
About Indiconews.Com is a site for you to report and share news that matters to you. As well as reporting your news, the site's key features include: Assignments: Got a burning question? Then set an assignment for indiconews reporters to take up. It could be a global problem or a topical issue that you want to learn more about. Just ask the world! Tip-off: Assign specific members within a particular locality or interest to report on a local festival, a demonstration, or a council meeting etc. Interview me: Match your interview needs with registered indiconews ‘experts' knowledge. It's a mutually beneficial system: the reporter gets relevant information from source for their report and the ‘interviewed' gets coverage. My Homepage: As a registered member, you have your own homepage. From here you can manage your public profile (what other reporters see) check out if you have any tip-offs or messages from other users, update your instant news, be notified of the activity of those reporters you're following. You can also manage your reports, assignments and interviews, set your news channels and add your own blog or website to your public profile for others to click through to. "Instant news": This is a short news update of up to 140 characters. Each time you update your instant news, your followers on indiconews are alerted - and if you have a Twitter account, you can also feed your instant news through to that. News channels: You can set up to 20 news channels according to location and category. For example, you might want to get business and entertainment news from London, community, society, sci & tech, news from New York, and sports news from Daytona Beach. You can choose any or all categories per location. You can even set it to receive global news from one or all categories. Remember: works best when you connect with others - so invite your friends, colleagues and contacts to sign up and be part of the news process.
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Keywords: online audio & video media