Izabella Natrins - Food Health Lifestyle

About Izabella Natrins - Food Health Lifestyle

Nutrition & lifestyle health coaching, education, inspiration, resources & support for women who struggle with energy, vitality & true health. To share food, health & lifestyle wisdom with busy, switched-on women.

Izabella Natrins - Food Health Lifestyle Description

Here and on my website you'll find inspirational writing, teaching and coaching for switched-on, busy women who want more energy, vitality and true health.

www. izabellanatrins.com/

As a writer, a teacher and coach, a nutritional chef, and certified GAPS (Digestive Healing) practitioner (and a partner, Mum and Grand-Mum) I want to help other busy women who are tired of being tired, of overwhelm and of fighting fatigue and want more energy, vitality and health!

I reclaimed my own energy, vitality and health from a progressively debilitating autoimmune disorder - by making food and lifestyle changes. When I turned back the clock, I vowed to make the rest of my life the best of my life. And I know every woman can, too!

Why women? Because we women hold the family and indeed the whole world in the palm of our hand. Our archetypal roles of 'Queen', 'Mother', 'Wise Woman' and 'Lover' call on us to be deeply intuitive and intensely concerned with our young, our mate and our ‘pack’.

But it’s a heavy responsibility: overwhelm, fatigue and the feeling we need to do more, be more and care more hounds and depletes us daily.

Our health and our happiness is suffering – and so is our ability to hold it together.

By making food and lifestyle changes we can restore our 'femergy' and absolutely make the rest of our lives, the best of our lives!

More about Izabella Natrins - Food Health Lifestyle

Izabella Natrins - Food Health Lifestyle is located at 9 Queen Elizabeth Way, Bidford on Avon, B50 4GN Bidford