
About Kaleider

Beauty | Form | Collision

Kaleider is a production studio that brings people together to design, produce and promote extraordinary live experiences.

Kaleider Description

The name Kaleider is a mashup of “collider” (sort of obvious that bit) and the Ancient Greek for “beauty” and “form” (bit less obvious).

In the act of creating new work Kaleider brings people together who may not normally collide to share their stories and face the future with imagination. We ask and re-ask the question “what can we do together that we couldn’t do apart?”.

We’re interested in an artistic space that acknowledges the context of ongoing fiscal crisis, the challenges of climate change, the end of the oil age and peak minerals.

Who is “we”?

Artistic Director: Seth Honnor (@sethhonnor)
General Manager: Peter Vanderford (@petervanderford )
Producer: Emily Williams (@EmilyBronwen)
Executive Director: Jan Winter

Twitter: @TheKaleider

Kaleider is supported by Arts Council England and University of Exeter