
About Jklc

Jammu Kashmir Liberation Council (JKLC) is Umbrella platform of various Kashmiri organisations seeking Demilitrasation and Unification of Jammu Kashmir.

Jklc Description

Constitution of
Jammu Kashmir Liberation Council
Article 1
The name of the organisation shall be the "JAMMU KASHMIR LIBERATION COUNCIL", hereinafter referred to as the "JKLC".
Article 2
The JKLC shall be Umbrella Institution for member Parties /Organisations of Jammu Kashmir
Article 3
The aims and objectives of the JKLC shall be: -

(a) JKLC recognises the integrity of the Jammu Kashmir as consisting of various regions which
is a indivisible entity.

(b) JKLC recognises Demilitarisation and Unification of Jammu Kashmir as WAY

(c) JKLC recognises unconditional right of self-determination as a fundamental birth right for people of Jammu Kashmir.

(d) JKLC shall oppose and campaign against all forms of violation of human rights abuses in Jammu Kashmir.

(e) JKLC shall arrange to provide humanitarian help and assistance to those who suffer from abuse of human rights.

(f) JKLC shall make its central objective and give priority to representing the rights of all Citizens of Jammu Kashmir irrespective of their Colour, Religion or Creed at all National /International forums.

(g) JKLC shall Encourage and facilitate return of all Citizens displaced irrespective of their Colour, Religion or Creed living in refugees camps within Jammu Kashmir or neighbouring Countries.

(h) JKLC shall campaign internationally for return of Mortal Remains of Shaheed Maqbool Butt & Shaheed Afzal Guru to their respective families and release of all political prisoners.

Article 4
Any Party /Organisation representing the CAUSE of Jammu Kashmir which subscribes to the aims and objectives of JKLC shall be eligible to be a member of the JKLC. However, membership of the JKLC shall require the approval of the General Body.
Articles 5
(a) The JKLC shall have a General Council which shall consist of all members and which shall meet at' least twice a year, one of which may be the Annual General Meeting.

(b) Each member organisation shall nominate only two representatives to the General Council. The member organisations reserve the right of alternating them according to their needs.

(c) The Secretary General shall, if requested by a resolution passed by the Central Committee,
Call the meeting of the General Council within six weeks of the resolution. The Secretary
General shall also call a meeting of the General Council within six weeks of the resolution.
The General Secretary shall also call a meeting of the General Council if He /she receives a
Petition to that effect which is signed by not less than two-thirds of the total
Membership of JKLC. Members shall be entitled to receive at least three weeks notice
of any meeting of the General Council and convening notice shall be accompanied by an
Agenda for the meeting.

(d) Each member organisation shall nominate one representative from the nominated two representatives (to the General Council) to the Central Committee. The member organisations reserve the right of alternating them according to its needs.

(e) The office bearer of JKLC shall be elected for the period of TWO YEARS. Subsequently these posts shall be filled on a rota basis so that the member organisations have equal opportunity to hold office. It is the responsibility of the Central Committee to carry out the aims and objectives of JKLC and to keep the membership of the JKLC informed of its activities. The General Council shall be entitled to receive reports from the Central Committee of all its meetings.
Article 6
(a) The JKLC Central Committee office-bearers who shall be: -

1) President
2) Vice President,
3) Foreign Affairs Secretary,
4) Deputy Foreign Affairs Secretary,
5) Secretary General,
6) Deputy Secretary General,
7) Finance Secretary,
8) Deputy Finance Secretary
9) Spokesman
10) Deputy Spokesman
11) Chief Coordinator
12) Deputy Coordinator (POK) to coordinate with Parties /Organisations /Individuals
13) Deputy Coordinator (IOK)
14) Deputy Coordinator (COK)

(b) The Central Committee shall at its discretion form sub-committees as and when required.

(c) The Central Committee shall meet at least every two months and quorum for such meetings shall be two third of members.

(d) The Central Committee shall have power to draw up rules of procedure for membership of the Council and other matters.

(e) Functions of the Central Committee shall include: i) planning and approval of all activities or initiatives carried out in the name of JKLC. ii) Raising of finance & approval of expenditure.

(f) The Central Committee shall have the right of recommendation, suspension or expulsion of a member or members on the grounds that the member or members is /are bringing the JKLC into disrepute or that the members are behaving or conducting themselves in a manner that undermines the aims and objectives of JKLC. Any recommendation of the Central Committee to expel or suspend an Party /Organisation from membership of the JKLC shall require affirmative votes of no less than two-thirds of the membership of the Central Committee. Before any recommendation of expulsion or suspension is taken by the Central Committee the member /s against whom such recommendation is proposed shall be given adequate notice of the facts and grounds upon which the recommendation is proposed and the member /s concerned shall have the right to be heard before any recommendation is taken. Member /s so expelled or suspended shall have the right to appeal to the General Council whose decision shall be final.

(g) All other decisions of the Central Committee shall be taken by a simple majority of those
Present except any motions of no confidence against any office bearers which shall
Require the votes of at least two-thirds of the members of the Committee who are present
at the meeting.

Article 7
(a) The President: shall chair the meetings of the General Council & Central Committee and shall be the authority to speak on the behalf of the JKLC. In the absence of the President, Vice President shall carry out this responsibility.

(b) Foreign Affairs Secretary: shall be responsible to generate political support from international community and institutions to further the aims and objectives of JKLC.

(c) Secretary General: shall be responsible for keeping all the records of the JKLC including taking keeping and circulating minutes of the meetings of the Committee. He /she shall be responsible for servicing the Committee and for monitoring the implementation of its decisions. In the absence of the General Secretary, Deputy Secretary General shall carry out this responsibility.

(c) Secretary General shall be responsible for keeping members informed of the activities of the JKLC and for the purpose, may issue circulars and letters in his /her name as and when necessary or required.

(e) Secretary General shall have the authority to speak on behalf of the JKLC.

(f) Finance Secretary: shall keep the accounts of the JKLC and may receive monies on its behalf to be deposited in the bank account of the JKLC which shall require the signature of three of the main office bearers i. e. the President, Secretary General and Finance Secretary, the Finance Secretary shall draw up budgets and financial plans for approval by the Central Committee and it shall be his /her responsibility to keep the Central Committee informed of the finances of the Council. The Finance Secretary shall produce reports as and when it is required.

(g) Spokesman shall have authority to speak on behalf of the JKLC.

(h) Chief Coordinator: shall coordinate with Parties /Organisation /Individuals and shall have
Three deputies to coordinate with Parties /Organisations /Individual within (IOK), (POK)
and (COK)

(g) Any vacancy in Central Committee caused by death, resignation or expulsion shall be filled by the procedure prescribed in Article 5(d) above.
Articles 8
(a) In order to further its aims and objectives, JKLC may by decision of the Central Committee form links or affiliate with other organisations and /or institution /s or individuals of specialist field, provided that such organisation /s and or institution /s or individuals have similar aims and objectives and support the aims and objectives of JKLC.

(b) Individual in specialist field shall not have voting right they can be invited to meetings of General Council & Central Committee for specialist input.
Article 9
The constitution may be amended by the General Council at its meeting or otherwise provided that the amendment /s is /are supported by at least two-thirds of the membership of JKLC. Any proposal (duly supported by the Secretary General or any other member organisation) to amend the constitution shall be submitted to the Secretary General and the Secretary General shall give the General Council at least 21 days notice of such proposal.

Article 10
The JKLC may be dissolved by decision of the General Council provided the resolution is supported by three-quarters of the membership JKLC. In the event of dissolution, the committee shall discharge or make provision for the discharge of liabilities of the JKLC and the transfer of the assets including liquid capital as shall be decided by the General Council.

More about Jklc

Jklc is located at 46A Edgbaston Road, B12 9PB Birmingham, United Kingdom