Jack Brady Online Personal Trainer & Lifestyle Coach

About Jack Brady Online Personal Trainer & Lifestyle Coach

Creating Healthy Habits To Suit Your Lifestyle And Enable You To Look, Feel & Perform To Your Best

Jack Brady Online Personal Trainer & Lifestyle Coach Description

Jack Brady, FitPro accredited personal trainer, holding a BA hons degree in Sport & Exercise Science and Coaching and a masters degree in Sport & Exercise Psychology.



POWERPLAY (2/6): 08:00-08:30 - Communications & Networking (1) (16/50) 📞 The connectivity we have today poses many pit-falls. 📞 Stress, anxiety and distraction loom large when you’re at the beck and call of your digital device.... 📱 Therefore being disciplined with the wifi is crucial. 📵 Leaving your phone on silent is a start… 📵 Turning notifications off is even better… 📵 And consigning the likes of email and social media to small windows of interaction throughout the day, will do you wonders! 📞 Now obviously this isn’t easy. 📞 I struggle with this all the time even when I’m conscious of what’s happening. 📞 The lure is real and ever present… 📞 Like the smell of a hot cookies wafting after you - forever tempting! 🍪 So leaving your devices in another room or turning them off now and again is a seriously good shout. 📵 Barring something significant or out of the ordinary, it’s usually two hours after waking that I ‘log in’… 📞 Putting yourself first and prioritising your own wellbeing, development and priorities will help you be at your best. 🤓 Which in turn makes you more equipped to help others. 📞 The oxygen on aeroplanes analogy is perfect here: 🗣 You must affix your own mask first! 🗣 When you wake up and delve straight into the online world, it’s easier to feel depressed and reactive. 😖 The body secretes the stress hormone cortisol to kick us into action, and going gung-ho into the lives and demands of others will only heighten negative emotions. 😔 Taking the time to ground yourself, enables you to be ready for the first demands of the day and RESPOND in a meaningful and positive way. 😃 I know I have a propensity to think irrationally and catastrophise at times, and quite often in the morning. 📞 So starting the day without distraction and then addressing life’s challenges with intention once you're more centred, or set, is hugely important. 📞 Over and (signing) out. 📞 📞 📞 BOOK: How To Win Friends And Influence People - Dale Carnegie PODCAST: The Art of Charm 📞 📞 📞 #ascintillatingstreak #scintillate #healthandfitness #scintillatehaf #wellbeing #habits #routines #schedule #optimalperformance #personaldevelopment #bestself #gameoflife #sport #exercise #powerplay #cricket #business #communication #networking
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POWERPLAY (1/6): 07:30-08:00 - Writing (15/50) 💻 My powerplay starts with writing… 💻 Writing these blogs posts to you.... 💻 Over the last year, I’ve come to understand the benefit of taking time to type up my thoughts. 🧠 Firstly for myself, as a means of clarity and comprehension. 🤔 And then in time, as I slowly improve, something relevant, relatable and actionable for others. 🤗 It’s rarely effortless, and usually when it is, my index finger will be hovering around the delete button quite a bit when I come back to it. 🔙 But that’s alright because if you commit half an hour, almost everyday to anything, eventually you will produce something of value. 💎 The most important thing is showing up consistently. 🔂 You cannot truly identify as a writer, or any other skill or practice, if you don’t do it regularly. 🔂 It’s taken me many weeks already to get this far through this series - and I’m only on 15/50! 💻 But that’s fine... 💻 Even on the days when I am struggling to find the words or make a point (as I am now!), I generally enjoy the process. 💻 Ultimately, it is slowly but surely contributing to my personal and professional progress. 📈 With repetition of the right routines, and the intention of breaking bad habits, you’ll become better than before over time. 😁 Which is the reason why I created a 'Scintillating Streak’ in the first place… 💻 To stack healthy habits; or to lend another sporting analogy in pun-tastic fashion: score a habit-trick!!! ⚽️ One final thing, on my writing process which is definitely worth a share: 💻 I have adopted Jon Goodman's task association strategy of playing the same song on repeat, in order to trigger my mind into writing mode. 🎶 The song he suggests works brilliantly, it's called: ‘Tamacan' by Rodrigo y Gabriela. 🎵 And aside from this, you’re only likely to hear it during the final scene of the first episode of Breaking Bad! 💻 💻 💻 QUOTE: “Just as resistance has it’s seat in hell, so creation has it’s home in heaven. And it’s not just a witness, but an eager and active ally.” - Steven Pressfield BOOK: The War on Art - Steven Pressfield SONG: ‘Tamacan' - Rodrigo y Gabriela APP: Evernote 💻 💻 💻 #ascintillatingstreak #scintillate #healthandfitness #scintillatehaf #wellbeing #habits #routines #schedule #optimalperformance #personaldevelopment #bestself #gameoflife #sport #exercise #powerplay #cricket #business #concentration #focus #creativity #writing #clarity
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POWERPLAY (OVERVIEW): 07:30-12:00 - Building A Lead to Get Runs On The Board; Have a Productive Day (14/50) 🏏 Morning routine done… 🏏 Body, mind and belly fed and ready to fire out the blocks!... 🏏 Now it’s business time. 💼 Like your phone on charge overnight, our battery levels are highest in the morning. 📱 Therefore this is prime-time to crack on with your most important, or concentration draining, task. 🏏 Maybe it demands peak creative energy, or is something that's significant to your progress that you’ve been putting off because it ain’t much fun… 🏏 That big, ugly, job that Brian Tracy describes as, "eating your frog": 🐸 "The key to happiness, satisfaction, great success, and a wonderful feeling of personal power and effectiveness is to develop the habit of eating your frog first thing every day when you start work." 🤭 In the one-day format of cricket, each team begins their innings with a ‘powerplay’. 🏏 During this period restrictions are placed on the fielders, encouraging the batsman to play shots, score runs and get going. 🏏 Which is why I use this analogy to describe the second segment of 'A Scintillating Streak’… 🏏 Because it’s important to get off to strong start each day, in whatever your field of play. 🏏 Establish how long you are going to spend on one task, disconnect from the internet, set a timer, and get your head down until the time is up. ⏲ I organise my entire day around blocks of time where I can focus solely on whatever activity I want to be presently engaged in. 🏏 Maximise your own personal power by identifying your periods of highest mental and physical energy each day, and structure your most important and demanding tasks around these times. 🏏 And taking regular breaks, whilst getting plenty of rest will always help you perform at your best. 🆓 So let’s drive on, and hit the day for 6! 🏏 🏏 🏏 QUOTE: “The secret of success is to decide what you want out of life and go about gathering together the means and materials by which to achieve that end.” - Aristotle BOOK: Eat That Frog! Get More of the Important Things Done Today - Brian Tracy PODCAST: The Learning Leader Show with Ryan Hawk 🏏 🏏 🏏 #ascintillatingstreak #scintillate #healthandfitness #scintillatehaf #wellbeing #habits #routines #schedule #optimalperformance #personaldevelopment #bestself #gameoflife #sport #exercise #powerplay #cricket #business #concentration #focus #creativity #eatthatfrog #briantracy
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ON YOUR MARKS, SET… (8B/8): 07:10-07:30 - Breakfast (13/50) 🥣 Right, on with what I have for breakfast and why: 🥣 Apart from Sundays it's usually porridge.... 🥣 No other meal is as regular, but I’ve grown to enjoy it and like that no decision making is involved. 🥣 Oats, semi-skimmed milk, nuts, seeds, berries, honey and cinnamon. 🥣 I feel full and fuelled for hours afterwards and here’s why: 🎳 The oats sustain energy as they are slow release carbs. 😳 They’re also rich in fibre and antioxidants, lowering cholesterol and improving blood sugar levels. ☺️ The benefits of calcium and potassium in milk are well known for healthy bones and blood pressure, as well as protein for muscle strength and repair. 😬 Similarly, nuts and seeds are packed with protein keeping you feeling full, as well as a range of health benefits from all the essential vitamins and minerals. 😋 The rest really add flavour as well as ticking a lot of the boxes already mentioned… 🥣 Berries also protect cholesterol and DNA damage. 🍇 Honey (ideally Manuka) is anti-inflammatory and good for skin. 🍯 And cinnamon amongst many other benefits, reduces risk of heart disease. ❤️ I definitely have a bit of a sweet tooth, but this combination truly is nutritious and delicious. 🥣 Afterwards I drink green tea… 🍵 It’s loaded with antioxidants and nutrients that improve brain function, fat loss, and lowering risk of cancer. 🥣 The body secretes stress hormones in the morning to get you going (like ghrelin, growling in your stomach), and breakfast helps regulate this response. 🥣 Which is why it’s so important, because if skipped it won’t be long until they send you into a ravenous search for food! 🥣 And riding a roller-coaster ride of cravings, hunger, and dips in energy throughout the day. 🎢 Which is also why I’ll eat every 2 to 4 hours - to help balance hormones and elevate my metabolism. 🥣 What do you have for brekkie? 🥣 🥣 🥣 BOOK: Serve to Win - Novak Djokovic 🥣 🥣 🥣 #ascintillatingstreak #scintillate #healthandfitness #scintillatehaf #wellbeing #habits #routines #schedule #optimalperformance #personaldevelopment #bestself #gameoflife #sport #exercise #onyourmarks #preparation #morningroutine #morningritual #breakfast
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ON YOUR MARKS, SET… (8A/8): 07:10-07:30 - Breakfast (12/50) 📻 Breakfast marks the final part of this first phase of a Scintillating Streak. 📻 Before I get onto what I eat, I'd like to briefly follow on from the previous post about audio…... 🎙 Because breakfast is the only time I actively engage with a bit of world news. 🌎 Why now? 🤔 Because it provides me with a dose of reality when my anxious mind may begin to catastrophize about the day ahead. 😮 I feel this short round-up helps keep me informed whilst not getting too down about affairs beyond my control. 📻 Besides, if something truly significant were to happen, you’ll be sure to hear it from someone, somewhere. 📻 Yes, this is largely about self preservation. 📻 I think there is some truth in the news being a form or distraction, even entertainment. 🎭 Any source of energy has limits, including emotional reserves. 📻 Of course it’s important to contribute and help and when possible… 📻 But our ultimate power as individuals is in showing love and kindness everyday to those you come in contact with. 🤜 Not saying it’s easy, but that’s my thoughts on that. ⚫️ One other thing, before breakfast I take a couple of supplements: 📻 Fish oils - to maintain healthy cell structures, anti-inflammatory / inflammatory balance, and as a source of energy. 📻 Magnesium - for bone and heart health amongst others, as well as aiding the rest and recovery process. 📻 Now, there are many schools of thought about food, nutrition, diet, however you phrase it… 🍏 Which explains the confusion. 😖 So I wanna start by saying there is no template. 🙅‍♂️ No right or wrong! 🆗 It’s simply a case of trial and error to see what agrees with, and works for you. 📻 Of course there are general principles we all must adhere to, e.g. eat more vegetables and less doughnuts! 📻 But the variance in lifestyles, goals, sensitivities and preferences need consideration… 📻 And it really isn’t just about what you’re eating either, but also when, how and why!? 📻 📻 📻 PODCAST: The Model Health Show - Shawn Stevenson VIDEO: BBC One Minute World News APP: BBC Sounds - 5 Minute News Round-up 📻 📻 📻 #ascintillatingstreak #scintillate #healthandfitness #scintillatehaf #wellbeing #habits #routines #schedule #optimalperformance #personaldevelopment #bestself #gameoflife
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ON YOUR MARKS, SET… (7B/8): 06:55-07:10 - Affirmations & Audio (11/50) 🎙 ...I pair my light exercise, and breakfast afterwards, with audio recordings. 🎙 First off, whilst doing yoga I listen to affirmations and gratitudes which I came up with and recorded myself… ... 🧘‍♂️ Delivered in third person like a calm, compassionate coach. 🎙 Our internal voice can be critical, almost by default, so this is quite powerful I think - especially on days when you're feeling low. 🎙 Hearing yourself in a reassuring tone, being reminded about everything that IS going for you, and that you’re fortunate to have, is up-lifting. 🎙 For example: "You are the creator of your own world, Jack. Your thoughts dictate your reality, so choose to live in love, peace, gratitude, and joy. All the while, continue to spread fun, laughter and kindness. Overall, simply be true to yourself!” 👊 The more often we hear something, the more we begin to believe it as it gets hammered deeper into our subconscious mind. 🧠 So empowering yourself by saying things such as, "I am great, I am strong, I am worthy, I am wise, I am enough”, may well be the difference between holding onto limiting insecurities, and finally calling bullshit and finally moving on. 🆙 Self-worth, inspiration, motivation - they’re no different to showering and keeping your body clean. 🎙 Which is why it’s also recommended daily! 🕛 Similarly, I tune into (an ever-growing number of) podcasts for motivation and inspiration. 🎙 Usually ‘informative' ones in the morning (see list below) and ‘interests' ones (which I'll share later) in the evening. 🎙 The beauty is, you can pair podcasts with auto-pilot tasks, such as commuting, cooking, cleaning and working out. 😅 I think, their recent rise in popularity reflects the fast paced world we now live in. 🎙 The challenge is sticking with your absolute favourites and not getting drowned in the sea of incessant noice. 🎙 🎙 🎙 Current Favourite Informative Podcasts: 1. Achieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod 
 2. Ben Coomber Radio 
 3. The Body and The Beast 
 4. Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History 
 5. Duolingo Spanish 
 6. The Joe Rogan Experience 
 7. The Jordan B Peterson Podcast 
 8. The Learning Leader Show with Ryan Hawk 
 9. Making Sense with Sam Harris 
 10. Mindset with Muscle 
 11. The Pat Divilly Podcast 
 12. The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes 
 13. The Tim Ferriss Show 
 14. Under The Skin with Russell Brand 🎙 🎙 🎙 #ascintillatingstreak #scintillate #healthandfitness #scintillatehaf #wellbeing #habits #routines #schedule #optimalperformance #personaldevelopment #bestself #gameoflife #sport #exercise #onyourmarks #preparation #morningroutine
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ON YOUR MARKS, SET… (7A/8): 06:55-07:10 - Light Exercise: Press-ups, Yoga, Walk & Pull-ups (10/50) 🌲 A ’Scintillating Streak’ is all about daily disciple. 🌲 When you stack seemingly small helpful habits over time, like bricks in a wall, it builds you up.... 🧱 As previously discussed, regular visualisation practice will sharpen fuzzy images into vivid experiences. 👓 However, as progress is so incremental, it can be hard to gage and appreciate. 🌲 The good thing about physical exercise is that the results ARE tangible. 💪 For many years now, I’ve done one set of press-ups first thing in the morning… 🌲 This short daily practice has clearly increased my strength, as I’m now capable of doing eighty. 🌲 But the aim isn’t to do as many as I can every time… 🌲 It’s just to do them - tick that box, get that little win! ☑️ And when I feel like I’m completing the current number too easily, I’ll add on another two the next day. 2️⃣ Afterwards, I spend five minutes doing yoga - a fluid circuit of seven, 10-20 second positions. 🧘‍♂️ I really enjoy starting the day with a stretch; waking up and ironing out my body. 🌲 Doing this daily does wonders for your movement, flexibility and posture. 😊 Then it’s off outside for a walk around the park. 🚶‍♂️ Being in quiet, green spaces definitely helps, but getting outside in the fresh air is the main thing. 🌥 Exposure to natural light early in the day will help you sleep better at night. 😴 And after meditating and quietening the mind, this provides an inspiring 5-10 minute window to let your mind wander. 🌲 Most of my creative ideas come during walks. 🌲 With the kids play area on hand, I’ve also recently added pull-ups, which gives great balance to the press-ups. 🤙 For me, this light bit exercise of exercise is like a warm-up… 🌲 Getting my feet into the starting blocks, and priming for a productive day. 🌲 🌲 🌲 QUOTE: "Walking has a better impact on your brain than for your body. Try not to think of it, or running as exercise.” - Ryan Holiday talking to Tim Ferriss PODCAST: Nike Trained SONG: Move Your Feet - Junior Senior 🌲 🌲 🌲 #ascintillatingstreak #scintillate #healthandfitness #scintillatehaf #wellbeing #habits #routines #schedule #optimalperformance #personaldevelopment #bestself #gameoflife #sport #exercise #onyourmarks #preparation #morningroutine #morningritual #exercise #warmup #pressups #yoga #walking #pullups
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ON YOUR MARKS, SET… (6/8): 06:50-06:55 - Visualisations (9/50) 🧞‍♂️ With body and mind now a little more settled, a platform is set to laser focus mental energy towards desired goals and outcomes. 🧞‍♀️ This may involve a 'dress rehearsal' for the day ahead, visualising yourself successfully carrying out tasks…... 🧞‍♂️ Or more future orientated, bringing forward feelings of achievement and fulfilment. 🧞‍♀️ Again, like meditation, to most this may feel pretty strange, which is why open-minded willingness to try is necessary. 🧞‍♂️ Growing up most of us aren't aware, let alone taught how to, so it’s little wonder how weird this practice may feel at first. 🧞‍♀️ Plus, even with a proactive perspective, conjuring up mental images may well be difficult and unnatural. 🧞‍♂️ But as with anything challenging, the rewards can be tremendous. 🧞‍♀️ The athletics analogy for this morning routine, provides a perfect example… 🏃‍♂️ Believe me, any Bolt or Ennis-Hill will have won gold countless times in their mind before reality. 🏃‍♀️ Michael Phelps even set a world record blind - despite his goggles filling with water! 🏊‍♂️ He’d visualised every length of his swim that many times before, he not only coped but thrived thanks to mental practice! 😑 Just a few moments a day, re-surfacing feelings of belief and possibility will have a profound effect on your results over time. 🧞‍♂️ It’s not simply wishful thinking, it’s bringing awareness and energy towards the things which will help you and away from those that don’t. 🧞‍♀️ A "vision board" can provide stimulation, otherwise keep your eyes closed practice mental imagery. 🧞‍♂️ The more senses you can incorporate (sight, touch, smell etc.) the more powerful it will be. 👂 In time your body will produce the same physiological responses - bingo! 👍 Whether you think it will help, or don’t believe it will, you’ll be right. 🧞‍♀️ 🧞‍♂️ 🧞‍♀️ QUOTE: “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” - Albert Einstein QUOTE: “Anything worth doing well, is worth doing poorly at first.” - Ray Congdon PODCAST: The Tony Robbins Podcast PODCAST: Achieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod SONG: Morning Side - Four Tet 🧞‍♀️ 🧞‍♂️ 🧞‍♀️ #ascintillatingstreak #scintillate #healthandfitness #scintillatehaf #wellbeing #habits #routines #schedule #optimalperformance #personaldevelopment #bestself #gameoflife #sport #exercise #onyourmarks #preparation #morningroutine #morningritual #visualising #visualisations
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ON YOUR MARKS, SET… (5/8): 06:40-06:50 - Meditation (8/50) 🧠 I should point out at this stage, that every step in this morning routine is made as effortless as possible by pre-preparation. 🧠 My current journal and book I’m reading live together and the clothes I’m going to wear that day are laid out the night before.... ✅ Any extra thinking and resistance will only make it harder to get going - especially here in the U.K during the dark, cold, winter months! 🌌 Setting the stage by creating a suitable environment for meditation is especially important I think… 🧠 Choose a room with a comfortable chair or cushion for the floor, where you are less likely to be disturbed or distracted. 😌 Ambience really helps the ease and enjoyment of the experience, so I embrace additional props like incense, candles and a smooth stone to turn over in the hand. 🕯 They’re not essential, but basically, as soon as you are able to get past any potential inner awkwardness the sooner you’ll reap the rewards. 🧠 This experience needn't have spiritual connotations, it’s about getting your head in order. 🧠 I’ve found that meditating for as little as ten minutes a day has had a profoundly positive effect on cleansing and calibrating my busy (oh-so-busy) mind. 🧠 It’s helped me control and reduce stress and anxiety, as well as increase concentration, kindness, and a sense of calm. 🌷 Just by sitting with yourself, and anchoring your mind to your body by focusing on your breathing. 🗣 Basically just ‘being' for a bit - which is more necessary now than ever, as we’ve evolved into "human-doings"! 😜 *Buh-dum-tchh!* 🥁 Of course, connecting with yourself like this is challenging... 🧠 But even if you’re only able to focus for thirty seconds, this daily dose can powerfully impact your success and well-being. 🧠 Meditation is for the mind, what the gym is for the body - regular reps builds your strength! 🧠 🧠 🧠 QUOTE: “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” - Anne Lamott QUOTE: "You tame your mind or your mind tames you.” - T Harv Eker BOOK: Teach Yourself To Meditate - Eric Harrison APP: Waking Up - Sam Harris APP: Headspace APP: Calm 🧠 🧠 🧠 #ascintillatingstreak #scintillate #healthandfitness #scintillatehaf #wellbeing #habits #routines #schedule #optimalperformance #personaldevelopment #bestself #gameoflife #sport #exercise #onyourmarks #preparation #morningroutine #morningritual #meditation #stress #anxiety #concentration
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ON YOUR MARKS, SET… (4/8): 06:30-06:35 - Journaling (1) (7/50) 📝 I have “A Five Year Reflection Book” called “Living Well One Line A Day”… 📝 It actually has five short lines for each day.... 📝 It’s small so filling it in takes no time. 📝 I had a realisation when scribbling in, on a day last July… 📝 I had been reflecting on my efforts to find employment, which was a priority at the time. 📝 And I wrote something along the lines of: "I am looking at all my options and doing my best”, ending re-assuringly with, “It will all be fine.” 📝 Turning the page to put the marker in place for tomorrow, what I’d written that day two years ago caught my eye: 👁 “I am proud of myself, as I am maintaining a balanced positive perspective atm, about work or rather the lack of it. Life is too short - it will be fine.” 😮 It struck me how I'd signed off with almost exactly the same words. 📝 Perhaps more poignantly though, I realised I’d been having similar concerns then. 😣 And upon reflection I could see that everything did work out fine! 😌 My business did enable me to do what I’d hoped at that time - to travel and live abroad for a bit. 🌏 It’s not too hard to grasp that this predicament may befall someone in the start-up stages of self-employment… 📝 Who then shuts up shop, scouts out the options in Melbs, before re-starting biz and life back in Brizzle. 🔄 But my point is, thanks to this ritual of journalling, I could capture this insight. 📝 And therefore take confidence, or perhaps re-assurance, that I’d figure it out during this latest instalment of uncertainty. 📝 Which is why I believe taking a little time to write down a few lines, helps you see… 👀 It will, in all probability, all be fine. 📝 📝 📝 QUOTE: “The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore.” - Vincent Van Gogh QUOTE: “When you see a great opportunity, take it and then work it out.” QUOTE: “Difficulties are meant to arouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict.” - William Ellery Channing SONG: Turn The Page - The Streets 📝 📝 📝 #ascintillatingstreak #scintillate #healthandfitness #scintillatehaf #wellbeing #habits #routines #schedule #optimalperformance #personaldevelopment #bestself #gameoflife #sport #exercise #onyourmarks #preparation #morningroutine #morningritual #journaling #insight #reflection #itwillallbefine
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SCINTILLATE IS 6!!! 🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯 Thanks to everyone who’s been a part or simply supported me along the way! Absolute beauties!!! 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈... Strictly online action these days, and offer ends tonight on my amazing anniversary discount, so wherever you are, if you need some guidance with your training and general health and well-being, I’m your guy!! (Link in bio) 🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂 If not, all good - hope you continue to shine your Scintillating best self today! 🕯 🎈 🎂 #scintillatehaf #scintillate #healthandfitness #coach #lifestylecoach #trainer #personaltrainer #fitpro #fitfam #training #fitness #fitnessjourney #fitnesslifestyle #fitnesslife #fitnessgoals #health #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #healthylife #workout #exercise #livingwell #wellbeing
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ON YOUR MARKS, SET… (3/8): 06:15-06:30 - Reading (1) (6/50) 📚 Now up, showered and dressed, it’s time to wake the brain up… 📚 And easing into the day with a book is the best way, I’d say.... 📚 If someone dropped thirty books on you and said, “here, I want you to read all of these this year!” you’d probably think, “well that ain't happenin’!” 🤫 But as I’ve heard Jamie Alderton say a lot, that’s more or less what would happen if you committed some time to it each day. 📚 There is so much to be gained from this small time and financial investment… 🧐 Just consider the years of knowledge and experience from some of the greatest minds, now and before, put to print. 👩‍🏫 Whether it be health, wealth, relationships, your career, self-development, or whatever it is you’re currently interested in, there will be a book on it. 📚 This daily practice is instrumental towards feeding a growth mindset that is bubbling with creative thoughts, and in turn solutions. 💡 And I’ve also often found the answers to problems which my subconscious mind has been stewing on between the pages of seemingly unrelated topics. 📚 Generally speaking, when we search too hard for solutions, the resistance persists, and the cogs in your head churn and churn, until you can’t see through the smoke. 🤯 But when you step away - like in the physical sense on holiday - a moment of clarity, or inspiration pops up like a bolt out of the blue. ⚡️ I currently plan to read for forty-five minutes a day - three books, for three stints of fifteen minutes. 📚 And I like to spark the day off with a subject that is stimulating and motivational to fire up the engines. 📚 I spent the first five months of 2018 travelling, which threw this routine off, but here, just for a little insight, is what I'd read last year… 📚 * P.S. I’d love to hear one or two of your recent favourites if you wish to share too.* 📚 📚 📚 1. The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind - Joseph Murphy 2. Marching Powder - Rusty Young 3. How To Transform Your Life - Geshe Kelsang Gyatso 4. The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho 5. Business Stripped Bare - Richard Branson 6. The Obstacle is the Way - Ryan Holiday 7. Four Seconds - Peter Bregman 8. Sleep Smarter - Shawn Stevenson 9. Deep Work - Calum Newport 10. The Soulmate Experience - Mali Apple and Joe Dunn 11. The Power Of Habit - Charles Duhigg 12. The Pressure Principle - Dave Alred 13. Atomic Habits - James Clear 14. 10% Happier - Dan Harris 📚 📚 📚 #ascintillatingstreak #scintillate #healthandfitness #scintillatehaf #wellbeing #habits #routines #schedule #optimalperformance #personaldevelopment #bestself #gameoflife #sport #exercise #onyourmarks #preparation #morningroutine #morningritual #reading #books #growthmindset
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ON YOUR MARKS, SET… (2/8): 06:05-06:15 - Bathroom: Toilet, Teeth, Shower & Get Dressed (1) (5/50) 🚿 Relax, I won’t be going into specifics! 🚿 But this is a great point of reference to reinforce the nature of habit formation…... 🚿 Most people will go to the bathroom within the first hour of waking-up because they need to take care of, bid-niss! 💩 That first ‘relief’, is now synonymous with the act of cleaning your teeth. 🚿 And it requires no thought because the routine is so engrained. 🔒 There’s a clear and obvious cue, routine and reward, which is the foundation of any habit. 🚿 The cue is the urge to use the toilet, which causes you to pick up your toothbrush, and afterwards you’re rewarded with minty fresh pearls. 🦷 This is so important to get our heads around because it applies to all our healthy behaviours… like working out. 🚿 We know that if we don’t brush our teeth on a consistent basis, they will rot. 🚿 Similarly, our bodies will suffer if we don’t move regularly. 🚿 However one missed brush or workout won’t be too dramatic in the grand scheme. 🚿 Which is why a long-term perspective is a slippery slope. 🚿 Instead we need to focus on the immediate gain to be received. 🙂 Like that tingly clean feel, or that endorphin rush from thirty minutes of boxercise. 🥊 Relying on the way we feel is doomed to failure. 🚿 Automation trumps motivation every day! 🚿 Finally, though it may be uncomfortable, turning the water cold during your shower, can provide surprising benefits for your body and skin. 🚿 It has been shown amongst others, to help increase alertness, improve immunity and circulation, speed up muscle soreness recovery, and ease stress and relieve depression. 😃 I’ve certainly experienced most of these effects. 🚿 Can’t hurt to try?! 🚿 Alright maybe a touch - but that’s the point! 😆 Take on the cold for thirty seconds and you’ll be priming yourself to handle everything else to come. 🚿 🚿 🚿 BOOK: The Power of Habit - Charles Duhigg VIDEO: The Ice Man - Wim Hof 🚿 🚿 🚿 #ascintillatingstreak #scintillate #healthandfitness #scintillatehaf #wellbeing #habits #routines #schedule #optimalperformance #personaldevelopment #bestself #gameoflife #sport #exercise #onyourmarks #preparation #morningroutine
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ON YOUR MARKS, SET… (1/8): 06:00-06:05 - Wake-up, Drink Water & Make the Bed (4/50) 🛏 Whatever time you wake-up, starting your day this way will set you up to succeed. 🛏 As you’ve been breathing whilst asleep, (all being well!) you’ll naturally wake up a little de-hydrated…... 🛏 So… the night before, I ensure to pour, a pint of water, with a lemon slice adorned! 🍋 Yes, I’m a frickin poet, and yes you better believe that lemon is pre-sliced and patiently waiting in the fridge for the plunge! lol 🛏 Plus, with the drink at your bedside overnight, room temperature and brewing in Vit C, it provides an immediate boost to your well-being and immune system… 🛏 Doing so helps your skin have a healthy glow, and can prevent migraines. 🤩 The average adult human body is around 57-60% water, so staying hydrated plays an important part in basic bodily functioning, such as digestion, metabolism, cognitive processing and the elimination of toxins. 🛏 De-hydration can also often be mistaken for hunger, so if you are consistently topping up with agua, you are more satiated and less likely to over eat. 🛏 So, it’s important to get off to a strong start. 💪 Making your bed every day may seem inconsequential, but in reality it has a domino effect on your mood, productivity, organisation and cleanliness. 🛏 It is about creating that first small win, taking control of a simple task, that then leads to progressive momentum. 📈 Otherwise known as 'the compound effect’; a strategy of reaping huge rewards from small, seemingly insignificant actions. 🎊 Personally, I am a firm believer in the adage: "how you do one thing is how you do everything.” 🛏 Basically, if you become a bit sloppy here, you turn a bit sloppy there too - the rot can slowly seep and settle in. 🛏 Whether it affects or is appreciated by anyone else is irrelevant, because YOU can see what is happening, and you owe it to yourself. 👉 Self-respect, self-care, must come first. 🛏 🛏 🛏 QUOTE: “Sometimes when I consider what tremendous consequences come from little things, I am tempted to think there are no little things” - Bruce Barton BOOK: The Compound Effect - Darren Hardy SONG: Self-care - Mac Miller VIDEO: Navy Seal Admiral Shares Reasons to Make Bed Everyday 🛏 🛏 🛏 #ascintillatingstreak #scintillate #healthandfitness #scintillatehaf #wellbeing #habits #routines #schedule #optimalperformance #personaldevelopment #bestself #gameoflife #sport #exercise #onyourmarks #morningroutine
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