Inspired Therapies

Monday: -
Tuesday: 09:30 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:30 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:30 - 14:30
Friday: 09:30 - 12:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Inspired Therapies

Find out how I can Inspire you with Acupuncture, Sports Massage, Reflexology, Indian Head Massage Hypnotherapy & Herbal Medicine.

Inspired Therapies Description

All the treatments at The Clinic of Inspired Therapies are designed to relieve either physical or emotional pain by boosting your body's own healing abilities and to create a feeling of wellbeing and relaxation.

Acupuncture uses fine needles to access energy flowing throughout the body, to remove blockages in the flow and to enhance the healing of internal organs.

Sports Massage focuses on physical blockages in muscles and tendons due to tension, injury and scar tissue, to relieve pain and allow joints free range of motion.

Reflexology is a less invasive but no less effective treatment working on the feet to enhance the organs and systems of the body by removing blockages in the reflex pathways due to toxic waste build up. Reflexology is also a very relaxing treatment.

Hypnotherapy with NLP focus on the emotional aspects of pain and confidence. Working with your subconscious mind to improve bad habits or negative thoughts by truly understanding you as a person and the goals you wish to achieve.

Herbal Medicine brings together all the treatments at the clinic allowing me to diagnose illness, clinically examine conditions where required and prescribe a treatment plan unique to you. These techniques are now supported by Traditional Chinese Medical diagnosis to give me a far greater understanding of your condition allowing me to prescribe herbal products specifically designed for you to improve your body's healing process.

Each of my Client's inspire me to learn more about the body, to approach each condition from both an orthodox and Chinese medical viewpoint. To research, to understand, to support you and hopefully inspire you to live life to the full.



Did you know that Atmospheric pressure changes can affect our bodies in a negative way? Just lately I have had a number of people coming into the clinic with changes to their symptoms and additional pain. There are 4 areas of health that can be affected: - Headaches and Migraines usually due to the sinuses being affected and the chances of a headache increase if there is a lightening attack. - Blood Pressure can increase due to the blood vessels constricting during cold, but also due to storms, wind or humidity. - Blood Sugar and Diabetics suffer during cold weather as the blood thickness increases and blood flow slows. - Joint Pain can increase when atmospheric pressure drops possibly due to the fluid that helps to lubricate the joint becomes sticky and cold. So it is not an old wives tail that some people can predict a storm coming, their body can feel it before our senses can. If you suffer with pain and discomfort then call me to see what I can do for you. Tel: 07851 188538
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Had a brilliant night's sleep last night but woke up this morning stiff with a twinge in my lower back. Didn't have my swiss ball inflated and didn't have the time to blow it up so improvised with my acupressure matt head roll. Lay on hundreds of tiny plastic points for 10 minutes allowing my back and spine to ease into the stretch and I am now sitting at my computer writing this post so happy days. If you suffer in the mornings with a twinge contact me for an appointment and get rid of those aches and pains with sports massage. Tel: 07851 188538.


Inspired Therapies offers you so many different treatments from Deep Tissue Massage, Acupuncture, Facials, Indian Head Massage, Reflexology and Hypnotherapy or NLP. It's a great place to regain your health. Call Eleanor on MOB: 07851 188538.


Are you a Therapist looking for a new place to call work? Do you work from home or maybe on your own? Are you looking for more business or need to be around people? Then I have just the room for you. It is available on the weekends and on Monday's. It is a good size with plenty of storage room, a place for you to consult with your clients and in an easy location with ample parking. If you are interested call me for further details.


I cannot believe that Monday is here again! What happened to the weekend? Do you feel like life is travelling too fast and you want to slow down or stop all together? Then it is time to re-evaluate, take a long hard look at life and work out what makes you stressed and what makes you happy. Whether it is physical or emotional stress it is time to talk about it and get something done. So if you feel you need someone to talk to then call me and start moving forward again.


Monday 17th of June starts the Campaign for rheumatoid arthritis Awareness Week. The theme this year is, #AnyoneAnyAge Arthritis is no longer an illness that affects the elderly more and more young people are now suffering from the condition. It is an auto-immune disease that causes your immune system to attack the lining of the joint causing inflammation and pain. It is often worse in the morning and can ease throughout the day. If you have swelling and pain in the joints check out the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society webpage or call me to see if I can help with Acupuncture and herbal oils.


That your Liver grows up to 50% during the course of the day due to having to break down biological toxins and food? This increase slowly reduces throughout the night and the Liver rests allowing the healing process to begin. That is why a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) would encourage you to sleep between the hours of 1am and 3am when the liver is healing. Signs that your liver is out of balance include anger, resentment, blurred vision and possible hand tremors. If you have any of these problems or you work at night, contact me to find out how I can help with Acupuncture.


I have noticed lately that my clients suffering from tight and painful muscles in the neck, shoulders and upper back are also experiencing headaches. Usually on the side or the back of the head but occasionally across the forehead. These are generally Tension headaches caused by the constriction of nerves and blood vessels in the neck due to the muscles temporarily crushing them and causing the brain to register pain. If you have painful neck and shoulder muscles or if you suffer with headaches, Call me as I have found that deep tissue massage and acupuncture work brilliantly to reduce the tightness in the muscles and the throbbing pain of the headache.


This is so true. It took me 30 years to work out what I wanted to be, but I knew from an early age that I always wanted to be the best I could be. I am still striving to be the best in my eyes not anyone else's. To all those amazing women out there who have listened, taught me to laugh and cry and have stood by me ….. Thank you


Did You Know ..... There are approximately 5 million touch receptors in our skin with 3,000 in a finger tip alone? Massage can come in all shapes and sizes but healthy touch of any kind can reduce the heart rate, lower blood pressure, improves the flow of lymph through the body, relieving aches, pains, and it stimulates the release of endorphins, the body’s natural pain killers. A 60 minute massage is about the same as 7-8 hours of sleep to your body. So my question is Why Wouldn't you?


Tomorrow is the second May Bank Holiday and the first day of National BBQ week and the first day of the half term. So will you be combining the two and get the kids prepping salads for the Barbie and although there is always the risk of under cooked foods and tummy aches following a BBQ just remember ladies this is the one time that your man will most likely insist they do the cooking. So for all those hard working ladies sit back enjoy the Pimm's, G&T or other favoured summer drinks that is obligatory at a BBQ and enjoy your day off (well until you see the mountain of washing up that is!!).


Sometimes it really is as simple as this!!


Did You Know ….. that humans are the only mammals who delay going to sleep and we sleep for 25 years during our life time. That's nearly a third of your life asleep!! The average person falls asleep within 7 minutes unless you have a sleep disorder, the most obvious being insomnia. About a 1/3 of the UK suffer from insomnia and it affects men more than women. This means they struggle to get to sleep or wake far too early in the morning. Women generally require more sleep tha...n men because … wait for it, women multi-task throughout the day so need more sleep to allow their brains to rest!! Also young people need more sleep as they use their brains for studying however, as they mature, teenagers sleep later due to a delayed melatonin release meaning they are lively at night but difficult to get out of bed in the morning!!! For one child that lives in your house a woman gets up to 46% less sleep at night and this increases with each child. So that explains my lack of 8 hours sleep!!
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Today is the first day of Dementia Awareness week but what is Dementia? Dementia is a group of related symptoms associated with an ongoing decline of brain functioning. This can include problems with: * Memory loss * Thinking speed and mental sharpness * Language, understanding and judgement * Mood ... * Movement and difficulties carrying out daily activities
There are many different causes of dementia and Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia, make up the vast majority of cases. The truth is the disease affects people in many different ways. it is not just about forgetting things that happened ten minutes ago. Sufferers can lose interest in their usual activities, or struggle to control their emotions or have no emotions at all. They may struggle in social surroundings as people and places no longer have any meaning. They don't mean to be rude or distant its just safer for them to withdraw from life and not have to look stupid when they cannot remember or understand. Home becomes their safe place and family can be trusted if they are recognised but sometimes they tell you what you want to hear even though they don't know if it is true. It is a cruel and heartless disease and our loved ones do not deserve to be judged, ridiculed or ignored, they may not understand but they can still be cherished. So if you know someone with dementia please do not question their ability but enjoy their company and let their mind wander through the past.
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Did you know ...… that laughing is good for the heart and can increase blood flow by 20%? Laughing relieves stress and pain by supplying more oxygen into the blood and reducing stress hormones. It can create a positive state of mind AND hold on to your hats it can help you look younger and strengthen your immune system. Also studies show that women laugh more than men, so guys get your belly laughs out, dust them off and come join the ladies who laugh. 😁

More about Inspired Therapies

Inspired Therapies is located at 8 Bessemer Way, NR31 0LX Great Yarmouth
Monday: -
Tuesday: 09:30 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:30 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:30 - 14:30
Friday: 09:30 - 12:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -