Insync K9

About Insync K9

Qualified and experienced dog training, we offer a range of services including intensive training courses, 1-2-1 training and behavioural consults.

Insync K9 Description

Qualified, experienced and recommended by various vets and canine professionals. We specialise in working breeds and offer 1-2-1 training and residential training courses with internationally recognised success.

We provide dog training across a broad spectrum of requirements; from training growing puppies, to pets with behavioural problems to training top level service and protection dogs, we are confident and passionate about dogs.

We are based in Leicester, but operate nationally.



"Veterinary work is a tremendously difficult undertaking. The least we can do is acknowledge that difficulty"


Gorgeous Merlin is starting a residential training course with us to tackle his loose lead walking and on lead reactivity :)


Murphy is starting a residential training course with us to tackle his reactivity towards other dogs as well as basic obedience like walking on a loose lead :)


This adorable pair, Kaiser and Suzie, are starting a residential training course with us to teach them how to walk on a loose lead :)


With all this sunshine, Christmas feels like a million miles away! But we are rapidly getting booked up already, so if you're thinking about booking in a course to cover the Christmas period, please book now to avoid disappointment :)


Prior to her residential training course, Tess was strong on the lead and would react to other dogs and animals. Here is her progress a few weeks later :)


This gorgeous pair, Rolex and Beau, are starting a residential training course with us to teach them obedience whilst their owners are enjoying a holiday :)


Mali the Dobermann getting to have a group play session whilst on her residential training course with us to tackle her dog aggression issues :)


Beautiful young Dobermann Raven has started her residential training course with us :) Raven doesn't have any behavioural problems, we're working on IPO obedience with her.


Prior to her residential training course with us, Freya was very strong on the lead and would lunge, bark and snap at dogs and people walking past. Now she is much more relaxed when out walking :)


Get well soon <3


This gorgeous young Dobermann boy is looking for a new home due to no fault of his own. Good with other dogs and children, 1 year old and just been neutered. He's related to my own dogs with a super pedigree :) PM for more details.


Lovely new review from Nelson's owners <3
"Nelson was away with Amelia for 4 weeks for residential training. We collected him yesterday. I especially was really nervous about getting him back, he was a nightmare before he went and frankly, I didn't want him back. He really was at last chance saloon. Immediately going in to see him, I saw a relaxed, calm, happy boy who was placed on his bed and did as he was told - that in itself was huge! Amelia has worked so hard with Nelson... over the last four weeks and wow, what a difference in him. He understands now what is expected of him and he wants to perform, he wants to do as he is told because he wants to please. It is very early days obviously as he has only just got home but everything about his future now rests on us as owners and we will continue to work hard with him now that all the ground work has been put in place so as to not undo all the work that Amelia has put in. It may be really early to be putting up a review but I had to as I'm so happy. Happy owner, happy dog, happy future!"
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Nelson and Alfie are two powerful young male Dobermanns who have come for residential training courses with us (from separate households) exhibiting the same behaviour, strong on the lead and reactivity towards other dogs :) As you can see, both are doing very well so far.


Thank you for the lovely new review :)


Would like to thank Amelia and the guys at insync K9 for the way they have turned our rescue dobermann Willow around.

Before taking her to them you could not walk her on a lead.

She was unbelievedly dog reactive,i mean she didnt have to see one just smell it.

She now walks to heal at all times,and although she gets a little uptight every now and again around other dogs insync k9 taught us how to react and bring willow back down.

Without being long winded the guys did for us exactly what they said they would.

A special thank you to micheal who i know put a lot of time and effort into willow.

I now take willow out for walks and dont worry about meeting another dog.

All i can say is if you are thinking of getting in touch with insync k9 DO IT


We would like to thank Amelia and her team for their supreme efforts with our little Obi. He was a handful with mouthing, off-lead walking and recall. I wouldn't say he is perfect with his recall but we both can't believe the overall change. We spent the weekend out and about with 3 other dogs and there was no nervousness on our part whatsoever. He was great. Thank you again Amelia, you've worked wonders!!


We sent Murphy, our GSD, here for 4 weeks for his over arousal/reactivity issues. We were at a point where we couldn’t get any further ourselves due to my own confidence and handling. I spoke to Amelia on the phone (and I’m sure I cried!) and she reassured me that he was totally normal and his issues could be worked on! So we did the 3 1/2 hr drive and left him. We had near daily updates (I worry!), complete reassurance and confidence Amelia could handle our breed and when we picked him up he was a changed dog. Still my loving, happy boy - he had just mellowed, and his issues were now less of an issue! He knew what was expected of him and became so much more comfortable out on walks. I’ve gone from having to run in the opposite direction from people/dogs, bracing myself when a cyclist rides past - to being able to walk my dog through a high street, walk past other dogs in the park without him going bananas to play, etc! He’s an absolute delight to walk now, I can’t believe the transformation! The follow up support has been incredible - genuinely cannot fault it. Despite living so far away Amelia has made the follow up support work. Murphy is such a happy boy, and enjoys his walks so much more now. Wouldn’t hesitate to recommend, and have decided any future dogs will probably go there anyway! Great quality work for a great price too. Genuinely faultless! �


We just had our first session with Amelia for our English bull terrier rescue who had shown aggression to other dogs. In just an hour, she taught us work that we can do with buddy at home and when out that made so much sense! The 'tricks' she showed us are easy to follow and have given us confidence that we can help to support him in his learning and make our buddythe best version of himself.


We honestly don't even know how to thank insync K9 for what they have done for us and our labradoodle Luna. We decided to book her in for residential training with Jon and Amelia when her reactive behaviour towards dogs then children and people got so bad that we were struggling to take her anywhere.

When we got Luna as a puppy we realised we were in for a bumpy ride very early - we were told puppy classes were not for us when she lunged and barked at any other puppy in the class. Over the next few months we worked 1-2-1 with a couple of trainers, read every article on reactivity out there, worked on her socialisation every day and saw a behaviourist who told us the best thing to do would be to put her on calming medication while she developed. I refused to believe this was the answer so started doing a lot of research into residential training. The negativity surrounding it however on various dog forums very almost put me off, and I cant even imagine where we would be now if it had. We went to meet Jon and Amelia and felt instantly at ease. We could see straight away how much they loved their own dogs and how great they were with the dogs they were working with. And Luna absolutely loved them! After we dropped her off, she was happily playing in their kitchen and she stayed in their house as one of their own dogs. We got so many updates, videos and pictures and could see the progress she was making every day. The best thing to see was how happy she was in all the videos!! We had an unbelievable handover in lots of different situations, where we even sat in the vet for 30 mins with about 10 dogs coming and going, barking at each other and everything else whilst Luna sat there wagging her tail. The difference in her is incredible and more than I could have ever have imagined, she is a happier more relaxed dog that no longer reacts to anything on or off lead. On her first day back we walked her past the local primary school, with dogs, noisy kids, lots of people and bikes with not a peep whatsoever. Her recall is also amazing and she has completely changed how she acts around dogs even off lead, no longer bullying or getting into scraps at all.

If you are thinking of seeing Jon and Amelia to help you with your dog, you honestly will not regret it. I only wish someone had told me that before the months of worry and frustration before we found them!


We had tried 2 trainers before we found Insyc 9 with the problems we had with Shadow our 14 month old GSD,the problem were,reactive to dogs,cats,people,he had bite 2delivery men when younger and we were afraid if he did it when older he would be put to sleep.When we got to talk with Amelia I was very sceptical,but put my faith in her Experian’s.

We couldn’t believe the change in him after just 3 weeks,Amelia kept us informed all the time with videos ,he wasn’t the easiest to train I’m sure but she did a fantastic job on him he would never walk to heel or loose lead he is brilliant now doesn’t react to dogs or people anymore he isn’t in the house and while on his walks he is much calmer as well we owe Amelia a lot so does shadow as he is more calm

Thank you Amelia


We cannot thank everyone at insync k9 enough, Hades our energetic cheeky Doberman had some issues proving to be rather difficult from walking me to running his own ​signing competition against him self in his crate! Insync did wonders with our boy he walks beautifully on the lead now and full crate trainig is included in their residential course! They have a can do attitude and will do their best to work with any needs you may have �

And when we picked him up the handover was very clear and structured as to what to do in certain situations and how to use his new commands! Hades clearly enjoyed his time to the point he did not want to leave initially.

I will be taking Hades back in a few months for personal protection work as their service's are top notch! I'm he and Amelia in perticular will be pleased �


Our two Labradors, Monty and Oscar, both of which are high energy males, recently did a four week residential training stint in October with Amelia to address their pulling whilst out on walks and reactivity to other dogs. Within the first week, Amelia had Monty unbelievably walking to heel and around other dogs. Oscar followed suit and by the end Amelia was able to walk both dogs beautifully in public places. Amelia keeps you regularly informed of progress so you do not feel like you have abandoned your furry friends. When you pick them up Amelia makes you very comfortable that you too can achieve the same results as her. Clearly our 2 lively Labs are quite a handful and now it is for us to ensure that the training they gained is followed through and that the high standards achieved by Amelia are the norm and not the exception. We both highly recommend Amelia and are impressed with her continuing after care support. David & Louise Ludlow


Our Staffie was very exciteable and reacted to other dogs. He had also picked up some habits like jumping up and not always following through on commands we had taught him. I felt quite anxious on walks and it was effecting us as a family. On his residential training Amelia taught him several commands, reduced his excitement levels so much that he doesnt react to other dogs, stopped jumping and follows commands instantly. Amelia also taught us what we were doing wrong and now we know what to do, the stress has gone. There's ongoing work to do but it's manageable and we all enjoy our walks now. Amelia is a real professional, is a people person and was so easy to work with. It was a real delight to find Amelia and can't recommend her enough. Thank you.


Nelson was away with Amelia for 4 weeks for residential training. We collected him yesterday. I especially was really nervous about getting him back, he was a nightmare before he went and frankly, I didn't want him back. He really was at last chance saloon. Immediately going in to see him, I saw a relaxed, calm, happy boy who was placed on his bed and did as he was told - that in itself was huge! Amelia has worked so hard with Nelson over the last four weeks and wow, what a difference in him. He understands now what is expected of him and he wants to perform, he wants to do as he is told because he wants to please. It is very early days obviously as he has only just got home but everything about his future now rests on us as owners and we will continue to work hard with him now that all the ground work has been put in place so as to not undo all the work that Amelia has put in. It may be really early to be putting up a review but I had to as I'm so happy. Happy owner, happy dog, happy future!


My dog Bailey (6 months old) has just spent 4 weeks with Amelia at Insync K9. She clearly had some fantastic training and has come back a very well behaved puppy. Insync K9 addressed all the issues I wanted sorted. I was worried about leaving her but Amelia kept me updated with photos and video clips of her progress which kept me in the loop. She looks amazing and has slipped back into life at home as if she was never away. Thank you Amelia and Insync K9!!!


Lexi stayed with Amelia and the Insync K9 team on a 4 week residential training programme. She needed training on loose lead walking and separation anxiety. She was hugely anxious to begin with, but Amelia and the team spent lots of time building her trust. Fast forward 4 weeks, and what a difference...! She was treated like part of the family at Insync and I'm not entirely sure she wanted to come home! Her loose lead walking is amazing (and I know she was a monkey and kept testing the staff) but the results are plain to see. Previously I was the owner being dragged down the road...not anymore! Her separation anxiety is hugely improved too. She goes into her crate fuss free and doesn't whine and bark at all when left. I'd also like to add that I was extremely anxious whilst Lexi was away, and Amelia was so patient with me, and always kept in touch to let me know everything was ok. So, so impressed and grateful for all of their help and hard work. If you need help with your fury friend, I really wouldn't look any further than Amelia and the Insync K9 team.


I would like to say a huge, huge thank you to Amelia & all involed at insyncK9 for the unbelievable transformation of Juno! After spending a small fortune on various training classes, 121 sessions, harnesses, leads & headcollars to no avail, I was issued the dreaded ultimatum "if she can't be trained she'll have to go!" Feeling completely helpless i asked for advice on a doberman site on facebook & in no time at all the recommendations for insyncK9 flooded in. I contacted Amelia and expained my situation along with the many issues we had to deal with including, separation anxiety, loose lead walking, recall, chasing, occasional aggression & reactivity to almost everything that moves!! I was immediately put at ease with the magic words "don't worry you're not alone, we can help" and a residential training course was arranged. All the time Juno was away we were kept fully informed by way of messages, calls, photos & videos. 6 weeks later we arrived at handover day and unbelievable results! Amelia took the time to explain everything to us from the training techniques used to the possible problem areas we may encounter from time to time & more importantly how to deal with them moving forward. A full training session in the paddock followed with an additional trip out to a nearby walkway for a "real life" experience to ensure we were completely confident before going home. I seriously cannot recommend Amelia & her team enough, my only regret is that I didn't know about them earlier! Again, thank you so much for everything!


I can't recommend insync k9 enough. I had been to previous trainers for my dobermans unruly behaviour (severe aggression to dogs,cats, birds, bees, bikes, scooters etc, impossible to walk, not listening in the slightest to any commands and constant barking) to be told she will never listen to us and to get rid. We were two days away from taking her to a shelter to ensure she went to the best home, when I got in touch with insync k9. 2 one hour sessions later and she is a completely different dog, the beautiful lady I knew she could be. I really can't thank you enough and highly recommend you


Got the pleasure to go down and do some one on one training with Jon and Amelia the insync K9 team. Having just got my first dog Kuro The Dobermann 14 months ago was looking for some tips on how to help control the boy. He has some of the usual issues likes to try and be centre of the conversation when I am speaking with friends, pulling on the lead, also wanted to do some heel work with him after seeing Jon and Amelia's videos. Got some tips on how to control him and calm him down in those situations , which has now blended in with other situations and he is a more obedient and relaxed pup. The teams experience of Dobermans was priceless for me, got my homework to work on to keep on top of everything and it is working a dream. Will definitely be back to train again if they can put up with me. Got the bug now. ☺️☺️


Freya had a four week stay with insync K9 before going she was a handful on the lead pulling barking at other dogs very hard work

I could not believe the change when I collected her amazing the hand over and instruction on collect is very good I was confident before leaving I could handle anything not the future

Highly recommend will use again


Couldn't recommend insynck9 enough! We sent our 8 month old male German Shepherd dog to Amelia for a 4 week residential training course after months of difficulty walking him. We struggled due to his constant pulling at the lead and his excitement and reactivity towards other dogs. I was a little anxious about not having him home for such a long time but Amelia sent pictures, videos and little updates on how he was doing throughout the 4 weeks which made the whole thing much easier! We've had our lovely Bear back for a week now and can't believe the difference! He walks to heel, doesn't react to other dogs and his recall is perfect. Walking him has turned from such a worrying and stressful experience to something that we can all look forward to and really enjoy together!

Thank you so much Amelia!!


Collected Jupiter from Amelia just over a week ago. He was a calmer boy and had been shown how to behave properly whilst still having some fun. Amelia is so down to earth and will work with you through everything to make sure you’re getting it down to near perfection, anything to make owner and dog happy. Jup had a brilliant time and I received updates all the time. Couldn’t have asked for anything or anyone better �


After getting our rescue dog q we found his behaviour on lead, around other dogs and then to people difficult to manage. We tried all other options and was told to put him down, insync were our last hope we were anxious leaving our dog for residential training and were advised not to but after having an initial meeting with Jon and amelia we were calm and relaxed and decided 6 weeks was what q needed. We were regularly kept up to date with videos, Pictures and messages and they even answered our most simple of questions. We were shown in a very detailed handover how to work with q to get the best from him. We have gone from having a dog we couldn't take outside to walking around next to other dogs. We thought maybe we would get a more manageable dog on a lead at best but we have gained so much more we have a dog who we are proud to walk and we owe it all to insync k9 team. I would recommend them to anyone.

More about Insync K9

Insync K9 is located at Towcester, NN12 Towcester, Northamptonshire