Karen Skidmore - True Profit Business

About Karen Skidmore - True Profit Business

Stop the burnout! Through our programme, Momentum, we simplify, support & stretch your business growth plans to turn YOU into a profitable, sustainable & scalable business. And ensure you thrive in the process.

Karen Skidmore - True Profit Business Description

If we’ve not met yet, my name is Karen Skidmore. I’ve been running my own coaching and consulting company since 2004. After an 11-year fast track career with Hays Plc, as Regional Director in the accountancy recruitment division and then Operations Director for Hays.com online recruitment, my children were approaching school age and I realised how much I wanted a more flexible career.

In the first year of my business, I was awarded European Social Funds and created The Women’s Enterprise Programme which was instrumental in helping hundreds of women start up their own businesses. I founded a regional women’s networking group in 2005, created & ran a 100 + membership site for 3 years, wrote my first book in 2012 and launched dozens of online courses and group programmes over the past 13 years.

But in 2012, struggling with adrenal fatigue and hormonal imbalances, I was knackered from constantly launching new programmes and marketing campaigns. I wanted to play a bigger game but to enable my business to grow and for me to reach my full potential, it was no longer a case of “work harder”. I had to change the way I and my business worked. And it soon became apparent that my clients wanted this same change.

Through GID School, Momentum and The Academy, I’ve now created the framework and community to allow entrepreneurs, professionals, creatives and boutique business owners to simplify their businesses; to show them how to love and play their way to a profitable, sustainable and scalable business without the process impacting their health, well-being or family commitments.

This process is what I call Your True Profit Game Plan, a new way of doing business where it’s good to make profit and profit can be used for good, where we can have a business that centres around our vitality and values and we create the potential to scale and grow at a pace that fuels us rather than burns us out.

More about Karen Skidmore - True Profit Business

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