Joe Bains Comedy

About Joe Bains Comedy

Stand up comedian and MC.


Joe Bains Comedy Description

I left school as a socially awkward extremely introverted teenager with no social skills whatsoever, even the bullies refused to hang out with me!
I've dragged myself through a long hard painful journey of turning myself into an extremely social creature with very little social anxiety.

I am now able to strike up conversations with complete anywhere and make friends quickly and easily.
I'm also a standup comedian - performed at Brighton, Henley and Edinburgh Fringes and also around the UK and abroad.

I'm a member of toastmasters international. level advanced bronze, so have given countless speeches.

I'm a health freak, do biohacking, currently experimenting with Intermittent fasting and low-carb. Written a book on healthy living.
https://www. amazon. co. uk /HEALTHY-EATING-LOSE-WEIGHT-FAST-ebook /dp /B00ZQ50HWU /ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8& qid=1478307209& sr=8-1& keywords=healthy + eating

I'm a world traveller, been around the world twice, 44 countries so far.

I've also done the Tony Robbins UPW and Millionaire Mind Intensive.

More about Joe Bains Comedy

Joe Bains Comedy is located at 13 onega gate london, se16 7pr London, United Kingdom