
Monday: -
Tuesday: 12:00 - 23:00
Wednesday: 12:00 - 23:00
Thursday: 12:00 - 23:00
Friday: 12:00 - 00:00
Saturday: 12:00 - 00:00
Sunday: 12:00 - 23:00

About Ica

Institute of Contemporary Arts, London

Ica Description

The home of radical culture since 1946.



"That divisive films have the power to stir up heated debate is one of their greatest pleasures."
The Calvert Journal on Adina Pintilie's Berlinale - Berlin International Film Festival Golden Bear winning Touch Me Not: http://ow.ly/nbGv30m7mb2
Special preview + Q&A with director Adina Pintilie 23 October: http://ow.ly/bnjh30m7moc


"I like the duality that arises when you have people with English accents talking about America, because clearly what’s happening currently in America is not disconnected to what’s happening here."
Set in a near future where the U.S. has been thrown into full-scale civil war, Richard Maxwell's play QUEENS ROW concerns a man’s absence as it affords three women – mother, lover and daughter – the opportunity to re-evaluate their perspectives on belief, security and class.
Read ...an ICA interview with Maxwell conducted by the ICA's Chief Curator here: http://ow.ly/gONO30m659C
Get 4 tickets for £40 to see his latest play, QUEENS ROW, with our multibuy offer: http://ow.ly/O44730m65kN
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'It was at an army field base that Manning took the decision she did. In the US, she says, her job had been “abstract math”. It was only when she was posted to Iraq that she understood properly that the numbers represented people. She realised her world entailed “not just database records. These are human beings. Their hopes and dreams and desires are all tied up in this.”' Today's Observer interview with Chelsea Manning at the ICA.


"The writer and director Richard Maxwell is a stylist of the first order, which is to say that the content of what he says is equal to how he says it. When I read or think about a Maxwell text, I don’t so much recall any other writer. Rather, I think about visual artists and colors, usually some gradation of gray, and as painted by Agnes Martin: a series of lines and, ultimately, grids that seduce through a visible splendor that is immediate but not florid. You have to work to meet the work’s meaning."
Get 4 tickets for £40 to see celebrated NYC director and playwright's latest play, QUEENS ROW, with our multibuy offer: http://ow.ly/O44730m65kN


"When I read or think about a Maxwell text, I don’t so much recall any other writer. Rather, I think about visual artists and colors, usually some gradation of gray, and as painted by Agnes Martin: a series of lines and, ultimately, grids that seduce through a visible splendor that is immediate but not florid. You have to work to meet the work’s meaning."
Read a The New Yorker​ article on influential NYC theatre director and playwright Richard Maxwell: http://ow.ly/hFa030m5Wm...2
Get tickets #QUEENSROW, his latest play, here. See it with friends with our four tickets for £40 multibuy offer: http://ow.ly/2xRt30m5WrY
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This weekend is your last chance to catch us at Frieze Art Fair. Find us at Booth 20 to check out the new editions we've launched this week from Martine Syms, Marc Camille Chaimowicz and Gary Hume.
Marc Camille Chaimowicz, Andy's in Town (produced in partnership with Metro Imaging): http://ow.ly/CNWt30m45sL
Gary Hume, Sunday: http://ow.ly/c16W30m45uQ
... Martine Syms, Threat Model Official Sticker Collection: http://ow.ly/B4A530m45wv
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"But this is so much more than a film about a film, it’s about young women breaking the rules set in a conservative country - the process of doing that was a lot more powerful than finishing the actual film."
Guardian film on Shirkers.
Join director Sandi Tan this Saturday for the London Premiere of Shirkers book here: http://ow.ly/pFjA30m4bau


"An elegant midsummer, end-century night’s dream of a film, with an elusive, gossamer lightness."
Guardian film on Ildikó Enyedi's My Twentieth Century (1989): http://ow.ly/xT6b30m6VQB
Digitally-restored, the film is screening this Sunday at the ICA: http://ow.ly/Kbiu30m6VVZ


Launching at Frieze Art Fair is Marc Camille Chaimowicz, Andy's in Town, 2018.
This edition is composed of images that Chaimowicz took in 1975 of the artist Andy Warhol signing copies of his iconic text, The Philosophy of Andy Warhol (From A to B & Back Again). Chaimowicz, then a recently graduated art student, had heard about Warhol’s book signing at Foyles Bookshop, and decided to attend to pay homage to one of his heroes. On arriving at the store, Chaimowicz was met by thr...ongs of like-minded attendees, queuing out of the door and up the Charing Cross Road. In the line, Chaimowicz began critically questioning his actions and, feeling disgruntled at the parasitic nature of fandom, turned on his heel before entering the building and without meeting Warhol face to face. However, as was the norm for the artist, Chaimowicz had been taking photos on his Olympus OM-1 during the wait.
Find us at Booth 20 or visit our website: http://ow.ly/x3Ir30m6h8v
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"We sent out this signal - we didn’t send out a casting call so much as emitted a signal - it was put up in London community centres, in libraries and we put in an advert on Gumtree."
This formal gesture – a distancing from the tropes of theatre – is of a with Richard Maxwell's transformation of the ICA Theatre for the staging of the play.
... Read an ICA interview with Maxwell conducted by the ICA's Chief Curator here: http://ow.ly/gONO30m659C
Get 4 tickets for £40 to see his latest play, QUEENS ROW, with our multibuy offer: http://ow.ly/O44730m65kN
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PSYOP is out now.
Metahaven’s experimental, densely illustrated exhibition publication offers a unique perspective on their practice. Here, in a number of unpublished reflections, renowned and compelling voices situate the collective’s sprawling body of work – including their recent shift to moving image - within visual culture, art history and the socio-political context of now.
Published by Koenig books on the occaision of Exhibitions at the ICA London and Stedelijk Museum... Amsterdam.
Visit the ICA Bookshop to get a copy and see Metahaven: VERSION HISTORY, or visit our website: http://ow.ly/bIJW30m6mGh
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We're presenting three new editions at Frieze Art Fair this week, including Gary Hume's Sunday.
This edition is based on the painting of the same name, which Hume produced as part of Mum, his 2017 solo show at Sprüth Magers, London. Taking the image of the lamb as the central point, the edition is a meditation on innocence and spirituality, placing these qualities in dialogue with the violence of human existence. The coalescence, intersection and interstices of these areas is reinforced further by the title Sunday, connotes the Christian day of rest, as well as the banal ways in which we utilise that day in domestic life, for instance with the Sunday roast.
Find us at Booth 20 or buy online here: http://ow.ly/q4RV30m6fgl


"The genesis of QUEENS ROW was a dystopic dream I had, before the US election in 2016."
In the polarised political landscape of America's glittering urban centres and decaying hinterlands, Richard Maxwell's QUEENS ROW imagines a near-future civil war sparked by a white riot in Massachusetts.
Read the ICA interview with the influential NYC director and playwright: http://ow.ly/t5g130m5W1M
... Get tickets here. See it with friends with our four tickets for £40 multibuy offer: http://ow.ly/Gzmk30m5W8L
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We're pleased to announce we are at Frieze Art Fair, where we are launching the following new editions:
Marc Camille Chaimowicz, Andy's in Town (produced in partnership with Metro Imaging): http://ow.ly/CNWt30m45sL
Gary Hume, Sunday: http://ow.ly/c16W30m45uQ
... Martine Syms, Threat Model Official Sticker Collection: http://ow.ly/B4A530m45wv
Also available at Booth 20.
Image: Marc Camille Chaimowicz Andy's in Town 2018 Silver bromide 129 x 179cm Edition of 20 (5AP)
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Entry to Metahaven: VERSION HISTORY is £3. From today we are swapping our day membership system for Exhibition pricing. Exhibition tickets will cost £3, free for all on Tuesdays, and free at all times for ICA Red, Green and Blue Members, the disabled, under 18s, over 65s, the unemployed, those on income support, Westminister residents and education groups.
Still from: Metahaven, Eurasia (Questions on Happiness), (2018)


"I certainly didn’t plan for the leads to be women – they happened to be the most compelling in casting and I want to work with them because there is mutual respect and a shared sense of value in collaboration."
NYC director and playwright Richard Maxwell discusses his new play, #QUEENSROW: http://ow.ly/tDrD30m4dep
... See Richard Maxwell's new play #QUEENSROW in the ICA Theatre until 13 October. Get four tickets for £40 with our multibuy offer': http://ow.ly/JWp730m4dTV
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"It’s not entirely a documentation of skate culture, yet the majority of the film’s cast are skilled skaters with hardly any acting experience. This vérité-like approach renders Skate Kitchen daring and timely. By stretching the limits of fiction film, Moselle challenges the conventions of coming-of-age stories, whilst proposing an alternative to skateboarding as a homogenous, masculine subculture."
Sight & Sound | The International Film Magazine on Crystal Moselle's coming-o...f-age drama and 'open-critique of contemporary skate culture', #SkateKitchen: http://ow.ly/lbro30m2U5P
Now screening: http://ow.ly/Y1Fq30m2Uao
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always been fabulous and provocative - thank you for the Party


absolutely brilliant


Tickets were expensive for screen 2 (£11). Screen is very small against home flat screens. Film was amazing and crowd and staff were great. Note I think all cinemas should half their prices


Three pound matinee tickets during the week!


Saw a really interesting documentary, El Mar, La Mar as part of this year's London Film Festival. One of the film's co-directors took part in a Q&A after the film.


STOP PRESS! Aro I know won't mind me sharing that the Red Carpet Premier is going to happen on Thursday 15th December 2016, London location to be confirmed.

ICA - 5 STAR - BRILLIANT - More mentions follow:

Michela's reflections of Changing London: Battle of Soho (excerpts) + discussion

9th August Tuesday 6.30pm at The ICA, 12 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AH

Exceeded my expectations on every level.

Sold out - myself and Aro were fearful that there would be just a handful of people attending.

My thanks to Jo Blair, Senior Programmer & Arts Manager, PICTUREHOUSE CINEMAS LTD for inviting Aro to put together the event, based on just the initial 3.5 minute trailer, you took a risk, Thank-you for having faith in us.

Together with Clare Lynch from Soho Society you helped Aro put together a terrific well structured evening.

Clare Thank-you for chairing and for the questions. I was very impressed with your research, making reference to my obscenity trial R_v_Peacock, ( find via wiki )I did not go into detail this landmark case as this has been well documented elsewhere and although of great interest would have taken up too much time.

To everyone that attended THANK-YOU! I was very impressed by the questions and delighted that so many that were filmed for our film were in the audience. It was the first time that I met some of you and the entire film crew.

Our hearts go out to Johnny Delux, who features right at the beginning of the original trailer and has provided voice over. Johnny was due to be part of the panel and did arrive, however your personal battle with cancer was too much to overcome last night and you had to leave. We all hope you will get through and win your battle. Sorry that you did not have the strength to carry the bouquet of flowers which I wanted to present to you.

Oh Philip Sallon, it was pure delight as always, wearing an outfit beautifully outrageous that only Philip could wear, you brought flair flamboyance laughter and it was terrific having you on the panel. So glad that Aro included part of your glorious Soho walkabout which was so you and delighted the audience.

Philip was one of quite a few including Johnny that I recommended should be part of the film.

Ally Clow Curzon Soho, BRILLIANT, I was literally dumb-struck when you shared with the audience that 'site Curzon' as declared by Crossrail2 is complete mis-information when the reality is that a huge swathe of our beloved Soho will almost inevitably be DEMOLISED by this 27 billion pound vanity project, right now foreign property developers are buying up what little will remain on the borders of this planned destruction. Let us all hope that our new major Sadiq Khan can intervene and stop this madness.

Special mention to the lovely Nendie Pinto-Duschinsky, Director at Lindsay Kemp's Last Dance, without your help we would not have secured our 'eleventh hour' headline interview with the most significant influential inspiring performance artist of all time.

If anyone had told me eighteen months ago that Lindsay Kemp would end up in Battle of Soho I would have declared 'dream on did you just see that flock of pink elephants in tutus flying past?'

Nendie might only be 5 feet in height but your sheer delightful inspiring personality is a staggering tower.

That well known saying 'saving the best until last' well never in my life-time has this resonated more than the FINAL interview. It was worth the effort to fly to Livorno in Italy, if Lindsay had been in London that would have been an all too easy option, shooting in his delightful apartment and without doubt Aro's greatest cinematography so far, the performance sequence on a beach could never have been replicated here.

Two days of pure joy which we will never forget, Lindsay signing my copy of Lindsay Kemp & Company ( a recommend by Nendie ) and lovely artwork, performing a private dance where I ended up ( yes you guessed it ) NAKED, having lunch prepared by Lindsay and meeting his delightful assistant Daniela, oh what a cherished memory.

Note: We are very excited that hopefully later this year Nendie will release her labour of sheer love Lindsay Kemp's Last Dance, to date EIGHT years in the making will finally be released, some of the footage shared was so valuable when making research for the interview.

The FINAL irony: When researching and via a circuitous route I discovered that Lindsay was a major part of The Drury Lane Arts Laboratory and to quote Nendie: 'The epitome of Bohemianism and all sorts of famous people hung out there smoking dope and dodging the Hell's Angels who were also squatting the building!' the venture lasted only two years however what it created inspired the creation of the ICA.

My thanks to everyone that has contributed to being a part of this groundbreaking documentary, including anyone that donated, has been filmed, the full crew ( delighted to finally meet you all ) and to the ICA for hosting the event.

Final thanks to Aro, oh darling I know we have both often come so close to complete nuclear meltdown, your tank running on pure vapour most of the time. My financial support over £43,000 to date has kept you going to the next service station. Unconditional with merely a verbal contract I have always had complete faith and trust in you. I'm sorry if at times I rather lost the plot thinking 'am I INSANE?' well last night my sanity was restored, I don't regret spending so much of my 'hard' ( yes this is a pun! ) earned cash on this labour of love for a nano-second.

You are a brilliant inspired director who has become one of my most trusted friends, sometimes I cursed that you ever met 'the lady in the red dress' ( the 'battle' worn dress was professionally repaired and cleaned for the event ) but more often I realised this was all supposed to happen. The quality of your filming and the soundtrack is so far off the scale that the needle has sheared off.

Often during the last eighteen months Aro has shared with me: 'Michael everything you have said this will happen has ended up being the reality.' Even on cue sea gulls which Lindsay is inspired by flew over during the dance sequence, when just hours before I had shared with Aro: 'It would be terrific if sea gulls could appear' and sure enough.

Well I wish for: That Battle of Soho will be London's Paris Is Burning, and that your masterpiece will receive Oscar's Bafta's ( OK I could settle for one of each ) and other awards - and if I can make some of my investment back that would be a bonus!


Michael Peacock & Michela Executive Producer Battle of Soho.


Quality of actual image is far better them what you get on a massive wide screen


One of my favorite places in London! Super interesting and the variety it presents is refreshing. Fantastic exhibitions, events and films. Great food and drinks too.


London, England @ (ICA) was where my friend, fraternity brother and travel mate went to see a week long seris of concerts from various members of the record label called 4AD Records. Although 4AD shared an office with Beggars Banquet, another indie label, their was no one quite as well-branded or unique in the music scene at that time as 4AD bands except The Smiths or Echo and The Bunnymen, New Order, or The Cure. To celebrate their 13 years as a art house indie music label, The ICA hung V23 album art created by in house graphic design team Vauhn Oliver and Chris Bigg...and photography used for the label art from many brilliant V23 contracted vendors, mostly photographers or their heros such as Shinro O'take who I met in Atlanta during the 1996 Summer Games. The more praise I would lavish on these people the more they would change the subject to their heros and inspiration. Particularly Chris Bigg who said Shinro Otake has done a body of work that would be nearly the lives of ten artists already.) So ICA gallery walls covered in album art while the bars packed with fans and artists and hipsters chatting all day and the bands played in the back at night to about 75 people capacity whole place maybe 150 then. The Pixies, Dead Can Dance, The Cocteau Twins, The Breeders, Throwing Muses, Red House Painters, This Mortal Coil, Lush, The Pale Saints. THE Wolfgang Press, were on 4AD Records, "The 13 year Itch" was released on poster set, CD, and DVD and sold for what it cost to make, basically birthday gifts for this labels anniversary.

I was such a huge fan of the albums art I also went by V23 boses, 4AD and Beggars Banquet offices on Alma Road to tell them two years later I still was serious they merchandise. (Only 20 years old so what) I made a film from the ICA's week long seris of concerts that week and but never edited the footage bc I was ashamed to be filming it as it was not yet allowed or easily done so it was hidden dvr super 8 tapes. If u want a copy write me or IM me.

I do recall real horror from Chris Bigg or Vaughn Oliver when I was telling them they were missing out on so much money by failing to merchandise more and cant forget meeting my 1st real artist or anti capitalism reply, "were glad you like our logo and it may look slended on

t-shirts and they may even make money but monies not why we do this, its the love of art. Goddamm yanks ahhh" Dead Can Dance, Cocteau Twins, two unearthly sounding bands were as far from commercially viable as possible but like most 4AD record label bands, the owners fall in love with some sounds and images and must pursue their hearts like Homer did ib BC (ironically DCD @ Cocteau Twins did very financially.


I just can't get over the bookshop - such cultural gems


Great venue, small but perfectly formed. Will Dutta was amazing, great stage set too. �


Great for films not usually seen in mainstream chains. Also enjoy the exhibitions. Love the staff ("my darling").


For the quality of events etc it's a 5* review. I've stopped getting my coffee here though as the café is glacially slow and not particularly friendly or warm.

Cinema seats are utilitarian


Best in London �������������


Screen 2 a bit on the tiny side but the film was great, predictably so as it was One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. The cafe was a very pleasant addition : a Peyton & Byrne franchise.


They always have amazing things to see and do that's why I'm a member of ICA but the screen 2 is tiny with very small screen and very few seats, so if you are sitting in the first few rows you don't enjoy the film! Also if the people at the last 2 rows get up they cover the film! Not very good for an institute that is so popular! That's why I put a lower grade


Lovely little venue, felt like I was in my own living room but just like at my place the toilet certainly needs tidying up.


Cosy feel to the cinema, but in reality, tiny room, hard seats and high ticket price. I liked the idea of going here better than the experience, unfortunately. Friendly staff, warm welcome and they mixed a decent Moscow mule. Would be my choice for seeing a film only if no alternative.


I saw a film in Screen 1 and the place was freezing. Previously I had waited over 20 minutes to be served a cup of tea in the sad cafeteria. The toilets are ancient and the whole place needs an overhaul.

More about Ica

Ica is located at The Mall, SW1Y 5AH London, United Kingdom
Monday: -
Tuesday: 12:00 - 23:00
Wednesday: 12:00 - 23:00
Thursday: 12:00 - 23:00
Friday: 12:00 - 00:00
Saturday: 12:00 - 00:00
Sunday: 12:00 - 23:00