Jessica Summers

About Jessica Summers

Access Bars® and Access Consciousness® have changed my life. Every day is an adventure. Life is full of possibilities instead of problems. Magic exists!



Fulfilling my dream of writing after an exciting journey doing a 3 Day Right Voice For You Class: an Access Consciousness class with Fiona Cutts!


Day 8 week 2 of vulnerability Challenge... Definitions: do they give me more of me or less?


Day 6...feeling awkward!


I haven't sung in front of anyone since I was 18.... I'm aware this stuff can make people feel uncomfortable and that has made me hesitate in the past. Yet how much of your natural self do you cut off for fear of it being rejected??? Wouldn't you like all of you...right now?


You gotta be prepared to do your very worst...


I recently attended an Access Consciousness Right Voice For You Masterclass where I got the opportunity to be more vulnerable than I have ever been in my life. I couldn't choose it, despite knowing that it would change everything. It actually felt like I was going to die if I took a step towards that vulnerability. I know that feeling. I've been there before. And most of the people on this planet know that feeling, they just don't notice it anymore. They tell stories to justi...fy it, to keep them from doing what they love, to build walls around themselves to keep them 'safe'; mainly from each other. And that is the great lie: there is NOTHING to be kept safe from.
So join me on a 30 day exploration to choosing all of you. I don't know what I'm doing and I don't what it'll look like and I have ABSOLUTELY no idea what will be required. I have no concept of just how massive a change could take place if everyone reading this decided to choose for consciousness every time they experienced that 'stopping' energy that feels so real it'll make you sweat. Or how hard it will be to show up for 30 days without my mask, no matter what, and I'm gonna do it! Because now is the time and the walls of the stage set are wobbling.
Without the amazing vulnerability of Gary Douglas and his demand for a contribution that goes beyond 'us' and what's comfortable, I would never have 'got' this.
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What's available to you when you get out of your head??? Let's see....!


How much more of yourself can you shut down in order to fit in to this world? Have you gone as far as you're willing or able to go down that road? Are you aware that there is a better way? Are you ready to learn an elegant and highly effective healing process? Are you ready to create more ease in your life? In the lives of others? And how much more ease with yourself and others could show up in your life by choosing this class?
What if you could learn a process that would qu...
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Life on the first day after Right Voice For You Masterclass...!!!


At Right Voice For You Masterclass in sunny Manchester. How DOES it get better than this? One and a half days to ramp it up!!!


Is now the time? Are you ready to invite more into your life? To ask for what you truly know is possible, despite what you've been told about yourself? You know the truth...want to be you? It only takes three days, three little days after a life time of saying no to the bits that feel uncomfortable and yes to the bits you CAN do...are you finally ready for all of you? I AAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMM!!!!!
Are you going to take this opportunity to attend the UK's ONLY Right Voice For You... Masterclass? What could you be do and have as a result of this? When will this opportunity come again? I'm ready, yes, I'm finally ready to let go of the limitations holding me from the full power of myself...are you???
Right Voice For You Masterclass: Manchester 13-15 July 957587/
Find out more at the two hour Intro: Manchester 12 July 7pm 243197/
There has never been a better time to be you!
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What if your voice matters? What if who you are and can truly be is what the world has been waiting for? What if you finally daring to be you is the invitation to so many other people to truly be who they are too?
For too many years now you have been hiding, feeling uncomfortable in your skin, like there is so much more than you have felt safe to share. Well now is the time. When you take the first step to speaking with your authentic voice, nothing will ever feel so hard ag...ain. You will be a shining light to guide others and the energy you have turned inwards to your own destruction will be turned out as a beacon of hope and joy.
The course begins in Manchester on the 13th July- 15th July: 957587/
Find out more in this 2 hour intro class on 12th July: 957587/
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Right Voice For You Liveathon FUUUN!


What does our brain and mind contribute to our lives? Is there a better way?
*** so in fact this video is something I'd very much like to delete, but I'm not going to, because it is me at my most vulnerable, being wrong, being unable to 'sell' a Bars class, being unable to sell myself and being totally present with it.
I don't think anyone will.hate me for it, it might make you feel.uncomfortable (it did me!) and I'm not going to let that stop me from doing anything I'd like do, and I will never give up on having my authentic voice. Even if I look like I don't know what I'm doing.
It's much easier for me to go on and be polished and delete all lives that don't fit that image, but then this limiting point of view would have won...and what message does that give to you other speakers who are struggling with finding their authentic voice? That it's ok to do stuff as long as it's easy? Only do something if you're going to look polished? Don't be seen to find this difficult? The Italians have a concept: 'sprezzatura': studied carelessness. Never making things look difficult. This is the opposite - making easy things look difficult. Because the universe is ease joy and glory if we would only accept it, and here I am showing you that I don't always accept that ease!
Could I have done this without Right Voice For You and Fiona Cutts' beautiful vulnerability in my world? Probably not...
There is a Right Voice For You intro class on 12th July in Manchester. It's two hours, and it might just change your life. Join me and never have to be right again, just be you... 243197/
Oh, and I have a Bars class this Wednesday!!! 😂 😉 But you wouldn't wanna come to that, would you??? I don't know what I'm doing!!! 😂 384432/
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Can you sense the Consciousness in every molecule around you? Like Moana who has absolute conviction that each water molecule is there to support her when she falls, can you sense that there is more support in this world than you ever dreamed possible, if only you could find it? Disney films speak to that part of us that yearns to be whole, that longs for connection, even though we don't 'think' it's possible.
Did you yearn for magic and connection when you were young? Did... you give up on it as just a fairy tale? Would you like to play with the idea that you knew the truth when you were younger and that the rest is just a red herring? In flow and connection, all of life comes to you with ease joy and glory and learning the Bars is the first, the easiest and the most expansive step you can take towards being whole and feeling easy in your skin. No worrying about the future, choosing your destiny from one moment to the next- too good to be true? I thought so once, not anymore... Just how much expansion is possible for you and everyone in your life when you choose ease? What is truly possible when you choose to learn and share the Bars?
Join me on 27th June for a unique experience of expansion. Fall in love with yourself! 384432/
Comment or message me if this is calling to you- how much change and expansion can now exist for you?
All of life comes to me with ease, joy and glory xxx
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Can you sense the Consciousness in every molecule around you? Like Moana who has absolute conviction that each water molecule is there to support her when she falls, can you sense that there is more support in this world than you ever dreamed possible, if only you could find it? Disney films speak to that part of us that yearns to be whole, that longs for connection, even though we don't 'think' it's possible.
Did you yearn for magic and connection when you were young? Did... you give up on it as just a fairy tale? Would you like to play with the idea that you knew the truth when you were younger and that the rest is just a red herring? In flow and connection, all of life comes to you with ease joy and glory and learning the Bars is the first, the easiest and the most expansive step you can take towards being whole and feeling easy in your skin. No worrying about the future, choosing your destiny from one moment to the next- too good to be true? I thought so once, not anymore... Just how much expansion is possible for you and everyone in your life when you choose ease? What is truly possible when you choose to learn and share the Bars?
Join me on 27th June for a unique experience of expansion. Fall in love with yourself!
Comment or message me if this is calling to you!
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Hi, My name is Jess and I'm an Access Consciousness Bars® Faciltator. I offer Bars® treatments and Bars® Classes where I teach you how to practice this phenomenal treatment and be a Bars® Practitioner. You can then become a Facilitator too if you love it as much as I do! I live, breathe eat and sleep Access and its many tools- it works and it empowers- find out more!


Went into my first session open minded and not really knowing what to expect.

The room was very relaxing and I was made to feel more than welcome had a chat about me and revealed a bit about myself.

The hour session is hard to describe and the feeling I got was kind of hypnotic in a way but so relaxing and for an hour of my life I actually felt relaxed and peaceful and the things I think about 24/7 weren’t there I’m told it works different for every person but it certainly helped me and I’m booked in for another hour would definitely recommend to at least try


Pregnancy Bars Session'

I had a 40 minute bars session with Jess and absolutely loved it. I had never heard of bars before, until I came across the Beautiful Birth page. Jess is brill at putting you at ease and I instantly felt comfortable in her presence.

The session was fantastic. I could feel the stress/worries/fears (some of which I didn't know I had) literally draining away. It was so relaxing and soothing.

The baby loved the session too as he/she did not stop wriggling. Calm mummy definitely results in a happy active baby.

I would highly recommend any of Jess' services as she is so knowledgable and brilliant at what she does. Thank you.

More about Jessica Summers

Jessica Summers is located at Jessica Summers, Springfield House, 18, Albert St, HX7 8RU Hebden Bridge