Into The Mystic - Tarot And Spiritual Mediumship

About Into The Mystic - Tarot And Spiritual Mediumship

Profound and life changing tarot readings to empower you to take control of your life.



Excellent tarot group this evening - exercises on reading the same card from different decks, cards that repel us and how to turn that into a positive. Finished with a personal reading for personal healing - well done guys <3


Card of the Day The Magician Robin Wood Tarot
When The Magician appears it is a message to you to recognise and use all of the talents at your disposal. It is time for you to realise your potential and stop letting things hold you back from succeeding at your goals. The Magician is a skilled communicator and a force of energy which allows you to move ahead with diplomacy and creativity. Time to think outside the box and see more clearly the unseen forces around you - accept and recognise that there is more than the physical - integrate all aspects into your actions and have the confidence to master whatever you are doing today xx




Card of the Day Queen of Pentacles Tarot of the Old Path
Today's card indicates a period of joy and abundance coming our way which is always nice to hear! While this card represents a love of the finer things in life she is not swayed by them and demands a reality check from you. If this card resonates with you, think about whether you need to have your feet firmly on the ground and to have a more realistic view of things going on around you at the moment. Don't allow your head to be turned by material things - you need to remain grounded and not be swayed by things that are irrelevant. This card can also represent generosity so think about who needs your help and guidance today as well, Generosity does not always just mean things - it can also mean time and nurturing. Who needs that from you today? xx


Card of the Day Page of Cups Rider Waite Tarot
A very appropriate card for me today - all about starting a new venture and exploration as I prepare to start art classes for the first time and I am very excited about this!... Pages represent novices (me) in this context but can also represent a younger or less experienced person. They also represent change and a sense of anticipation and excitement. For me the Pages are about adventures and opportunities of some description.Cups represent our emotions so may also suggest new relationships whether this be personal or professional - it is all about the context in which we draw this card. If this card resonates with you think about the context in which it may apply to you and look forward to your own adventure today - whatever it may be :-)
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Card of the Day 10 of Wands Herbal Tarot by Michael Tierra
I love this deck and it's use of herbal imagery. It is based on the traditional Rider Waite but uses plants and herbs to add depth to the traditional meanings of the cards.... Wands are about energy and we see the man in the card carrying a large burden but interestingly, it does not seem to weigh him down. Is this because he knows he is at the end of his journey? He is looking ahead to the future and moving forward with renewed vigour now that the end of this particular phase is nearing completion. Prickly Ash bark is known for it's stimulant properties and perhaps he has had an infusion of energy - just enough for one last push to get through what has, at times, been a challenging and demanding period of time. For those of us who are also going through similar struggles this card is a welcome sight. It tells us to keep going, pushing on and that our burdens will soon be lifted. We may need to consider how we might find that last drop of energy to assist us in this but be assured that we will get there in the end xx
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Card of the Day 4 of Cups Rider Waite deck
The page has been rather quiet of late as I have been conserving my energy and resting as much as possible so this card is really giving me a prompt today!
... The young man is sitting and mediating under the tree but he is so focused on his inner being that he risks missing out on opportunities that are in front of him for the taking. Although we do all need to take time out to recharge we need to find a balance and ensure we do not completely isolate ourselves. It can be difficult to motivate ourselves at times to grab the chances - sometimes this is due to fear of failure so we would rather just let the chance pass us by. By doing this we miss out on life itself. If it is due to ill health and lack of energy ( as in my case!) then we really need to push ourselves just a little if we can. Ill health can make us self absorbed and it begins to define who we are if we allow it to. The message to me is to not let life pass us by - push ourselves as much as we can and take the chances we are offered - look outwards instead of inwards xx
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I have always loved walking barefoot in grass - when it is warm enough!


Card of the Day Ace of Arrows - The Breath of Life The Wildwood Tarot by Mark Ryan and John Matthews
Aces are about beginnings and this card is all about considering new ways of being. Time to leave all the emotional baggage behind and to start thinking with your head. There are decisions to be made and too many choices. Weigh up the pros and cons of each to enable to you see your direction clearly. Whittle them down until you see that ultimately there is only one choice and make it. Then your path becomes much clearer and you stop feeling as though you are going round in circles xx


My new deck - think Loki approves 😊


Fear and self doubt is a common theme in my Tarot and psychic development groups - this is my answer :-D


Card of the Day 4 of Air Gaian Tarot
The eggs in the nest represent the incubation period for the ideas and plans that we may have but to be able to realise them we need to make sure that they are kept safe and protected for a while longer. They are not yet ready for general consumption. More planning and preparation is required. Do your research, nurture them and allow them to become fully formed. Only then will they reach their full potential xx


Card of the Day King of Cups - Radiant Rider Waite
This card shows someone who has reached a certain point in their life, the pinnacle if you will. Someone who has developed the ability to manage their emotions, remain calm and bring clarity to a situation. If this resonates with you today then take that message on board. If you find yourself in a situation where emotions are bubbling away - you need to be that person. Use your experience to bring calm to troubled waters, re...main objective and do not allow yourself to be manipulated into participating in any disagreements that may arise. You are not there to take sides but rather be like Solomon and use your skills to get to the truth of the situation. Think with your head not your heart - logic is required today. Do not allow yourself to be swept up in the maelstrom of emotions, instead keep your boundaries in place and be that place of balance.
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Card of the Day 6 of Wands - The Wild Unknown Tarot
Today's card asks you to rise above any difficult situations you may encounter. Don't get involved in other people's pettiness and arguments - instead use your energies to create an atmosphere of serenity. Butterflies are a symbol of transformation and you have the ability to transform negatives into positives. Use your experience to smooth things out - show others the way to be themselves without fear of what others may think of them xx


I will be doing Tarot readings here on the Sunday and there are lots of other stalls and therapies on offer as well :-)