Intermittent Explosive Disorder

About Intermittent Explosive Disorder

Funny songs . . . or else . . . http://www. intermittentexplosivedisorder. co. uk /

Intermittent Explosive Disorder Description

We are Intermittent Explosive Disorder or, if people names are your preferred term of reference, we are Aerynne and Kris, and we do songs that combine our love of comedy with our tendency to be a bit gobby about things.

By day we build websites and train people to master them, but after a scary-enjoyable effort performing a few Mitch Benn songs at the office talent show, we thought it might be as much fun to write and record a few silly songs of our own.

So, that’s what we’ve done … if you’re intrigued (or anywhere above “actively hostile” on the spectrum of curiosity), why not check out what we do on the Downloads page of our website. It’s all MP3, and it’s all free (yeah, like you’d give us money – although we do accept cheques).

More about Intermittent Explosive Disorder