
About Immerse

A missional collective in Kidsgrove, North Staffordshire

Immerse Description

We are a group of people who have, in the last 10 years, come together - and we are looking for other people to travel with us as we discover more about who we are and what we ought to do.

We have all journeyed in different ways. Some of us have always been in and around church; some of us have been, have left it, and have come back; some of us never were and now are; and some of us are just wondering what it is all about.

The point is that we have all arrived at this moment at this time for this reason - to journey together.

Our community is based at Kidsgrove Central. Which is the old Methodist Church in Kidsgrove (on the border of Cheshire and Staffordshire). We gather together on Sunday afternoons at 3pm for The TeNT and we are busy trying to renovate the building for community use.

But we are more than just a building. We are a community of journeyers and we have 3 basic desires:

We long to immerse ourselves in the narrative (story) of God. What does that mean? It means that we want to know where we have come from in order to discover where we are going. We want to immerse ourselves in the stories of the Bible and in the thoughts and writings of people who have thought and written about God, faith and the church. We think that if we immerse ourselves in that story we might be better equipped to live meaningful and purposeful lives today.
We long to immerse ourselves in an experience of God. We have a hunch that it is not enough to just know about God, but we ought to feel God. For many this is called spirituality. We can do this in a variety of ways and we certainly try to practise this experiencing at the The TeNT. , but we also want to discover other ways of journeying into the heart of God by (re)discovering ancient models of prayer and meditation and developing new ones.
We long to immerse ourselves in community. This desire follows two paths: firstly, we want to be a community together. We want to be all that is best about being together. We are not naive though: we know that this is a tough and difficult call, but we believe we will be better people if we practise community with one another. Secondly, we have a real heart for Kidsgrove. We don't just want to meet in Kidsgrove - we want to involve ourselves fully in the life and fabric of this great place. We want to share in the joys of Kidsgrove, and, if it's possible, we want to help make the world a little bit better.

More about Immerse

Immerse is located at The Galley Centre, Whitehall Avenue, ST7 1 Stoke-on-Trent