Jigsaw Childcare Scarborough

Monday: 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 18:00
Friday: 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Jigsaw Childcare Scarborough

Established in 2012, encouraging natural, child-led exploratory play, with a strong focus on supporting speech, language and communication development.



We’re ready for the new week ahead 😁


Have a look at this new venture that my friend is starting up in Scarborough. This looks like it will be a wonderful asset for parents-to-be and new parents x https://www.facebook.com/TheVillageScarbo rough/


When we’ve been out on our walks recently we have been noticing the huge amounts of rubbish lying around in the streets and play parks. The children have been commenting on it and watching me pick it up and put it in the nearest bin and so I thought it would be a good idea to involve them. We purchased a litter picker and some children’s gardening gloves and yesterday we went on our first litter picking walk around Seamer. From leaving our house we walked up Pasture Lane, dow...n Eastgate and back along Main Street to the park. Just on this short walk we picked up around 50 items of litter, from sweet wrappers, cigarette packets and cellophane wrappers to elastic bands, bottle tops and beer cans. When we got to the park we found so much more there as well. I’m so proud of our little people for caring about where we live and showing an interest in keeping our village tidy. We’re all so quick to moan about litter but if we all just did a little bit to help clear it up the world would be so much cleaner.
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7 years ago today, Jigsaw Childcare was born!!! This teeny little 10 month old baby is now a beautiful, smart, caring, communicative, creative young lady and I am proud to say she was my first ever ‘mindee’ and still comes to me every day before school. Starting my own business in a recession as a single mum was certainly the most challenging thing I’ve ever done, but it was truly the best decision I have ever made and I can honestly say I have found my vocation in life ❤️


Today was beach day!!! With yummy ice cream 🍦


It’s been a fun-filled couple of weeks since I last posted. I don’t know where the time has gone!! We have been busy enjoying our local parks, playgroups, garden centres, our own garden and, of course, our house; learning about plants, flowers, shapes, colours and animals. We have explored art and design using chalks, paints and pencils, we have made marvellous constructions from bricks, made our own sandwiches, picked our own fruit, played in the sand pit, washed our dolls in bubbly water and read some new interactive stories! Two days to rest and enjoy family time and then we start all over again! 😄


Hooray we survived our first day without a vehicle!! We got the bus into town, which was very exciting, then we walked over the big bridge to church for playgroup. It made me realise just how many learning experiences are missed by hopping in and out of a car. Walking to the bus stop we noticed all the different flowers we pass on our route. We talked about the difference between long and short grass and guessed what creatures might be living in the grass. We talked about the... bus shelter while we waited, what it was made of, why it’s helpful to have a shelter, what shape the bricks are etc. We noticed the naughty graffiti on the walls and the litter on the ground. We counted out 5 coins for the bus driver and talked to the other passengers. We sang the wheels on the bus (lucky other passengers 😂) and we thanked the driver when we got off. My three walkers did me so proud today. They were just wonderful x
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We found some more puddles yesterday! We used them to burn off some energy, work on our jumping skills and learn about reflections! Look at those happy faces! 😃☔️


There is a babies and children’s table top sale tomorrow in aid of the playgroup that I run. 10am - 1pm at St Andrews Church, Ramshill Road.


My mum sent me this today...I think it pretty much sums up my philosophy on working with young children. We do aim to educate them and help them to learn and develop, but primarily Jess and I strive each day to make every child feel loved, valued, safe, included and happy 😊 (and I think we’re pretty good at it!)


This morning we went for a little learning walk. We saw lots of lovely plants and flowers, stopping to look at them and talk about their height, colour, texture and scent. We noticed street name signs and tried to identify some of the letters from our names. We remembered and revisited the topic of keeping safe, knowing to hold hands, look and listen for traffic and to stop and stand still when cars passed us on the road where there was no footpath. Oh, and we got a little bit wet too 💦


Rain doesn’t stop play at Jigsaw Childcare! 💦☔️


Thank you to my brother Paul for building us this sandpit!!! We had lots of fun in it today! x


It’s only been a 4-day working week but we seem to have crammed a lot in...trips to the garden centre, the hills, Beetle Bank Farm and the park, planting seeds, water play, cardboard box play, birthday celebrations, garden play, board games, stories, singing, role playing and so much more. Loads of fresh air and plenty of exercise for these little legs!


Woop woop it’s an early weekend for me, but have a look at everything we’ve crammed into these last 4 days!!


Happy to say that all our children do all of this regularly!!

More about Jigsaw Childcare Scarborough

Monday: 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 18:00
Friday: 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -