Invincible Business

About Invincible Business

Connected Marketing & Sales consultancy. We specilise in getting you more of what you want. Appointments, calls, emails, SALES. We don't do fluffy social.

Invincible Business Description

Connected Marketing & Sales consultancy. We specilise in getting you more of what you want. Appointments, calls, emails, SALES. We don't do fluffy social.



Another of IBL's little creations for our NEW LeadResult service.
Creating Media Ads that catch the attention and convert.


How it feels when you've sold out your Event.


How it feels to have a diary full of quality sales appointments!


How it feels to have your Lead Gen sorted.


We just sent a potential client an introduction...
We spotted that he'd asked for help with his Social Media...
What do you think... too much...
... Hi XXXXXXXXX It's been a while, hope you are doing well. I spotted your posted about wanting to talk to someone about social media marketing... oh no!
No idea if you have had your question answered but, if you have time, I'd like to tell you a short story...
Once there was a guy and all he wanted to do was sell stuff, do his thing and generally be a bloody good bloke to his customers. No matter how hard he tried it was a bit of a ba$tard trying to get $hit done. He noticed that he spent more time chasing his arse because lead generation turned out to be a black art and everyone he asked seemed to be completely full of $hit. No matter the amount of specialists and experts he spoke to he always seemed to feel that he was urinating his money down a hole and never seeing a return on his investment.
He hadn't started all of this to become a sales and marketing guy, I mean who the hell wakes up one day and decided to do THAT for a career.
Then he met some blokes, two of them, they seemed to spend far too much time having a laugh and killing it in their business. It turned out that these two guys, Russ and Ian, happened to be the exact people who woke up one morning and decided to be a Marketing man and a Sales man. They'd been doing just that for 25 years each. They loved it. It was infectious.
When they started talking and told the guy about the 60 different global social media platforms, how to use them, where to find his customers and how to put lead generation before any "fluffy social media" it became clear that if he never worked with these guys for even a day, that in one conversation he had learned more about what he should and could do than all of the other bullshitters had ever told him combined. He knew now how to get the RESULT he wanted, he just had to decide if he wanted to do it himself or ask for help...
That's the end of my little story... we don't work with everyone... not everyone want's to work with us... but for the time and price of a cup of coffee....?
PS... This is a picture of Fluffy Social Media Dog... cute but very bad at converting sales... Fluffy though.
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Invincible Business in a Box
The trouble with marketing today…
Laurence J. Peter once famously wrote ‘If you’re don’t know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else.’ And that’s exactly the case for many business owners today!
... As experienced sales and marketing professionals, we’ve heard the same story time and time again. Have a read of this and see if it rings any bells.
Your business owner journey
1. It all starts with overflowing enthusiasm and excitement. You can’t wait to bring ‘that thing you do’ to the marketplace and be the best you can possibly be.
2. You wait with baited breath for the customers to come flocking in…but they don’t. You try offering discounts, special offers, the works. Nothing doing.
3. You take the plunge into the world of sales and marketing, starting with the freebies. Endless books and online discussions later, you’re back where you started.
4. So you start paying for stuff. Networking meetings, Business Coaches, Social Media Consultants…an endless merry-go-round of empty promises. Your costs soar and your profits drop (along with your spirits).
Somehow, you keep your head above water. And if you’re lucky, things get easier. Because you really are good at ‘that thing you do’. But you’re still not living the dream. Your business isn’t growing, you’re still craving financial freedom and you’re still not the market leader.
If this is where you are now, keep reading!
We’ve got some fantastic news for you: it’s not too late. You can still get everything you want from your business, just by doing things in a different (and easier) way. We’re passionate about what we do, because we know it works. And we genuinely want to help you take your business to the next level.
It’s our mission to make your sales process invincible!
Interested? Here’s what you need to do
1. Decide on the result or lead you’re looking for. Is it an enquiry, an appointment or an actual sale?
2. Call the Invincible Business team on 07753662973 and book your FREE Discovery Session NOW!
Or if you’d like to know more, visit today. We’re ready and waiting to help you take your business to the next level.
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Having launched the Facebook page for IBL only a few days ago we are almost at 100 followers. Next target is 1000...
... For those of you that know us, like us and trust us we have a few simple requests, cus if you don't ask you don't get!
1) Can you please share this page and maybe say something nice about us... ya know we love you. If you fancy you could even leave us a review... you probably won't have time and that's ok.
2) Invite all of your connections to come and have a look as well. If they don't like the page they will just ignore us and we are cool with that. We actually like the idea of being a bit Marmite, if we are really lucky they might even start hating on us and give us something to talk about!
3) Nope, that's it, just those few simple things. Like, Share, Comment, Review, make us a brew... you get the drill.
We are asking right now because the page is just starting. Most of you know Ian (me, I do write copy from time to time), Russ, some of you might even know Faye. Eventually I hope you'll get to know us all. We've all been running our businesses for a long time. We know we have some good will out there and we are hoping that all the good karma we have sent forth over the years will re-visit us.
Thanks from us all at Team Invincible.
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Another average day in the office.
So that boy of mine is better but not there yet, besides we agreed over crumpets this morning that coming to work with Daddy would be cool. So we did!
Massive thanks to for allowing me to conduct my team meetings this morning with Mini Me along for the ride. It's one thing me being agile but I can only do that if others around me are as well.
... I now have work to do that will have to be done after the boys gone to bed but to be honest, what the hell, it was worth it.
#InvincibleBusiness #GreenVisionEnergy #TeamWork #TakeYourKidToWorkDay
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Sat in the car on my phone.
Sick kid in the backseat sleeping off the McD’s treat for being good at the doctors. The drugs hopefully taking off the edge of his crazy ear virus.
Brought to mind that I had sent and received a bunch of emails, pinged through my social, responses teed up for others and now a few spare minutes to reflect.
... I spoke about being agile on Facebook yesterday. Fast on my feet, able to adapt, find solutions and move my game on when I hit a bottle neck or problem. Didn't realise that as I wrote my nipper was brewing up a rage to test me on that the very next day.
The one hour I did get in an office this morning I watched the Green Vision team put out two fires in quick succession. I couldn't help but notice the blazes where started by individuals with no idea about the pressure this team is under. Kudos to the team, you got this! Responding and staying pro all the way.
Not sure what your Monday looks like, hopefully no sick kids and no fires to put out.
Being agile to me means being available when I'm needed, like today, to make sure my boys looked after but so are my customers.
What does agility mean to you?
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This is the story of what we do, since so many of you have accepted the invite I thought it wise to explain what we actually do...!
A perfect sales process...
The Invincible Sales Funnel is basically a fancy name for a simple process. Namely:
... *Turning prospects into customers *Up-selling to them for profit *Selling to them over and over again
In our opinion, it’s the Holy Grail of sales and marketing. Trust us, if you put the work in (see below), you really will get results from your sales funnel.
Know, like and trust...
Our team will also focus on building your authority and market positioning. This is just a fancy term for ‘Getting people to like you before you try to sell them something.’ Again, it’s very simple. If you get people to know, like and trust you, and you come across as an expert in your field, they’re much more likely to buy from you.
We’ll achieve this by showing you the best ways to genuinely help your prospects before they even see your sales pitch.
How it works...
1. We use the power of the internet and social media to drive targeted leads to a specially-built conversion funnel. This is a website landing page with a call to action designed to appeal strongly to your target audience.
2. Once a lead is in the funnel, we’ll send them interesting and relevant content such as videos, web links and email content. This builds ‘know, like and trust’ and gives you the authority to convert the lead into a red-hot prospect that’s ready to close the sale.
3. Your potential new client is presented to you on a platter, ready to deal up!
It really is as simple as 1, 2, 3!
Is Invincible Business for you?
If you answered ‘yes’ to the questions on the Home page, then we’re off to a good start. But first, we need to make a few things clear about Invincible Business and how we work.
We can’t help you ‘Get rich quick’. Yes, we can help you make money. But you’ll need to put the work in to keep it all running. It’s a long-term commitment.
Don’t want to advertise? You won’t like us. Whilst we don’t sell advertising, our methods are linked to advertising principles - and for good reason.
We’re not interested in ‘the easy way’. As noted above, creating a sales funnel takes time and effort. So if you’re looking to get out of doing any work, forget it.
We’ll give you loads of valuable stuff for free. Remember that ‘know, like and trust’ thing we mentioned? And the authority bit? That’s our own approach in a nutshell.
We’ll blatantly sell to you. Of course we will! After all, it’s only practicing what we preach. The idea is that if you like the free stuff, you’ll give the paid stuff a try.
Interested? Here's what to do next!
1. Decide on the result or lead you’re looking for. Is it an enquiry, an appointment or an actual sale?
2. Call the Invincible Business team on 07753 662 963 and book your FREE Discovery Session NOW!
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More about Invincible Business

Invincible Business is located at Nuthall Road, Nottingham, United Kingdom