Itf Dockers

About Itf Dockers

Official space for Dockers - members of trade unions affiliated to International Transport Workers' Federation - to share news, information and challenges.

Itf Dockers Description

ITF Dockers is a Global Union Federation representing 400. 000 port workers around the world.



Part two is also a must read as it highlights the female dock workers at the Port of Colombo. These inspirational women, from the National Union of Seafarers Sri Lanka-Affiliated to ITF, are paving the way for their sisters around world.
#ITFDockers #WeAreITF


Today the ITF and ILWU addressed the Maersk AGM on the proposed automation of cargo-handling at APM Terminal’s Pier 400 facility at the Port of Los Angeles.
Join us in urging the company to create a constructive dialogue with unions to ensure that the operations remains productive, competitive and profitable for the company as well the workforce and communities that it sustains.


Remembering the powerful and visionary Harry Bridges on the anniversary of his passing.
Thankfully we still have many powerful leaders in global dockers unions.


Dockers OSH Working Group chair Steve Biggs delivering a presention of the ITF study on gaps in safety standards at global Container terminals. The Docker Section is attending a two day session hosted by ports industry NGO Intl. Cargo Handling Coordinating Association (ICHCA) in Hull, UK.
This is an opportunity to engage with ports industry safety representatives to improve conditions for dockers. There were 75 known fatalities in 2018. Our message is clear. The shipping industry must change its attitude. If a worker dies there is negligence and if workers become ill their is willful longterm neglect.


Strong message of solidarity to SAPT dockers in Pakistan from Maritime Union of Australia - Sydney Branch.
To get an understanding of the situation - and the blatent union-busting going on at Hutchison's port in Karachi - read the statement issued by the SAPT Democratic Workers' Union following the release of jailed union leaders yesterday:
The members of the management committee of the SAPT Democratic Workers' Union strongly condemn the anti-worker and anti-union actions tak...en by the local management of Hutchison terminal at Karachi, Pakistan.
Ever since the registration of our trade union, management has used negative, union-busting tactics and threatened our members to disassociate from the union otherwise their services will be removed. They have stopped the payment of bonuses to our members. When the workers protested they filed FIR against union president and the other office bearers. They were arrested by police and remained jailed for 10 days. Today they will be freed on bail. The company has closed the gates of the terminal for all our office bearers and they are not allowed to report for duty.
We are ready to continue the struggle for protection of workers' rights including the negotiations on our pending charter of demands. Your solidarity and support in this regard will be highly appreciated.
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#ITFDockers Section team with Port of Convenience Inspector Jörgen Johansson, Sweden and Dockers from UMT Morocco Mostafa, Casablanca and Mohamed, Tangiers. ITF is building Dockers power worldwide.


European dockers side by side in the struggle for #FairTransport as ETF's Europe action week heats up.
Dockers from 🇧🇪 Belgium, 🇳🇱 the Netherland and 🇩🇪 Germany yesterday protested in solidarity with trucks drivers in the port of Antwerp, to demand fair pensions and to tell European governments that #LashingIsDockersWork. Solidarity!


Today we celebrate our inspirational sisters from NUSS in Sri Lanka who are leading the way in the fight for women’s rights, dignity and empowerment.
Share and show your solidarity! #ITFDockers #WeAreITF


DP World: attacking dockers income protection while profits are surging.
We support MUA wharfies, will you join the fight? #WeAreITF


ITF Port of Convenience Inspector Jorgen Johansson on #FairTransport and dockers work.


Seafarer tragically killed at Europort, the fifth death over the last 24 months on the Irish waterfront. #ITFDockers and ETF Dockers' Section join SIPTU in extending our condolences but we have to say this again: this seafarer should never have been put in this dangerous position.
We must put an end to unscrupulous shipowners and port operators pressuring seafarers to do this dangerous work. It is dockers work. #LashingIsDockersWork


Vigilance, better to be safe rather than sorry.
Seaspan Container Lines needs to do a better job in maintaining a safe work place.


A Pakistani dock worker was killed earlier this week at Hutchison Port’s KICT terminal in Karachi, after a reach stacker reversed over him. Our thoughts are with his family, workmates, friends and our comrades at KICT Labour Union. Rest in peace Brother Mushtaq.
This is the second time in months that #ITFDockers has been forced to say this: workers are losing their lives at Hutchison ports - an atrocious record for the biggest stevedore in the world - and families and friends are left to bear the scars. This must end, every worker deserves to go to work and return home safely, every shift, every day.


ITF Docker Sections’ Jagath Bandara is in Pakistan working on the ground with trade unionists following the shocking death of a docker at Hutchison port in Karachi.
ITF Mourns death of a Docker at Hutchison port in Karachi
The international trade union community is mourning following the death of a Pakistani dock worker killed earlier this week at Hutchison Port’s Karachi International Container terminal (KICT), after a reach stacker reversed over him.
... The 58-year-old yard checker passed away at approximately 11:00pm on March 17, 2019, at the Civil Hospital Karachi less than an hour after the catastrophic incident.
“This is a tragedy. Every worker deserves to go to work and return home safely, every shift, every day. Our thoughts are with Mushtaq’s family, his workmates, friends and comrades at KICT Labour Union,” said Paddy Crumlin, International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) Dockers’ Section Chair.
“Today we mourn for a man who was only two years from retirement. This is the second time in months that I’ve been forced to say this: workers are losing their lives at Hutchison ports - an atrocious record for the biggest stevedore in the world - and families and friends are left to bear the scars.”
A worker who requested to remain anonymous today told the ITF that the incident could have been avoided, “Safety standards in the yard area are very bad. There is no lighting in the yard and no one directing traffic management.”
The ITF is disturbed and alarmed to hear these details and that no official inquiry has been initiated by KICT management. The ITF join with the KICT Labour Union in calling on Hutchinson’s global management to work with the union and immediately intervene and instigate a joint labour/management investigation into the incident that led to this fatality.
“This is yet another tragic incident that again raises serious questions about Hutchison’s safety procedures, and how seriously the company takes its responsibility to ensure the health and safety of its employees in ports worldwide,” said Crumlin.
“The ITF is uncompromising in our commitment to safety and Hutchison needs to know that the ITF will fight to make sure every worker goes home safe, every day.
“We again publicly call on Hutchison’s global management in Hong Kong to meet with the ITF to establish a process to resolve this horrific pattern,” concluded Crumlin.
This incident follows the death of five workers at Hutchison’s Jakarta International Container Terminal (JICT), between 2016 and 2018, and a serious incident in 2018 at Hutchison’s Port Botany terminal in Sydney that left at worker at fighting for her life in an induced coma suffering a broken leg, broken arm and a closed head injury.
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Dockworkers vs robots. Today 1,200 #ILWU union members, local business owners, and community activists packed out the hearing of the LA Board of Harbor Commissioners standing strong against automation at Pier 400.
Backlash against the community impacts of Maersk's plan to introduce driverless straddle carriers today forced a 28-day delay on the automation permit decision.


LA Board of Harbor Commissioners has voted on a 28-day delay in deciding on Maersk’s APM Terminals permit to introduce automated straddles at Pier 400.
Mark Mendoza, president of #ILWU Local 13 told the five-member commission today that the project “is about Maersk maximizing their profits at all costs... It will ultimately ensure the economic demise of the Southern California region.”
#ITFDockers standing strong with our ILWU sisters and brothers, your fight is our fight! #ILWUstrong #WeAreITF

More about Itf Dockers

Itf Dockers is located at ITF House, 49-60 Borough Road, SE1 1DR London, United Kingdom