Julie Dass Sports Injury Clinic

Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:00
Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 18:00
Sunday: -

About Julie Dass Sports Injury Clinic

The Stables Centre, 108 Milton Road, Clapham, Bedfordshire, MK41 6AS

Julie Dass Sports Injury Clinic Description

The Stables Centre, 108 Milton Road, Clapham, Bedfordshire, MK41 6AS
Venue 360, 20 Gipsy Lane, Luton, Beds, LU13JH



Back To School
It is that time of year when the weather starts to cool and school starts again.
For some of you that will mean returning to carrying a heavy bag, full of school books, sports kit and lunch!
... We would advise a backpack over other types of bags, as when worn properly will allow an even distribution of weight and put less strain on muscles.
It is recommended that children carry no more than 15% of their body weight in the backpack; too much weight will pull the child backwards and to stop themselves falling over, they will lean forward which leads to bad posture, over work of muscles and back pain.
It is only better to have a backpack if you wear it over both shoulders! Wearing it on one shoulder will cause one side to work more than the other and can lead to back, neck and shoulder problems. The straps should also be wide to stop them digging into the shoulders.
By following these tips, you or your child will reduce their chances of achy backs when they get in and will therefore enjoy school more!
We hope everyone has a smooth start back at school, and remember students qualify for a discount at Julie Dass Sports Injury Clinic and those under 16 pay their age for 30 minutes.
So if you are a student and are in need of some treatment before you start back or during the term, drop us a call or go online to www.stablestherapycentre.com and book an appointment.
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Exercise for the Weekend- Mountain Climbers
This weekend’s post is going to focus on mountain climbers.
It is important to remember that this is just advice on how to get the most out of exercises you may already include in your training. Nothing should be painful- if it is stop immediately and if you have any injuries make sure you consult with your sports therapist before trying the exercise.
...Continue Reading


Fitness Test at Home
Last week, the BBC released a video explaining how to test your fitness at home; all you need is a chair and a stopwatch.
All you need to do is stand in front of the chair with your arms across your chest and see how long it takes you to sit down on the chair and stand up 10 times.
... It is testing your lower body strength and endurance, which is important for independent life.
In theory, the faster you are the fitter you are!
This is how long it should take you depending on your age and gender: Men under 35: 10 seconds Women under 35: 12 seconds Men 35-55: 13 seconds Women 35-55: 15 seconds Men over 55: 115 seconds Women over 55: 120 seconds
You can see the video here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p05w69pq
Why not have a go and let us know in the comments what your score is.
If you would like an appointment at Julie Dass Sports Injury Clinic, drop us a call or go online to www.stablestherapycentre.com and book them in.
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Stretch for the Week- Gluteus Medius
Stretching is a vital part of any activity, dynamic stretching should be done during your warm up and static stretches should be done as part of the cool down. However even for those who don’t take part in regular training; stretching can be a beneficial activity to incorporate in your daily routine.
Stretching helps to maintain flexibility and reduce tension in the muscles; it could be the first thing you do when you get up or the last... thing you do before you go to bed. The important thing is to start gentle, don’t try to push yourself too far and remember you should feel the stretch but it shouldn’t be painful to hold the position.
To maintain flexibility it is recommended to hold the stretch for 10 seconds, if you want to improve your flexibility than keep holding the stretch for 30 seconds.
This week’s stretch is for the gluteus medius muscles; these are located in the buttocks and are one of three gluteal muscles. They are used to abduct and medially rotate the leg (move away from the body and turn inwards).
- Lie on your back on a mat. - Keep your left leg extended and relaxed on the floor. - Bring your right knee up towards your chest. - Place your right hand on the outside of your right knee and apply a slight pressure to pull it in closer to your chest. - With your left hand, hold onto your right ankle and gently pull it in towards your chest. - Once you feel a gentle stretch, hold the position for 10-30 seconds. - Repeat with the other leg.
Remember nothing should be painful, hold the position at the point where you feel a gentle stretch.
If you would like an appointment email us at stablestherapycentre@gmail.com or book via our website at www.stablestherapycentre.com
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Exercise for the Weekend- Glute Bridge
This weekend’s post is going to focus on glute bridges.
It is important to remember that this is just advice on how to get the most out of exercises you may already include in your training. Nothing should be painful- if it is stop immediately and if you have any injuries make sure you consult with your sports therapist before trying the exercise.
...Continue Reading


Para-Swimming European Championships
The Para-swimming European Championships took place last week, Great Britain came 3rd in the medal table with 20 gold, 18 silver and 17 bronze.
Alice Tai, Bethany Firth and Hannah Russel were our top swimmers with 3 gold medals each.
... The Para-athletics European Championships started on Monday, after our success in the Athletics European Championships earlier in the month and in the para-swimming, hopefully Team GB can continue in the top 3 of the medal table.
If you have been inspired by the para-athletics and would like an appointment at Julie Dass Sports Injury Clinic, drop us a call or go online to www.stablestherapycentre.com and follow the links for online booking.
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Stretch for the Week- Lattisimus Dorsi
Stretching is a vital part of any activity, dynamic stretching should be done during your warm up and static stretches should be done as part of the cool down. However even for those who don’t take part in regular training; stretching can be a beneficial activity to incorporate in your daily routine.
Stretching helps to maintain flexibility and reduce tension in the muscles; it could be the first thing you do when you get up or the la...st thing you do before you go to bed. The important thing is to start gentle, don’t try to push yourself too far and remember you should feel the stretch but it shouldn’t be painful to hold the position.
To maintain flexibility it is recommended to hold the stretch for 10 seconds, if you want to improve your flexibility than keep holding the stretch for 30 seconds.
This week’s stretch is for the latissimus dorsi muscles; these are located on either side of the back and cover the thoracic portion of the back before inserting into the humerus (bone in the upper arm). They are used to extend, adduct and medially rotate the arm (swing towards the back, move in towards the body and turn inwards).
- Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, back straight, shoulders relaxed, looking forward. - Lift both arms above your head and if you can clasp your hands together. (If not, then have your palms facing each other. - Imagine a piece of string attached to the top of your head is pulled to elongate and align your back. - Lean over to the right, stay facing forwards, everything from your hips down should stay completely still. - Once you feel a stretch along your side, hold the position for 10-30 seconds. - Repeat 3 times on both sides.
The important thing with this stretch is to make sure everything stays facing forward and from your hips down stays in a straight line. Imagine you are in a toaster, there is a wall directly in front and behind you, and there is one the opposite side you are leaning to; the aim is to not touch the walls.
Remember nothing should be painful, hold the stretch at the point where you feel a gentle stretch.
If you would like an appointment email us at stablestherapycentre@gmail.com or book via our website at www.stablestherapycentre.com
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Exercise for the Weekend- Squats
This weekend’s post is going to focus on squats.
It is important to remember that this is just advice on how to get the most out of exercises you may already include in your training. Nothing should be painful- if it is stop immediately and if you have any injuries make sure you consult with your sports therapist before trying the exercise.
... Squats are used to develop the strength in your glutes, they also build strength in your quadriceps and are a good lower body work out.
The correct technique is...
1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart on a flat, stable surface.
2. Bend your knees to lower your hips towards the floor as though you are sitting on a chair.
3. You can bring your arms out in front of you to help with balance.
4. Once your thighs are at parallel to the floor, extend your knees and rise back up to standing.
Some extra tips to optimise the movement
- Maintain good posture by looking forward, relaxing shoulders down and engaging the core.
- Keep you lower body aligned by making sure your toes are pointing forwards and you knees travel over your ankles
- Keep your back straight, try to avoid over-arching any aspect of the back.
- Move slowly, take 2-3 seconds to move up and 2-3 seconds to move down.
Progressions are ways to change the movement to make it more challenging for your body; you should not move onto a progression until you have mastered the standard movement and are no longer finding benefit from it. If you try a progression and it hurts or is too difficult, move back to the standard move and continue with that.
Make sure you can perform 10 standard squats before progressing.
- Add weight: you can hold a kettle bell at your chest or a dumbbell in each arm. You can also use a barbell if you are in the gym and have someone to spot you.
- Add a jump: start with your feet hip-width apart bend your knees to 90 degrees and then jump out into a standard squat position, keeping your knees bent and hips low, then jump back to a hip-width stance.
Regressions are ways to make exercises easier if you are struggling with the standard movement.
- Reduce the angle you move your knees to, aim for 45 degrees and gradually build it up.
If you would like advice on how squats could add to your training regime, book an appointment with one of our therapists by going to www.stablestherapycentre.com and following the links for online booking.
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Multiple Sports
After the England Men’s team success at the FIFA World Cup, Harry Maguire explained how playing a number of sports as a child helped develop him into a world class football player.
He spoke about how his participation in cross country helped his stamina, rugby helped his bravery amongst opposing players and hockey helped his vision and passing.
... This is important for young people to hear as a lot of children, parents and teams will push the idea that to be the best you must fully commit to one sport. This is not the case and can increase athlete’s chances of injury; a study at the University of Wisconsin found that those who specialise early have twice as much chance of picking up an injury than those playing a range of sports.
The growing muscles of children can only take so much strain; by playing multiple sports at a young age, the muscles have chance to recover and are not being repetitively overworked.
There is also a psychological benefit to playing multiple sports; the variety and change reduces the chances of burnout and therefore your child is less likely to want to quit.
Elite athletes do less training in their main sport when in childhood than there near-elite counterparts:
Rafa Nadal (tennis) played more football than tennis until he was 12 years old and stopped football at 12.
Roger Federer (tennis) played basketball and football throughout his teen years.
Jos Buttler (cricket) played squash and hockey and the techniques show in his cricket skills sometimes.
Zlatan Ibrahimovic (football) was a black belt in Taekwondo at 17.
Some elite athletes will continue to participate in sports that are different to their competitive sport in order to continue to develop extra skills that put them above their opponents.
Research suggests a three-stage model for young athletes; sampling as many sports as possible up to 12, then focusing on a few sports until 15 and only then specialising in a single sport from 16.
Try to encourage your child to participate in as many sports as they would like but remember it is also vital to make sure they have enough time for rest.
Under 16’s pay their age for a 30 minute appointment at Julie Dass Sports Injury Clinic so if your child is a keen athlete and would like a treatment, drop us a call or go online to www.stablestherapycentre.com and book them in.
You can read the full article on Harry Maguire here: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/…/mancheste r-united-target-har…/
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Stretch for the Week- Levator Scapula
Stretching is a vital part of any activity, dynamic stretching should be done during your warm up and static stretches should be done as part of the cool down. However even for those who don’t take part in regular training; stretching can be a beneficial activity to incorporate in your daily routine.
Stretching helps to maintain flexibility and reduce tension in the muscles; it could be the first thing you do when you get up or the las...t thing you do before you go to bed. The important thing is to start gentle, don’t try to push yourself too far and remember you should feel the stretch but it shouldn’t be painful to hold the position.
To maintain flexibility it is recommended to hold the stretch for 10 seconds, if you want to improve your flexibility than keep holding the stretch for 30 seconds.

This week’s stretch is for the levator scapula muscle; these are located at the top of the shoulder into the neck and are used to lift your shoulders towards your ear in a shrugging motion and also help with side flexion of the neck (moving ear towards shoulder).
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, back straight, shoulders relaxed, looking forward.
Move your chin towards your chest, then tilt your head to the left, aiming to look towards your right armpit.
Place your right hand on the top of your head and gently apply a slight pressure to move your chin closer to your chest.
Hold the stretch for 10-30 seconds and repeat 3 times on both sides.
For some that might be enough to get an effective stretch. If you want to push a bit further:
Place your left hand on your back and aim to reach towards your right buttock.
Once you feel a gentle stretch along the left side of your neck, hold the position for 10-30 seconds and repeat 3 times on both sides.
This is a good stretch for those who carry tension in their shoulders and spend a lot of time hunched over a desk or in a car. Remember nothing should be painful, hold the stretch at the point where you feel a gentle stretch.
If you would like an appointment email us at stablestherapycentre@gmail.com or book via our website at www.stablestherapycentre.com
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Exercise for the Weekend- Calf Raises
This weekend’s post is going to focus on calf raises.
It is important to remember that this is just advice on how to get the most out of exercises you may already include in your training. Nothing should be painful- if it is stop immediately and if you have any injuries make sure you consult with your sports therapist before trying the exercise.
... Calf raises are used to develop the strength in your calf muscles, this can be useful for helping ankle stability as well as aiding those who participate in dance, basketball or running or any sports that need power for running or jumping.

The correct technique is...
1. Stand with your feet hip width apart on a flat, stable surface. If you struggle with balance then stand in front of something that you can hold on to to stabilise yourself.
2. Slowly lift your heels off the floor to stand on tip-toes.
3. Then drop your heels at the same speed that you lifted them until they are back on the floor.

Some extra tips to optimise the movement
- Maintain good posture by looking forward, relaxing shoulders down and engaging the core.
- Try to keep toes, ankles, knees and hips aligned; if you are struggling try putting a tennis ball between your ankles (if the ball falls you have moved out of alignment).
- Move slowly, take 2-3 seconds to move up and 2-3 seconds to move down.

Progressions are ways to change the movement to make it more challenging for your body; you should not move onto a progression until you have mastered the standard movement and are no longer finding benefit from it. If you try a progression and it hurts or is too difficult, move back to the standard move and continue with that.
Make sure you can perform 20 standard calf raises before progressing.
- Single Leg- start in the standard start position, then lift one foot of the floor so the knee is at 90 degrees then complete the rest of the movements on one leg. Do 10 and then move onto the other leg.
- Unstable surface- try performing the exercise on a cushion, then move onto a wobble board or BOSU ball.
- Try performing the calf raises without returning your feet to the floor; raise the heels, then slowly return them halfway towards the floor, then bring them back up, and then lower all the way to the floor.

Regressions are ways to make exercises easier if you are struggling with the standard movement.
- Reduce the number of calf raises you are doing- aim for 5-10 then gradually build up as you gain strength.
- Reduce the height you lift your heels.
If you would like an appointment you can book via our website at www.stablestherapycentre.com and follow the links for online booking.
Leave a comment with any exercises you would like to see a post on.
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Julie Dass Sports Injury Newsletter July 2018......Take a look! https://mailchi.mp/…/julie-dass-sports- injury-clinic-july-2…


I am sorry to say we are closing the Luton clinic at Venue 360 on 31st August 2018.
It’s very sad as opened this clinic back in 1996 !
As I am sure many of you know we are currently co residing over seas and it is so difficult to manage from so far away. We cannot give the Luton clinic the time it deserves to give the high level of customer service we are proud of and do not wish our reputation to suffer.
... We are going to focus directly on the clinics in Bedford at The Stables Therapy Centre with new and updated therapy rooms which is our flag ship of the company.
Sorry and thank you to all of our clients who have supported us over the last 22 years.
We will continue to flourish at Stables Therapy Centre in Bedford for hopefully another 20 years.
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Women’s Sport
Last weekend started a celebration and boost for women's sport in Great Britain.
Georgia Hall won the Women’s British Open last weekend.... Jamie Chadwick was the first woman to win a British Formula 3 race. The Irish women’s hockey team finished second in the world cup after entering the competition as the second-lowest ranking team. Last night Dina Asher-Smith won Gold at European Championships, running a new GB record and matching the World lead time of 10.85 seconds.
This is generating more attention for women’s sport and hopefully will encourage more girls to participate in sports to stay active and have the confidence to try and compete at higher levels.
If you’ve been inspired by the women’s success recently and would like some treatment before or after an event email us at stablestherapycentre@gmail.com or you can book an appointment via our website; www.stablestherapycentre.com.
Check out the This Girl Can campaign at http://www.thisgirlcan.co.uk/
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Stretch for the Week- Abdominals
Stretching is a vital part of any activity, dynamic stretching should be done during your warm up and static stretches should be done as part of the cool down. However even for those who don’t take part in regular training; stretching can be a beneficial activity to incorporate in your daily routine.
Stretching helps to maintain flexibility and reduce tension in the muscles; it could be the first thing you do when you get up or the last thi...ng you do before you go to bed. The important thing is to start gentle, don’t try to push yourself too far and remember you should feel the stretch but it shouldn’t be painful to hold the position.
To maintain flexibility it is recommended to hold the stretch for 10 seconds, if you want to improve your flexibility than keep holding the stretch for 30 seconds.
This week’s stretch is for the abdominals; these are the muscles that make up part of your core and are used to stabilise your posture and flex the lumbar spine.
- Lie on your front on a mat, the tops of your feet should be on the floor and your legs hip width distance apart.
- Place your palms underneath your shoulders and tuck your elbows in against the side of your body.
- Slowly extend your arms to lift your upper body off the floor keeping your hips and legs in the same position.
- Push your shoulders back and down away from your ears and gently extend the head upwards.
- Hold the stretch for 10-30 seconds and repeat 5 times on both sides.
- Remember to drive your hips into the floor, everything from the hips down should be in constant contact with the floor
If you would like an appointment email us at stablestherapycentre@gmail.com or book via our website at www.stablestherapycentre.com
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Exercise for the Weekend- Plank
This weekend’s post is going to focus on the plank. The women's British Open started yesterday and core strength is very important for all sports, in particular golf as there is a lot of rotation within the torso that needs to be controlled.
It is important to remember that this is just advice on how to get the most out of exercises you may already include in your training. Nothing should be painful- if it is stop immediately and if you have ...
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Refill Station
Stables Therapy Centre is now a registered Refill station; if you have a reusable water bottle you can use our facilities to refill it whenever you come in or are going past.
If you download the Refill app you can earn points every time you use a refill station and claim a Refill Prize once you reach 1000 points; Stables Therapy Centre will give you 10 points every time you refill.
... The Refill app also allows you to see where your nearest Refill station is when you are out and about and you can register places that offer free refills to those with reusable bottles to let others know.
This is another step to Julie Dass clinics becoming a more eco-friendly business and we appreciate all your co-operation.
If you would like an appointment or have any ideas on how we could be more eco-friendly, email us at stablestherapycentre@gmail.com.
Let us know in the comments if you are using the Refill app! To find out more visit https://www.refill.org.uk.
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Stretch for the Week- Adductors
Stretching is a vital part of any activity; dynamic stretching should be done during your warm up and static stretches should be done as part of the cool down. However even for those who don’t take part in regular training; stretching can be a beneficial activity to incorporate into your daily routine.
Stretching helps to maintain flexibility and reduce tension in the muscles; it could be the first thing you do when you get up or the last thi...ng you do before you go to bed. The important thing is to start gentle, don’t try to push yourself too far but remember you should feel the stretch but it shouldn't be painful to hold the position.
To maintain flexibility, it is recommended to hold the stretch for 10 seconds, if you want to improve your flexibility than keep holding the stretch for 30 seconds.
This week’s stretch is for the adductors; these are the muscles in your inner thighs and are used to move the leg in towards the body.
- Sit on a mat with the soles of your feet touching and knees relaxed outward. - Keep your chest forward and back straight - For some people this may be enough to feel the stretch, if you want to push a bit further - Try and move your knees towards the floor, once they reach their end point, move your chest towards the floor, keeping your back straight. - Hold the stretch for 10-30 seconds and repeat 5 times on both sides
If there are any stretches that you would like some more advice on, let us know in the comments.
If you have a pain or discomfort in your inner thigh or groin area that stretching isn’t improving, email us at stablestherapycentre@gmail.com or book an appointment via our website at www.stablestherapycentre.com.
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Exercise for the Weekend- Lateral Raises
This weekend’s post is going to focus on lateral raises
It is important to remember that this is just advice on how to get the most out of exercises you may already include in your training. Nothing should be painful- if it is stop immediately and if you have any injuries make sure you consult with your sports therapist before trying the exercise.
... Lateral raises are useful for building strength in the shoulders and increasing their mobility. It is a fairly simple exercise in terms of technique but is a great strength builder when done properly. It is commonly done with dumbbells but can also be done with a resistance band.
The correct technique is... 1. Stand with a weight in each hand and arms by your side, feet shoulder width apart. 2. Make sure your back is straight, you are looking forward and keep your core engaged throughout the exercise. 3. Slowly lift both arms up and out to the side until they are parallel to the floor, keep a slight bend in the elbows. 4. Slowly lower them back down to the starting position.
Aim for 10 reps in each set, start with a light weight if you are using dumbbells, although it is a simple exercise you will feel it working by the end of the set so start light and build up if necessary.
Some extra tips to optimise the movement - Don’t let your arms go above parallel to the floor and keep them out to the sides, if you find they are coming forward and creating a slight v shape, choose a lower weight and try again. - Lead the movement with your elbow, this will ensure you keep that slight bend in the joint and will help target the deltoids - Take 2-3 seconds on each phase of the movement (upward and downward), this allows you to control the weight and on the downward phase you are working against gravity so it will allow the muscles to continue working throughout the rep.
Progressions are ways to change the movement to make it more challenging for your body; you should not move onto a progression until you have mastered the standard movement and are no longer finding benefit from it. If you try a progression and it hurts or is too difficult, move back to the standard move and continue with that. Progression: The most obvious progression is to increase the weight of the dumbbells or the resistance of the band. Another way to progress is to pause at the top of the movement; once your arms reach shoulder height, hold the weight for 3-5 seconds then slowly lower.
Regressions are ways to make exercises easier if you are struggling with the standard movement. Regression: The easiest way to make the exercise easier is to reduce the weight or resistance. You can also try the exercise sat down- be sure to maintain good posture and keep your core engaged.
If you would like an appointment you can book via our website at www.stablestherapycentre.com and follow the links for online booking.
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in just 4 weeks my life has been transformed to pre injury state, from November 2014, I cannot praise Julie's colleague enough for what she has done for me... I have the full use of my Big toe, foot and ankle... I cannot recommend this facility high enough...thank you so much


i have been having lymphatic drainage massages with kelly for the last 6 months now. absolutely brilliant. i have had major abdominal surgery and she has definitely aided my recovery and as a result i have had very little swelling and the massages make my body feel fantastic and detoxed.


Over the years I have used and abused my body to the limits. Running round mountains with heavy packs takes its toll on the body. Julie Dass sports injury clinic have been there to get me back on track. I can't recommend the clinic highly enough, what makes it even better is when you book online you can choose your physio. So you can always see the same physio who knows your history and body just as well as you do.


My son has had a problem with Severs for a while now. A couple of Ultrasound sessions with Oliver helped greatly including one before he did his DofE expedition training which went well as a result. Love the 'pay your age' set up for children too :)


My partner booked a pregnancy massage for me as I was having issues with my lower back. From

Start to finish the treatment was very professional and really put me at ease, as I had never visited before. I was able to be in a seated position which was very comfortable for myself and the bump! The lady doing the treatment was very friendly and welcoming, talked through all the H&S before we started and then asked about areas of concern, explained what she could do, and then got started. At the end of the appointment there as an issue with the card machine and i didn't have any cash, so she was more than happy for me to pop to the card machine at the train station to get some (not many places would have done this).

Definitely would recommend to future pregnant women! Thank you �


Julie and her team look after us all, as a family, and have been critical in caring for our daughter who has scoliosis. Thanks Julie and Kelly for always being there!!


Julie and her team have consistently sorted out me and my family over the past 5 years - rugby injuries, old age pains and over working aches. No where better to go for excellent care and great value that delivers results.


Its been a while since I had treatment from Kerry... today have been reminded of events that got me to seek physio... cannot recommend Julie's team highly enough


Have been for massage myself recommend a lot of people all sorted out very good excellent service .


Fantastic! Thankyou to Julie and your wonderful team ! Thoroughly recommend !!


Fantastic staff always recommend to my friends ....


Excellent facility! And great for kids with sports injuries! Highly recommend it!


Cannot recommend enough!!!!

I have been suffering with a bad shoulder for a few years and have been seeing Sofia for at least a year now. I've tried a few therapist but never received the explanations and great after care advice supported with a fab sports massage as I do from Sofia .


Can't believe how blessed we were to find you Julie, thanks so much for all your care and for helping so many of my boys back out on the sports field. Keeping us all in the game


in just 4 weeks my life has been transformed to pre injury state, from November 2014, I cannot praise Julie's colleague enough for what she has done for me... I have the full use of my Big toe, foot and ankle... I cannot recommend this facility high enough...thank you so much


i have been having lymphatic drainage massages with kelly for the last 6 months now. absolutely brilliant. i have had major abdominal surgery and she has definitely aided my recovery and as a result i have had very little swelling and the massages make my body feel fantastic and detoxed.


Over the years I have used and abused my body to the limits. Running round mountains with heavy packs takes its toll on the body. Julie Dass sports injury clinic have been there to get me back on track. I can't recommend the clinic highly enough, what makes it even better is when you book online you can choose your physio. So you can always see the same physio who knows your history and body just as well as you do.


My son has had a problem with Severs for a while now. A couple of Ultrasound sessions with Oliver helped greatly including one before he did his DofE expedition training which went well as a result. Love the 'pay your age' set up for children too :)


My partner booked a pregnancy massage for me as I was having issues with my lower back. From

Start to finish the treatment was very professional and really put me at ease, as I had never visited before. I was able to be in a seated position which was very comfortable for myself and the bump! The lady doing the treatment was very friendly and welcoming, talked through all the H&S before we started and then asked about areas of concern, explained what she could do, and then got started. At the end of the appointment there as an issue with the card machine and i didn't have any cash, so she was more than happy for me to pop to the card machine at the train station to get some (not many places would have done this).

Definitely would recommend to future pregnant women! Thank you �


Julie and her team look after us all, as a family, and have been critical in caring for our daughter who has scoliosis. Thanks Julie and Kelly for always being there!!


Julie and her team have consistently sorted out me and my family over the past 5 years - rugby injuries, old age pains and over working aches. No where better to go for excellent care and great value that delivers results.


Its been a while since I had treatment from Kerry... today have been reminded of events that got me to seek physio... cannot recommend Julie's team highly enough


Have been for massage myself recommend a lot of people all sorted out very good excellent service .


Fantastic! Thankyou to Julie and your wonderful team ! Thoroughly recommend !!


Fantastic staff always recommend to my friends ....


Excellent facility! And great for kids with sports injuries! Highly recommend it!


Cannot recommend enough!!!!

I have been suffering with a bad shoulder for a few years and have been seeing Sofia for at least a year now. I've tried a few therapist but never received the explanations and great after care advice supported with a fab sports massage as I do from Sofia .


Can't believe how blessed we were to find you Julie, thanks so much for all your care and for helping so many of my boys back out on the sports field. Keeping us all in the game

More about Julie Dass Sports Injury Clinic

Julie Dass Sports Injury Clinic is located at 108 Milton Rd, MK416AS Bedford, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:00
Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 18:00
Sunday: -