Institute Of Infection And Global Health, University Of Liverpool

About Institute Of Infection And Global Health, University Of Liverpool

We are an international centre of excellence at the University of Liverpool dedicated to improving the health and well-being of humans and animals.

Institute Of Infection And Global Health, University Of Liverpool Description

With its international standing and long tradition in infection and tropical medicine, the University of Liverpool is the natural home for a research institute dedicated to infectious disease and global health.

The Institute of Infection and Global Health integrates basic science, medical and veterinary research to enhance exchange of knowledge and skills between the disciplines, thereby putting us at the forefront of the ‘One Health’ agenda.

Our research is interdisciplinary and we work with a vast range of experts and partners, internationally, nationally and within the University itself. We have strong support to continue our work, with key funding partners including the UK research councils, Wellcome Trust, NIHR, Gates Foundation, Leverhulme Trust, BSAVA, Pfizer and the European Commission.

Crucially, our research is working to further the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of today's prevalent and emerging infectious diseases of humans and animals and is saving lives.



The newest IGH blog post is up. Eleanor Senior spoke to Rebekah Penrice-Randal about her PhD work, including how mini-genomes can be used as a way to study dangerous diseases, such as Ebola.…/usin g-mini-genomes-to-st…


Breakthrough in understanding how deadly pneumococcus avoids immune defenses. Scientists from IGH, along with those from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm have discovered a new and important function of a toxin, penumolysin, produced by disease-causing bacteria that could have significant implications for future vaccine design. Their study published in nature Microbiology shows that pneumolysin can bind directly to host cell receptors, suppressing the immune system- not... purely from binding to cholesterol as previously thought. Professor Aras Kadioglu who led the study in Liverpool and Dr Daniel Neill who is join first author are both very excited by the potential applications of these findings.
The paper 'Pneumolysin binds to the mannose receptor C type 1 (MRC-1) leading to anti-inflammatory responses and enhanced pneumococcal survival' is published in Nature Microbiology. Link: -x
See more


Today is #onehealthday ‘One Health’, a term for how the health and well-being of people is linked to the health of their animals and the environment. The HORN group at the University has funded projects aiming to improve health and wellbeing across the Horn of Africa Region.…/178k-boo st-to-help-improve-…/


Listen to the latest IGH Podcast. Peter Richards and Eleanor Senior spoke to Sara Owczarczak Gastecka about her work on the epidemiology of dog bites. She Sara has recently published a paper: "Online videos indicate human and dog behaviour preceding dog bites and the context in which bites occur" " which can be accessed here: 7.…/understanding- dog-bites-and-how-to…


And now for a new IGH blog post. Eleanor Senior spoke to Bethan John about her research on Liver Fluke.…/from -snails-to-sheep-fla…


The next edition of the IGH podcast is up: This time we were speaking to Catherine McCarthy about the changing picture of lungworm epidemiology in the UK. ast/e/56492553…


Eleanor Senior of IGH is the latest person to be featured in 'Becoming an Expert' for the university on her work into Bovine Trichomoniasis.…/becoming -an-expert-preventi…/


Scientists from IGH, LSTM and Sanger are starting work on a new vaccine research project for African Animal trpanosomiasis…/vaccine- research-to-target-…/


The IGH podcast is now on iTunes and Stitcher! Follow the links below to listen and subscribe:…/podcast/igh- podcast/id1377675093… ast


Read our latest blog post. Eleanor Senior, a 3rd year PhD student at IGH, shares her PhD project research investigating vaccine candidates for a sexually transmitted cow parasite known as Tritrichomonas foetus.…/the- cow-sti-costing-amer…

User…/public-engagem ent-its-fantastic-re…


Listen to our latest Podcast: Finding Vaccine Targets for Leptospirosis
Leptospirosis is an infectious disease caused by the genus Leptospira. They can affect a wide range of hosts including humans, dogs and cattle. Leptospirosis is a tricky disease to diagnose and treat so prevention is far better than the cure. While there are vaccines available against Leptospira, improvements can be made. This month we talked to Intan Kamaruzaman who is working on identifying suitable targets for Leptospirosis vaccines.


Rotavirus vaccine cuts infant deaths by a third in Malawi. The study led by scientists at the University of Liverpool, UCL, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and partners in Malawi provides the first population-level evidence from a low-income country that rotavirus vaccination saves lives. Read more here:…/rotaviru s-vaccine-cuts-infa…/


IGH Podcast: Pet Rats and Farm Rats - Why are they viewed differently? Listen to the latest IGH Podcast, Charlotte Robin talks about her research looking at society's attitude to rats


Gay men on effective HIV treatment are sexually non-infectious. Read some of the latest research we've been involved with:


PhD opportunity: DexEnceph - A Randomised, Controlled, Trial of Dexamethasone in Herpes Simplex Virus Encephalitis


Our latest podcast is out! PhD student David Singleton talks about the Small Animal Veterinary Surveillance Network (SAVSNET), and his research on Antibiotic Use in Companion Animals


Listen to our latest podcast! Ellen Murphy, PhD Student, talks about her work monitoring viral diseases in wild rodent populations in the UK and why it's important


Congratulations to IGH's Raquel who came 3rd In the final of Famelab Spain with her talk on Ebola!

More about Institute Of Infection And Global Health, University Of Liverpool

Institute Of Infection And Global Health, University Of Liverpool is located at 8 West Derby Street, L69 7B Liverpool