Include 'In' Autism

About Include 'In' Autism

Autism support services delivering early intervention and high level crisis prevention services. Personal assistants providing specialist support to those with autism including PDA and challenging behaviour. Workshops and training for parent support grou

Include 'In' Autism Description

Autism support services delivering advice workshops and training for parent support groups and individuals with ASD, ADHD, and associated conditions EHCP.



Why not pop along and see what youŌĆÖre entitled too ŌØż’ĖÅ

User 10157964865580200/


Everyone please vote for Include in Autism!! ­¤ż×­¤ż×­¤ż×


WeŌĆÖve been shortlisted and would like to invite you to vote for us. We make such a difference to so many lives and wish to continue to do so. Please please please vote and share. Thank you ŌØż’ĖÅŌØż’ĖÅŌØż’ĖÅŌĆ ”/project/view/4-2821


We have cancelled the Friday youth group and sensational Saturdays group for this week. Normal sessions will resume from next week 2nd Nov.
We look forward to seeing you all at our Halloween party on Saturday ­¤æ╗­¤æ╣­¤¦øŌĆŹŌÖé’ĖÅ­¤¦ÖŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ
Also do not forget we still have stay and play on Wednesday 12-2pm and Friday 12-2pm, today's session was fabulous ­¤śü


Makes you wonder how they miss these signs doesnŌĆÖt it.


I remember being in touch with her mum about this. 464ŌĆ”


About time I say ŌØż’ĖÅ posts/1975787505797987/


I absolutely Love this ŌØż’ĖÅŌØż’ĖÅŌØż’ĖÅ
What is Autism?
Imagine ifŌĆ”
... You had a bee buzzing around your head And someone asked you to say the alphabet backwards
Imagine ifŌĆ”
You were in the middle of a really loud rock concert And someone wanted you to name all your aunts and uncles
Imagine ifŌĆ”
You were wearing three pairs of gloves. And someone told you to eat a box of raisins one by one
This is what things are like for me, a lot of the time.
IŌĆÖm autistic....
Your brain is like the inside of a computer, full of connections and wires. With messages to your body whizzing around telling you what to do.
My brain looks the same as yours, except some connections work really well, and some work really differently.
And my brain wires can get crossed really easily.
So, if IŌĆÖm doing something a bit funny lookingŌĆ” try not to laugh at me.
ItŌĆÖs just one of my brain connections clearing itself out.
And if I tell you something over and overŌĆ” just ask me to stop repeating.
ItŌĆÖs just one of my wires plugged into the wrong socket.
And, if I freak out at some sound that you think is really normalŌĆ” maybe help me get away from the sound.
ItŌĆÖs just because my ears have their own unique volume control.
And, if you think IŌĆÖm ignoring youŌĆ” IŌĆÖm not.
IŌĆÖm probably just focused on something else, like a tiny spider on the ceiling on the other side of the room.
Autism is a different way of seeing the world.
And seeing things the way I see them is awesome, but it makes me really tired sometimes.
So, I might not always understand whatŌĆÖs going on.
And, I might need time by myself to think things through.
Or, I might crash or jump or swing for a while to straighten myself out.
DonŌĆÖt worry if I donŌĆÖt always do things the way you do.
Try to imagine what itŌĆÖs like inside my head, then youŌĆÖll seeŌĆ” IŌĆÖm not being rude
IŌĆÖm not being naughty...
IŌĆÖm not sick...
IŌĆÖm autistic...
...and IŌĆÖm just being me!!!
See More


Saw this in another page and thought IŌĆÖd share ŌØż’ĖÅ


As next week is half term we are having additional sessions on Monday , Wednesday and Friday. 12-2pm. This is a drop in coffee and catch up session with no charge and only donations for tea coffee and cake. Why not pop along to the Downhill centre in Sunderland for a cuppa and a natter and break the week up for the kiddies and young people. Everyone welcome. Crafts sessions and other activities going on. ThereŌĆÖs something for everyone. We hope to see you there ­¤Æ¢­¤ÆÖ




Why not bring your little one along to our sensational Saturday. Lots of fun and interaction for those between 3-8. Lots of messy stuff going on as well as activity engagement. We look forward to seeing you all at The Downhill centre in Sunderland.


We have just started to attend the Saturday group itŌĆÖs been very hard to find a group close to home so we were over the moon when we heard about this group as it gives my son somewhere to go where he can where he can enjoy himself and be him self without been stared at and he is understood , the ladies running the group where very friendly and helpful and made us feel very welcome and go out of their way to make every child find something they enjoy and get the most out of the groups also my son enjoyed it that much I put his coat on and he said bye mammy which is a big thing for him heŌĆÖs mostly non verbal


This is an amazing place for the kids to go and enjoy all sorts of activities. It is so welcoming and relaxed and the team who take the time out of their own lives to run it are wonderful ’┐Į


This group is the highlight of my boys week, the love it and the staff are amazing with the kids


They are fantastic!!


Supporting of all, accepting of all, an organisation that hails above all as the best with a great plan great strategy and like a personal little family


Such a wonderful, supportive group to be part of. Already starting to expand my knowledge and starting doing a course about understanding Autism. Feel like I can open up and discuss my own worries and problems as well as obtain ideas on ways to help my own child. I found this group a week before my son was diagnosed and was at the first meeting. Can honestly say it has helped me come to grips with the diagnoses and has been the only support I have received so far, thankyou Inclusion North East for preventing me feeling the well known isolated feeling xxx


Myself and my mam attended the sleep deprivation workshop last thurs we found it very useful , everyone was so friendly and I think itŌĆÖs brilliant speaking to people who are going through similar difficulties instead of talking to professionals who 9 times out of 10 donŌĆÖt have to live in the world of autism so donŌĆÖt really have a clue! Well done to this support group x


My son has been accessing this group for 9 months now he looks forward to every Saturday as he can go and be him self he's come along way from when he started he is giving eye contact he is interacting with others and joining in we've seen a massive change in him for the better and has so of all the doctors and therapist involved in his care I can not recommended this group enough !!


Kadie has started attending the groups on a Saturday and is loving it! Marie Leanne and Kathryn are fantastic and so knowledgable, supportive not just with Kadie but all of us as a family. Thank you for the difference you have made in Kadies life already.


Just wanted to say how much better I feel after today's workshop on Anxiety and meltdowns. Friendly, informative and very reassuring. A great comfort to be around other parents who understand. Also the guest speaker really related to my son and he has allayed my fears of the future and how the world understands him. Can't thank you enough and see you at future meetings. Xxxxxx


Just became a member of this group recently. It good to feel support and around people who understand the trails and tribulations and face the same battles. The ladies are excellent and very welcoming


It's great place to come with kids. The stuff is just amazing. I would love to see more places like this.


Found the group by accident but so glad i did. Marie is so supportive and passionate in what she does, she has been a great help to us.


Fantastic group learnt so much at today's meeting! Looking forward to next one. Great knowledge and strategies learnt today.


Done our first group today and Jamie absolutely loved it heŌĆÖs so excited to come back. And am still in shock with him eating jam to some parents thatŌĆÖs nothing but when an autistic child eats something new itŌĆÖs like winning the lottery also a massive thank you to the lady that took her time with Jamie am sorry I crap with names we will definitely be back again xxxxx’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į ’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į’┐Į


Brilliant group with support from other parents and Marie , would recommend to everyone that has children with difficulties x


Absolutely fantastic group! They've helped my best friend & her son loads as he has a few things wrong with him not just autism. They go out there way to support the family and I can't thank them enough for the help they provide! Keep up the good work & hope to see more amazing things from you ­¤śü


Absolutely amazing group, totally inclusive of my childrens individual needs and skillset. A fun environment for the children and a supportive, informative group for the adults. Why anyone would pull this group down i have no idea, the words ŌĆ£get a gripŌĆØ spring to mind. Why try ruin something for young people with autism when suitable sevices are so few and far between? Clap clap ’┐Į, pat yourself on the back if thatŌĆÖs what you need to get through the day for your selfish and ignorant own agendas, but you wonŌĆÖt break their spirit or the outcomes the children experience. The proof comes from them!


Working with families even though they aren't DBS checked- not good at all, starting to think your all not qualified at all. Definitely haven't worked with children if your not checked

More about Include 'In' Autism

Include 'In' Autism is located at Tudor Grove, SR3 1SU City of Sunderland