Innovantennas Europe

About Innovantennas Europe

Designers and manufacturers of directional antenna systems. Specialise in low noise, low temperature VHF /UHF Yagis and high efficiency compact HF arrays.

Innovantennas Europe Description

G0KSC designed directional, Low Noise antennas with high efficiency.



Into Broadcast Band DXing? Our OP-DES wideband Yagis are sold to tuner manufacturers, broadcasters and end-users alike. This one is our 14el on a 5.6m /18'6'' boom, photo by happy new year William Badura!†¦


a comment or two from a well-know user of our antennas :-). Photo shows another one of our antennas Simon has, a 100 to 600MHz Log Periodic.
Just put up the 5 element 2m Yagi I bought some years ago from you. I used it for a few months with satellites, then it lived in the garage. Well, I’m quite amazed – F/B is terrific, at on 5.25 m up on my Tennamast it’s working superbly. Next I’ll get the SP-2000 pre-amp up. I also have a 10 element Yagi of yours, to my eternal shame... I built it and never used it!
After the VHF Field Day I’ll get that shiny log periodic up and point it at a few satellites 😊 .
Simon Brown, G4ELI
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G8BCG who uses G0KSC designed OP-DES Yagis on 6m received a QSL card today from 4S7AB who recently received a 7el 50MHz LFA-WOS courtesy of the The UK Six Metre Group, Kerry Rochester, G8VR and InnovAntennas.
Attached is a photo of the QSL card from G8BCG, a photo of the antenna and below a mail from Kamal, 4S7AB with is comments:
Even though this thanking email comes weeks after I received the 7el LFA2 WOS antenna as a gift from G8VR Kerry, I think this the suitable day to e...xpress my gratitude. The antenna arrived few days before the Easter Sunday where my country was attacked by religious extremists which killed nearly 300 people. We were shocked for many weeks afterwards and hence the delay for this email.
Why today ? In my 25+ Ham life, I have never seen a 6m opening like today to Japan. It lasted nearly 4 hours with 5/9 signals and I worked nearly 200 QSOs on FT8 and CW. The gifted LFA antenna helped me immensely in pulling the weaker signals from the noise and also to keep the phase going. This antenna performs very well over my 4 element SteppIR with 2 el passive 6m kit.
Even though the Dx stations are not totally financially incapable, this kind of motivations with expert knowledge transfer is very helpful in keeping the momentum of our hobby. Sometimes a Dx station can go into a 'shell' thinking that the available equipment is all that is needed.
The actual case is different. In my case, G8VR Kerry made a good choice in selecting the antenna for me and getting it installed properly. This season, I have already made many JA's happy with ATNO contacts. Europe's share is yet to come.
My sincere thanks to UKSMG for paying for the shipping, Kerry G8VR for purchasing the antenna and to G0KSC Justin for making such wonderful antennas. CC: G8VR Kerry Rochester. 73 Kamal 4S7AB
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Lots of tropo around in Europe right now along with some serious heat! The VHF/UHF tower at G0KSC is 'active' this morning (pictured) but only until 9am, hopefully see you on 2m/70cms?


A92GR shows of the bandwdith of his light weight 5el 2m LFA Yagi. Mohamed now has a pair installed wc


Customer reviews are the best! This is part of a long and detailed mail from K9RE who just installed this 5el 50MHz LFA-HG Low Noise Yagi from InnovAntennas:
"The antenna is a stunning performer at reducing noise. It is so effective that your first impression is that the coax is disconnected or the rig is broken.
This morning just before I took down my old antenna, I had raspy buzzy noise in most directions and especially to the west. Now that noise is mostly gone although I... do hear it if I point the antenna to the west. Actually I can hear a different noise source to the southwest which is weaker and sounds different whereas before they pretty much all blended into one mass of noise.
I could also hear the noise off the back of the antenna when pointed to the east but now the noise is gone when the antenna is pointed east."
You want the edge Edgar has? link and his photo below:†¦
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Customer Comments are better than any advert!
"You produce beautiful products. Thoughtful engineering design and quality materials. My next antennas will be Innovantennas.
Thanks again,
... Bob Cleve, KW4CQ"
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The InnovAntennas XR range of HF Multibanders 'Full Size' compact Yagis are in stock now!
XR6 (20m to 6m) and XR7 (2m to 4m) are available today with Free Global Shipping for June only!…


InnovAntennas designs crossed, low noise Yagi for glacier research: nment-48638958
Have a custom requirement? Let us know your needs!
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Customers sell our antennas better than any adverts! John installed a 6el 50MHz/70MHz Dual Bander this weekend:
Hi Justin
Put up yesterday morning. Assembled as per instructions and the tuning was spot on on both bands! I really like that about your stuff. No faffing about adjusting anything
... Worked Serbia and Bulgaria on 6m yesterday evening
The compact size meant it was safe for me to put up from my ladder
Very happy!
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OZ4KV just installed one of our 3el 50MHz LFA-Q, rigid, twin-boom quads and is happy with the result.
''Thank-you Justin Small Tweaks and we have very useful results for 6m SSB. Min SWR = 1.04 @ 50.28 MHz''
... We produce these both long and short for HF through VHF. Let us know your requirements and we will give you a price!†¦
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Customer copied Email:
Dave N9HF,
Thanks for opportunity to work you via EME on 222 and being my first Moonbounce contact on 222.
... My qrp 225w 17 ele LFA did the trick but you did all the heavy lifting. I thought after our first attempt when I had ground gain would have done it but I guess the thunder storms down Florida way had a different idea so I'm amazed you even heard me at 32 degrees goes to show how well you can hear.
I have attached a screen shot and pictures of the antenna from InnoVAntennas that kicked ass today thanks to Justin getting it done and getting it on Friday was cutting it a bit close. Rig:FT-736r Amp:TE-2252g 73 Mike de K7ULS
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222MHz Anyone? We have a small selection of the available range on our website but can make any size you wish, contact us for my details!
Another happy customer below. K7ULS who purchased a 17el
"Justin... Thanks for all you did to get this antenna to in the nick of time. I really enjoyed how you marked everything so that assembly went flawlessly. The SWR is flat as a pancake and I'm driving it with a FT-736r into a TE-2252g @ 225w.
In the attached picture I have a Yaesu elevation rotor which allows up to 45 deg before the bracket hits the mast and only armstrong for swivel. I don't know how many guy's I'll work on 222 this weekend maybe a handful I can only hope.
Please add this picture to your gallery if you have one. Mike de K7ULS"
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DM2RM with a 4el 50MHz LFA Yagi at the top of the tower


SP6DNZ shows off his 6el 50MHz LFA on a 6.8m boom while he finishes of the install.
Look out for him this summer!†¦


9H1PI finished off installation of his 5el 50MHZ LFA3-HG which is installed below his 6el 70MHz LFA.
Watch out for BIG 6M signals from 9H this summer!†¦


Another of our broadcast antenna customers with a report, this time with one of our computer optimised OP-DES Yagis for DAB frequencies (200MHz+).
'' Thanks Justin - I promised you a picture, please see attached. The mast is a temporary one and is only about 6 or 7 meters high. The antenna is fantastic, certainly better that I expected. We're 108 km's (5kw) and 140km's (10kw) from the DAB transmitters and for channel 12B and 11A are typically at 80%+ quality according to m...y radio with a 20db mast head amp.
Thanks again,
You have a a requirement which demands the best?
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After our post yesterday about 88-108MHz broadcast Yagis, one of our recent customers sent us this photo and report on his 14el 88-108MHz OP-DES Yagi from InnovAntennas:
Hi Justin
As promised attached is a photo of the antenna and mast gary came and finished it off for me yesterday it’s a great antenna and I have got loads of stations I have never heard before the local ones are great sound like listening to a 10.000 grand HiFi
... Thanks for everything Justin Cheers paddy†¦
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More about Innovantennas Europe

Innovantennas Europe is located at 20 Sanders Road, SS8 9NY Canvey Island
+44 203 384 0072