Intelligent Eating

About Intelligent Eating

http://www. Education about the food you eat. It strips back all bias, money, marketing and propaganda about what you consume. . . .

Intelligent Eating Description

What is intelligent eating?
Intelligent Eating is as the name implies, eating intelligently. Intelligent eating strips back all bias, money, influence, marketing and propaganda about food. It provides information about the foods you eat and how they affect your health, particularly your longer term cardiovascular health.

Who is this aimed at?
It’s aimed at people who have a genuine interest in their health. Genuine is used because there will be a degree of learning required to understand the psychology and biology involved.

What’s the science behind this?
Fortunately it’s immense, peer reviewed, irrefutable, multi national, and current.

What is different about this from all the other dietary change noise out there?
The outcome is, by design intended for long term maximising health, minimising incidence of disease rather than a focus on weight loss or improvement of external appearance as primary objectives.

Some dietary changes target weight loss, or one specific disease – intelligent eating is about providing information so you are best placed to make the right decision for yourself.

What this is not.
-Telling you what you can and can’t eat.
-Sale of any product or supplementation.
-Hidden agenda through funding from an interested party.

What is the intention of intelligent eating?
To achieve long term optimum health through education of dietary media.

Why haven’t I heard of this, if it is true…?
Government, industry, and big pharmaceutical companies to name a few tend to filter the information provided.

Typical outcomes:
Through understanding of the information given and subsequent implementation, typical outcomes are as follows:

Massive change in blood work, especially CRP, cholesterol and fasting glucose.
Positive changes in energy levels.
Fat loss, where excess fat is present.
Reduction in atherosclerotic material present.
Less incidence of type 2 diabetes.
Less incidence of neoplastic disease.
Rapid increase in endothelial function.



After what is now 8 years of hard work, and driving change through education I'd be delighted if you could join me, the founder of Intelligent Eating in April for this TEDx event.
Thank you to everyone for their continued support!
Adam :-)


What's healthy here and what isn't?


Thoughts on these?
We have plus sized clothing so why not these also.
Is it good marketing or an acceptance of being overweight?
... What do you think? Should we be tolerating poor physical health?
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Any questions?


Very true.


People often ask us for meal plans.
Whilst they're rarely the ultimate solution, they can be helpful. :-)
If you'd like a week's worth of meal plans and recipes just comment 'yes' below and we'll send you them right now.😃
... (opens in messenger)
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What could you make from these foods + either oats, potatoes or rice?


Want the Intelligent Eating fat loss cheat sheet?
One page download just comment 'yes'


Another 5*


Friday :-)


And every day.
So much can be done through education and awareness alone.


And it’s the same with type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and so on.....
These problems are not only preventable but in so so many cases, reversible and easily.


End of January 🤔


Most people struggle with the idea that ‘carbs’ are okay.
Some are, some aren’t.
The reality is many don’t understand what they are and assume sugar.
... Carbs are just hydrated organic carbon molecules, carbohydrates- it’s in the name 😉
Potato. Sugar < 1%.
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Over 2 years on, he remains free of the disease.
And that's powerful.


Without education, you’ll fall victim of whatever presents in your environment.
Just be careful..... it seems obvious when looking at it this way.


This is a great testimonial for Intelligent Eating, and a testament to someone who decided to make positive change for themselves and their family :-)


Hopefully I can help you, if, for you the time is right.
Over the last 6 years, my team and I have achieved a lot of positive results for people, and I'm proud of that.
Certainly there's been a lot of pushback, but that's to be expected.
... For those whose lives have been changed for the better, thank you for your open mind and allowing Intelligent Eating to help you. :)
Adam, Founder.
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Whilst adam may not be everyone's cup of tea. I've got to know him very well. He's very knowledgeable about nutrition and he gets great results.

I recommend him on a regular basis to people who need help with their nutrition, particularly people with health issues issues such as diabetes or high blood pressure etc.


If you want to learn about a healthy diet, lose excess weight & chronic illness, this resource can be extremely helpful. If you want to believe that eating meat, dairy, eggs & fish are good for you, then you may be wise to go somewhere else. The wisdom of eating a fully plant-based diet is well-supported by the best research, increasing numbers of doctors, the WHO & environmental groups around the world.


I've been working with Adam for a couple of months now and I'm there I think. You have totally changed the way I'm thinking about food. I am making much smarter choices based on better knowledge that you have given me. I can't thank you enough. I will continue making the small steps and being more adventurous in what we are eating. Apart from sorting out my cholesterol levels, I have also lost the weight I wanted to lose and have noticed so many changes in the way I feel. You are awesome, completely awesome. Thank you xx


I would like to thank Adam for what he did for my wife.

She was stuck with her weight since our last baby 3 years ago and could not lose the little bit she was unhappy about.

I was unsure how Adam could help her but after a chat, Adam was confident he could help.

Well with a complete diet change she drinking more water, eating more and healthy foods.

She nearly lost a stone in 3 months and it's still fall off. She more confident about herself and clothes are fit better.

So it made her realise the food she was eating before was not helping losing the weight.


I was 2 stone overweight. Unhappy. I ate to make make self feel happier... and so it continued. The turning point was when I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabeties.

At which point I asked Adam for his advice. 3 stone lighter. And zero diabetiec ailments for over 18 months. No medication. Just a new found regard for nutrition. I'm still no angel when it comes to eating. But the days of half a packet of hobnobs and 2 sugars in my coffees seem alien to me. I'm happier and thinner! Look better and feel better. What's not to love. Thanks so much Ad.


I met Adam for the first time today. We had previously messaged and talked on the phone so I already knew he was one of the good guys. However, meeting him in person and hearing his talk, well that blew me away! Adam has really made me think. None of us are immune to these nutrition induced conditions, we have very limited knowledge of what we are putting into our bodies. I assume I am pretty healthy as I have no symptoms, but to be honest, I have no idea what is really going on inside, what are my coronary arteries like? What are my blood glucose levels like? Probably too high as I like my chocolate too much.

I have a scientific background so really appreciate that Adam talks from a point of view of evidence and facts, scientific papers and studies. A lot of people would not know how to review that evidence and those figures properly, but Adam does and that is very important. Adam really knows his stuff and can explain it on a very simple level or on a more in-depth, clinical and scientific level for those who love their science like me. I will definitely be finding out more from Adam on how I can improve my nutrition. But first and foremost, as a direct result of this mornings talk I called my Dr surgery to book in for a health screen - I need to know my numbers so I know what I am dealing with. I am a single parent so need to be in top shape to take care of my children and lead by example :) Speak to Adam, find out how healthy you really are and how you can get it right going forward :) Highly recommend!


I feel privileged to have known Adam from when we were at school, I knew from the moment that we met that he was terrifying intelligent (and I copied his homework in accordance!)

We lost touch and I wondered whether he would use that thirst for knowledge (he literally used to make me try to better myself every time we were together! He made me take the MENSA practice test at 14, he tried to teach me Esperanto FOR FUN!!?) I always wondered whether he would use his powers for good or evil! for the sake of the modern world I'm glad it was for good!

I was very happy to see his efforts crop up on Facebook and I contacted him concerning a few issues I had with dieting whist giving up smoking etc. It was great! he mocked me for the delusional tosh I had convinced myself of, but Once he pointed it all out, I felt stupid about the cider vinegar, turmeric type efforts that I had been messing about with!

I have stuck to Adam's advice and have never felt better, I felt a bit odd that our phone call was somewhere between friend and business, and was not sure how to thank him, so I thought I would do it in a review as an attempt to show thanks.

In short:

TO ADAM: thank you! :)

TO EVERYONE ELSE: Adam's advise will help you more than you know!


I cannot thank Adam enough for his help and advice. He has been so supportive of my situation and continues to be.

I’ve been following his food plan myself and have felt great! I didn’t intend or expect to lose weight but I have done and my stomach has significantly flattened which is an absolute result!

Adam, you have been an absolute star! Thank you so much!


I am now GREAT just come back from the doctors with my blood results

Blood pressure now 117/70 Haemoglobin 41Vitiman D63 colestrol 3.8

Thank you, Adam, I am now living life to the full Lost over a stone and a half without ever feeling hungry. People say I look great and what do I do for my skin as it is so looking good.

If you have any health worries you must seek Adams help a great guy who has enabled me to change my life around for the good of my health


Even across the ocean, Adam's inspirational and motivational outlook on clean eating has changed lives. I live in Brampton ON Canada and in 2013 I was 186lbs and in between stages II and III heart failure and was facing an ICD implantation. I met Adam on FB through a group page for TGA Adults and his friendship, support and intelligent eating group kept me driven to make changes in my own life. Now, in 2017 I have lost a total of 67lbs, my heart failure is in remission and I was even taken off of one of my heart medications. I also have been able to delay the ICD implantation! Thank you Adam! You are amazing!


As a fully qualified personal trainer, I’ve always had an interest in diet, and sports nutrition. For me, being in the best shape is a powerful representation of my brand. I also own a property company, I’m a busy guy - for me, I have to on the top of my game or I lose money, credibility and a sense of my own self worth. I’ve followed intelligent eating for over 3 years and through implementation of the advice and consultancy, my health has exploded, my relationships have improved with both myself and others and I’m now a PT who can actually walk the walk when it comes to nutrition.


After suffering from exhaustion for what seemed like an eternity, with the help of Intelligent Eating, I finally solved the puzzle. Having had 3 open heart surgeries, I was concerned my symptoms were of cardiac origin, and so was my cardiologist.

As a newly qualified teacher, I have to be active, vibrant and positive. However, my exhaustion was affecting all of these and my quality of life was suffering; I had to do something, but wasn’t sure where to turn.

Amazingly, after talking to Adam, he was able to solve my problem, my energy levels and exhaustion through suggesting a more logical approach, which so many in the medical profession miss. I feel so, so much better, and it was such a simple fix. Adam was genuinely concerned about my health and well-being which I greatly appreciated and valued, and had a very pragmatic approach throughout. Now, I can't even believe how much better I feel!


Adam, quite simply, knows his stuff. Not only is he intelligent but he is extremely knowledgeable and experienced in his field of expertise. He has helped me view my diet in a completely different way, I have learnt information I never would have come across, if it weren't for Intelligent Eating.

If you want results, whether it's to loose excess weight, handle/eradicate an illness or simply lead a healthy life, then go to Adam.

Adam is personable but also honest. He achieves amazing results through his ability to understand a client's needs and keep them on track. He studies and draws from his understanding of personality types, psychology, sociology, science, nutrition and his client. He uses this to help them recognise their current eating patterns and how they can change their 'default mode'. His methods are a leaps and bounds above many nutritionists who simply tell clients what to eat but not why.

Finally - it's not all about being a vegan - its about eating intelligently.


Adam's knowledge and enthusiasm for all things food and health is extremely impressive. More importantly though, he genuinely loves to help people. Food and health can be controversial subjects, but Adam passionately preservers to educate people so that they can be better versions of themselves. Take the opportunity to work with him if you can.


Adam is the real deal. Nutrition isn't as much about weight or fat loss, as much as vibrant health and preventing or reversing 'chronic' illnesses like diabetes and hypertension. Adam is The man to go to if you are tired of popping pills and want to get off your meds and be in the best health of your life. Adam, may your tribe increase. We need more like you! - Dr Noronha, Consultant Psychiatrist.


Adam is special. He has a unique way of engaging people by making them question everything they hear. Who knows the truth? Is it not better to be riled up against your beliefs and seek the truth rather than stumble blindly through the fog?

Maybe what we have been taught about it is similar to how the radical extreme groups feel about their religion.

It’s change, we hate to be told we got it wrong! His reasoning and knowledge is sound and he is highly intelligent. Don’t let the dream stealers steal your dreams!

Thank you Adam!


Adam changed my whole mindset around food and nutrition. His approach makes total sense, and it works. We need more people like him to challenge the norm and tell it how it is. I’ll never know how to thank him for the change in me!


Adam Stevens has changed so much for us. I first started working with him to support my wife, who had a health issue we thought Adam's nutritional advice might be able to help. It did help. The change in my wife's health has been astounding.

I'd been a rampant carnivore for years and decided to take the full vegan route, again, to support my wife in her endeavours to enhance her health with Adam's individually-crafted dietary advice. I thought I'd miss meat. I haven't. Not even remotely. In fact, I'm enjoying food now more than ever. My taste buds have come back to life.

Adam is a dream to work with. One of the most caring, compassionate, conscientious service providers I have ever encountered. His customer service levels are out of this world.

Go work with the guy - I seriously cannot rate him highly enough.


Only came across this man online and he was completely obnoxious and arrogant. How he works with people is beyond me. It’s his way or the highway. Even boasted about how he’d called out Joe Wicks online like that was something to be proud of. It’s people like him that give vegans a bad name. Horrid man.


Want the Intelligent Eating fat loss cheat sheet?
One page download just comment 'yes'


Whilst adam may not be everyone's cup of tea. I've got to know him very well. He's very knowledgeable about nutrition and he gets great results.

I recommend him on a regular basis to people who need help with their nutrition, particularly people with health issues issues such as diabetes or high blood pressure etc.


If you want to learn about a healthy diet, lose excess weight & chronic illness, this resource can be extremely helpful. If you want to believe that eating meat, dairy, eggs & fish are good for you, then you may be wise to go somewhere else. The wisdom of eating a fully plant-based diet is well-supported by the best research, increasing numbers of doctors, the WHO & environmental groups around the world.


I've been working with Adam for a couple of months now and I'm there I think. You have totally changed the way I'm thinking about food. I am making much smarter choices based on better knowledge that you have given me. I can't thank you enough. I will continue making the small steps and being more adventurous in what we are eating. Apart from sorting out my cholesterol levels, I have also lost the weight I wanted to lose and have noticed so many changes in the way I feel. You are awesome, completely awesome. Thank you xx


I would like to thank Adam for what he did for my wife.

She was stuck with her weight since our last baby 3 years ago and could not lose the little bit she was unhappy about.

I was unsure how Adam could help her but after a chat, Adam was confident he could help.

Well with a complete diet change she drinking more water, eating more and healthy foods.

She nearly lost a stone in 3 months and it's still fall off. She more confident about herself and clothes are fit better.

So it made her realise the food she was eating before was not helping losing the weight.


I was 2 stone overweight. Unhappy. I ate to make make self feel happier... and so it continued. The turning point was when I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabeties.

At which point I asked Adam for his advice. 3 stone lighter. And zero diabetiec ailments for over 18 months. No medication. Just a new found regard for nutrition. I'm still no angel when it comes to eating. But the days of half a packet of hobnobs and 2 sugars in my coffees seem alien to me. I'm happier and thinner! Look better and feel better. What's not to love. Thanks so much Ad.


I met Adam for the first time today. We had previously messaged and talked on the phone so I already knew he was one of the good guys. However, meeting him in person and hearing his talk, well that blew me away! Adam has really made me think. None of us are immune to these nutrition induced conditions, we have very limited knowledge of what we are putting into our bodies. I assume I am pretty healthy as I have no symptoms, but to be honest, I have no idea what is really going on inside, what are my coronary arteries like? What are my blood glucose levels like? Probably too high as I like my chocolate too much.

I have a scientific background so really appreciate that Adam talks from a point of view of evidence and facts, scientific papers and studies. A lot of people would not know how to review that evidence and those figures properly, but Adam does and that is very important. Adam really knows his stuff and can explain it on a very simple level or on a more in-depth, clinical and scientific level for those who love their science like me. I will definitely be finding out more from Adam on how I can improve my nutrition. But first and foremost, as a direct result of this mornings talk I called my Dr surgery to book in for a health screen - I need to know my numbers so I know what I am dealing with. I am a single parent so need to be in top shape to take care of my children and lead by example :) Speak to Adam, find out how healthy you really are and how you can get it right going forward :) Highly recommend!


I feel privileged to have known Adam from when we were at school, I knew from the moment that we met that he was terrifying intelligent (and I copied his homework in accordance!)

We lost touch and I wondered whether he would use that thirst for knowledge (he literally used to make me try to better myself every time we were together! He made me take the MENSA practice test at 14, he tried to teach me Esperanto FOR FUN!!?) I always wondered whether he would use his powers for good or evil! for the sake of the modern world I'm glad it was for good!

I was very happy to see his efforts crop up on Facebook and I contacted him concerning a few issues I had with dieting whist giving up smoking etc. It was great! he mocked me for the delusional tosh I had convinced myself of, but Once he pointed it all out, I felt stupid about the cider vinegar, turmeric type efforts that I had been messing about with!

I have stuck to Adam's advice and have never felt better, I felt a bit odd that our phone call was somewhere between friend and business, and was not sure how to thank him, so I thought I would do it in a review as an attempt to show thanks.

In short:

TO ADAM: thank you! :)

TO EVERYONE ELSE: Adam's advise will help you more than you know!


I cannot thank Adam enough for his help and advice. He has been so supportive of my situation and continues to be.

I’ve been following his food plan myself and have felt great! I didn’t intend or expect to lose weight but I have done and my stomach has significantly flattened which is an absolute result!

Adam, you have been an absolute star! Thank you so much!


I am now GREAT just come back from the doctors with my blood results

Blood pressure now 117/70 Haemoglobin 41Vitiman D63 colestrol 3.8

Thank you, Adam, I am now living life to the full Lost over a stone and a half without ever feeling hungry. People say I look great and what do I do for my skin as it is so looking good.

If you have any health worries you must seek Adams help a great guy who has enabled me to change my life around for the good of my health


Even across the ocean, Adam's inspirational and motivational outlook on clean eating has changed lives. I live in Brampton ON Canada and in 2013 I was 186lbs and in between stages II and III heart failure and was facing an ICD implantation. I met Adam on FB through a group page for TGA Adults and his friendship, support and intelligent eating group kept me driven to make changes in my own life. Now, in 2017 I have lost a total of 67lbs, my heart failure is in remission and I was even taken off of one of my heart medications. I also have been able to delay the ICD implantation! Thank you Adam! You are amazing!


As a fully qualified personal trainer, I’ve always had an interest in diet, and sports nutrition. For me, being in the best shape is a powerful representation of my brand. I also own a property company, I’m a busy guy - for me, I have to on the top of my game or I lose money, credibility and a sense of my own self worth. I’ve followed intelligent eating for over 3 years and through implementation of the advice and consultancy, my health has exploded, my relationships have improved with both myself and others and I’m now a PT who can actually walk the walk when it comes to nutrition.


After suffering from exhaustion for what seemed like an eternity, with the help of Intelligent Eating, I finally solved the puzzle. Having had 3 open heart surgeries, I was concerned my symptoms were of cardiac origin, and so was my cardiologist.

As a newly qualified teacher, I have to be active, vibrant and positive. However, my exhaustion was affecting all of these and my quality of life was suffering; I had to do something, but wasn’t sure where to turn.

Amazingly, after talking to Adam, he was able to solve my problem, my energy levels and exhaustion through suggesting a more logical approach, which so many in the medical profession miss. I feel so, so much better, and it was such a simple fix. Adam was genuinely concerned about my health and well-being which I greatly appreciated and valued, and had a very pragmatic approach throughout. Now, I can't even believe how much better I feel!


Adam, quite simply, knows his stuff. Not only is he intelligent but he is extremely knowledgeable and experienced in his field of expertise. He has helped me view my diet in a completely different way, I have learnt information I never would have come across, if it weren't for Intelligent Eating.

If you want results, whether it's to loose excess weight, handle/eradicate an illness or simply lead a healthy life, then go to Adam.

Adam is personable but also honest. He achieves amazing results through his ability to understand a client's needs and keep them on track. He studies and draws from his understanding of personality types, psychology, sociology, science, nutrition and his client. He uses this to help them recognise their current eating patterns and how they can change their 'default mode'. His methods are a leaps and bounds above many nutritionists who simply tell clients what to eat but not why.

Finally - it's not all about being a vegan - its about eating intelligently.


Adam's knowledge and enthusiasm for all things food and health is extremely impressive. More importantly though, he genuinely loves to help people. Food and health can be controversial subjects, but Adam passionately preservers to educate people so that they can be better versions of themselves. Take the opportunity to work with him if you can.


Adam is the real deal. Nutrition isn't as much about weight or fat loss, as much as vibrant health and preventing or reversing 'chronic' illnesses like diabetes and hypertension. Adam is The man to go to if you are tired of popping pills and want to get off your meds and be in the best health of your life. Adam, may your tribe increase. We need more like you! - Dr Noronha, Consultant Psychiatrist.


Adam is special. He has a unique way of engaging people by making them question everything they hear. Who knows the truth? Is it not better to be riled up against your beliefs and seek the truth rather than stumble blindly through the fog?

Maybe what we have been taught about it is similar to how the radical extreme groups feel about their religion.

It’s change, we hate to be told we got it wrong! His reasoning and knowledge is sound and he is highly intelligent. Don’t let the dream stealers steal your dreams!

Thank you Adam!


Adam changed my whole mindset around food and nutrition. His approach makes total sense, and it works. We need more people like him to challenge the norm and tell it how it is. I’ll never know how to thank him for the change in me!


Adam Stevens has changed so much for us. I first started working with him to support my wife, who had a health issue we thought Adam's nutritional advice might be able to help. It did help. The change in my wife's health has been astounding.

I'd been a rampant carnivore for years and decided to take the full vegan route, again, to support my wife in her endeavours to enhance her health with Adam's individually-crafted dietary advice. I thought I'd miss meat. I haven't. Not even remotely. In fact, I'm enjoying food now more than ever. My taste buds have come back to life.

Adam is a dream to work with. One of the most caring, compassionate, conscientious service providers I have ever encountered. His customer service levels are out of this world.

Go work with the guy - I seriously cannot rate him highly enough.


Only came across this man online and he was completely obnoxious and arrogant. How he works with people is beyond me. It’s his way or the highway. Even boasted about how he’d called out Joe Wicks online like that was something to be proud of. It’s people like him that give vegans a bad name. Horrid man.

More about Intelligent Eating