Islamic Relief Worldwide

About Islamic Relief Worldwide

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YouTube: http://bit. ly /IRYoutube
LinkedIn: http://bit. ly /IRWLinked

Islamic Relief Worldwide Description

Since we received our first donation in 1984, we have helped millions of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people.

Inspired by the Islamic faith and guided by our values, we believe that people with wealth have a duty to those less fortunate – regardless of race, political affiliation, gender or belief.

Our projects provide poor people with access to vital services. We protect communities from disasters, and deliver life-saving emergency aid. We provide lasting routes out of poverty, and empower vulnerable people to transform their lives and their communities.

Our global family includes national offices, affiliated partners and field offices. We also own a subsidiary company based in Birmingham, UK, which raises funds for our work by collecting and recycling clothing. TIC International also conducts food activities, largely related to canned meat for aid purposes.

Our work:

Islamic Relief works with communities to strengthen their resilience to disasters, and we provide vital emergency aid when disasters occur.

We help poor people to access basic services, including education, water and sanitation, as well as healthcare. We provide lasting routes out of poverty through our sustainable livelihoods schemes. Our integrated approach to development is transforming communities worldwide.

We tackle the root causes of poverty and make sure that the world’s most vulnerable people have a strong voice and real influence in both our programmes and advocacy.

Islamic Relief is also a policy leader on Islamic humanitarianism, and our research programmes develop distinctive, practical approaches to the key issues that are affecting our world today.

If you have any concerns – relating to safeguarding or otherwise – or want to make a complaint please email us:

You can also write to us at:
Complaints Officer, Islamic Relief Worldwide, 19 Rea Street South, Birmingham B5 6LB.



"When people are determined they can overcome anything." - Nelson Mandela #MondayMotivation


"A moment of patience in a moment of anger prevents a thousand moments of regret." - Ali ibn Abi Talib


Islamic Relief (IR) has started a series of Talanoa Dialogues on Climate Change which will be held across country and partner offices over the next few months.
Curious about what Talanoa exactly means and what Talanoa is all about?
Kindly visit our website for more information: alogue/


“My husband left me and our four children when we arrived at the camp and we haven’t heard from him since. Living in the camp, as a mother on my own, is very hard. I am bringing up my children alone with little income. I constantly worry about how I will feed them. They are unable to go to school as I cannot afford the fees. The oldest is 14 and the youngest is just six – she was born the year we were forced to flee our home. I miss the life we had before we left due to the c...onflict. We had a home and good livelihood. Now I rely on the kindness and support from friends who live nearby but as they are in the same position I am in they can only help so much. Thankfully Islamic Relief has provided my family with food and a well which gives us fresh water. I can only hope that things improve and my children are able to have a better future.” - Yasmeen, Myanmar #HumansofIslamicRelief
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We're excited to bring you an epic series of new Challenges this year! #irChallenges are life-changing trips all over the world where participants engage in physically demanding adventures to raise money and awareness for IRC projects.
Share, read more and sign up before spots quickly fill up:
Our first challenge starts off with the fun and family-friendly Walk for Water in Waterloo, ON on August 18, 2018 - hope to see you there!


The Community Development Programme is one of the projects implemented by Islamic Relief Malaysia (IRM) to support a community throughout Malaysia.
The help covers 1. Education 2. Health... 3. Protection 4. Sustainable living
Read more on Islamic Relief Malaysia (IRM)'s website:
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"The most important way to triumph over our failures is to keep trying until we succeed." - Dr. Salman Al-Oadah


Little Tasnim is one of the victims of an atrocious war that took away her main source of love, her parents.
Alhamdulillah she has been sponsored through our orphan sponsorship program. Our colleague Chaimah from Islamic Relief España was with her in the refugee camp, where she lives with her grandmother in Lebanon.


Islamic Relief Palestine Implemented Innovation towards Entrepreneurship event.
Around 170 talented students from primary schools participated in many activities including an in-depth training on writing Arabic and an exposed business boot-camp experience.


" The persistent drought has led to us losing our livelihood and were helpless to do anything." - Fatuma Abdi
A drought in the Somali Region of Ethiopia has led people becoming internally displaced and resulted in lack of access to safe water, diminishing herds and dying of livestock.
Fatuma Abdi is a 34 year old mother of nine children, living in a small tent in the village of Hisala. She is one of many people who are in dire need of assistance.
... Islamic Relief, in a consortium with Oxfam GB and Save the Children International, has intervened with the aim of responding to needs of the most vulnerable communities affected by persistent drought
Read the whole article on our website, at:
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"Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder." - Rumi


It's been a year since the conflict in #Mosul, #Iraq. During this time we have provided food and essential items to 800,000 returnees to the city.
Tons of explosive remnants are still littered all over the city and hundreds of thousands of people remain displaced because it is too dangerous for them to return home. Schools, hospitals and other public facilities have been damaged and destroyed.
Visit our website to find out how you can help support those who are still affected by the conflict,


"If you're in a dark tunnel - keep walking, you'll get to the end, you'll reach the light. I put my trust in God and keep working and things work out." - Dr. Hany El-Banna #MondayMotivation


"Do not feel ashamed if the amount of charity is small because to refuse the needy is an act of greater shame." - Ali ibn Abi Talib


“You should have to give it to those who need it most.”- Sanaa, Italy
Sanaa is a young woman with 4 children, divorced, and alone.She has a difficult family history behind her, made up of psychological, verbal and physical violence against her by her ex-husband. Her husband was extremely abusive and is now in prison for his crimes. He has left Sanaa and her children in a situation of serious economic uncertainty.
With your support, Islamic Relief Italia was able to provide a food pack for her and her family for one month,


Islamic Relief Bangladesh is responding to flooding and mudslides in Sylhet, Bangladesh. An estimated 1 million people have been affected. We are on the ground providing emergency relief through cash grants and hygiene kits, read more here,


Colleagues from Islamic Relief Bangladesh will organise training on Crisis Preparedness and management for mental health together with the Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief


"When I get an idea, a vision of what I want to achieve, I don't get stuck at 'how' I'm going to do it. I just go for it!" - Dr. Hany El-Banna


Children are discovering their talents and creativity at Islamic Relief Camps of future pioneers. They are organised by Islamic Relief Palestine and Islamic Relief Canada.


We are finishing the construction of Hilane School in Zgarta, Lebanon. The school will be fully equipped and donated to the Ministry of Education and Higher Education.


if i found opportunity to work with them i quit my M.S surgery from Harvard and work with this Organization allahmdullilah ;)


Wow. The generosity and LOVE this organization provided to the victims & families of the Parkland Shooting tragedy. Indescribable. So many people selflessly helped by this organization. ���


Trusted Organization.. May Allah give them Ajr for Helping the Ummah.


They work for #Humanity ! Thanks you all!

FB/KaderStrong, Twit/Kaderstrong


Thanks for islamic relief..

You are the best...


Remember them while planning your zakat this Ramadan. They have charity programs for war torn regions like Syria, Yemen, Palestine, Rohingyas. They need your support for critical needs like food, medicines, water, rehabilitation.


One of the great moment for people doing good things.. and that's all you need to do people pray the Good ��


May Allah SWT bless you with all the best for your kind efforts in all the islamic countries and your caring with the humanity.


May Allah (SWT) continue to Bless each and everyone of you at Islamic Relief for ALL you do for ALL peoples who suffering Aamiin


It is very importanr to us if we are Islam People that's why to get loved the all stars.


In the 90' Islamic Relief has done a lot of work to aid Albanians when they were in serious need for help. Good work!


I was part of the Islamic Relief supported relief distribution team in the three panchayats of Araria district in 2008.Timely support made us assist thousands with food and temporary shelter materials.


I dont no much about it but what there are doing is good may allah almighty help muslim umma




Alhamdulliah it gives us a great happiness when looking at this INGo which works with the motive to reduce poverty and to help the needy where ever in the world by focusing the needy in every corner of the world with full of humanity

i am really proud to work as volunteer in islamic relief srilanka


Alhamdulillah! Thanks to Almighty Allah, thanks to the founder and to all those that are doing these great job.


A billion of thanks for the work you are doing every day, your support for our brothers and sisters in need... We are proud of you and of your efforts, as we are also proud of the support shown by millions of people over the world... How huge reward God would give to you!!!! Invaluable insh'Allah... if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind (5:32)


A lot of thx, my dear bro..... It's a very great works which is a part of 'Ikramul Muslimin'.

Wish ur greatest success.... May Allah accpt all of our gd deeds.

At last, seeking ur attention to help our bro & sis at 'Burma'.

N:T: I m ready to help u, as possible... contact to me, if needed...


From what I hear from close friends who worked there at one time or another this rellief organ. is not affiliated to any kind of political or even religeous persuasion. It adheres to its mission strictly humanitarian in nature. And so, in my opinion is one of tjje few remaining humanitarian organization independemt from any kind of political persuasion.


if i found opportunity to work with them i quit my M.S surgery from Harvard and work with this Organization allahmdullilah ;)


Wow. The generosity and LOVE this organization provided to the victims & families of the Parkland Shooting tragedy. Indescribable. So many people selflessly helped by this organization. ���


Trusted Organization.. May Allah give them Ajr for Helping the Ummah.


They work for #Humanity ! Thanks you all!

FB/KaderStrong, Twit/Kaderstrong


Thanks for islamic relief..

You are the best...


Remember them while planning your zakat this Ramadan. They have charity programs for war torn regions like Syria, Yemen, Palestine, Rohingyas. They need your support for critical needs like food, medicines, water, rehabilitation.


One of the great moment for people doing good things.. and that's all you need to do people pray the Good ��


May Allah SWT bless you with all the best for your kind efforts in all the islamic countries and your caring with the humanity.


May Allah (SWT) continue to Bless each and everyone of you at Islamic Relief for ALL you do for ALL peoples who suffering Aamiin


It is very importanr to us if we are Islam People that's why to get loved the all stars.


In the 90' Islamic Relief has done a lot of work to aid Albanians when they were in serious need for help. Good work!


I was part of the Islamic Relief supported relief distribution team in the three panchayats of Araria district in 2008.Timely support made us assist thousands with food and temporary shelter materials.


I dont no much about it but what there are doing is good may allah almighty help muslim umma




Alhamdulliah it gives us a great happiness when looking at this INGo which works with the motive to reduce poverty and to help the needy where ever in the world by focusing the needy in every corner of the world with full of humanity

i am really proud to work as volunteer in islamic relief srilanka


Alhamdulillah! Thanks to Almighty Allah, thanks to the founder and to all those that are doing these great job.


A billion of thanks for the work you are doing every day, your support for our brothers and sisters in need... We are proud of you and of your efforts, as we are also proud of the support shown by millions of people over the world... How huge reward God would give to you!!!! Invaluable insh'Allah... if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind (5:32)


A lot of thx, my dear bro..... It's a very great works which is a part of 'Ikramul Muslimin'.

Wish ur greatest success.... May Allah accpt all of our gd deeds.

At last, seeking ur attention to help our bro & sis at 'Burma'.

N:T: I m ready to help u, as possible... contact to me, if needed...


From what I hear from close friends who worked there at one time or another this rellief organ. is not affiliated to any kind of political or even religeous persuasion. It adheres to its mission strictly humanitarian in nature. And so, in my opinion is one of tjje few remaining humanitarian organization independemt from any kind of political persuasion.

More about Islamic Relief Worldwide

Islamic Relief Worldwide is located at 19 Rea Street South, B5 6LB Birmingham, United Kingdom
+44 (0)121 605 5555