Inner Child Healing With Hypnotherapy Via Webcam Or In Person

About Inner Child Healing With Hypnotherapy Via Webcam Or In Person

Inner Child healing and psychotherapy, with hypnotherapy - 22 years experience

Inner Child Healing With Hypnotherapy Via Webcam Or In Person Description

Psychotherapy /Hypnotherapy available via webcam or at my consulting room in Chelmsford or Braintree. To book an appointment please call or email, or contact me via my website, or through facebook. Intial consultation FREE. Concessions available. Webcam therapy payable via paypal.

There are alot of myths and mysteries about hypnotherapy one that it renders you unconscious and out of control, but this is not true! During the session you are conscious of everything you are saying, and doing. All it does is to help you relax so deeply that you are able to connect more easily to the subconscious part of your mind, where childhood memories, thoughts and emotions dwell - nothing is ever forgotten by the subconcious, everything is stored there.
So if you have a current problem, say for example depression, your subconscious mind will help you with the aid of the therapist to uncover the roots of the depression, and other feelings contained there - for example anger or grief which is often linked. The subconscious knows where to lead you, it knows what memories need to be uncovered and healed for you to be free of the depression.

And it's not only depression which can be helped, many current issues can relate to the past - in fact most do. Like fears and phobias, daily irrational anxieties and upsetting thoughts, weight problems, relationship problems, health issues and illness, low self confidence, shyness, loneliness, the list goes on!

When the inner child is heard, allowed to cry, get angry, release fear or just share thoughts and feelings it can have amazing transformational effects on your life as an adult. Clients say they feel more peaceful, tolerant, happy, energitic, focused, stronger and content.

I also specialise in childhood abuse, where clients can come and share their anguish in a caring non-judgemental environment - and begin to heal the past. I always say whatever the adult did to you was not your fault - the adult is ALWAYS responsible, there are no exceptions to this.

For further info on inner child healing please see my book 'Keys To Freedom, a psychospiritual approach to inner child healing', or my website http://www. transformhypno. co. uk

Thanks and warmest wishes


More about Inner Child Healing With Hypnotherapy Via Webcam Or In Person

Inner Child Healing With Hypnotherapy Via Webcam Or In Person is located at 201 Springfield Road, CM2 6LP Chelmsford, Essex