International Crimes Strategy Forum

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About International Crimes Strategy Forum

Independent global network of justice advocates and experts acting for the victims of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and terrorism.

International Crimes Strategy Forum Description

International Crimes Strategy Forum (ICSF) is an independent global network of experts, justice advocates and organisations committed to end impunity for international crimes, ensure justice for the victims of these crimes, and uphold rule of law and human rights. The activities of ICSF are focussed on justice for international crimes, such as, genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and terrorism – through documentation, campaign, advocacy, research and education.

Background of ICSF: the Beginning

In February 2009, ICSF was launched, initially bearing the name War Crimes Strategy Forum (WCSF), which was subsequently changed to International Crimes Strategy Forum (ICSF) after a few months of operation. The very inception of ICSF was in acknowledgment of the enormity and complexity of tasks involving prosecution of the perpetrators of international crimes in Bangladesh after a lapse of 39 years since the atrocities were originally committed, and was also with a commitment to support the justice process at Bangladesh’s International Crimes Tribunal.

Where do we stand? Who do we stand by?

ICSF’s areas of interest and operation have evolved, extending beyond the justice process of Bangladesh. ICSF endeavours to stand by the victims of international crimes anywhere in the world. ICSF pledges to act within its capacity wherever their voice and creed for justice tend to get suppressed amid equations of global political power-play, lobbying and PR activities led by alleged perpetrators, and strategic inactions of other international civil society actors.

Core values and approaches

Human Rights. Justice. Rule of law. Rooted in non-elite, non-exclusive, collective and participatory premises, the attitudes (as well as qualities) that we seek to promote within and outside the coalition are: excellence, dedication, boldness and perfection. All forms of elitist and /or self-propagating tendencies are, therefore, resisted. We believe, these values are essential to an organisation comprised of justice advocates.

Official Logo is as on top of this page.


Fiat justitia, ruat caelum
(‘let justice be done, though the heavens fall’)

Volunteers and partners in the coalition

Since its beginning in early February 2009, the Forum has come a considerable way. It had always been comprised of and run by volunteers who are committed to justice and fairness acting in collaboration to pursue the Forum’s objectives. Our volunteer-base is now spread all over the world and the network is expanding. We have amongst us – students, teachers, policy makers, human rights and cultural activists, professionals such as lawyers, engineers, doctors, researchers, journalists and other media personnel, members in the armed forces, individuals who have fought in the liberation war, and most importantly, individuals who have suffered directly as a result of international crimes. With every passing day, more and more people and organisations are extending their hands to volunteer and develop our various projects. At present, in addition to volunteers contributing independently, a number of organisations and blogs are also affiliated with ICSF.



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“The pages of tribunal judgements will bear testimony to what the nation survived in 1971 and will perhaps help to make the decision. . . Bangladesh hopes the work of the tribunals will one day substantiate the case for recognising the 1971 genocide as well.”
- Bahzad Joarder…/justice- remembrance-and-reco…




Two former executives of a local Ford Motor Co plant have been convicted for human rights crimes over the abduction and torture of company workers during Argentina’s 1976-83 dictatorship in a historic judgment.…/pedro-mul ler-hedro-sibilla-fo…


Bir Protik Taramon Bibi, revered for her courageous role in the 1971 Liberation War of Bangladesh, has died at the age of 62. She was one of the two female freedom fighters in Bangladesh receiving the "Bir Protik" honour for her bravery in direct combat as a member of the Mukti Bahini (Liberation Army), a guerrilla force that fought against the Pakistan military and its collaborators.
She dies a hero leaving a country and its people in her debt. May she rest in peace.


Bangladesh government’s plan to prematurely repatriate the Rohingya to Myanmar ended in failure.…/rohingya- refugee-repatriation…


#CAMBODIA First official acknowledgement that it was “genocide” under international criminal law! For the first time, two leaders of the brutal Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia have been found guilty of genocide. Nuon Chea, 92, was the deputy of regime leader Pol Pot, and Khieu Samphan, 87, was head of state. They were on trial at the UN-backed tribunal on charges of exterminating Cham Muslims and ethnic Vietnamese, and were serving life sentences for their Crimes Against Humanity. Up to two million people, most of them ethnic Khmer, are believed to have died under the brief but systematically brutal Khmer Rouge regime between 1975 and 1979.


The International Crimes Tribunal has sentenced fugitives Md Liakat Ali from Habiganj and Aminul Islam alias Rajab from Kishoreganj to death for crimes against humanity, including murder and genocide during the 1971 Liberation War.
A three-member bench led by Justice Shahinur Islam declared the verdict in the war crimes case against Liakat and Aminul. Liakat was an activist of the Muslim League prior to 1971 while Aminul was a member of its student organisation. Liakat was a former president of the Lakhai wing of Awami League from 2003 to 2013. He was accused of war crimes in 2010.
Of the 85 suspects in the 35 cases brought before the International Crimes Tribunal thus far, five have died outside of custody. A total of 80 have been convicted, while 53 received death sentences for war crimes.…/1971-war-crimes- tribunal-sentences-l…
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//Since 8 February 2018, the situation in Venezuela has been the subject of an ongoing preliminary examination by the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. On Wednesday 26 September 2018, however, a coalition of States Parties to the Rome Statute composed of Argentina, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay, and Peru jointly submitted a referral of the situation in Venezuela to the Prosecutor. In this referral, it was requested that the Prosecutor open an i...nvestigation into the commission of crimes against humanity allegedly committed in Venezuela under the government of President Nicolás Maduro, beginning on February 12, 2014. This referral, the ninth referral received by the Prosecutor, is not only the first referral to be submitted by a “coalition” of States Parties, but also one (directly) concerning a situation occurring on the territory of another State Party.// e-state-party-ref…/
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German prosecutors have charged a 26-year-old former officer in Afghanistan's military with war crimes, alleging he played a role in the abuse of prisoners. x-af…/29570848.html


The Supreme Court of South Korea ruled on Tuesday against Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp to compensate four South Koreans for imposing forced labour during World War II when the Japanese imperial army occupied the Korean Peninsula. The court ordered to pay 100 million won ($87,700) to each of the four plaintiffs. This ruling is likely to have a significant impact on Japanese-South Korean ties, politically and economically, as Japanese firms involved in similar lawsuits could face similar outcomes.…/south-korea -court-orders-japan-…


//It is widely accepted that poverty and inequality are fundamental causes of armed conflict in Colombia. The laws intended to end war in Colombia include not only political measures to negotiate peace but also economic interventions to alleviate poverty. Yet state programs intended to lift victims and ex-combatants out of poverty fail to challenge the very systems that generate inequality and violence. This is, in part, because both reparations and reintegration programs seek to remake individual victims and ex-combatants into entrepreneurs, placing the burden of postconflict recovery on the individual.//‚Ä ¶/learning-to-inves‚Ķ/


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Yet another ballot powered disaster! erica-46013408


//Beginning October 1965 to mid-1966, at least half a million (over a million by some accounts) Indonesians were killed by the army and army-backed local civilian militias. Another million were incarcerated without charge.//…/mass-mur der-largely-forgotte…


From 1999 to 2018, Kosovo courts heard 48 war crimes cases with a total of 111 defendants standing trial.…/111-accu sed-for-war-crimes-i…


Lawyers for survivors of Rwanda's genocide on Friday urged France to reopen its investigation into claims that French troops were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people they had promised to rescue. Six survivors, backed by human rights groups and other plaintiffs, launched a legal case in 2005 accusing French soldiers of abandoning Tutsi civilians in Bisesero, western Rwanda, in June 1994. But France's probe into that claim was shut down in July as no one had been charged during 13 years of investigation. The survivors say French soldiers had promised to rescue terrified Tutsis hiding in the hills of Bisesero at the height of the killing on June 27, 1994.…/39349-rwa nda-genocide-survivo…


Citizens' campaign #recognise1971genocide is all about reminding the people of the world about a forgotten tragedy that took place in Bangladesh in 1971.


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we must ensure justice for our holy motherland.

one love #Bangladesh!

we can, we will !!


khub valo page , sobsomoy pashe achi. agiye jan


great work.thanks all the activists working here.


This is a very focused organization on justice for 1971 genocide, war crimes.


There are a lot pages in facebook, this page is one of the very few pages which I trust.


The best page in seeking justice to genocide.


Strategic analysis for justice and humanities. Great. ..awesame.


Now people will know many things from this forum.


It's really great to see some of you guys come together to work for a cause; 1971 liberation war of Bangladesh, war criminal and justice.

Salute you guys.




From my perspective, ICSF is one of the most focused and consistent organizations who are committed to end impunity for international crimes, uphold rule of law, and ensure justice for the victims of these crimes. Specially, being a enthusiast follower of the International Crimes Tribunal, Bangladesh, I try to keep myself updated. This page provides me with exactly what I want.


Excellent page the need of the hour. Keep it up also try to highlight the stories of those freethinkers those who are fighting for justice.


Dear Sirs,



The various Embassy officials have been called for a meeting yesterday (Sat 25/4) in Indonesia and 9 prisoners on death row, charged with drug trafficking, were given 72hours notice of execution which will happen on Tuesday 28/4/2015, Indonesian time.

We are BEGGING your organization to help as we have nowhere else to turn to. Please STOP Indonesia ASAP TODAY. They are a party to the ICCPR and will be violating human rights and breaking International Law by mass murdering these 9 prisoners. A few of these prisoners have been in prison for 10 years and are totally rehabilitated and reformed. Drug trafficking is not "a most serious crime" and these prisoners should not be executed per ICCPR ART 6(2).

If President Obama and the Johor Sultan, Malaysia could override their Courts' sentences, grant clemencies and recently release prisoners, so can the Indonesian President Joko Widodo. He has no excuses not to grant clemencies to these worthy, totally rehabilitated prisoners.


Thank you so much for your URGENT and PROMPT intervention! We have only 48 hours left to save them. One of them was a drug mule and a young mother with 2 small boys. Please have MERCY.



A very necessary endeavour to keep us updated with the current events regarding the trials.

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