Janet Finlay - Canine Confidence

About Janet Finlay - Canine Confidence

Building confidence at both ends of the lead

Janet Finlay - Canine Confidence Description

Building confidence at both ends of the lead



We will all be familiar with these feelings, so eloquently discussed by Jay Gurden. Feel honoured to get a mention in great company. :) Thanks to Patti Westmore for letting me know about this.


Latest blog post - what is the best training approach for reactivity? The answer may not be what you are expecting!


"I've tried everything but nothing works" is a common thing I hear - but more often than not that means tried it once or twice under conditions too difficult for the dog. When we look to ourselves first we will ask what can we change about how we do things to help our dog succeed? That might be as simple as taking time to train somewhere quiet first. Or it might be changing the expectations we have of our dogs. Or setting up the environment to make it easier to get it right. Whatever it is - never forget that training is a two-way conversation.


This is perfectly true!


This is excellent. Please read and learn how to spot the ethical dog professional amongst the claims and glitz of the unethical. We may not be as entertaining to watch but you and your dog will see genuine change without being bullied into it.


For anyone interesting in attending a workshop or event with me, here is the current listing for 2019. If there is nothing near you, I am always open to hosting suggestions.


I have struggled for a long time with how best to work with clients one-to-one in order to best help them. One or two sessions can often only get people going on the right path and I much prefer to work with people who are willing to commit to a longer term relationship.
My online membership and teaching commitments mean I have very limited time to do one-to-ones so I have decided that I will use the time I do have to work with those who are looking for ongoing support, throu...gh a bespoke training plan.
To access that, I am offering Starter Sessions where I will assess your dog, discuss your needs and give you initial management and training help. If you are in Northumberland and would like to work with me on your dog's reactivity, this is where to start.
P.S. If you are not in Northumberland I am currently trialling a similar programme online. This will not be simply a Skype session but a fully supported personalised one-to-one online programme. Again this will be very limited in availability so if it is something you would be interested in, do get in touch.
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It is so easy to put things off. We just need a little more time to prepare... We'll do it when we have finished that other thing.... But even the smallest of steps means we are on our way. Whatever you want to achieve with your dog or in your life, begins with what you do today.


I love this blog post and it applies just as much to us and our dogs as to horses. This is why I bang on about practice. We all need to build strong reinforcement histories for ourselves and our dogs so that we have well learned behaviours available to us when we face stressful situations. Practising only when you are in the stressful situation is not going to enable learning.


How much do our dogs respond to our emotional state? This initial study suggests dogs can not only smell our mood but reflect it when they do. The research group has since done a similar study with horses. Interesting stuff.
For behaviour geeks, full text of the research article is available free at Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/…/32026564 2_Interspecies_trans…


We all wish you all a very Happy New Year! Yesterday we looked back to celebrate how far we have come in 2018. The year turning is as good a time as any to now look forward. What one thing can you work on this year that will make the most difference to you and your dog's quality of life?


As we reach the end of 2018, what is the number one thing you are celebrating about the progress you and your dog have made this year?


Just before I sign off for Christmas I wanted to share an opportunity with you.
Beverley Courtney is an APDT colleague and authorised trainer with me over in the Reactive Dogs UK Facebook group. She is also author of the Brilliant Family Dog book series, which you may be familiar with.
Beverley is offering a free live 5-Day workshop on Facebook to get your 2019 training off to a flying start. The workshop is especially aimed at puppies and newly rehomed rescue dogs but there ...will be lots relevant to you and your dog whatever stage you are at. We can all sometimes do with a kickstart to our training!
The workshop will take place in a dedicated private Facebook group. You’ll get a reminder on the morning of Tuesday January 1st, with a live training following in the evening and for the next 5 days.
You can register completely free by clicking on the link below. Enjoy!
Wishing you a wonderful Christmas! I'll see you here in the New Year with lots of new opportunities to build your confidence with your reactive dog. :)
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Day 24: Powering up every day will change your life!
Thank you for following my advent calendar. I hope you have enjoyed it and wish you a very Happy Christmas!
Subscribe at https://www.canineconfidenceacademy.com/p /advent2018 to get your own copy straight to your inbox plus supplementary information.


Day 23: Celebrate wins and teach your brain to remember the good stuff!
Subscribe at https://www.canineconfidenceacademy.com/p /advent2018 to get your own copy straight to your inbox plus supplementary information.


Day 22: Just watching our dog is a great power-up for us!
Subscribe at https://www.canineconfidenceacademy.com/p /advent2018 to get your own copy straight to your inbox plus supplementary information.


Advent Calendar Day 21 Day 21: Going on "sniffari" is a huge power-up for dogs. Let them enjoy using their amazing noses as often as you can.
Subscribe at https://www.canineconfidenceacademy.com/p /advent2018 to get your own copy straight to your inbox plus supplementary information.


Advent Calendar Day 20 Day 20: TTouch Inchworm helps release tension in the neck and shoulders and is a great power-up to share with a friend. Your dog will also love it!
Subscribe at https://www.canineconfidenceacademy.com/p /advent2018 to get your own copy straight to your inbox plus supplementary information.


Very helpful dog handling tips from TTouch


My reactive dog and I have been following Janet's courses for some years now. Her holistic approach to the dog/owner partnership has led us to calmer, less 'exciting' walks, that are no longer dreaded. She addresses the difficulties and hang-ups of the owner, as well as the dog. Janet is informed, flexible, and really important, fun. Her informal approach has encouraged a sense of community and genuine friendships have developed. Thank you, Janet


Learning with Janet is good fun but also thoughtful and always well considered.


Janet runs an insightful, practical and varied course. It set me and my dog well on our road to a much calmer and more 'normal' life together. With the unexpected bonus of discovering the joy (yes, JOY!) of having a reactive dog and the huge bond you can develop with your canine companion. 100% recommended.


Janet is amazing!! Her programs have helped me and my dog in so many ways! The programs are paced well with tons of encouragement and training skills that are based in research. Thanks Janet!!


Janet has been so lovely and supportive throughout the whole course. I've learnt so much about my dog that I didn't know before and about myself. I feel like mine and Lana's bond is stronger and it's only getting better through all the games and exercises we've done, I've never felt so proud of my dog, her successes are my successes. Before this owning a reactive dog seemed like a grim life sentence, I now feel privileged to be part of this community of dedicated owners doing everything they can to make life together harmoneous. I'll be forever grateful for all I've learnt at canine confidence and will always recommended anyone I hear of with a reactive dog to get in touch with Janet.


I'm currently half way through an online course and it is really helping with my reactive dog. It's helping her be more relaxed and confident on everyday life. The course is easy to follow & interesting.


I was lucky enough to go to one of Janet's 'Your end of the lead training days. It was such a refreshing course, delivered with understanding and practical ideas to put into practise straight away. It made so much sense to me and I know it will help me and my girly.


I love Janet's online course - "Your End of the Lead" and her emails! I had to stop following along for a while, but am almost ready to restart. So far, this has been THE BEST course I've ever come across for support in working with my reactive dog! And the emails let me know that I'm not alone in dealing with my dog's issues.


I highly recommend Janet's courses to anyone who has a reactive dog and has felt isolated, helpless and frustrated. My dog and I have a much stronger and better relationship now.


I have returned to follow Janet's courses again and again. Originally to help with one of my dogs that would at times display reactive behaviour to other dogs. However, the skills I have acquired, the increased understanding and amazing support has helped me have a better relationship with all my dogs. These courses will have something for everyone who shares their life with a dog, what ever their previous qualifications and experience with dogs may be.


I have benefitted a great deal from several of Janet's on line courses. Complete Canine Confidence is a different concept and allows continued access to all sorts of information,help and support. There is the opportunity to interact with fellow students as much or as little as you find helpful. Janet's style not only addresses the needs of individual dogs but the individual idiosyncrasies of the guardians as well!!


I attended a course ran by Janet back in 2012 which was brilliant. I wanted to say I read the fantastic emails that are sent out regularly and they often resonate with me, are interesting and so supportive. Thank you :)


Excellent Intro to TTouch course I attended yesterday. Janet delivers content at a very easy pace & experiencing the hands on techniques is so much better than trying to learn from a book.

Would definitely recommend !!


Canine Confidence is a wonderful dynamic, informative and comprehensive resource for all dog owners wanting to learn more, and for guardians of reactive dogs needing support, help and solutions, the Canine Confidence courses and material offer these in droves! Janet Finlay has a wealth of experience, qualifications and study, which enables her to offer practical and achievable ideas and solutions, which result in progress for dogs and owners alike. Her academic background has contributed to courses and material that is well thought through, put together, rigorous and delivered in a range of formats to suit most learning styles. Janet is a brilliant communicator, both in delivery of material and in follow on discussion and feedback. The study community can be very interactive for

those who relish this through the forum.

On a personal note, I was signposted to Janet Finlay's courses 6 years ago when I was totally floundering with a highly reactive WSD who had come to live with us. Engaging with the courses immediately started to pull me up from a low and ineffective place, building confidence and understanding, sharing issues, realising I was not alone, celebrating progress and success and resulting in a totally transformed dog / guardian relationship. A positive and enlightening experience indeed! Thank you Canine Confidence for your fabulous solution focussed input. So glad to be part of this vibrant community.

More about Janet Finlay - Canine Confidence
