Impact Nutritional Coaching

About Impact Nutritional Coaching

Removing the BS that’s currently in the fitness industry by using simple, research backed methods to nutrition coaching that WORK!

Impact Nutritional Coaching Description

Performance, Tailored To You



While I’m on roll of celebrating my clients, let’s give another trooper some virtual high fives.
Sadie has been with me since January and is an absolute pleasure to coach.
Her enthusiasm to nail it is second to none and she’s made some big changes as a result of it.
... When we first started Sadie was your typical “cardio bunny”. Doing a boat load of classes but deep down she wanted to see some change in her body shape, which classes don’t really give.
After an initial plea from me to reduce the amount of classes and replace that with a structured weight training program, she hit the ground running and she now often tells me of how people are complimenting on her new found shape.
Not to mention that she’s now bloody strong too!
On top of this Sadie had told me initially that she had been trying to lose fat for years, and her calories were pretty low all that time too.
Meaning zero progress.
Alongside low calories, she felt restricted by her diet and suffered with bouts of anxiety around social occasions.
This is way too common I feel and is something I see on most new client assessment forms.
That anxiety is now a thing of the past as she now fully understands calorie balance and that no food is off bounds.
In her words her mindset around food has totally changed for the better.
I couldn’t be prouder of what she’s achieved to date. Her work ethic incredible and very admirable.
Fantastic work lady, let’s keep this momentum going.
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As you can see by the second picture, here we have a banana.
A simple yellow banana.
Something that most people would consume on a daily basis.
... But this banana was a bit different for me.
Here’s why.
Normally we buy medium(ish) sized ones every week. But this week they looked on the larger side.
Usually, when I make my daily breakfast smoothie, I’ll just eyeball it and stick the numbers into MyFitnessPal and bob’s your uncle.
However this time I thought I’d whip out the weighing scales just to see.
150g was this whopper without the skin.
All the others have been around 100g.
Meaning we have an additional 45 calories there.
My question here is are you guilty of simply dropping numbers into MFP without actually being aware of the weight of the food itself?
Imagine if I’d have done that and misreported 45cals a day from the banana alone.
315 calories for the week there mate.
Could be the difference between staying the same weight or losing.
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Let’s just take a minute to give these two troopers a big high five.
Although the vast majority of my clients are looking for weight loss, I do help with other goals too.
In the case for Amy and Emma it was rebuilding their relationship with food.
... In January I took a call from Emma (I’m never too sure which one is which) and she started by telling me where her and her sister were currently at.
In short, they were bound by an extremely rigid old school bodybuilder meal plan that some PT had given them.
Firstly the PT shouldn’t have done this as they’re not qualified to do so (stay in your lane).
Secondly, not only was it horrendously rigid, but it wasn’t set up to allow for any foods that they enjoyed.
(Don’t get me started on the lack if support from the PT too when they needed help).
This left them feeling totally lost when it came to anything like social occasions and quite often they would skip them, meaning their social life took a huge hit too.
Friends and family were concerned about them.
Fast forward 5 months and we are firing on all cylinders.
The girls now have a fulfilling social life and love spending time with friends and family having meals and nights out.
Food is totally flexible and nothing is off bounds.
Yes we’ve had some hissy fits getting to this point, but with my support they’ve worked their socks off and I couldn’t be prouder of them both.
We still plan on taking calories up further, but our first goal of rebuilding their relationship up wis pretty much conquored.
Awesome work ladies, high five from me.
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It’s only a slice of bread.
Why do you think you’ve blown your diet?
This was a question I asked one of the ladies in my group coaching program last week when she felt bad for eating some toast.
... She felt that she’d screwed things up and it put her on a bit of a downer.
But it’s just a slice of bread.
120 calories.
That’s it.
You wouldn’t think twice about knocking back a large glass of wine at 250 calories a pop.
But bread…hell no, it’s the route of all evil.
Poor Mr Warburton, he’s a good guy really.
Once again, before you start beating yourself up about a particular food, thinking that you’ve ruined it all, take a second to breathe and rationalise your thoughts.
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Big shout out here to my client Matt.
The dude casually sends me his latest progress pic through thinking that he hasn’t made much progress 🙄😂
Matt’s main problem was his lack of consistency and forever yo-yoing, meaning that his progress was pretty much zero.
... Couple that with having his head in bodybuilding magazines too thinking he had to do some elaborate, unrealistic training plan.
So we create a structured gym training plan which sees him progressing every week and a nutrition structure that he could stick to easily.
Et voila!
Great work buddy. Proud coach.
Want to be able to send me a progress pic like Matt has? Drop me a message and let’s chat.
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I posted this on Monday and the interest has been AMAZING, thank you so much to everyone who has applied, if you didn't see Mondays post here it is again
Due to a period of growth I'm looking for just 5 more clients who are looking to lose between 1-2 stone within the next 90 days.
... This is for my 1-2-1 online coaching programme where I would personally be taking care of your nutrition and exercise program, and is only for men and women between 25-50 who want to lose between 1-2 stone within the next 90 days.
Results from existing clients include:
> Women going from a size 14 to a 10 > Men seeing their waist sizes go from a 36 to 32 inch 
> Seeing their daily energy skyrocket which meant they could keep up with the kids and demands of parenting. > No longer feeling bound and having a poor relationship around food which allowed them to finally enjoy their social lives without any lingering anxiety.
Spots are extremely limited and I'm only looking for 5 more clients this month who are ready to 1-2 stone.
To apply click the link below and if you are a good fit I'll be in touch.
https://impactnutritionalcoaching.wufoo.c om/…/s1g7p4iv09m3…/
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Day 3 of recipe week and I’ve got a great one for you here.
A recipe that satisfies the sweet tooth whilst also carrying a decent protein content too.
... No Bake Almond Fudge Protein Bars.
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Due to a period of growth I'm looking for just 5 more clients who are looking to lose between 1-2 stone within the next 90 days.
This is for my 1-2-1 online coaching programme where I would personally be taking care of your nutrition and exercise program, and is only for men and women between 30-40 who want to lose between 1-2 stone within the next 90 days.
Results from existing clients include
... > Going from a size 14 to a 10. > Seeing their daily energy skyrocket which meant they could keep up with the kids and demands of parenting. > No longer feeling bound and having a poor relationship around food which allowed them to finally enjoy their social lives without any lingering anxiety.
Spots are extremely limited and I'm only looking for 5 more clients this month who are ready to 1-2 stone.
To apply click the link below and if you are a good fit I'll be in touch.
https://impactnutritionalcoaching.wufoo.c om/…/s1g7p4iv09m3…/
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Day 2 of recipe week.
This time it's a breakfast recipe that:
1) Can be easily taken with you to work.... 2) Can be batch cooked to save you time in the mornings.
Today we have Breakfast Egg Muffins
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This week I'm going to be posting up a new recipe each day to help bring some more variety into your diets.
Recipes that are not only insanely tasty, but easy on time too.
Today we have Thai Turkey Meatballs.
... Enjoy.
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It’s Friday so it means one thing…
Curry’s are often a go to during our 48h break from work. So why not give this Chicken Saag a try.
... Ready in the same amount of time as your local takeaway and it’s easy on the calories too.
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Last Sunday our May intake of our group coaching program came to an end.
Once again it was an immense success.
Every single person involved knocked it out of the park, despite them having certain struggles of one kind or another.
... Some were ill and some had work commitments that challenged them.
But despite the tough times, they still managed to achieve fantastic results for themselves.
This is down to a few things really:
1. We create an environment that is built to create success. 2. Provide a very simple strategy that can be adapted to suit the demanding needs of life. 3. Offer continual support that empowers self belief.
On top of these, there is one common trait that everyone who we help possesses…
A solid, hard working attitude.
This is for both our group and 1-2-1 programs.
Yes we provide the tools in order to succeed, but the graft work must come from the individual.
Once again guys, top effort.
You’ve made me proud.
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Essentially yes, a calorie deficit is what is needed to elicit fat loss, but what if there are other factors that need addressing before we even start.
The society we live in today isn’t easy and often challenges us as individuals.
These challenges can lead us to overeat and therefore put on weight. But more often than not, we’re not aware of what’s going on around us and then get annoyed when we put on weight.
... One thing I’m huge on is mindset and behaviours and if we can optimise these as best as we can, our chances of successful weight loss is greater.
Sure we can jump on a quick fix juice plan that can deliver the quick weight loss we’re after, but if we haven’t fixed our behaviours, we’re setting ourselves up for long term frustration.
Fix what’s going on upstairs first and then fat loss with be a hell of a lot easier.
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Oh my days 😍


Ok, so yesterday I put out a very tongue in cheek (in my head it was anyway…lol) post about my top 3 supplements you need in your life right now.
Whilst some realised I was taking the absolute piss, some others thought I was being serious…
... So I thought I’d do the right thing and list what our actual top 3 supplements are for optimised health.
The good thing about these too is that ARE cost effective AND they actually are proven to work too.
Science and that.
If you don’t have these in your daily regime, get buying.
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I got asked the question the other day what my top 3 supplements are and if I could give them some options.⁣ ⁣ Well I had a scour online and have found 3 amazing deals.⁣ ⁣ All proven to work and VERY cost effective too that can fit easily into a family budget.⁣... ⁣ 🙂⁣
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These are just 👌🏻


This right here is a piece of cake.
Chocolate cake to be precise, and I’m looking forward to eating it after my dinner tonight.
Here’s what it’s not though…
... > It’s not forbidden > It’s not “off limits” > It’s not unhealthy
And this piece alone is certainly not going to make you fat.
The minute you start telling yourself the above and couple it with some education around calories, I can guarantee that your fat loss efforts will be the best you’ve ever experienced
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More about Impact Nutritional Coaching

Impact Nutritional Coaching is located at Mount Street, BD2 2JH City of Bradford