Jahed Ali - Performance Nutrition

About Jahed Ali - Performance Nutrition

A Sport and Exercise Nutritionist based in Greater Manchester, using evidence-based practice to provide nutritional advice and support for both the athlete and the person.

BSc Sport Science
MSc Sport and and Exercise Nutrition
SENr Graduate Registrant



A fantastic day so far at the @soccerscience conference at Hotel Football. - A great insight by Gary Neville himself about how the physical preparation and demands has evolved since his playing days, alongside the mentality it takes to get to the very top. - #sportscience #football #soccer #science #sportnutrition #elite #physical #mental #tactical #technical #winning #elite @ Hotel Football Old Trafford


Today’s weight training session activity results. First weight training session after 5 weeks! 🏋🏽‍♂️ - One of the highest calorie expending sessions I’ve had in an hour’s worth of weight training 📈💪🏾 - #JAPN


Eid Mubarak to all of those celebrating ☪️ - I’ve already consumed all of the calories I have missed out on over the past month! - #JAPN


Last night’s meal to break the fast 🥘🌶 - #JAPN


Dates are consumed worldwide and are a dietary staple for many Arabic people, which can be found in a large variety. It is often a fruit that is consumed upon breaking the fast during Ramadan by many Muslims. - But are they the best choice of food to consume to break the fast, especially if you’ve undergone an intense training session beforehand? - Well, although dates are technically high in sugar, due to their fibre content and being composed of fructose, dates are classifi...ed as low glycemic index food items. - A popular date is the Medjool date, where one date (66g) provides 18g of CHOs (of which 16g is sugar), 1.6g of fibre, 0.4g of PRO and 0g of FAT. - Thus, following a prolonged. intense training session that has been undergone during a fast, your aim should be to increase increase your blood sugar levels (i.e. blood glucose) as soon as possible, as it is most likely blood glucose would have fallen at some point during the exercise due to lack of fuel / reserved stores and continued to do so following exercise. - Fructose, which is found in the date does not provide a spike in blood glucose levels, when compared to glucose itself, and therefore a beverage like a hypertonic sports drink would be more appropriate to consume than than a date itself when immediately breaking the fast. - However, I would still recommend taking this fruit on a date as it tastes amazing and is great in smoothies 😏 (sorry, I had to!) - #JAPN
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☪️ Fasting during Ramadan, the ninth month of the lunar calendar, is one of the five pillars of the Muslim faith. - 🌓The practice involves restriction from all fluid and food intake during the period from sunrise to sunset; as well as rituals involved with breaking of the fast and various prayers and feasts (including suhoor / sehri) throughout the night. - Actual fasting practices vary according to:... ▪️The individual ▪️Their cultural and religious environment ▪️ Their geographical location ▪️The changing dates of Ramadan ▪️Other factors such as work and family commitments. - Ramadan during the summer often presents further difficulties to the fast, when compared to winter, due to the longer presence of daylight (or time between sunrise to sunset). - 🤔 So when can Muslims eat during Ramadan? 1. During Iftar - the meal often consumed to break the fast, once the sun sets 2. Suhoor / sehri (سحور) - often known as the “pre-dawn meal”, is the meal consumed early in the morning by Muslims before fasting, before dawn. - The type of foods and fluids chosen to be consumed during these periods are often misinformed. - 🏆⚽️ Some individuals and athletes will still continue to train and compete during Ramadan, whilst fasting, and therefore, their nutritional intake during this month will need to be closely monitored. - I’ll be discussing the principles underpinning nutrient intake around training, competition, guidelines pre, during and post exercise and the healthier food/fluid choices to make during Iftar and Suhoor! - So stay tuned, and Ramadan Mubarak to all those concerned (let the Hunger Games begin!) - #JAPN
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What effect does sleeping with low carbohydrate availability have on immunity and sleep? 🤧😴 - 🍚⬇️🛏 A study by Louis et al. (2016) investigated the effects of a 3-week sleep low training strategy (involving a withholding of CHO overnight) on immune function, the incidence of URTI (upper respiratory tract infection) i.e. sore throat, runny nose etc and sleep patterns in trained endurance athletes... - ✅ Findings from the study suggest that the sleep low strategy has no effects ...on incidences of URTI, and although there is a statistically significant decrease in sleep efficiency following a sleep low strategy, the actual effect is minimal! - 📖 For a full read, use the reference below - Reference: Louis, J., Marquet, L.A., Tiollier, E., Bermon, S., Hausswirth, C. and Brisswalter, J. (2016). The impact of sleeping with reduced glycogen stores on immunity and sleep in triathletes. European journal of applied physiology, 116(10), pp.1941-1954 - #JAPN
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Starting to get into a weekly routine now! 🏃🏽 - 🤔 Ever since I began to engage in strength/weight training at around 16 years of age, with a goal to enhance my body composition i.e. maximise muscle hypertrophy/ increase strength often neglected aerobic training, believing it would have detrimental effects on my goals (a belief led by “bro science” at the time). - 💪🏾 Now although this may be true to some extent, a meta-analysis conducted by Wilson et al. (2011) has previously ...proposed that endurance training (running) 1x vs. 3x a week, for ~30 mins reduces the potential interference effect with strength training adaptation (i.e. power, hypertrophy and strength). - 🏋🏽‍♂️vs. 🏃🏽Additionally, the interference effect of these adaptations were found to be much lower (significantly lower for lower body power) when strength training was performed alone vs. concurrent (training endurance and strength on the same day). - Take 🏠: if your goal is maximise muscle mass, but still want to partake in aerobic training. Aim to train (run) for ~30 mins, 1x a week, and look to separate these sessions from your strength/weight training sessions if you want to reduce the effects of endurance training on your strength, hypertrophy and power development... @ Rochdale
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🔥 The fuel selection of muscle fibres at rest is dependent on substrate availability. Increased lipid availability results in an increase citrate (a key metabolite of energy metabolism) concentration with inhibition of glycolysis. - ⛽️📊 During exercise fuel selection is dependent on the intensity of exercise, the recruitment pattern of fibre type and the availability of fuels. - 🏋🏽‍♂️🤾🏼‍♀️ During exercise at maximum intensity the main fuels are PCr and muscle glycogen; the ...highest energy release occurring with type II (fast-twitch) fibres (particularly with the type IIb fibres). - 🏊🏼‍♀️🚵🏼‍♂️ Conversely, during low-intensity exercise the main fuel is triglycerides - utilised predominantly within the type I fibres (slow-twitch). - Above are the characteristics of each muscle fibre type...
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🍤 (KING) PRAWNS 🦐 - What are their nutritional benefits? - 💪🏾 Prawns provides a complete protein; with 100 grams of prawns containing ~25 grams of protein - a similar content to chicken or beef - making it a great source of “muscle building” food.... - ✅ They are also very low in calories. 100 grams of prawns contains only ~120 calories. - 🚴🏽‍♂️🤽🏻‍♀️Prawns are also a great source of vitamin B12 - which contributes to making red blood cells (prevents anemia) and maintaining a healthy nervous system and releasing energy from food. - 🌶 They can also be added to most dishes and cooked with a range of spices. The above is a King Prawn Tandoori dish from @saffronexpressprestwich !
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REPOST: - 🗒 What do you consider when developing eating habits and nutritional strategies? 🤔 - 📝 Well, when developing sound eating habits and nutritional strategies to support training and competition, you should consider the overall issues as stated above☝🏾... - ⛰ Basing your nutrition around the above aspects, will provide a strong foundation towards maximising both performance and health - providing that good, consistent nutritional practice is achieved! 🚴🏽‍♂️🧗🏼‍♀️⛹🏾 ‍♂️
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💉🔬Some blood lactate testing from earlier today that I conducted to Year 10 GCSE P.E students - 🚴🏼‍♀️⛹🏾‍♂️🏊🏼 ‍♀️ Introducing them to energy systems, substrates used during exercise, and how you can use lactate testing to prescribe individualised training/nutritional programmes - ✅ If there’s anything I did stress, it was that lactate is the not the foe, it’s your bro!


🤔 What is Glycaemic Index? - 💉 The glycaemic index (GI) is a rating that describes how quickly a food containing carbohydrate increases blood glucose following ingestion. - 9️⃣9️⃣ Carbohydrates are ranked on a scale of 0–100, with glucose having a score of 100.... - Foods that have a high GI are broken down and digested within the small intestine quickly - causing a rapid rise in blood glucose (as seen above). - 📈 High GI foods, such as dates, rice cakes, white bread and jelly beans may be useful in promoting optimal recovery after exercise, as high GI foods will stimulate insulin release and therefore a replenishment of muscle glycogen stores. - 🐌 Moreover, foods with a low GI are broken down more slowly and cause a more gradual increase in blood glucose. - 🏃🏽 Practically, low GI foods can help to control appetite and increase satiety, which can be useful when your aim is to: 1) Reduce energy intake ✅ 2) Reduce body mass/ improve body composition ✅ 3) Reduce the feeling of hunger and/or dips in blood sugar, concentration and focus during competition/event/work ✅ - ⏰ This is because low GI foods promote better blood glucose control and more stable energy levels over several hours - 🤓 Friday Fact: The GI of a food is determined by its composition in terms of its macronutrient and fibre content and how it is processed and cooked. Fat, fibre and protein content lower the GI of a food.
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Great to introduce @sekott to some Sport Science testing today, to support his #RunAwayChallenge! - @burnleycollege have an open event on the 17th January; so if you’re interested in studying Sport Science as an A-level, BTEC or even at a degree level - come and visit myself and the team to discover what we have on offer!


📝 🏃🏽‍♂️It’s that time of the year where “I want to lose weight” or “I’m on a diet” will be the only words you see/hear: the gyms will be at their peak, fruits and vegetables will be consumed like never before, and weight loss supplements will be purchased, without a second a opinion... - 🤔❓But the questions are: can you really sustain this diet? Will your current approach produce long-term habits? Have you set SMART goals? Is your current “diet” focusing on maintaining muscle... mass, whilst reducing fat-mass? What is your calorie goal to elicit safe, sustainable weight loss? Do you have the knowledge to know what supplement you’re consuming and why? Is it safe? Heck, is it even needed?! - 🤓 🧰 The reason I post this, is that I see many people with the mindset of wanting to lose weight (which is great!) BUT, the knowledge and tools at their disposal are not quite there. However, with some support, by a nutritionist, they can gain both the knowledge and the tools to achieve any nutritional goals they want to (and making sure they stick to it!). - I can create an individualised nutritional plan, that will focus on your nutritional goals, your dietary preferences, with realistic calorie targets and with safe recommendations of supplements (if they are needed). - If you want to make long-term nutritional habits and practices to your diet, to provide you with long-term health benefits, then get involved and message me👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾 - 📧: info@jahedalinutrition.com ☎️: 07742104649 - #JAPN #sportnutrition #weightloss #diet #NewYearResolutions
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🤔 Now in 2018, do we think this is the case? - 👨🏽‍🏫 Talking from a diet/nutrition perspective and from my own personal experiences, further education is still required in regards to the diet’s contribution to overall health and wellbeing. - ❄️ A prime example currently is knowledge surrounding the lack of Vitamin D during the winter season and the consequences of possessing low levels. ... - 💊 Many people I have spoken to have suffered from URTIs, bone/joint related issues or pain, fatigue etc. But when I ask, ‘what have you done about it?’,. The common reply is, ‘taken a few paracetamols’... - 🔬 To eradicate the problem/symptoms, you need to find what is the root cause. - 🥊 Further emphasis needs to be placed on one’s diet, lifestyle and physical wellbeing! - #JAPN #sportnutrition #nutrition #health #wellbeing
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🎄Merry Christmas to all of my fellow nutrition (or even sport science) buddies out there! - 🎅🏽 Eat plenty, enjoy your time with your family and have a great day. - #JAPN #sportsnutrition #nutrition #nutritionist #science #christmas #festive #food #WhereIsTheTurkeyAt

More about Jahed Ali - Performance Nutrition
