Jenny Chapman

About Jenny Chapman

Darlington's voice in Parliament since 2010

Jenny Chapman Description

Member of Parliament for Darlington.



Loving these from Eat Clean Becky- Darlington - local entrepreneur making delicious treats especially enjoying the raw snickers.


A year ago I helped a group of residents to form Branksome & Cockerton Residents Association. They now have the support of Wyvern Academy Darlington Police Tees Valley YMCA and Councillors Eddie Heslop Jan Cossins and Paul Baldwin. They’re going from strength to strength, tackling fly tipping, anti-social behaviour, speeding traffic and are coming up with their own initiatives. It’s great to see. Well done!


I became a Dementia Friend a couple of years ago and am pleased to add my name to this letter from a cross-party group of MPs calling for a special fund to support care outside hospital.


Post Office Update - at this morning’s meeting in parliament I asked questions put to me by residents. I was told the following...
SERVICE MOVE - they plan to move the service from Crown Street to WHSmith at the end of July. The services offered will be exactly the same as now including DVLA, currency exchange, security industry authorisation and banking. There will be 5 staffed positions and four machines with wide aisles in a dedicated area.
All services will be available ...during opening hours including Saturday afternoons and Sundays 11-3.
If WHSmith wishes to close they are obliged to continue to provide the Post Office service for 18 months. After that, or if they fail to do so, the Post Office must make sure a full service is available within half a mile of 95% of the population, which in Darlington’s case is best achieved in the town centre.
STAFF - the biggest impact is obviously going to be felt by the 14 staff, including a manager, 2 full time and 11 part time. I’m told everyone is entitled to TUPE to WHSmith, redeployment or a severance package. Although this might sound fine it can be a huge problem for individuals depending on circumstances. I’ll get in touch with the relevant unions (CWU and Unite) about this. I would like to talk to staff, as I’ve only had one side of this so far and I’m conscious that there may be people badly affected who need support.
BUILDING - the building is leased with a break clause in 2020 for which notice must be given on 26th July 2019. I’m in touch with the Council about contacting the landlords and exploring options for the future of the building if the Post Office does move, which seems likely.
There is to be a Customer Forum, date and venue to be confirmed, where the public can look at the plans and raise concerns.
Sorry this is a bit long but I think it’s worthwhile sharing so everyone knows what’s going on. Let me know what you think!
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£65m of Free School Meal money is being diverted away from our nation’s poorest children. This short report explains what’s been going on and features our own Carmel School.
I worked with Hummersknott on their ongoing poverty proofing which exposed how everyday small decisions can disadvantage some children. This is a powerful example. lease-report


Tomorrow morning I’m meeting the Post Office Director of Sales and Network about the proposed closure of Crown Street Post Office. I have major concerns about the proposal to move the service to WHSmith in the Cornmill. Thank you for the questions many of you have suggested, I’ll be putting them to the Post Office on your behalf.


Back from the awesome Darlington park run and still getting over yesterday’s local election results. The Tories are now the largest party in the Borough of Darlington on a turnout of about a third.
It’s hard to see good Labour councillors lose, but it’s the consequences for older people, vulnerable children and those hidden but vital services that I’m most worried about. Our Labour council wasn’t perfect but to their credit they fought hard to protect important if unglamorou...s services.
As the new administration is formed and begins to take on the responsibility of running our wonderful town I’ll be watching to make sure we keep our vital services in place. We must continue with sensible plans to invest in the town centre, move the cattle mart, improve CCTV, plant thousands of trees, improve dementia care and build the council houses we need.
This town has been my home for nearly 40 years, it’s where my kids are growing up and hopefully will build their lives. Darlington can be a prosperous, caring, safe and inspiring place to live and where the Council works to those ends I’ll support them.
But if they try and impose a nasty minimalist regime with no thought for the impact on our communities they’ll have a battle on their hands.
You don’t always get what you want. Just as I would have liked to win the park run this morning (never going to happen), I would have much preferred a Labour win on Thursday. Life’s not like that. The people have spoken and we all have to get on with the most important thing now which is working to deliver the best possible outcomes for our town.
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🌹 Vote Labour 🌹
Don’t forget it’s polling day for the local elections in Darlington.
If you haven’t done so already, remember you have until 10pm tonight to cast your vote!


Out today in Eastbourne with Ronald Hogg talking to residents about using drones to combat illegal and dangerous off-road bikes.


My question to the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland last night following the terrible murder of Lyra McKee.


Received the following email yesterday. I accept that fewer people are using Post Offices in person, but what about the future of the building? And what would happen if WHSmith closes? The Post Office is a lifeline for many people.


I know residents will be concerned by yesterday’s raids, but I have total confidence in police efforts to clamp down on criminals operating in Darlington.
Thanks to Darlington Police for their handling of the Operation yesterday and for their updates.


This is a great move by Darlington Labour. They will introduce a Landlords Charter which will help protect renters in our town. Everyone deserves a warm and well kept home.


Great to see Cleveland Bridge working in partnership with volunteers and councillors on the Fryer’s Field rejuvenation project.


There is a fundraiser tonight at the ASE/Engineers Club on Northgate, kicking off at 7pm. They are raising money for the Samaritans and the If U Care Foundation to support their invaluable work.


BREXIT UPDATE - My take on this week's events.
I campaigned for Remain in the Brexit referendum and promised to respect the result. For that reason I voted to trigger Article 50. We’re now at the business end of the process and it’s time for tough decisions.
Unfortunately we’ve needed to extend Article 50 because the Prime Minister’s deal is so bad. I also backed a vote to rule out no deal as I think it’s too risky in terms of jobs, especially in the North East. Unusually,... Parliament held two rounds of indicative votes to help find areas of agreement and compromise. So far this hasn’t worked but it might be tried again using a different method next week, hopefully with more success.
We are in this current stalemate because the Prime Minister did not listen to Parliament throughout the process and failed to secure a deal which could command a Parliamentary majority. It’s unpopular with people who voted Leave as well as those who voted Remain.
I want a deal that ensures we are economically close protecting jobs, trade and our economy, but free from the EU’s political structures. Theresa May’s deal leaves huge uncertainty hanging over our future relationship with the EU27 – that is my reason for voting against it. I support the cross-party talks and I am hopeful a route through this impasse will be found soon.
Some people want a ‘no deal’ exit. I disagree with this because of the damage it would do to our economy and the risk to security, to rights and to standards. Others have asked me to back a public vote, this is an option I have never favoured and which I could only support if it was literally the only way to get a deal through Parliament.
Thanks to the hundreds of residents who have contacted me throughout the process, including all those who have shared their thoughts and concerns with me as the debate has intensified. I will continue to respond to all your questions and queries as quickly as I can.
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Welcome news from Darlington Labour.
Labour will invest an extra £500,000 per year on the upkeep and resurfacing of local roads in our town. #LoveDarlo #KeepingDarlingtonOnTrack


Brilliant manifesto from your local Darlington Labour candidates in the upcoming local elections on 2nd May.

More about Jenny Chapman

Jenny Chapman is located at 40a Coniscliffe Road, Darlington, Co Durham
+44 1325 382345