
About Imaan

Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim

Imaan - To believe in the heart, testify by the tongue and practice willingly by the limbs.

Imaan Description

Imaan is about an Amana (the Arabic word for a trust or surety). In Islam, this involves making a commitment not just to yourself and your spouse, but also to Allah (swt).

The Imaan Facebook page is committed to all brothers and sisters to provide quotes and snippets that remind us of what it means to walk the straight path and have a life that is full of peace and tranquility whilst having total obedience to Allah (swt).

May Allah (swt) the creator and the almighty guide us and open our hearts to the understanding of this beautiful religion and the purpose of our lives.

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If you love me, Then remember me when standing in front of the one who loves you the most.


Join the Imaan network and try not to become a Philosopher.


Join the Imaan network and find your soulmate.


“May the man you are praying for today, be the man you will be praying behind with tomorrow”


“When you realise you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.”


Join the Imaan network and commit to a romance with just your wife and no other.


“A successful marriage is not when you can live in peace with your wife, but when you can’t live in peace without her” - Yasir Qadhi.
Join the Imaan network and find your ideal wife 💕


Submit to getting married... Submit to Allah (swt).


Join the Imaan network and find your very own archaeologist.


Marriage makes an incomplete human being a complete one, our Prophet Muhammad (SAW) says, “No house has been built in Islam more beloved in the sight of Allah than through marriage”
Register with imaan and become that complete human being.

More about Imaan

Imaan is located at London, United Kingdom