Intelligence Squared

About Intelligence Squared

The latest photos, videos and news from our world renowned debates, along with brilliant ideas from the world’s brightest minds.

Intelligence Squared Description

Intelligence Squared is the world’s premier forum for debate and intelligent discussion. Live and online we take you to the heart of the issues that matter, in the company of some of the world’s sharpest minds and most exciting orators.

Past speakers include: President Jimmy Carter, Richard Branson, Chris Anderson, Sean Penn, Desmond Tutu, Patti Smith, Russell Brand, Stephen Fry, Eric Schmidt, Christopher Hitchens, Nate Silver, Germaine Greer and Rev. Jesse Jackson.

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TONIGHT: We debate 'Dickens v Tolstoy' whose legacy is more enduring today?
Join us over on Twitter where we'll be live tweeting from 7pm! #IQ2


Race doesn't exist - according to philosopher K Anthony Appiah. What do you think? Join the debate!
Live event in #London on #identity and the need to belong with philosophers Kwame Anthony Appiah and John Grey. BUY TICKETS NOW #IQ2 #race #gender #identitypolitics


NEW DEBATE: Should Britain walk away from the Brexit negotiations?
With Nicky Morgan MP Andrew Adonis John Redwood and chaired by BBC's Nick Robinson
Join the debate. #IQ2


“The truth is that there are no races” - Kwame Anthony Appiah
Identities divide us, but they also unite us and fulfill our need for a sense of collective belonging.
Join two of the most respected thinkers to shed new light on the most thorny of topics:


DEBATE: Does parenting make much of a difference to the way our kids turn out?


ANNOUNCEMENT: Tom Hiddleston joins the cast in our star-studded debate 'Dickens vs Tolstoy' on 2nd October.
Buy your tickets quickly!…/d ickens-vs-tolstoy-s…/


Tonight our brilliant speakers go head to head over Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership. Howard Jacobson will argue that Corbyn is unfit to be Prime Minister. Do you agree?
7pm Thursday 6 Sept, London.


Tomorrow night join our live debate! Chris Williamson will oppose the motion "Jeremy Corbyn is unfit to be Prime Minister". But which side will sway the audience?
7pm Thursday 6 Sept, London.


This Thursday Anna Soubry will argue that Jeremy Corbyn is unfit to be Prime Minister. Is Corbyn really an apologist for antisemitism?
7pm Thursday 6 Sept, London.


LAST TICKETS for Thursday night's major debate available here:…/j eremy-corbyn-is-unf…/


Would a Corbyn-led government pose an 'existential threat' to Jewish life in the UK? Or will Jeremy Corbyn give power back to the people? Join our live debate this Thursday 6th September, hear the arguments and make up your mind.


Join the debate this Thursday! Ash Sarkar will argue against the motion “Jeremy Corbyn is unfit to be Prime Minister”. Where do you stand?
7pm Thursday 6 Sept, London.


This week's podcast is now available.


NEW EVENT: Charles Dickens v Leo Tolstoy


Live debate next week with Anna Soubry MP & Howard Jacobson arguing yes, but Ash Sarkar and Chris Williamson MP rejecting the claim. Chaired by @AnthonySeldon. What do you think?
Join the debate: 7pm Thursday 6 Sept, London. BOOK TICKETS NOW:
... The Labour party is rife with antisemitism, and Jeremy Corbyn is to blame. Each day brings a fresh Labour antisemitism scandal, whether it’s a senior Corbyn ally ranting against Jewish ‘Trump fanatics’ or the news that Corbyn himself hosted an event on Holocaust Memorial Day where Israel was compared to Nazi Germany. Labour’s relationship with the Jewish community has deteriorated so much that more than 60 British rabbis from the full spectrum of Judaism wrote a letter condemning the Labour leadership. Last week, the Jewish community’s three main newspapers wrote a joint op-ed entitled ‘United We Stand’, describing a potential Corbyn government as an ‘existential threat’ to Jews in Britain. Corbyn is a menace, and he is not fit to lead this country.
That’s the contention of Corbyn’s critics. But while he may have kept bad company in the past, should we not acknowledge that what motivated Corbyn was a profound sympathy with the plight of the Palestinians under Israeli occupation, rather than a hatred of the Jews? Isn’t it obvious that his heart is fundamentally in the right place? A veteran anti-racist campaigner, Corbyn has been on the right side of history since the 1980s, marching against apartheid and the Iraq war. And while Labour certainly needs to work harder to regain the trust of the Jewish community, Corbyn’s transformative vision of equality and social justice is exactly what this country needs. Give Corbyn a chance, and he’ll build a Britain for the many, not the few. On September 6th Intelligence Squared will be debating this contentious subject with some of Britain’s top political minds, including Ash Sarkar, the young Corbynite activist who recently caused a Twitter storm by yelling ‘I’m literally a communist, you idiot!’ at Piers Morgan, as well as the celebrated Jewish novelist and commentator Howard Jacobson.
Is Corbyn potentially the saviour of Britain’s downtrodden or a fringe fanatic who is morally unfit to be Prime Minister? Join the debate, hear the arguments and make up your mind.
#IQ2 #Corbyn #Labour The Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn
See More


Video is now online


"Ireland’s confrontation with its dark past shines a searchlight on Catholicism. But then all religions can be havens for abusers, similarly tainted, equally founded on controlling women’s bodies. Cases emerge from madrassas, yeshivas, temples, mosques and churches with warnings they are just the tip of iceberg. Wherever a community is in thrall to elders of a faith that defines their identity, few dare risk the threat of expulsion from a way of life."


The multibillion-pound parenting industry tells us we can all shape our children to be joyful, resilient and successful. But what if it’s all bunk? Intelligence Squared are bringing together a panel of top geneticists and parenting experts to explore just how important parenting is.
Join the debate on 12th November. Tickets are available here:…/p arenting-doesnt-mat…/


“Look over here at this shiny act of kindness, bravery, and fortitude!” so that you do not turn to your left to notice and question the structures that made such kindness, bravery, and fortitude necessary in the first place."


i love Intelligence Squared ... But i'm disappointed with your Shell event.

That didn't look like an Intelligence Squared, such a mess ..

And with Jason Bradbury in it? Made it look like a kids show.


great debates, so refreshing, powerful ideas, best entertainment


Wonderfully poignant, articulate and clever debates. Excellent oratory and very astute panelists most of the time. A fantastic public service, kudos for a job consistently well done.


Today's debate was a great eye opener. No rethoric during the debate. I kept swaying between for and against the motion.


They can't make them fast enough! This is where the real discussions are taking place.


The best of the best I wish I was part of this undisputed uncontestable squad


Superb evenings. Beautifully curated. Niall Ferguson was awesome.


Just came across them recently. LOVE the debates and discussions on their podcast. If you are into intelligent debate and discussions, you have to subscribe to the podcast.


It is an excellent forum to learn from. Not just on the contentious topics but on the importance of civil debate.


I'm a big fan! But can you please increase the volume of the recordings in your podcasts?


I love this show... It asks pertinent questions that everyone is thinking about but no one is brave enough to bring up. It helps you figure out your thoughts and actually very few times have I been left on the fence on any issue, it helps you take a stand sans the propaganda. For me it brings awareness and is not only about entertainment. The line between being rude and honest is thin, this show has no prejudice, it maintains integrity and respect. This is why I always recommend to people I meet, so I'm recommending it to you!


Can't wait for the VF Digital Summit. What a line up...


Bright people discussing enlightening topics. Downside, they don't release content as often as I'd like to consume.


Politics and Religion they belong to one group. There isn't a lot of information on how much these Top religious Icon leaders are worth?. However that information is hidden from the public eye. How do we know for example in real life if People like Pop John Paul were also funding political leaders in private. There is a probability in my own opinion that there is safety net somewhere reserved by these Religious Icons not known to the public eye and might be known by few luck ones (JOHARI WINDOW). That's is the propaganda of religions. Some of them might have done it for the utmost good faith. Under Human rights Act article 8 everyone has the right to private life. Without alienating other people's opinions, and facts I will leave it here. Thank you


It will be nice to see subtitles on youtube. A lot more people will watch your videos.


Since I know the body is just a "Costume" "WE" are wearing in this LIFE, I have little FEAR of "changing " "Costumes" ; dieing! People , innocent of crime , are sent to Death in "Wars" all the time . To have been "convicted" of killing others and then getting free Room and Board , free health care,supervised recreation , there is some security problems but many Homeless should have it so "GOOD" !

Death penalty ? They just have to start Life Over , ?


The Google Hangout debates are schizophrenically packed out with so many speakers and multiple media that no single coherent thought can be established by any one speaker. If eloquent debate is meant to be an antidote to the vacuities of slogans, headlines, and sound bytes, then these Google Hangout debates fail that test spectacularly. The format needs to be fundamentally retooled to allow each individual participant (moderator, debater, challenger, online moderator, online questioner, audience member) to have fully 1-2 minutes to spin out a thesis of moderate complexity, or the discourse descends into hyperventilated talking points, shouting matches, unanswered questions, etc etc.


Silly and biased. should be called square root of intelligence


I was hoping that iq2 will be an organization that fosters critical thinking, enables discussion, and promotes debates. It turns out that they are just as biased about certain topics as your next person, and they delete comments and silence views critical of theirs.

More about Intelligence Squared

Intelligence Squared is located at Newcombe House, 45 Notting Hill Gate, W11 3LQ London, United Kingdom