Johnny Cassell

About Johnny Cassell

Come and say hello https://www.

Johnny Cassell Description

Hi, it’s Johnny Cassell here.

First of all I wanted to introduce myself as that’s probably the first thing that is on your mind… Who the hell is Johnny Cassell?

I’m pretty much like any other regular guy out there that came to a point where I chose to get this area of my life sorted. I won’t go in to too much detail but I was a guy that couldn’t approach any woman that I thought would be of interest to me.

I would see someone I was attracted to and do NOTHING about it.

I didn’t know WHAT to say, HOW to say it not to mention HOW to get her on a date or become my girlfriend. I decided I was going to do something about it and took fast action.

It wasn’t an easy process. I invested a lot of time the next couple of years reading a lot of books, studying human behaviour, watching naturals and putting myself out there, seeing how far I could take it. There were many breakthroughs along the way but one of the first ones was when I started to expose myself to people that were naturally good with women. These guys had been fortunate enough to have the right influences around them, which gave them such great ability.

What I realised when I studied further is, what works is the WAY these people did things. It was DIFFERENT and it WORKED.

I was realising that the sort of confident boosting stuff that you typically hear from your friends and family never really steered me towards any tangible success. I realised that advice from the wrong people is dangerous.

The results I saw from the naturals, the sort of stuff I initially thought was impossible, really expanded my way of thinking. They would perhaps say stuff that would always have the girl laughing AND wanting to know MORE about THEM.

They would have women asking THEM questions – it seemed effortless. My mindset changed dramatically. I stopped and realised what was actually possible, seeing the scope of mastering human relations.

What I had discovered was HUGE! Again, I’m not going to waffle on, telling you all my stories but what I will tell you is that I turned my life around 360 degrees and fulfilled a vision of what I thought could be possible. I’ve dated celebrities, models, women that are much further up the career ladder than me and women that are much more financially better off than me. I have fulfilled all my fantasies. Whatever you want from this, you really can achieve. And I REALLY mean it.

But here’s the thing… If you want to date an actress, that’s fine. If you want to date the next top model, thats fine but what I will say to you is that although it might be exciting, it’s not what I’m all about. I’m not here to help you get a quick leg over, unfortunately. I am here to help you find happiness deep inside and although attracting beautiful women may make you feel great, it is not addressing the CORE issue, HAPPINESS.

I believe that everyone should possess the ability to meet women.

What tends to happen – and we see this immediately around us – is that if you settle for someone out of convenience, cracks start to appear later on down the line. You may have the beautiful marriage, the huge house and the most amazing children, then someone gets that slither of doubt and has an affair, creating huge damages in the relationship. Although this happens, it’s the sad truth that this pattern exists.

If you don’t know how to meet women, you are limiting your social capacity. You are not experiencing women to find out what is right for you and what is not. However if you do have the ability to meet and interact with women then you are going to have a heightened level of confidence that everyone can feel being around you. You will be noticeably more relaxed in social environments.

The question you’re probably asking is “Why should I believe what this Johnny Cassell guy says?”

But my answer is simple; You shouldn’t.

I don’t expect you to. In fact, I don’t want you to, because when I first started out I was the same. But what I discovered when I tried something different was, the change in responses I was getting changed my way of thinking for LIFE.

Unfortunately the market is absolutely saturated with (you already know this) so called experts and over marketed men AND women trying to convince you they have all the answers.

I’m going to be honest… I don’t have all the answers.

But what I do believe is that the stuff I DO know will enhance your life across the whole board. I want you to at the least TRY what you learn from me.

With me, there is no small print hidden at the bottom of my programme pages spelling out a no-refund policy. If you are not satisfied with ANY of my programmes, you will get a 100% money back guarantee.

I will let you try any of my products or programmes and take on board everything you have learnt. If you aren’t happy and don’t want to carry on then I will give you a refund – no questions asked. My interest is for my clients to get the best possible results.

All I ask is when you do try my stuff out and you do start seeing results, then you can start calling me the expert, but for now – it’s just Johnny.

I don’t use a pen- or stage-name. I put my REAL name to the products and programmes I offer because I genuinely believe that they are life changing and I am proud of what I can do for you.

I look forward to working with you soon.

- Johnny Cassell



Check out my latest interview with The Authentic Dating Series ❤️🥂 (link in comments)


It’s ok that you don’t know anything about their heritage or country or what their favourite cuisine is. What’s not ok is to remain passive and ignorant to not want to learn more! Seriously, start listening and begin to show that you are interested, Not only will you stimulate their mind but you will also become very wise on much more broader topics.


My latest interview hosted by Ro Anwar - lots of gems in here guys enjoy 😉 (Link is in description)


Come down tonight and meet me in person! DM me for guest list 🥂

User…/maintai ning-relationships-a…


Join us LIVE!


Thank you to everybody that’s already bought a copy of my new book. I’m really appreciating the feedback and support 🙏❤️


A woman likes a man who comes from a place of certainty. Using language such as “Can I?” or “maybe” has her feeling you are coming from a place of ‘doubt’.


🤷‍♂️If your friends are either not in the mood or you simply just don’t have any one to go out with - going out alone can be daunting.
In this clip myself and Dayle discuss how you should approach the social occasion whether it be in the day or the night riding solo.
Get off the couch, remove the TV and become more social. Everything happens outside of your comfort zone 💪


Looking forward to working with all the action takers this weekend on my signature workshop 'Impactful Connections' 👊❤️
The number 1 place to start your journey in developing confidence within your social and dating life.
🥊No more falling into the friend zone
... 🥊No more running out of things to say
🥊 No more listening to excuses and unwanted thoughts
🥊 No more sitting on the fence watching someone else get all the action.
💥 Your time is now

See More


FINALLYYYY WE ARE LIVE! Kindle and Paperback versions are now listed on Amazon 😃

Thank you so so much to everybody who has been a part of this journey. It means so much to me to finally get this out to you all.
... What a milestone! 😅🥂
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This week I drop my brand new book: Elite Seduction - Actionable tools for Love, Seduction and Dating!
This book has has had some huge delays due to me being so busy with physically coaching clients😅 but I can now safely say you will be able to order your copy through amazon this Friday!

User amme
Hi Facebookers!
Ok, so I go deep in this one but in order for you to put across your true self in a confident manner it may be the case that some underlying issues need to be addressed first.
... Watch the video in full and see if you can relate to the stories I share. (I warm up as the video progresses)
Here's some questions I want you to ask yourself:
Are there certain events that happened to you in your life that are holding you back?
Have you experienced trauma or embarrassment in your previous years?
Do you have a problem communicating on an emotional level?
Do your loved ones know that you love them?
Are you hiding behind a false bravado to protect yourself from being vulnerable towards others?
Enjoy the real life situations I share from my clients and the advice that I give.
Watch this video in full to learn how to overcome the hurdles.
Big love
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In the studio today recording the audio version of my brand new book!


🎧Here's a great interview I did about a year ago (only just found it)
Kicks in about 4 mins in


For my new subscribers, here’s what I can help you with... h-london


Oh this ones a bit of fun! One from the archive :-)…/the-39- best-chat-up-lines-t…

More about Johnny Cassell

Johnny Cassell is located at Unit 6 Norway House, 21-24 Cockspur Street, SW1Y 5BN London, United Kingdom