Inner Truth

About Inner Truth

Inner Truth looks at the central questions of human life, what does it mean to be human, and how can we be fully alive?

Inner Truth Description

Inner Truth looks at the central questions of human life, what does it mean to be human, and how can we be fully alive?



This week on Inner Truth we’re exploring Taoism and the art of ‘being’.
Taoism is one of the oldest forms of spirituality and has a beautiful simplicity that can sometimes confound the Western mind.
If it had one fixed truth, it is that there is no fixed truth.
... Life only reveals itself when we let go of any attempt to control. As Lao Tzu is oft quoted: “When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.”
Only by being water-like in nature can we flow with life.
Trouble is, being like water can be quite difficult, or is it?
This week I interviewed my first ever spiritual teacher and 30 year Taoist – Nilima Raichoudhury – on what it means to live Taoism in the 21st century. How these principles are in play all around us and when we gain a better understanding of them we can start to find flow, ease, and most of all magic all around us.
If you’re interested in Taoism, how to find more flow in your life and how to cultivate life wisdom, this episode is for you.
‘Taoism and The Art of Being’ is out now on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
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At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want. - Lao Tzu
Taoism is one of the oldest forms of spirituality and has a beautiful simplicity that can sometimes confound the mind.
One of its seminal books – The I’Ching – stands for the ‘easy way’ and speaks about how coming into alignment with the forces of life (called the ‘Tao’) is what brings true harmony and wisdom.
... It can be a super esoteric and abstract mode of spirituality and so to demystify it all this week I went back to my first ever spiritual teacher – Nilima Raichoudhury – a 30 year Taoist, to help unpack this epic body of knowledge.
If you’re interested in Taoism, how to find more flow in your life, and how to really cultivate life wisdom, this episode of Inner Truth is for you.
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What are your thoughts on life, sex and tantric practices?
A common view is that tantra is just about loud sex, wild rituals and the pursuit of hedonistic pleasure.
But look a bit more deeply and you’ll see that tantra is actually a huge body of ancient wisdom that encompasses the way we look at our body, mind and soul as well as our romantic relationships and the gifts you offer to the world.
... Tantra is in fact about uniting love, spirituality and sexuality with awareness. As Osho says:
“Tantra is about truly loving and embracing all of life, and through this love remembering our essence, the divine. Tantra is a life path. How we make love is how we create the life we lead and vice versa.”
We could all do with some of that, so this week on The Inner Truth Podcast I spoke to one of the best known tantra teachers in Bali - Shiva Rajaya - to learn about all things tantra and discover some amazingly simple and powerful tantric practices you can quickly bring into your life.
If you’re interested in understanding this powerful field of spiritual practice, this episode is for you.
’What is Tantra? Sexual and Life Mastery’ is out now on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
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"Tantra is a life path. How we make love is how we create the life we lead and vice versa.” - Osho
Have you ever explored the practices of tantra?
Many people think its just the pursuit of hedonism but look a bit more deeply and you'll see it is actually a huge body of ancient wisdom that encompasses the way we look at our body, mind and soul as well as our romantic relationships and the gifts we have to offer to the world.
... On this week's episode of Inner Truth, I spoke with one of the best known tantra coaches in Bali - Shiva Rajaya - to learn about the wisdom of tantra and the simple practices you can do to bring about amazing changes in all of your relationships.
If you’re interested in relationship and life mastery, this amazing episode is for you.
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Yoga and meditation have exploded in popularity in the last two decades and many styles, modalities and philosophies now prevail in the West.
With so much choice how do you know what works best and whether you’re doing it right?
This week on Inner Truth features meditation and yoga instructor Josh Summers to talk about the differences in the yin and yang approaches to both meditation and yoga and how to practice each effectively.
... If you’re interested in understanding yoga and meditation more deeply, this episode is for you.
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“Meditation originates and culminates in the everyday sublime … It is about what is happening to this organism as it touches the environment in this moment." - Stephen Bachelor
This week on The Inner Truth Podcast we're exploring everything meditation with the wonderful Yin Yoga + Meditation teacher Josh Summers. We're talking about the different types, how they retrain your mind and shift your consciousness.
Mostly importantly we're looking at the problems people have with their practice, going deeper and developing mastery. Josh talks about a lot of the pitfalls you can fall into with striving, goal orientation and distraction - and how to remedy them through awareness.
His Yin approach to practice involves sitting with all experience as is, becoming a steady observer of the mind, and falling into background awareness and peace.
If you're interested in how to overcome kinks in your practice and deepen your meditation, this is an episode for you.
"Exploring A Yin Approach to Life" is out now on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Link in Bio to listen and subscribe.
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What if everything that happens to us in life really is for our own benefit?
The breakups, job losses, conflicts – all fuel for something much more profound.
How can we truly open ourselves up to it?
... This week on Inner Truth, the wonderful Amoda Maa – Spiritual Teacher and Author – discusses what it means to bring a tender openness to all our experience so that we can realize this most noble of life experiences.
If you’re interested in getting deeply intimate with life, this is an episode for you.
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A super interesting perspective on mental health x


"Mostly when there is a sense of injustice and when there is a sense of being a victim, the truth of the matter is that there isn’t a deeper meeting with what hurts."
This week on The Inner Truth Podcast we hosted the wonderful and inspiring spiritual teacher Amoda Maa who spoke about what it really means to surrender to ourselves.
Having endured a tragically difficult upbringing and multiple more challenges in later life, she had a profound awakening through bringing tendern...ess, softness and intimacy, to the heart of her experience again.
We spoke about how hard it is to "let go" of our past and our expectations and what true surrender really means.
"If you want freedom from problems, love everything."
If you're trying to let go of certain past experiences, stories or ideas, this episode is for you.
"Opening Up To Yourself" with Amoda Maa is out now on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
Listen online at:
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People often talk about balance as the key to a good life. We need to find balance in all things, whether it be work, play, relationships, attracting and receiving.
But what does it mean energetically?
Most of the major wisdom traditions speak of polarities, yin and yang, masculine and feminine, shiva and shakti. These are all pointing towards the same opposing forces that play out within us and allow for creativity, love and rest to take place.
... So how do we balance it all properly?
This week on Inner Truth - Transformational Coach Lisa Schrader - talks about what it means to reawaken our sensuality, come into alignment with feminine energy and rebirth ourselves whole again.
If you’re interested in how to really feel fully alive, this is an episode for you. Out now on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
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People often talk about balance as the key to a good life. We need to find balance in all things, whether it be work, play, relationships, attracting and receiving.
But what does it mean energetically?
Most of the major wisdom traditions speak of polarities, yin and yang, masculine and feminine and shiva and shakti. These are all pointing towards the same opposing forces that play out within us and allow for creativity, love and rest to take place.
... Most of our cultural pressure and responsibility is in the masculine, but if we spend too long there we can and do burn out.
So how do we balance it all properly?
This week on The Inner Truth Podcast - Transformational Coach Lisa Schrader - talks about what it means to reawaken our feminine energy and revive our sensuality through tantric and sensual practices.
If you’re interested in how to really feel fully alive, this is an episode for you.
'Awakening Your Feminine Within' is out now on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Listen online at:
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"Life is full of moments where we are meant to feel certain things. The demand starts in early childhood: it’s our birthday – and we are meant to feel happy. Dad is going away for two weeks – and we should feel sad.
But, in truth, our thoughts are seldom exactly in sync with outward events. They have tendencies to be vagabond, unfaithful and unruly. We rarely feel exactly what we’re meant to when we’re meant to."
Ultimately, we often aren’t ‘in the moment’, because we have the wrong map of what should be thought normal at any given moment. It’s our expectations, rather that our emotions, that are at fault.


We have, by the latest estimates, between 40,000 – 70,000 thoughts per day.
How you receive, respond, and act upon those thoughts can be the biggest determinant in the outcomes of your life both emotionally and physically.
Not all of our thoughts are helpful, in fact many can be completely undermining. Some might not even be yours at all.
... How can you best navigate your field of thought?
This week on Inner Truth we're exploring how to take better control over your thinking process and your life. Thought Coach Ora Nadrich explains how to use self-inquiry to master your mind for health, happiness and success.
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“Be selective of your thoughts.”
Let go of the ones that can't cultivate a beautiful garden in your mind, and only keep thoughts that do.
Be the fertile gardener of your mind.
... Transformational Thought Coach - Ora Nadrich - is on The Inner Truth Podcast this week talking about how to become the master of your mind through the power of self-inquiry.
Having overcome her own chronic anxiety early on in life, Ora pioneered a seven step inquiry process that helps you understand how your mind works and how it make it work for you.
If you’re wondering how to take better control over your thinking process and by extension your life, this episode is for you.
‘Thinking And The Power Of Self-Inquiry’ is out now on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
Check out the episode here:
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Start a conversation about climate change these days and most people will duck for cover.
How can we overcome our normal response of fear and powerlessness?
How do we become agents for change in the world?
... This week on Inner Truth we're looking at developing the practices and perspectives to be the kind of heroes these times are calling for.
Are you ready to go in to go up?
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The most radical thing any of us can do in these crazy times is to be fully present to what is happening in the world.
Our crisis seems overwhelming, and yet we live in a universe of awe-inspiring creative potential— in nature, in our fellow humans, in the evolutionary process, and certainly in ourselves.
Remember - the story of evolution is a story of miracle after miracle.
... This week on Inner Truth we're exploring the soul work we must do to cope and thrive in these times of climate change and political/social upheaval.
Our guest - activist and philosopher Terry Patten - thinks of this period as one of incredible opportunity.
"If the measure of a human life is its significance, its ability to have positive effects much larger than itself, then all of us alive now have hit the jackpot. We are the lucky ones who have been born where the action is, in a time when we have the potential to make a difference on an evolutionary scale."
This week is about learning the practices and perspectives to see our situation as a limitless opportunity for growth.
Together we can co-create a better world.
'The Inner Work Needed For Our Outer Challenges' is available now on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
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How healthy are you? Not just free of disease or illness, but living with a profound sense of vitality that sustains you as you move through your life?
If you go deep into what it means to cultivate this source of life, it goes way beyond food and exercise, but into the very essence of your relationship with yourself.
To keep vital, we must care for ourselves in radically honest and soulful ways. In this week's episode of Inner Truth we explore what it means to be 100% vital with expert Dr. Deborah Zucker, talking everything from loving your shadow to bringing playfulness into the centre of your life.


How vital do you feel you are?
Not just free of disease or illness, but living with a profound sense of vitality that sustains you as you move through your life?
If you go deep into what it means to cultivate this source of life, it goes way beyond food and exercise, but into the very essence of your relationship with yourself.
... To keep vital, we must care for ourselves in radically honest and soulful ways. In this week's episode of Inner Truth we explore what it means to be 100% vital with expert Dr. Deborah Zucker, talking everything from loving your shadow to bringing playfulness into the centre of your life.
Its packed full of unique ways to bring new sources of sustained energy back into your life.
‘Live Like You’re A Person Worth Living For’ is available now on Apple Podcasts and Google Play.
Listen now:
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Great interviewer and stellar guests taking you on a journey through some deep topics.


From resolving conflict to the importance of self care - a wonderful exploration of what it means to be human and the tools that can help us on our individual quests. Really excited to see this podcast grow - a welcome addition to my weekly listening.


David was an excellent interviewer. I thoroughly enjoyed his obvious depth of understanding of the subject matter I've apprenticed myself to and look forward to listening to his other interviews.


David interviewed me and he is an expert. His questions were pertinent to the topic. He was well versed himself and pulled the best out of me. I had fun, was able to stay on topic, felt validated in my expertise, and there was great ease. Thank you David for a lovely experience. It is an honor to contribute to your podcast.


David has a way of reaching deep within his guests and pulling out incredible nuggets of wisdom. Great content and each podcast centers (loosely at times) around a theme that gets you thinking and questioning. This is the type of podcast where you make yourself a cup of tea, grab your favorite pair of headphones, and just drop everything for an hour. Enjoy!

More about Inner Truth

Inner Truth is located at PO Box 6945, W1A 6US London, United Kingdom