Invigorate Personal Training

Monday: 06:30 - 20:00
Tuesday: 06:30 - 20:00
Wednesday: 06:30 - 20:00
Thursday: 06:30 - 20:00
Friday: 06:30 - 19:30
Saturday: 07:30 - 14:30
Sunday: -

About Invigorate Personal Training

Invigorate offers a holistic approach to improving and maintaining your health and fitness whatever your goals.



We just wanted to share with you the work of Steel Warriors, a charity that looks to bring down the number of young people carrying knives in the UK. By melting down knives taken off London's streets and recycle the steel into outdoor calisthenics gyms. We love this initiative and wanted to share their genius with you all. It’s such a great example of how sports and fitness can change people’s lives for the better


Keeping to your fitness plans can be challenging especially in the summer when the weather is nicer and holidays start to disrupt your normal routine.
Our advice is not to panic, holidays are to be enjoyed and not to cause you anymore stress. You may not be able to stick to your normal fitness routine on holiday but there are plenty of fun ways you can keep fit without having to stress about getting your specific workouts in.
You may not even want to exercise at all and that’...s ok too.
Check out the link below for some ideas…/g2… /summer-fitness-trends/
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It is so great to see a young athlete come back from adversity stronger and more confident. With a solid program and a real commitment to change @serenarichjones is now taking on the big jumps and big comps. - - - -... - - #showjumping #strengthtraining #horseingaround #allornothing #ankleinjury #keepontrucking
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Foam rolling is a great way of warming up your muscles before you workout. The best analogy for this is to think of your muscles like cold pastry and the foam roller as the rolling pin. We roll the pastry to encourage its flexibility, the more rolling we do the warmer the pastry gets and the further the pastry stretches…your muscles are the same.
Using a foam roller wakens up your muscles and gets them primed for the heavy lifting, vigorous exercise, o...r intense stretching you are about to put your body through. We have stressed the importance of warming up before a workout. Well now it’s time to take it to the next level
#foamroller #warmup #stretch #muscles #workout #fitness #healthandfitness
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Ever got the urge to punch someone? Sometimes life gets on top of us and we need to let it out, stress and anger need to be channeled and exercise is the best way to release any pent up tension or aggression. We don’t recommend trying it on your boss but sometimes we need an outlet and punching your PT might just be the healing process you need. Come give it a go, we host boxing sessions all the time and drops ins even angry ones are more than welcome!


There will be a lot of bikini body workout routines filling your social media pages around this time, and this is your sunny reminder to ignore them all, (that goes for all you guys as well). Do not let the weather, or the perfect bodies you see on Instagram have a negative impact on your fitness journey. Don’t let the negative feelings that these posts evoke be the foundation for your motivation. Push yourself forward with the positive energy that comes from you wanting to look after yourself for many reasons including your health and wellbeing rather than just your appearance. Looking after yourself should be a year round love affair, not just a summer infatuation! Have a great weekend everyone!


Anyone see the London Marathon last weekend and catch the running bug? Need help with your training? Our team of professional PT’s can help you breakdown your running style and build it back up again to give you the best form and solid starting blocks to get you flying across the finish line!
#startnow #running #summer #training #invigoratetraining #sport #fitness #goals #londonmarathon


Squats, we love squats.
Squats are necessary for our everyday life, from sitting on the loo to picking up heavy furniture, we squat all the time whether it’s at the gym or not.
This functional exercise is a must have in every workout as it is a great way of building strength across multiple muscle groups. This is because it is a compound movement, meaning it engages more than one muscle at a time.
... Some people may shy away from squats as they have trouble with their knees. Breaking this compound exercise down however with a PT can help you pinpoint where your pain stems from and help you gradually rebuild your strength; starting with static squats before progressing further by playing around with depth and weight.
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Here’s @serenarichjones getting the work in as we start her pre-comp conditioning. We have worked through a major ankle injury and a knee injury so focus was Strength and rehab/prehab. It’s great to have finished that phase and now prepare for the more serious Showjumping competitions coming up.
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#horseriding #showjumping #strengthandconditioning #medicineballworkout #medicineball #skillmill
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We can understand why gyms can be intimidating places. There’s a lot of equipment with a confusing amount of moving parts, and usually a lot of muscly men chucking weights around and grunting, like gorillas in the jungle.
You have to remember everyone is there to achieve their own goals and are not interested in anyone else’s. If you are struggling with your lack of fitness or self-conscious about your wobbly bits don’t be, you are exactly where you need to be and should be p...roud of just stepping into the gym because that is the first hurdle of starting your fitness journey.
Having a consultation with a PT is a must, as they can take you through all the exercises and machines, and work up an initial programme for you. This way you can walk into the gym with confidence knowing exactly what you need to do, switching between your exercises with ease leaving you no time to worry about anyone else and avoid you staring bemused and confused at the gym floor.
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Warm ups are a crucial part of your workout, so don’t forget to change up your warms ups as well as your workouts. You don’t exercise the same group of muscles every time you go to the gym do you? Therefore your warm up should not be the same each time you go. Figure out what your focus is for your workout that day and concentrate on warming up that specific group of muscles. You may think this is obvious but how many of you hit auto pilot when entering the gym head to the mats and automatically just starting lunging and swinging your arms about? Routines are great, but any routine can easily turn into laziness, and that is something that should never be associated with your workouts.


Gettin in the work!!


When embarking on any fitness journey your diet is always called into question and the office doughnuts are suddenly reincarnated as the devil.
Don’t make the mistake of cutting out snacks completely this will just make you ‘hangry’ and most likely prompt an aggressive attack of the fridge as soon as you get home… and potentially derail your clean eating.
Instead substitute the biscuits at work for nuts, they may be small but surprisingly filling, and are a great source of protein and healthy fats along and have been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease and may help prevent certain cancers, depression and other diseases.


April has begun and January is a whole three months behind us, it’s time to check back in with your 2019 goals.
What were they, can you even remember them?
Are you smashing them?
... Where ever you are in your fitness journey it is always important to check in regularly with your progress. No matter what method of measuring you use it is important for your progress and mental health to keep a record of how far you’ve come. Whether this is photo evidence or inches on measuring tapes, it is only by keeping track that you realise all the good work you are putting in.
Some days it’s easy to lose motivation because you can’t see the progress and wonder ‘oh well what’s the point?’ It is for exactly these moments that you can refer to your journey’s progress and get re-inspired by your own hard work.
We are often blind to our own success this way we can see clearly free of our own judgment and emotions, and can react on facts. Whether it gives you a kick up the back side and a reminder to stay on track or a boost in confidence, tracking your journey is a win win!
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Last weekend we saw a great documentary about Sir Steve Redgrave winning his 5th Gold medal.
As PTs who work with bodies every single day it didn’t escape our notice that the other lads joining Redgrave on the podium looked far leaner than he did. To the point where an untrained eye would assume they were fitter than Redgrave; which evidently is not the case.
It just goes to show that no matter how fit you are your body can have a tendency to store fat in particular places, ...and where specifically depends on your genetics.
It is not necessarily so that the fittest people have to have muscles that look like they’ve been chiselled out of marble.
Even Olympians don’t have ‘perfect’ bodies, and every body looks different and behaves differently, so make sure you listen to yours.
What one person needs to be powerful, strong, lean or flexible is it not necessarily what you need.
Realise what you have and work with it and not against it.
Photography credit: Pres Association archive
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Today we shared on Twitter some great healthy lunch recipes that you can easily prep for work. Not only is prepping your lunches in advance going to save you shed loads of money, you will be making healthier choices. Getting fit and healthy is 50% exercise and 50% diet. Often, we may think that our diet is a healthy one…until we actually call into question what we put in our mouths that day. When you are making your own lunches, you are working with raw ingredients and natural flavours. You have complete control over your portion size. It is also giving you a chance to get creative and feel in control of your fitness journey!


Earlier this week we drew inspiration from George Halas the famous American Football Coach and his quote “Nobody who ever gave his best regretted it.”
When it comes to anyone’s health and fitness journey this could not be a truer statement. It is important to have goals but it is also important to break that goal down in to a lot of smaller attainable goals.
Real change can’t happen overnight, and a fitness journey is all about giving your best not once, not twice but consi...stently. It is only with persistence that real change takes hold.
When you stop giving your best you are hindering your journey and making your goal that much harder to reach. Attack every exercise with the same energy you have going in to your workouts. This way you will be getting the best out of you and your fitness journey.
Now go get em tiger!
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Some wise person once said everything in moderation; which just means that if you want to play hard you have to work hard too. Being healthy isn’t all about the scales but it is all about finding the right balance between food and exercise.
#health #wellness #pullup #motivation #londonpt

More about Invigorate Personal Training

Invigorate Personal Training is located at Queen Elizabeth walk, SW13 0DG London, United Kingdom
Monday: 06:30 - 20:00
Tuesday: 06:30 - 20:00
Wednesday: 06:30 - 20:00
Thursday: 06:30 - 20:00
Friday: 06:30 - 19:30
Saturday: 07:30 - 14:30
Sunday: -