and turning buff. He's the first coach that actually listens to what I have to say. So we don't just do the gym thing or the food thing we do the friend thing too. We chat like we've been mates forever. He's a top lad and I'm very proud to be part of my journey with him .


Iains a brilliant personal trainer , he knows what he's talking about as you can see from his results and other people's he's trained results, his quick short videos rly make a difference to my training and if I was choosing someone to help me with nutrition or training I'd definitely go for Iain


Iain not only helps you when he's with you but when you're training on your own as well, teaches you how to plan your own workouts to hit the goals you have set yourself. He explains everything you do so you know why you're doing it and how it helps you. Would recommend to anyone looking to better themselves and improve their lives :)


Iain is extremely knowledgable and friendly and his obvious passion for the gym means that he goes the extra mile to get the best out of you whatever your goals are. i would highly recommend him :)


Iain has helped me for along time with every piece of fitness advice I could ask for , his nutrition knowledge is spectacular and puts it to you in a simple way to easily understand , he has a great mind for programming routines that do achieve maximum results I couldn’t ask for anything else ! Extremely friendly hard working passionate guy , highly recommend!


Iain has changed my life permanently and I am not the only person saying it. He gives you the knowledge and ability to change your life for good, from mindset to physical ability and nutrition knowlege. He has completely dedicated his life to helping his clients and studying his field of expertise. I have seen him work successfully with many types of clients from weight loss and runners to strength athletes and physique lifters, but I will only speak of my own experience...

I went to Iain wanting to get in shape in 4 months before moving to Spain. I was carrying a little body fat and very little muscle. Needless to say I got in the best shape of my life in 4 months, growing by 13kg before losing my excess fat and coming down to a lean figure 8kg above my starting body weight.

That is not however what has changed my life or what is important. During my time with Iain I learnt how do continue to do this for the rest of my life. He teaches nutrition and biological concepts in a understandable way, shows you how to construct workouts and why you are doing them. He will show you how to have the best form, limit injury and most of all how to tailor all this information to you, for example I am vegetarian which was no problem at all for Iain to work round. He is also an awesome general life coach!

So to conclude I have been in Barcelona over 6 months and am still improving my health, fitness and physique by using the things that Iain taught me, never did I think it would have a life lasting imoact. Finally if you are in any doubt of his ability or knowlege, just take a look at him, if they can't do it themselves how can they teach you how to?

Thanks again pal and all the best!


I've been going to the gym regularly for around one year now and I've had massive shoulder pain in quite a lot of my workouts, I am quite into reading about technique and gym science so I found a way that reduces this pain.

I was randomly working out last week and Iain came and offered 15 minutes of his time to help me out, he showed me correct form (makes me feel stupid after researching so much into it) and techniques to achieve that, now I've absolutely 0 shoulder pain as a result.

I'm sharing this because he has probably changed my life forever and it's the least I can do, if you're looking to change yours I'd highly recommend this guy, he has passion for gym like I've never seen before and I can guarantee you'll reach your goals and beat those plateaus with him.


I started training with iain 3 weeks ago, i cant reccomend him enough, everything we have done he has explained in great depth, hes my personal trainer yes, but we have fun and a good laugh along the way every session has been enjoyable ( to a certain degree) �. If i ever have any questions or struggling with anything iain is always happy to help me out. I have also learned alot of nutritonal tips, i cant wait to make big changes to myself with his help ��


I reached out to Iain for some nutrition and supplement advice through Facebook, mainly surrounding my intolerance/allergy to cow's milk, which a lot of protein shakes are based upon (whey protein). He replied within a millionth of a second with the exact kind of advice I needed - ideal!

Cheers mate.

Just a shame that I now live up in Scotland and can't take advantage of the personal side of the strength coaching.


I have just finished my 11th session with Iain and I couldn’t recommend him enough!

His knowledge for everything - nutrition/mental health/ form etc- is amazing and he is so understanding and full of support for every situation you can throw at him (I definitely tested his theories on stress enough, I think he’d agree!)

He has helped me in so many ways I can’t thank him enough, especially when I started with a very bad arm and in the short time I’ve been working with him, it’s is pretty much none existent now, I have a full range of motion and have managed to do exercises I never thought I’d be able to do- no thanks to any doctor, all down to Iain.

If you’re thinking about going to a PT please don’t consider anybody else!


Highly recommended, Iain is a brilliant personal trainer who really knows his stuff and is very passionate about the gym and nutrition. He is always there to give advice and support throughout. �


Had 2 sessions with Iain now and he knows exactly how to get the best out of everyone! He tailors each exercise to your individual strengths and weaknesses to achieve the absolute best results, offering as much help as you need to get it right along the way... If you're looking for a PT, you can be absolutely confident that Iain can help you get to your goal!


Experienced sound knowledge and understanding of the body and works according to your needs and your bodies capability. By far the best PT I've had the pleasure to learn off. Understands that everyone is different and requires a different view of training and diet.


Been seeing iain for quite a few week now and he is absolutely brilliant , he puts in so much effort with me and my friend who do it together ,he explains everything and makes you feel at ease and goes that extra step to make sure you understand what your doing! He doesn't just help you in your sessions he's constantly offering support in and out of the gym and I find this really helps keep us on track :-)


After 2 1/2 years of successful weight loss through a combination of dieting and walking my weight loss had plateaued out. Being in my early 50s and having not set foot in a gym for many years it seemed a good idea to seek some professional help to get back into it. Iain, a Weight loss and Strength Coach, was recommended by a friend to hopefully help me restart my weight loss, tone up and generally improve my overall physical fitness.First session was broken down into 3 parts. (1)Discuss what I wanted to get out my time at the gym. (2)Explain to me how we could achieve this with nutrition a correct workout plan / programme and a sensible time frame. (3)Run through a few basic exercises to allow Iain a chance to evaluate my range of movement and see where we would start.I have just completed 12 sessions with Iain over a period of 4 weeks and have to admit it's been a lot less daunting than I expected. The main focus at the start was ensuring that the correct technique is used on each piece of equipment before adding any weight. Iain has demonstrated and explained everything to ensure I know how to use the equipment correctly and what muscle groups they target.Every week I also have nutrition goals to meet that Iain monitors via a weekly tracker. He goes through it and emails any changes I need to implement.What has made the last 4 weeks so enjoyable is the fact that,despite his vast technical knowledge,Iain has kept all the information simple to understand, is 100% focused on me getting the best out of my workout and nutrition,has the patience of a saint and a cracking sense of humour to go with it.Whatever you want to get out of your time in the gym, I cannot recommend Iain highly enough.


Unbelievable knowledge, not only on how you physically look but also on nutrition, mental health and the inside workings of your whole system! I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone that knows so much. He has clearly not just concentrated on how/what you do in the gym as he gets to know you and what you do on a daily basis. Top coach and would highly recommend to all.


This guy is absolutely brilliant, he listens to me when I’m not feeling 100% but I blast it every time and it’s the appreciation from him that keeps me going! He dumbs big gym words down for me because I don’t understand and he helps with nutrition! Cannot thank him enough for helping me gain confidence and help me become stronger and leaner! Thank you iain!


The man really knows his stuff would highly recommend to anyone looking for self improvement �


Iv had 2 PT sessions with Iain 1 group and 1 on 1 and both have been amazing. Fantastic trainer very highly motivated and gives great instruction, after training myself for over a year his techniques and nutritional advice will ensure and give me the results that I haven't been able to achieve on my own. If you want results that will last I highly recommend Iain


If there was a thousand stars they wouldn't be enough for this young man. Being an 84 +powerlifter last year doing comps I'd been messed about by coaches. Always made to feel not as good as others. So after a long think I pulled out of my last comp totally disheartened and thinking I wasn't good enough. Lost alot if confidence to lift. Problems outside the gym. Health problems. Didn't really see where I was going. Iain has taken me under his wing . He's sorted my food. My training programme. We're losing the fluff and turning buff. He's the first coach that actually listens to what I have to say. So we don't just do the gym thing or the food thing we do the friend thing too. We chat like we've been mates forever. He's a top lad and I'm very proud to be part of my journey with him .


Iains a brilliant personal trainer , he knows what he's talking about as you can see from his results and other people's he's trained results, his quick short videos rly make a difference to my training and if I was choosing someone to help me with nutrition or training I'd definitely go for Iain


Iain not only helps you when he's with you but when you're training on your own as well, teaches you how to plan your own workouts to hit the goals you have set yourself. He explains everything you do so you know why you're doing it and how it helps you. Would recommend to anyone looking to better themselves and improve their lives :)


Iain is extremely knowledgable and friendly and his obvious passion for the gym means that he goes the extra mile to get the best out of you whatever your goals are. i would highly recommend him :)


Iain has helped me for along time with every piece of fitness advice I could ask for , his nutrition knowledge is spectacular and puts it to you in a simple way to easily understand , he has a great mind for programming routines that do achieve maximum results I couldn’t ask for anything else ! Extremely friendly hard working passionate guy , highly recommend!


Iain has changed my life permanently and I am not the only person saying it. He gives you the knowledge and ability to change your life for good, from mindset to physical ability and nutrition knowlege. He has completely dedicated his life to helping his clients and studying his field of expertise. I have seen him work successfully with many types of clients from weight loss and runners to strength athletes and physique lifters, but I will only speak of my own experience...

I went to Iain wanting to get in shape in 4 months before moving to Spain. I was carrying a little body fat and very little muscle. Needless to say I got in the best shape of my life in 4 months, growing by 13kg before losing my excess fat and coming down to a lean figure 8kg above my starting body weight.

That is not however what has changed my life or what is important. During my time with Iain I learnt how do continue to do this for the rest of my life. He teaches nutrition and biological concepts in a understandable way, shows you how to construct workouts and why you are doing them. He will show you how to have the best form, limit injury and most of all how to tailor all this information to you, for example I am vegetarian which was no problem at all for Iain to work round. He is also an awesome general life coach!

So to conclude I have been in Barcelona over 6 months and am still improving my health, fitness and physique by using the things that Iain taught me, never did I think it would have a life lasting imoact. Finally if you are in any doubt of his ability or knowlege, just take a look at him, if they can't do it themselves how can they teach you how to?

Thanks again pal and all the best!


I've been going to the gym regularly for around one year now and I've had massive shoulder pain in quite a lot of my workouts, I am quite into reading about technique and gym science so I found a way that reduces this pain.

I was randomly working out last week and Iain came and offered 15 minutes of his time to help me out, he showed me correct form (makes me feel stupid after researching so much into it) and techniques to achieve that, now I've absolutely 0 shoulder pain as a result.

I'm sharing this because he has probably changed my life forever and it's the least I can do, if you're looking to change yours I'd highly recommend this guy, he has passion for gym like I've never seen before and I can guarantee you'll reach your goals and beat those plateaus with him.


I started training with iain 3 weeks ago, i cant reccomend him enough, everything we have done he has explained in great depth, hes my personal trainer yes, but we have fun and a good laugh along the way every session has been enjoyable ( to a certain degree) �. If i ever have any questions or struggling with anything iain is always happy to help me out. I have also learned alot of nutritonal tips, i cant wait to make big changes to myself with his help ��


I reached out to Iain for some nutrition and supplement advice through Facebook, mainly surrounding my intolerance/allergy to cow's milk, which a lot of protein shakes are based upon (whey protein). He replied within a millionth of a second with the exact kind of advice I needed - ideal!

Cheers mate.

Just a shame that I now live up in Scotland and can't take advantage of the personal side of the strength coaching.


I have just finished my 11th session with Iain and I couldn’t recommend him enough!

His knowledge for everything - nutrition/mental health/ form etc- is amazing and he is so understanding and full of support for every situation you can throw at him (I definitely tested his theories on stress enough, I think he’d agree!)

He has helped me in so many ways I can’t thank him enough, especially when I started with a very bad arm and in the short time I’ve been working with him, it’s is pretty much none existent now, I have a full range of motion and have managed to do exercises I never thought I’d be able to do- no thanks to any doctor, all down to Iain.

If you’re thinking about going to a PT please don’t consider anybody else!


Highly recommended, Iain is a brilliant personal trainer who really knows his stuff and is very passionate about the gym and nutrition. He is always there to give advice and support throughout. �


Had 2 sessions with Iain now and he knows exactly how to get the best out of everyone! He tailors each exercise to your individual strengths and weaknesses to achieve the absolute best results, offering as much help as you need to get it right along the way... If you're looking for a PT, you can be absolutely confident that Iain can help you get to your goal!


Experienced sound knowledge and understanding of the body and works according to your needs and your bodies capability. By far the best PT I've had the pleasure to learn off. Understands that everyone is different and requires a different view of training and diet.


Been seeing iain for quite a few week now and he is absolutely brilliant , he puts in so much effort with me and my friend who do it together ,he explains everything and makes you feel at ease and goes that extra step to make sure you understand what your doing! He doesn't just help you in your sessions he's constantly offering support in and out of the gym and I find this really helps keep us on track :-)


After 2 1/2 years of successful weight loss through a combination of dieting and walking my weight loss had plateaued out. Being in my early 50s and having not set foot in a gym for many years it seemed a good idea to seek some professional help to get back into it. Iain, a Weight loss and Strength Coach, was recommended by a friend to hopefully help me restart my weight loss, tone up and generally improve my overall physical fitness.First session was broken down into 3 parts. (1)Discuss what I wanted to get out my time at the gym. (2)Explain to me how we could achieve this with nutrition a correct workout plan / programme and a sensible time frame. (3)Run through a few basic exercises to allow Iain a chance to evaluate my range of movement and see where we would start.I have just completed 12 sessions with Iain over a period of 4 weeks and have to admit it's been a lot less daunting than I expected. The main focus at the start was ensuring that the correct technique is used on each piece of equipment before adding any weight. Iain has demonstrated and explained everything to ensure I know how to use the equipment correctly and what muscle groups they target.Every week I also have nutrition goals to meet that Iain monitors via a weekly tracker. He goes through it and emails any changes I need to implement.What has made the last 4 weeks so enjoyable is the fact that,despite his vast technical knowledge,Iain has kept all the information simple to understand, is 100% focused on me getting the best out of my workout and nutrition,has the patience of a saint and a cracking sense of humour to go with it.Whatever you want to get out of your time in the gym, I cannot recommend Iain highly enough.

More about Iain Martin Weight Loss & Strength Coach

Iain Martin Weight Loss & Strength Coach is located at The Gym Group, St Nicholas Gate, London Road, CA1 2EA Carlisle, Cumbria