Jennifer V M Williams

About Jennifer V M Williams

Transformational Listener and Coach



Interesting facts about Bamboo trees.
They start by growing underground first for three years before seeing any shoots above the surface. When it does start to grow above ground, it grows faster at about 36 ins in a 24 hour period. That is at a speed of 1.6 ins an hour. In a year, bamboo trees can grow between 3-5 feet in height.
... Why am I sharing these facts with you?
You might be hidden and gone underground for years, but your roots are becoming stronger and firmer to withstand anything you may face now and in your future. Now is your time to shoot up with such acceleration in all you are called to be and do in life. Your waiting period was not in vain. You were being prepared for your NOW and your DESTINY. From this day forward your life will change and will never be the same. You will be forever TRANSFORMED. You will reap what you have sown. A harvest of blessing is coming your way.
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Don't give up on love. Whether you have already found that special someone to share your life with or not, there is that special ONE who holds the key to your heart. When it is time and the right time, they will unlock the mysteries of your heart. That special ONE will stir and awaken the love and passion within you. They will connect to your soul and spirit. Do not awaken love until it's time. A deeper level of love will find you! ❤


Sometimes we hang on to things and people that God is trying to separate us from. Certain situations and circumstances that do not add to our life but subtract. You need to create that space so you can focus and receive what is meant for you, and release what no longer serve its purpose in your life anymore. Have you ever considered the fact that maybe God closed that door because He knew you were worth so much more. You may not understand all that is happening in your life right now, but TRUST THE PROCESS! What is meant to find you has the access key and combination. It will discover you when it is the right time.


Life right now may have you feeling a little enclosed, damp, worn and alone, but know this...There is another life waiting for you to walk into within view. You may see it and not touch it yet, but it is real. It does exist. It is on the other side to where you are now. Push pass your hurt, pain and brokeness. Clear the fog from the window, and LOOK OUT! It is within reach. It is a life that have all you need and will position you to be all of you and do all of you. It is your land of VICTORY and BREAKTHROUGH. Don't give up! Don't you quit on yourself. You will be soon walking into your promise land.


NOTE TO SELF: Everything is going to be okay. You may need to have your moment and time to breathe, and that is okay too. You do you and take what you need. Tears may roll today, but laughter will be your tomorrow. It is going to be 🆗! ❤


I had to share this video with you. If your going to go for it in life, then do so. Don't hold yourself back. Just GO FOR IT! Don't pay any attention to who is watching you or even laughing at you. There is something unique about you that will make you STAND OUT from the crowd in a beautiful way that will bring joy to others. Don't be like everyone else. Just be you! #beyourself #standout #different


You may program your SatNav to tell it where to go, but you do not have control of the route it will take you to your end destination stop. You may face obstacles on your journey and hindrances. Go through valleys and around mountains. However, you know that whatever route you take will still lead you to something more beautiful and amazing that you had hoped for and imagined. Every road leads somewhere. The end destination depends on you. Do not wait for tomorrow. The time of change is in the "RIGHT NOW ".
What journey will you make with your life from today?


It is when you lose yourself, You find yourself. #discoveryIt is when you lose yourself, You find yourself. #discovery


Don't be limited to what is on the ground. Get ready to spread your wings and fly. There is much to see. The world is waiting for you. It is YOUR TIME to soar above the clouds. Get Ready!! 🌎☁✈


Don't be afraid of your scar. That is your life's story. That is part of who you are. You may have outer scars that can been seen or inner scars and wounds. Your scar through your story (your message) will bring help, support and healing to others in their lives. Give your pain a purpose and watch restoration and transformation take place in both your lives. Show your scar to the world and be the change you desire to see.


Yay Friday!! 😄 Whatever your weekend plans are, enjoy and make the best of them. Don't forget to also find moments for yourself too! #weekend


If you don't already know, I am on Instagram. Come join me. It would be nice to connect with you there :)
➡ @jvmwilliams


Life would be boring if everything looked the same. Colourless, no personality and very bland. You cannot tell one corridor to the next. So, what do you do? PUT YOUR STAMP ON IT! Add some colours, imagination and life to what your creating. Make it unique as you, add some flare, character and put your stamp on it. Mix in your DNA, visions and dreams. Stir up your passions and desires. Awaken your spirit and soul. Revive your heart and mind. Create something so beautiful that not only showcase you, but gives you the permission and freedom to be the wonderfully gifted and crafted YOU that the world needs to see. Go out with your bad self and bring life to your canvas 🎨


Sometimes you just need to get a bigger vision for where you are now and where you are going in life. To see beyond the impossible and beyond something much bigger than yourself. Go BIG with your vision! Something that will help push you outside your comfort zone, but where you'll find what stuff your made of. Something that may look impossible to others, but you know it to be possible with you because of the vision in your heart. Whatever YOUR vision is...Step towards it! You may not have the complete blueprint and plan yet, but with every step you take, you are receiving, learning, adapting and changing yourself to acquire the vision and walk in it. Be the vision that you see. Get a much bigger perspective. Aim higher. Go forward. Your life is waiting for you!


Believe that ALL things are possible! #faithBelieve that ALL things are possible! #faith


The battles you face is an indication of the joy to come. #staystrongThe battles you face is an indication of the joy to come. #staystrong


If you were given the opportunity to go anywhere in the world for a holiday vacation, where would it be?


Have a ridiculously AMAZING day today! #ownitHave a ridiculously AMAZING day today! #ownit

More about Jennifer V M Williams

Jennifer V M Williams is located at London, United Kingdom