Inka Charcoal Ovens

About Inka Charcoal Ovens

The world's best charcoal ovens - and British made.

Inka Charcoal Ovens Description

Barbecue food now a reality thanks to Inka Grills!

There are few better tastes than that of properly barbecued food, however recreating that delicious charcoal taste in the constraints of a commercial kitchen has always proved difficult… until now! The new range of Inka Grills, which have been adding theatre to Spanish cooking since 1962, are now available throughout the UK.

An Inka Grill is a ‘closed barbecue’ that brings you all the excitement, flavours and aromas of barbecue cooking, in the safe, contained environment of an oven.

Featuring a glass-fronted door that can withstand temperatures of up to 750ºC and which allows for clear visibility of the product cooking inside, the Inka Grill also boasts built-in insulation to ensure the heat stays within the oven rather than across the kitchen. In addition, a built-in fat removal system helps to avoid lengthy clean-up at the end of service.

The Inka Grill’s unique high speed cooking system is achieved through a combination of roasting and barbecuing, with the high intensity heat and cooking speeds being controlled via adjustable vents. This helps to produce stunning flavours, and a tenderness that cannot be equalled.

Set to revolutionise the British restaurant scene thanks to its stunning design, striking colours and most importantly, affordable price, Inka Grills will bring theatre to your establishment, and ensure that you have a range of food that will have your customers coming back for more!

Other features on the oven include moveable tilted cooking shelves for easy cooking control and cleaning, along with a built-in firebreak and ash-box for the clean and easy removal of the ashes. All ovens are available on wheels for ease of installation.

The ovens have been designed to utilise the benefits of coconut charcoal, which burns at a higher temperature than wood charcoal and which produces a flameless burn – even when in contact with fat. Coconut charcoal is a natural by-product, thus is more ecologically sound and is also virtually smoke free, thereby helping to keep your restaurant and kitchen free from soot.

Inka Grills have been used in some of the best Spanish restaurants since 1962 including the famous Abrasador chain, where all the meat is grilled on an Inka.