Internet Profits With Dean Holland

About Internet Profits With Dean Holland

Dean Holland Is A Successful Internet Marketer, Entrepreneur And Business Mentor. Through His Valuable Teachings And Trainings Hundreds Of Individuals Now Operate Profitable Internet Businesses Themselves. Be Sure To Click 'LIKE' now



How am I able to use the internet to generate low to high ticket product sales every day, without actually selling anything myself?
Simple actually, I built a weird type of sales funnel that I call "The Centrality Funnel" >
If you're someone without any products of your own, but you want to use the internet to build a business then you're going to love how this works
... ...and if you already have your own products to sell then I'm sure you'll love how quickly this can increase your results once you have the Centrality Funnels working for you
If that sounds interesting, I'd love to walk you through it step-by-step in this weeks live web class I'm hosting on Thursday
Grab your seat now, it's FREE:
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Entrepreneurs listen up, you're making a some big mistakes!
I remember years back when I was in the early stages of my business getting all excited
I believed I was starting to think like a "real business person" so I began to try and figure out what entrepreneurs should be doing
... Before long I began to make mistakes, the same mistakes I see many new entrepreneurs making now
So listen carefully...
You do NOT need a fancy business card
You do NOT need a fancy logo
You do NOT need letter headed paper
You do NOT need the most perfect design
I know they feel exciting and make you feel like a real entrepreneur but they're the LAST things you need
What you do need is SALES.
To make sales you need a STRATEGY.
So keep it simple, go make sales and start to grow your business
Everything else can wait... Profit makes you the real business person ;-)
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Watch the video in "HD"...
See the next part here: 2015/
In 2015 I made a ton of mistakes, but I also had a lot of successes that allowed my business to fly into the 7 figures in the past few months
... I've reviewed the year and made a short case study of the 5 main lessons I learned in 2015 that made the most impact
To see the full video go here: 2015/
I'm also hosting one final webinar of the year that you're invited to completely free.
Enjoy the case study, hope it puts a smile on your face and some growth in your business :-) 2015/
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Email Marketing Productivity Hack:
To those of you that write your own emails here is a small but effective little email writing / productivity hack that you may wish to use...
When I'm crafting an email sequence of 2 or more emails I position notepads on my screen side by side as shown in the screenshot.
... Then I can see the campaign / story all together and see it flow... I can then move parts around by copy/pasting sections if they will fit better elsewhere
Something I find helpful when doing this, hope it helps you :)
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[Part 3 of 3] The dirty little secret
My mistake was becoming more and more clear...
... It had cost me 60 grand
Maybe it's got hold of you too
More on that in a moment...
Remember yesterday I said there was 4 things he shared with me?
The first 2 I shared in yesterday's message, they got things started
But these final 2 put nearly two thousands bucks in my pocket... finally I was doing it!
Now here they are for you...
1: Build an email list...
2: Recommend products to them for affiliate commissions
It really was that simple, and 8 months later I quit my job and became my own boss
Now 7 years on I've made millions.
The problem for you is that it's not as easy as it used to be
There's a big dirty secret that most people are oblivious to, completely!
I know what it's like, wanting freedom so badly
The internet can indeed get that for you, and everything you want in life
But if you don't know "The Dirty Affiliate Marketing Secret" it's near impossible to make it happen
So today I have good news...
I'm giving 500 people my brand new product, FREE!
Tell Me Where To Send Your Copy:
That mistake I made that cost me 60 grand...
Ready for it?
I spent 4 years (and 60k) trying to figure everything out alone
No help. No direction. Nothing - just blind hope.
Don't make the mistakes I made, don't lose it all like I did
I've been through all of that, I know what works and what doesn't
I know what you NEED to know...
Today I'm Giving You The Secret For Free:
Act now, there're running out fast...
Just 500 and one has your name on it (if you're quick!)
Good luck, hope this reaches you in time
Speak soon
Dean Holland
P.S - I have an extra bonus lesson to share tomorrow
I literally discovered this in the past week
I've been stunned by it's secret influence on us all, now that I'm aware of it
You will be too... look out for it, coming soon!
For now get this:

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[Part 2 of 3] Wide eyed Lunatic!
I screamed across the hotel lobby...
... As I ran down the steps chasing him, all I could hope was to reach him in time
Just as he pushed open the doors I grabbed him by the shoulder
in shocked he spun around
I must have looked like a wide eyed lunatic!
This guy was clearing about 20 thousand bucks a month online, and like an idol to me
I on the other hand, was a broke, obsessed, clueless newbie
Who'd made NOTHING in 4 years of trying
OH, and did I mention the biggest mistake I made in that time?
It cost me over 60 thousands dollars!
I'll tell you soon
After a few minutes of speaking he told me he had to leave to catch a flight

However before he went I asked him the one question anyone in my position would...
"What's the one thing I can go home and do to start getting results?"
His response was quite astounding to me
I'd seen and heard of everything he said but never put together that way
He told me to do 4 things, all of which I nearly dismissed as I THOUGHT I'd seen and done it all before (without any luck)
Firstly: He told me to start my own blog
You can read my first ever blog post below, made on October 20th 2008 st
Crazy to think that was over 7 years ago now, but that was just the beginning...
Second: He told me to continue sharing my story
Essentially he told me to go and share my experiences with the world
How I'd failed for 4 years... How I'd lost so much money
The good, the bad and the ugly
However, although those 2 tasks helped and got me started
It was the final 2 "tasks" he set me that put nearly 2 grand in my pocket just 5 weeks later
To say I was stunned is an understatement...
Tomorrow I'll share the final part of the story with you
I'll let you in on the secret of the 2 other "tasks" he set me
They have since allowed me to build a business that makes over 2 million a year
Until then, take care...
Dean Holland
P.S - Remember the trick I mentioned I'd picked up in a book yesterday?
There's a new twist to it, I'm almost annoyed at myself for not spotting it sooner
It's been happening to you and I most our lives and we didn't even realise it
I'll explain it tomorrow, it'll help you make a bunch more money that's for sure
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[Part 1 of 3] Was this the end?
I was so scared
... What would I do if people found out what I'd done?
The walls were caving in and I couldn't see a way out...

During the first 2 years of trying to build an online business I was excited, I thought there was such potential
Life changing potential.
After 4 years I'd lost it all.
5 credit cards, 2 bank loans and nothing to show for it.
Not even one buck back to give me hope... not one!
I was about to give it all up, accept a traditional life and focus on getting a promotion at my construction job
Then on the Tuesday, around mid-afternoon, an email arrived...
It was one of about 120, buried amongst the trash I almost missed it all together
Luckily, THANKFULLY, I clicked the subject line
The message started...
"meet me in London, I'm paying..."
5 weeks later I made nearly two thousand dollars in affiliate commissions
I couldn't believe it... but there it was, in my account...
The following June, about 8 months later - I quit my construction job forever
The contents of that email, and the bizarre occurance that followed, changed everything
Tomorrow I'm going to share with you what I found in that email...
The bizarre occurance that followed, and how I finally got affiliate commissions flowing
Sound good?
Look out for it, I'll start my email with: [Part 2 of 3]
Speak soon
Dean Holland
P.S - I nearly forgot to mention...
Do you read much?
I have started reading 1 - 2 books per week, but one thing I found last night shocked me
I didn't even realise the tricks played on us in every day life!
I'll probably share it with you soon, I think you'll be surprised
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The business that wins is the business that understands their customer better than anyone else


I'm about to commence using this page daily to share what we're doing to grow my marketing company, as well as sharing insights into my daily routines and much more... stay tuned :)


This could be the most profit inducing post I have ever written... (prepare to add 6 or even 7 figures to your business!!) st-way-to-add-6-an…


I have to tell you, I've REALLY screwed up in the past. The kind of screw up that almost cost me my business cripple-your-busi…/
Worst of all I've done it more than once!! If you have an online business (or wanting to start one) take 30 seconds to read my big confession as it may well save you ( or MAKE YOU) millions of dollars
... cripple-your-busi…/
WARNING: If you make this same mistake you will lose a lot of money, or worse your business may come crashing down around you.
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Doesn't it seem like there's a million-and-one ways to make money online? In this weeks blog post I get rid of the myths and also share the process we use to make thousands per day online ess-sucks-and-the…/
I struggled to make a dime online in the past for several years, and I've also used many business models to make a lot of money in the past too
... However NOTHING is more sustainable, more scalable than what you're about to see... siness-sucks-and-…/
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Today is a very special day, for two reasons... #1 - is BACK and here's my first new post: om-is-back-better…/
Reason #2 why today is a VERY special day - you'll have to read the post for that one ;) om-is-back-better…/


Nothing, and I do mean NOTHING is as important as family.


Learning to build a sustainable business that relies on no one but yourself is one of the best moves you could ever make.
Select a market full of buyers that has a problem they want to solve, the more urgently they wish to solve that problem the better.
Create a proven sales funnel system to take people from a website visitor, all the way to becoming a client that buys your core high ticket product.
... There's actually 5 key components to the marketing and sales system that does this, my personal favorite (and the most profitable) is what I call 'The Wishing Well'
The great thing is, once you know these 5 components and understand how they all work you can apply it to ANY niche you want!
So whether you're in the home business niche, fitness, wealth, sports, dieting, or any other buying marketing you MUST know how to do this
Because once you do, you can simple buy traffic and make as much money as you wish.
I'll be teaching all of this and more this month at my 2 day seminar in 3 weeks time in Manchester England at my
If you want an online business, the provides the ultimate lifestyle without relying on anyone shift everything and get to this event
But you must act fast because right now we only have 49 tickets left, and they are running out fast
So come on, get yours now before it's too late:
You'd be crazy to miss it!
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The weeks are counting down to the UK Automated Income Seminar. so excited for this!!


Just received this question: "What exactly will I learn at your seminar?" -
Here's my response in this video.
We now have just 61 tickets left so act fast before it's too late:

More about Internet Profits With Dean Holland

Internet Profits With Dean Holland is located at 7 Musters road, NG27PP Nottingham, United Kingdom