
About Invisiblestudio

We make people enjoy and experience culture in a multisensorial way. Our clients include museums, tourism authorities and important international companies



Three wonderful works and writings created using our Romantic Notebook for the Museo Poldi Pezzoli and Gallerie d'Italia. So happy to have helped foster such creativity from museum visitors!


Today we are conducting a Digital Prototyping workshop in the wonderful Bergamo University. Students are having fun working on digital prototypes for the Accademia Carrara Bergamo museum. @ Università degli studi di Bergamo, Monastero di S. Agostino


In the year 2000 we were working at the Milan Science Museum and we borrowed from CERN one of the NeXT computers with the original browser on. Then we took a screenshot of the Museum website seen with the first browser. Better than expected :) #web30


A projection inside a frame: simple and effective


We yearly donate to Wikipedia. Do the same and help make the Internet a better place.


Before building the central tower of the Sforza Castle in #Milan, architects created a lifesize mockup to evaluate the visual impact. #prototyping in the XIX century.


Discover the romantic museums in Milan with the "Romantic Notebook" developed by InvisibleStudio for Gallerie d'Italia and Museo Poldi Pezzoli


Our unique collection of #museumtoilets has reached 21 wonderful entries! Check them out! :)


Our “Romantc Notebook” for the #romanticismo exhibition in Milan featured on la Repubblica.


A few photos from a recent talk we held in the town of Novara, where we shared the results of more than 20 years of cultural innovation.


Il link alla versione scaricabile del nostro taccuino romantico.


Qualche immagine della presentazione del nostro Taccuino Romantico realizzato con Moleskine per il Museo Poldi Pezzoli e le Gallerie d'Italia in occasione della mostra #romanticismo a Milano.
Grazie Art in the City Milano per le foto! :)


This could be the future of our museum? Great animation!


Today we were presenting the #chatbotgame project for the Case Museo di Milano at the ICOM Italia convention in Turin. Great convention, thanks a lot to the hosts Nicolette Mandarano, Maria Elena Colombo and all the others.


We'll be at ICOM Italia conference about participation strategies for museums in Turin on 16-17 November. We'll be presenting our chatbot game project for the House Museums of Milan. Hope to meet some friends there! :)
Saremo al convegno ICOM a Torino il 16-17 novembre, in cui presenteremo il nostro progetto Chatbot Game per le Case Museo di Milano. Ci si vede a Torino! :)


A very positive review in a Cambridge University journal of our chatbot game project for the Case Museo di Milano :)


Oggi abbiamo presentato il nostro #taccuinoromantico all’Assessore alla Cultura del Comune di Milano Filippo Del Corno prodotto insieme al Museo Poldi Pezzoli per la splendida mostra Romanticismo.
At the opening of the Romanticism exhibition in Milan, we are with the Responsible of Cultural Affairs of the City of Milan, showing him the Romantic Journal we produced for the exhibition.


Don’t miss the picture for the pixels - an important concept! thanks @enrosadira1 for sharing it today

More about Invisiblestudio

Invisiblestudio is located at 163 PECKHAM RYE, SE15 3 London, United Kingdom