Imperium Coaching

Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 18:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 18:00

About Imperium Coaching

A coaching service incorporating positive psychology to help students and graduates become more passionate about work and be inspired by the work they do.



Why do we set goals? 🤔
We all set goals but do we really know why we're doing them?
... .
Yes I know we set them to achieve a certain thing 😂 but are we setting them with the right frame of mind and the right intentions? Or just doing it because we feel we have to, and then end up feeling like we've let ourselves down when we don't achieve them?
Knowing why you're setting your goals can keep that focus long-term and ensure you don't fall completely off the wagon when a slight bump in the road hits #resilience
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There's always a question on what coaching is and what it isn't. This short video will hopefully answer a few of those questions.
I've jazzed the video up as well so there's some nice little visuals for your eyes to feast on 😎
More info on my website -


With so much talk around #millenials, it's easy to forget that there is a whole other generation following them and they are even smarter and open minded than their predecessors. I remember after the #Brexit vote and there were hundreds of 15/16 year old's protesting outside Parliament and I thought "wow I've never seen that before". #GenZ are more educated to the wider issues and therefore are possibly more opinionated on what is going on in our world.
Has anyone had any experience with Gen Z'ers?


So we’re nearly through January aka the worst month of the year (not for me because it’s my birthday! 😁)

... It’s always a struggle because that period after Xmas is a bit of a myth and then it takes you like a whole month to get back in the swing of things and next thing you know it’s April 😂

But we can get through these little struggles, it just takes a bit of resilience and we can look forward to brighter days and warmer nights (literally)
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"The idea that people are “achieving” while I flounder fills me with panic."
As society is ever-changing and social media becoming a bigger part of our lives each day, it is becoming harder to try and "live your best life" when everywhere we look online we see someone apparently doing "better" than us and this creates even more anxiety and confusion.
A problem that seems to hit millennial's more than most.


Excited to announce we will be delivering our Career Clarity workshop at the University of Wolverhampton's Career Development Week in February! If you know any Wolves students, feel free to share this with them #wlvcareerweek


Imperium Coaching - Career Clarity Workshop 💫
Inspiring students and graduates to become more #passionate about work and realise their #potential.
Your desire creates the passion!
... Not exactly a full house but that will soon change 😉 Will look to do more of these in 2019. Stay tuned 📻
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Imperium Coaching Workshop – Career Clarity 💫

This workshop will help you as students and graduates gain a more clear picture on what your ideal career will look like (with a little help from positive psychology and coaching), and give you an idea of how you can get there.
I believe young people including students and graduates should be able to thrive in their careers by utilising their strengths and enjoying what they do. This workshop will aim to enhance some of the qualities needed to reach your best possible career and avoid falling into the ‘trap’ many young people can find themselves in. You will take part in individual and group exercises, and discussions to allow your options to become more clear.

This hour long workshop will take place on the 3rd December in Birmingham City Centre from 16:30 – 18:00.
If you are interested, link is below. Please share to those you feel would benefit from this 😊
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Not a great quote is it? 😕
But then look at the date...
Millennials get a lot of stick and nearly everything you read about them is negative, it feels like the whole world is against them. But the generation before them (Generation Y) were called the “slackers” and the generation before them (Baby Boomers) were called the “hippies”. Millennials are called the “me” generation 🙋🏾
... Ultimately, shaming young people has been a common theme in human history and it probably won’t change.
Hesiod was the "father of Greek moralistic poetry” if anyone was wondering 😅
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Is coaching right for you? 🤔
Well, yes it is! But coaching is only effective IF you truly want change and are determined to reach your goals.
Life can get in the way of a lot of things. When do we actually sit down to set our goals, make an effective action plan, ask ourselves those thought provoking questions that challenge our beliefs, and then make the necessary steps to take action and make things happen?
... My coaching is for you if you: ✔ Have graduated from university and have no clarity or direction on your career ✔ Are still at university and worry that you have no plan of action in place ✔ Confused and feel your potential can not be fulfilled in your current role ✔ Want to have more chance for self-development and growth ✔ Want to showcase the skills you have ✔ Want to make a positive impact in your career
I’ve been there, and coaching is a great way of creating a clearer path of how you will reach that desired goal.
If you’ve answered YES to any of these, then coaching may be for you. Drop me a message if you’d like to find out more 😊
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The "negativity bias" in our brain means that we are built with a greater sensitivity to bad news. However, being aware of these unpleasant events can help us find the cause for the negative energy we may feel. Tools such as meditation, journaling, or positive affirmations are beneficial ways to limit these feelings.


The word "procrastination" can come up quite regularly in our coaching sessions and it always comes with negative connotations such as failure and guilt. But there can be a positive side to procrastination as well.
According to the Journal of Research Personality, there are other factors procrastinators are motivated by other than achievement. Turns out, a procrastinator isn't motivated by external things, so tempting them with rewards won't make a difference.
... Instead the procrastinator has to WANT to do something; so a useful tip is rather than focusing on the rewards or punishments of a task, try to find parts of a project that you care about. This then targets a procrastinator's internal motivations and the task then seems to bare more meaning.
As soon as you find a way to want to do something, you'll be as focused than those people who punish themselves out of fear of failure or desire for outside reinforcement.
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A key part of Imperium Coaching is the application of positive psychology into our coaching. In short, it's aim is to make life better.
It is backed by fundamental scientific evidence so we can find out what makes us tick and what makes us work to accomplish what we set out to achieve.
Incorporating positive psychology into our coaching looks at what is right with a person and draws away from the negative emotions that can take over our thought-processes.
... Focusing on a person's strengths and values broaden our senses on positive emotions such as gratitude, optimism, and resilience. Enhancing these emotions can set us up to an increase in mental well-being and flourishing.
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So now there's an "experience gap"? Graduates are picking up the soft skills required that employers look for in experienced recruits - but they don't know it yet 🤔
With the pressures of obtaining a degree, it can be very easy to lose sight of the skills you already possess.

More about Imperium Coaching

Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 18:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 18:00