Jonathan Brown

About Jonathan Brown

Jonathan is the Liberal Democrat candidate for Chichester Constituency.

He was born in Chichester, grew up in Southbourne and works in Funtington. He recently (Dec '16) won a by-election to become District Councillor for Southbourne. He has also served as a Parish Councillor since 2013.

He is determined to do his utmost to represent everyone in the constituency and to hold the Conservatives to account.

Jonathan was a key leader of the local EU 'Remain' campaign, which achieved 49. 1% of the vote in Chichester. He is determined not to let Theresa May tear us out of the Single Market, with all the economic damage that would entail. He firmly believes that the public should be given the right to vote in a referendum on the terms of any Brexit deal once they become clear, with the option to remain in the EU if they are not satisfied.

Jonathan is a keen environmentalist and a strong advocate for the Liberal Democrats' proposed 5 Green Laws (www. uk /safeguarding-the-environment-with-five-green-laws).

Jonathan supports international cooperation including trade and peace-making. Having lived in Syria for several years he also believes that the UK should do its duty with the international community in taking care of refugees, protecting civilians and taking steps to bring the war to an end.

This general election will be an opportunity for the public to send a message to Theresa May that we DO care about the NHS, better funding for and integration with social care and improved mental health care. It will be an opportunity to demand that the government properly fund our schools but also apprenticeships and educational opportunities for those who've missed out. And an opportunity to demand that Theresa May faces down the back bench extremists and support an environmentally sustainable, pro-business, pro-growth, pro-jobs economic policy.

Theresa May chose to call for a general election on Brexit. Jonathan will not let her, the Conservatives or Corbyn's Labour Party off the hook. Jonathan will do everything he can to prevent May from pursing a divisive, damaging and extreme Brexit that will harm the prospects of future generations while doing nothing for those who have been left behind by the politics of the last few decades.

Vote for Jonathan for a country that is open, tolerant and united.

Jonathan Brown Description

Jonathan is the Liberal Democrat candidate for Chichester Constituency.

He was born in Chichester, grew up in Southbourne and works in Funtington. He recently (Dec '16) won a by-election to become District Councillor for Southbourne. He has also served as a Parish Councillor since 2013.

He is determined to do his utmost to represent everyone in the constituency and to hold the Conservatives to account.

Jonathan was a key leader of the local EU 'Remain' campaign, which achieved 49. 1% of the vote in Chichester. He is determined not to let Theresa May tear us out of the Single Market, with all the economic damage that would entail. He firmly believes that the public should be given the right to vote in a referendum on the terms of any Brexit deal once they become clear, with the option to remain in the EU if they are not satisfied.

Jonathan is a keen environmentalist and a strong advocate for the Liberal Democrats' proposed 5 Green Laws (www. uk /safeguarding-the-environment-with-five-green-laws).

Jonathan supports international cooperation including trade and peace-making. Having lived in Syria for several years he also believes that the UK should do its duty with the international community in taking care of refugees, protecting civilians and taking steps to bring the war to an end.

This general election will be an opportunity for the public to send a message to Theresa May that we DO care about the NHS, better funding for and integration with social care and improved mental health care. It will be an opportunity to demand that the government properly fund our schools but also apprenticeships and educational opportunities for those who've missed out. And an opportunity to demand that Theresa May faces down the back bench extremists and support an environmentally sustainable, pro-business, pro-growth, pro-jobs economic policy.

Theresa May chose to call for a general election on Brexit. Jonathan will not let her, the Conservatives or Corbyn's Labour Party off the hook. Jonathan will do everything he can to prevent May from pursing a divisive, damaging and extreme Brexit that will harm the prospects of future generations while doing nothing for those who have been left behind by the politics of the last few decades.

Vote for Jonathan for a country that is open, tolerant and united.

More about Jonathan Brown

Jonathan Brown is located at Chichester, West Sussex