Ironbridge Walking Group

About Ironbridge Walking Group

The Ironbridge Walking Group promotes walking within the Ironbridge Gorge. The annual Walking Festival is the first week in May each year. Throughout the year there are a range of walks arranged (usually in preparation for the festival.

Ironbridge Walking Group Description

 Walks for experienced country walkers with an above average fitness level. May include hills and rough country, and may be at a brisk pace. Walking boots and warm, waterproof clothing are essential.
 Walks for people with country walking experience and a good level of fitness. May include some steep paths and open country, and may be at a brisk pace. Walking boots and warm, waterproof clothing are essential.
 Walks for reasonably fit people with at least a little country walking experience. May include unsurfaced rural paths and steps. Walking boots and warm, waterproof clothing are recommended.
 Walks for anyone who does not have a mobility difficulty, a specific health problem or is seriously unfit. Comfortable shoes or trainers can be worn.
 Walks for everyone, including people with conventional wheelchairs and pushchairs, using easy access paths. Comfortable shoes or trainers can be worn.
Health & Safety
It is the responsibility of all walkers to ensure that they are physically fit enough to take part in the walks that they have selected and that they have appropriate clothing and equipment.
- For all walks, walking boots /shoes are essential
- Carry sufficient water for the length of the walk
- Carry both sun protection and wet weather protection
- Take high energy snacks or, for longer walks, more substantial meals.
The walk leaders will exercise their right to refuse to take ill-equipped walkers.
Please arrive at the meeting point at least 10 minutes before the start of each walk. Walks will commence at the given time, whether all participants have arrived or not.
The organisers give no warranties, either express or implied, regarding the availability, suitability or safety of the walks described. Participation in the walks will be entirely at the individuals own risk.
Due to the amount of livestock in the Gorge and surrounding areas dogs are NOT permitted on walks unless specifically stated. The walk leader may restrict the number at the start of the walk, if they consider it to be appropriate for the safety of other walkers.
There is no requirement to book for walks during the year however for the Festival Week (1st week in May) booking is essential.
HOW TO PRE-BOOK (for the Festival):
All the walks are free but have a maximum capacity of 15 to 20 people (according to route).
All walks must be pre-booked to guarantee a place by
email uk or
telephone 01952 433424