Jb Fitness & Wellbeing

About Jb Fitness & Wellbeing

NEW Online, Digital JB Fitness & Wellbeing Business for professional women looking to join an empowering, tribe of like minded women with a can do and non judgmental attitude. We empower women of all ages and abilities to focus on what they can do!

Jb Fitness & Wellbeing Description

Welcome to JB Fitness & Wellbeing, the fitness community for women in Royal Wootton Bassett, Lydiard Millicent and West Swindon.



Over the years we‚Äôve empowered hundreds of women to like and love themselves more. Many women tell us they are not body confident and don‚Äôt like how they look or feel. They worry about being positive role models in their homes and stress about getting through each week. Lack of exercise and poor nutrition have affected their mental health and sleep patterns. It‚Äôs a vicious cycle and it‚Äôs hard to find the motivation or time to start. Which is why we‚Äôve cr...eated a safe, happy and positive place for our JB tribe of women to come together to exercise, laugh and focus on themselves if only for an hour. You feel you can achieve anything when you‚Äôve exercised with a tribe of supportive women. DON‚ÄôT wake up tomorrow in exactly the same head space. If you are NOT HAPPY, CHANGE SOMETHING. When you are ready we can support you to get started ūüĎä
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The simple process of recording the quality, quantity and timing of what you eat and drink is surprisingly powerful. Food diaries develop self-awareness, promote accountability and help us identify priorities for change in our quest to achieve a healthy balanced diet.
Our online course will be coming soon, complimentary for our members ūüôĆ


This picture is part of the NHS EatWell Plate which is totally out of date. We are advised to have an unrefined or refined carb with every meal. WHY? It’s not necessary or needed. If you are prediabetic, diabetic, sedentary or carry a lot of fat around your middle aim to ditch large portions of beige carbs which mess with your sugar levels and insulin release. Replace with vegetables or pulses. If you do not use the energy you will become fatter and diabetic!!! The NHS plate is mis guiding you so please do your research and question what you don’t understand.


The JB Tribe know ALL about squats from our Metafit classes: 30 mins express workouts in the form of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and we love it! ūüí™ūüĎä All abilities welcome.
https://www.jbpersonaltraining.com/…/cl ass-descriptions.html


In 2004, our founder Julie Boyle suffered a spiral fracture to her tibia and simultaneously broke her fibula whilst playing rugby. The subsequent attempt to fix the fracture using an aluminium nail (below) failed due to an infection preventing healing. She relied on crutches for around 18 months until the second nailing attempt finally worked. In the meantime, Jules focused on the exercise she COULD do, strengthening her upper body via resistance train...ing.
Returning to exercise following an injury, especially a serious one, can be daunting. It was really tough giving up the sport she loved. But Jules explored other options, and fell in love with other forms of exercising - in particular, functional training and group fitness. Three years later, Jules founded JB Personal Training. The rest is history.
JB Fitness & Wellbeing was born from the philosophy that we should always focus on what we CAN do, even if that is relatively modest or heavily constrained (either by time or by physical limitations). We encourage all our members to strive not for perfection, but simply for progress. Because as long as they are in the right direction, even the smallest of steps add up to a remarkable transformation over time. You simply have to quieten the doubting voices in your head and get started.
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We highly recommend Mat Pilates for anyone looking to ease themselves back into a regular exercise routine. With multiple layers to suit all abilities, you can choose from various levels of difficulty for each exercise ūüĎć


Some of our members never thought they would enjoy exercise but with the support & knowledge from our expert team we’ve transformed these thoughts.


Surround yourself with positivity ūüėÄ


We are seeing more women joining the JB Tribe because they understand the importance of staying well mentally and physically. Our mums need to stay well to keep everything running like clock work, our shift workers value being able to sleep, our members who have stressful jobs and travel need to relax and our retired members know they need to keep their bodies strong and mobile long beyond retirement. One of the many reasons our tribe of happy women is growing ūüĎä


Yet again our JB Tribe members have been accountable whilst on their holidays and kept active!
Meantime those that aren‚Äôt on holiday have been lake swimming and running!!! Well done ladies....great job ūüí™ūüĎä


Today’s headlines include an NHS warning that cancer cases linked to obesity are set to double over the next 15 years.
We have helped hundreds of women to lose weight and reduce their bodyfat percentage. These are the key success principles of our approach.


‚Ä™When the JB Tribe come together powerful things happen. It‚Äôs never too late, ailments shouldn‚Äôt define you & you‚Äôre never ever too old. A closed mind only sees the problem & the barrier. Open your mind, move on & ditch those excuses which are limiting your life. If you‚Äôre alive DON‚ÄôT give in to your ailments or those negative thoughts. Find a way to LIVE, COPE & be happy. Our Tribe have and look at them now ūüĎä




In this podcast recorded in 2016 Jules talks about how you CAN lose weight without deprivation or dieting.
By changing your eating habits, by changing your behaviour it will ensure long term success for your personal weight-loss goal. Embracing exercise is also key to maintaining this success indefinitely.
... Are you ready to change your relationship with food? ūüí™ JB Fitness & Wellbeing can help.
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The Women’s Guide To Press-Ups: The mother of all upper-body bodyweight exercises!
In the video below Shona breaks down how to do an effective press-up to suit your personal ability. Mastering good technique will help you get stronger faster and reduce the risk of injury.


It’s always lovely to get a surprise testimonial from a valued member!!
Being part of a fitness tribe can help you make positive long term changes to both your physical and mental wellbeing.


We absolutely love adding Parkfit to the JB Timetable. All the training, weekly JB classes, running sessions and mental preparation comes together at Parkfit. We introduced Parkfit to show how able and confident our tribe members are. It enables those who join us to work together and importantly motivate each other regardless of ability or age. After every session your confidence and how you feel mentally is sky high. Parkfit is challenging but it is also so much fuuuuuuuuuun. ūüėÄ


What a superb month of May we’ve had with our social activities within the JB Tribe. Scafell Pike climb, Lydiard 5k Pretty Muddy, Royal Wootton Bassett’s carnival and the 5k Parkrun yesterday!!
Working together as a team and supporting one another is key in making change & stepping outside your comfort zone, that‚Äôs why we have created the JB Tribe ūüôĆūüí™

More about Jb Fitness & Wellbeing
